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A Collection of Public Documents in Trayvon Martin Shooting ( link )

Police and other officials in Sanford, Florida, have released a number of documents relating to the investigation of the February 26 shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin and the arrest of George Zimmerman on a charge of second-degree murder. In this post, we’ve collected some of the documents that show what police initially found at the scene, what authorities have told the public about the case, and other official documents.
CNN Transcripts about George Zimmerman in Court

4-12 Frank Taaffe on Jane Velez-Mitchell
TAAFFE: Jane, he looks bewildered. He looks bewildered.

He`s saying, you know, all I was doing was trying to ensure the safety of a community. And here was a boy, a young male, 17 years old, who is a football player, who ran track in football and probably could outrun the best of the best.

And what this charging affidavit is saying that this man, George Zimmerman, 28 years old, inhibited a 17-year-old young male from going 30 yards in three seconds? I would be -- I`d be just like him, looking like a deer in the headlights, saying what is wrong with this system? What is wrong here?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Frank, let me say this. The gun is the great equalizer.

TAAFFE: He had -- he had a concealed...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It doesn`t matter how tiny you are or big you are, if you`re holding a gun.

TAAFFE: Constitutionally, he had a right to carry that weapon. There are certain venues that he cannot...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m not talking about a right. You`re saying why didn`t he -- if somebody has a gun, it doesn`t matter how big the other person is. A gun trumps everything. It is the great equalizer, as they say. I didn`t make up that phrase.

TAAFFE: Yes, Jane. Let me share this with you. There was one shell casing found at the scene of the crime. I don`t know where these witnesses are coming from, but they seem to be coming out of every crack and crevice in Twin Lakes, and every one of these so-called lawyers are jumping on the bandwagon to get their name out there.

This is preposterous. I`m livid over this last witness, who said he saw George Zimmerman on top of Trayvon. This is getting to be a little out of hand.

~~~More at Link~~~


4-12 Nancy Grace with Trayvon's parents

SYBRINA FULTON, TRAYVON MARTIN`S MOTHER: I had faith in God that Miss Corey`s office would take a look at the evidence. And I just have faith that they were going to take a look -- a thorough look at it and then decide to arrest him. So I always believed that he would be arrested. It just took longer than I actually thought.

It`s very difficult for me on a day-to-day basis because, of course, I`ve had family members to pass to pass away, but when a child passes way it just really hits home. And just for the circumstances that it was, I mean, Trayvon did not have an illness, and I was expecting him to die, you know. And it just -- he had a bright future. And it just bothers me. Just in my mind it just bothers me to think about all the things that he could have done with his life.

GRACE: Well, I wonder, at that moment what he was thinking. What went through his mind. And you know what I pray? Not only for peace for you two in your hearts and for justice in this case, whatever that may be, but that he did not suffer, that he did not understand what was happening, and that it was a quick, quick passage on to heaven. That is what I pray for.

That evening, it`s my understanding, he was on his way back to his dad`s and he was on the phone with a girl. I think she`s 13, 14 years old. And he was concerned someone was following along behind him. And I think all of us that have been out in the world have had that thought that someone was behind us, you know, whether you`re walking to your house or the parking deck. And I find it very difficult to believe, Miss Fulton, that him saying on the phone, like, some guy is behind me, that he would double-back if he were afraid at all, that he would go back to that guy.

Does that sound like Trayvon to you? Would he have done that?

FULTON: No. And it really doesn`t make sense because on the 911 tapes Trayvon is running away from him. Trayvon was just trying to get back to the house. He wasn`t looking to do any harm to anyone. He wasn`t looking to commit any crime. He simply went to the store. So it`s just very difficult for me to just listen to all the negative things that they have said about Trayvon. And I know my son. He`s just an average teenager.


GRACE: Mr. Martin, I want to hear from you. I`ve been focusing on Miss Fulton so much because she`s a mom. But I`m sure a father has such dreams and hopes for their son.

MARTIN: Yes. Me and Trayvon was very close. He spent a lot of time out of town with me, traveling with me. He was actually -- I was looking forward to getting him his first vehicle. He was looking forward to the prom. Trayvon just -- he was -- every time I traveled out of town to play sports he would travel with me ever since nine months old.

The thing I`m going to most about him is just his presence. Trayvon was my hero. Trayvon saved my life when he was 9 years old. He pulled me out of a house fire. And I felt as though I owe him a debt of gratitude. I owed him my life. And not to be able to save him in his time of need is really troublesome. But I did make a vow to him since his passing that I would continue to fight for him with every ounce of energy that I have in me.

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Trayvon Martin’s father says he warned son..

Years before the killing of Trayvon Martin grabbed the nation’s attention, the teen’s father warned him that his race could make him a target of violence.

The advice Tracy Martin gave his black son, that people veiled by racism and prejudices might see him as suspicious or violent, is a common and continuous warning in many black families, parents and experts say. In the aftermath of Trayvon’s death, more families are having “the talk,” teaching sons to be aware of their race, avoid confrontations with authority figures, and to remain calm in situations even if their rights are violated.

“I’ve always let him know we as African Americans get stereotyped,” Tracy Martin, Trayvon’s father told USA TODAY three weeks after his son’s death. “I told him that society is cruel.”
Attorney: Zimmerman "stressed" about charges in Trayvon Martin case


"I think he's stressed. He's certainly nervous," O'Mara said of Zimmerman. "He is frustrated he was charged at all."

On Thursday, a Seminole County judge found probable cause to move forward with the case and set a May 29 arraignment.

Also Friday, the judge assigned to the case, Jessica Recksiedler, said she would entertain motions to disqualify herself from the trial after discovering that her husband works with Mark NeJame, an attorney whom Zimmerman approached about representing him and has since widely commented on the case in the media. NeJame also is a CNN contributor.

O'Mara said the association might become "more and more problematic" given the intense scrutiny the case is receiving.

Recksiedler said she would prefer any such request be filed before Zimmerman's bond hearing.

A member of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, meanwhile, said Friday that he will ask the agency to investigate state "stand your ground" laws, such as Florida's, that allow people to use deadly force if they feel a reasonable threat of death or serious injury.

"The Trayvon Martin case has raised serious and disturbing questions over whether these statutes allow an unacceptable component of racial bias into our justice system," Commissioner Michael Yaki said. "Allegations that shooters like George Zimmerman may have 'profiled' their victims based on their race and that 'stand your ground laws' improperly protect race-motivated killings needs review."

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Trayvon's parents find purpose, solace in activism
It was still dark outside, and reporters were already waiting.
On the morning a grand jury was supposed to convene to deliberate on the Trayvon Martin case, the slain teenager’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, started her day as she has so many others these past six weeks: at 7 a.m., on live national television.

Marine in trouble for tweet about Trayvon Martin shooting
Marine at Twenty-nine Palms is facing punishment after making an "inappropriate" reference to the Trayvon Martin case in a Twitter message, the Marine Corps said Saturday.

Judge says she may have conflict in George Zimmerman case
The Florida judge overseeing the second-degree murder case involving neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman says she may have a conflict of interest.

Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler said Friday during a hearing in Sanford, Fla., that her husband works with an attorney who referred Zimmerman to his current defense attorney, Mark O'Mara.

Judge in Zimmerman case may recuse herself
The attorney for George Zimmerman, who's charged with murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, said he will likely filing a motion for the judge to recuse herself from the case because of a possible conflict of interest.
During a 10-minute status hearing that was held Friday in Seminole County, attorney Mark O'Mara said the filing of the motion to have Circuit Court Judge Jessica Recksiedler removed may be "imminent."
"Particularly not just the media scrutiny but the activist community scrutiny that we can anticipate to continue I'm very very concerned that this is going to stay and become more problematic as we move forward," O'Mara said.

Law gives Zimmerman extra chances in legal fight
George Zimmerman persuaded the police not to charge him for killing unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, but the prosecutor has accused him of murder. Soon, armed with unparalleled legal advantages, Zimmerman will get to ask a judge to find the killing was justified, and if that doesn't work, he'll get to make the same case to a jury.

The wave of National Rifle Association-backed legislation that began seven years ago in Florida and continues to sweep the country has done more than establish citizens' right to "stand your ground," as supporters call the laws. It's added second, third and even fourth chances for people who have used lethal force to avoid prosecution and conviction using the same argument, extra opportunities to keep their freedom that defendants accused of other crimes don't get.
N.R.A. official attacks Florida shooting coverage
A senior official of the National Rifle Association accused the news media on Saturday of engaging in sensationalized coverage of the Trayvon Martin killing, in the first comments that the gun lobby has made publicly about the fatal shooting since it occurred six weeks ago.
NRA's Marion Hammer Stands Her Ground
...despite opposition from the Walt Disney Co. and the Chamber of Commerce, Hammer and the NRA were the driving force behind a 2008 law that allows employees to bring guns to work -- as long as they lock the weapons in the car. In a more recent battle, she took on the medical community, getting legislation enacted to prevent doctors from asking young patients about guns in their homes. A judge shot down that law, saying it violated doctors' free speech.
At times, Hammer seems unstoppable.
"There is no more tenacious presence in Tallahassee than Marion Hammer," said Sally Bradshaw, who was Jeb Bush's chief of staff. Baxley, who worked closely with Hammer on Stand Your Ground, considers her "a tremendous inspiration."
~~~ Much More At Link~~~

Stand Your Ground May Yet Survive
“I’m sort of happy about this guy being charged, on the political front, because I’m able to say: ‘See, I told you, it doesn’t say you can’t charge the guy,’ ” said Baxley, a Republican state representative from Ocala.
. . . According to the facts assembled by Corey’s office, Zimmerman looks like an aggressor. He “profiled” Trayvon, says the probable-cause arrest affidavit, which details how he pursued the teen. The document twice points out that Trayvon wasn’t committing a crime and was unarmed.
Assuming the prosecutor’s facts hold up, Zimmerman is going to have a difficult time avoiding a trial — and perhaps a conviction — although many lawyers say he probably committed manslaughter and not murder.
. . . But the six-page 2005 law isn’t a model of clarity, either.
~~~ Much More At Link~~~

Miami Firefighter Rants about Trayvon on Facebook
A Miami-Dade firefighter’s rant about the Trayvon Martin case — posted on his personal Facebook page — is drawing scrutiny from his bosses.
Capt. Brian Beckmann’s post, published for the public Friday by the website, lambasts the prosecutor in the George Zimmerman case and suggests “urban youth” are the products of “failed, *****bag, ignorant, pathetic, welfare dependent excuses for parents.”
~~~More At Link~~~

Before Trayvon: 3 Notable Stand Your Ground Cases
Hernando Riascos Torres and Diego Ortiz -- Pasadena, Texas (2007)
Travares McGill -- Sanford, Fla. (2005)
Yoshihiro Hattori -- Central, La. (1992)
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Orlando Columnist Quotes Corey on Nancy Grace
GRACE: “In a case like this when you are confronted with force — let’s just say for argument’s sake Zimmerman’s story is true, a 17-year-old hits him. Standing your ground, is he allowed under the law to shoot him dead?”
COREY: “Nancy, our laws are very clear that it has to be a forcible felony and that a reasonable person would have to believe that deadly force is necessary as opposed to just physical force, fighting back and that sort of thing. I’ve prosecuted a woman who shot her husband and killed him because he slapped her, and we argued that was not deadly force and she was convicted and sent to state prison.”
Zimmerman's Attorney Will File to Remove Judge
Mark O'Mara told WFTV he will file a motion first thing Monday morning at the Seminole County courthouse.
It stems from a potential conflict of interest with Seminole County Judge Jessica Recksiedler.
"Mr. Zimmerman had contacted Mark NeJame to represent him prior to you, Mr. O'Mara. As I have disclosed previously, my husband works with Mark NeJame," said Recksiedler during a status hearing last week.
O'Mara told WFTV that he does believe Recksiedler would give Zimmerman a fair trial, but under the circumstance he is not taking any chances.

Zimmerman's Detailed Case View from Seminole County Docket

Media Lawyers Seek to Unseal Files
The motion was prepared by the law firm of Holland & Knight LLP on behalf of several media companies, including The New York Times, The Miami Herald, The Tampa Bay Times, The Florida Times-Union, CNN, NBC, several broadcasters and other publishing companies as well as The First Amendment Foundation, a non-profit media advocacy group in Tallahassee.
Tribune Co., the owner of the Orlando Sentinel, and WFTV-Channel 9 plan to file a similar motion today.
A draft of that motion, prepared by Tribune Co. lawyers and those at Thomas & LoCicero PL, calls the act of sealing all case records "drastic and extreme…There is no reason to believe that the release of material now will affect the fairness of the trial."
Video: Frank Taaffe on Anderson Cooper

[ame=]Frank Taaffe: George was a Model Neighbor[/ame]

[ame=""]Frank Taaffe Believes George Zimmerman Will Be 'Exonerated' - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Frank Taaffe Explains Why He Supports Zimmerman - YouTube[/ame]
Miami Herald, other media outlets sue to unseal George Zimmerman court documents
The Miami Herald and other media outlets are asking a judge to unseal court documents in the case of George Zimmerman, charged with the second-degree murder of Trayvon Martin in Sanford.
In a motion filed Monday, the press asked that a Seminole County circuit judge reconsider a decision made last week to seal the court file, which in Florida is normally a public record.
Zimmerman is charged with the Feb. 26 shooting of Trayvon, an unarmed teen visiting his father’s girlfriend in a gated Sanford community.

Top 10 lessons to take away from the Trayvon Martin case so far
Act I may be over. George Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder. And Trayvon Martin's parents thanked prosecutors for holding him accountable for their son's death.
But we're still a long way from the final scene of this tragedy. There are legal arguments to be made and evidence to be presented. And the conversations about race, Florida's "stand your ground" law and the media's coverage of it all will continue.
But now's a good time to take stock of the lessons learned so far. Here are the Top 10 do's and don'ts, in no particular order, taught to us by the Trayvon Martin case.

Fire dept. could take action over Trayvon comments
A meeting is being held Monday about the posting. Sources said the fire chief is not happy over the Facebook comments, but the big question is whether legally the department can do anything about it. There are legal questions about whether the department can punish Beckmann for comments he made while off duty.
More... Video included...
I'm new here but have been following this case for a while now. I was wondering what thoughts the community might have regarding basic concealed weapons protocol. I realize this is not MSM but I think it's a relative site. Conceal Weapon Myth #2 states:

"Even though concealed weapon holders are peaceful and law-abiding citizens, WE HAVE TO GO OUT OF THE WAY TO AVOID CONFLICT. Just because we can legally carry a concealed weapon DOES NOT MAKE US POLICE OFFICERS."
Zimmerman's lawyer: I want a new judge

April 16, 2012|9:37 p.m. EST

"What I don't want to happen," Mark O'Mara told reporters Monday, "is to wait a month or two then find out what we thought was a potential conflict is an actual conflict."

Exactly what the motion says was not clear because the court file is sealed, but Recksiedler is almost certain to grant it. Under Florida law, all a person needs to show is a reasonable belief that the judge might not be fair.

The case would then be reassigned to another judge. Word was not available Monday on who that would be, but all Seminole County felony cases are assigned to judges on a rotating basis, and the Zimmerman case would go to the judge who was due up for the next case.

In another development Monday, news media attorneys asked that the case file be unsealed.

O'Mara and attorneys for the state last week agreed that they wanted paperwork in the file kept secret. That also includes all the evidence that the state will, in the next few days and weeks, provide Zimmerman's attorney.

Two sets of media attorneys on Monday filed motions, saying Zimmerman had not shown a need to seal the case. One was filed by Tribune Co., the owner of the Orlando Sentinel, and WFTV-Channel 9.

"This criminal case has already raised serious questions – from all sides – about the ability of government to do its job and protect its citizens," wrote Rachel Fugate, a lawyer representing Tribune. "Florida's historically open and transparent judicial system should not compound such suspicions by operating in the dark in this case."

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Zimmerman's Lawyer Confident Judge Will Leave Case

April 17, 2012|3:21 a.m. EST
April 17, 2012|6:29 a.m. EST updated

(CNN) -- The attorney for George Zimmerman says he is confident his motion to have a Florida judge removed from his client's case will be granted.

"I think she's going to go ahead and grant it and move the case on to another judge," Mark O'Mara, the lawyer, said Monday night.

Zimmerman's defense team formally requested Monday that Seminole Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler, the Florida judge assigned to their client's case, be removed after she revealed her husband works with a CNN legal analyst.

O'Mara's office filed paperwork Monday asking that Recksiedler not preside over second-degree murder proceedings involving Zimmerman and the motion to "disqualify" the trial judge "will be ruled on in the appropriate manner," a court official said.


As to his client, O'Mara said he speaks "at least a couple times a day" with Zimmerman, whom he described as doing well physically but "frightened."

Zimmerman is scheduled to return to court Friday for a bail hearing.

O'Mara says that he hopes his client will be eligible for bond after that hearing and eventually be allowed to go free until the trial. If he does get out, though, the lawyer said there are legitimate fears about Zimmerman's safety.

Long article at link:
Sanford Police Department Neighborhood Watch PDF
What you will not do is get physically involved with any activity you report or apprehension of any suspicious persons. This is the job of the law enforcement agency.
Remember always that your responsibility is to report crime. Do not take any risks to prevent a crime or try to make an arrest. The responsibility for apprehending criminals belongs to the police department.

U.S. Senate holds hearing about Martin case and Profiling
"He [Trayvon] was profiled, followed, chased and murdered. This case has captured international attention and will go down in history as a textbook example of racial profiling," said U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami, who appeared as a witness at the hearing.
"We are not just talking about professionalizing law enforcement and holding them accountable," said Democratic U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, who chaired the hearing by subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights.
"We are talking about a new group of Americans who are being empowered to carry deadly weapons and to make decisions on the spot about the protection of their homes and communities &#8212; which I think makes this a far more complex challenge," he said.
~~~More at Link~~~

ALEC Group Drops Stand Your Ground Push As Sponsors Flee
The American Legislative Exchange Council, the controversial corporate-sponsored lobbying group whose push for "stand your ground" gun laws and voter ID legislation ignited grassroots protests, announced Tuesday that it is getting out of the social policy field to focus on core economic issues.
Several companies -- including Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonald's, Kraft and Intuit -- had already distanced themselves from ALEC before Tuesday's surprise announcement.
"Corporate members were obviously telling them they weren't interested in underwriting that extreme agenda," Graves said. She called ALEC's announcement "a positive sign of the power of the grassroots campaign to hold ALEC and its corporate funders to account for these extreme bills." But, she added, "I think there are definitely significant toxic aspects of the agenda that remain."
~~~More at Link~~~
Zimmerman judge expected to step aside Wednesday

April 17, 2012|9:14 p.m. EST

SANFORD — Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler today is expected to surrender control of the George Zimmerman second-degree-murder case.

Her replacement will be chosen from among three remaining felony judges in Seminole County, including:

John Galluzzo, a longtime Oviedo lawyer who has represented two dozen murder defendants while in private practice.

Kenneth Lester Jr., a 15-year veteran judge who gave Michael Reynolds two death penalties plus a life prison sentence for beating and stabbing a Geneva couple and their 11-year-old child to death in 1998.

Debra S. Nelson, a 13-year judge who was a civil-litigation specialist in private practice.

Court officials issued a statement Tuesday saying Recksiedler is expected to decide what to do no later than Friday. But the picture should become clearer today, when Recksiedler is expected to sign an order taking herself off the case.

More at link:
George Zimmerman not charged in Trayvon Martin killing over public pressure: governor

Florida’s governor says they are looking for justice for Trayvon Martin’s family
Comments (9)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 10:50 AM

SANFORD, Florida — Florida’s governor rejected any suggestion charges were filed in the Trayvon Martin case because of public pressure.

Gov. Rick Scott said he doesn’t believe special prosecutor Angela Corey is influenced by anything but the facts.

He says his focus is the same as hers — securing justice for Martin's family and due process for George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer recently charged with second-degree murder in the Feb. 26 shooting of the 17-year-old.

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Thank you so much for the map. Maybe you have posted this map before on one of these threads where you marked the location of the altercation. Can you please point me to that? Thanks so much!

The Zimmerman story says somewhere near the red X.


Along with numerous other problems with their story, the SPD and SFD Fire and Rescue say the body was here:


[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #26[/ame]
Zimmerman Friend Says George's Head was Bloody Pulp
“He was beaten to a bloody pulp that night, and he’s lucky to be alive. There’s proof of that,” the friend of Zimmerman said.
“He took the pictures protect himself. He knew they would come back for him. He had a good idea this wasn’t over. He’s not a dumb man.”
“You (the media) are going to feel pretty stupid when you see them,” he said. “Soon enough everyone will see the damage this kid did to his head. A lot of people are going to have egg on their faces.
“Once the judge gets a look at these pictures he will dismiss this case and all you can crawl back into your holes,” he told a News reporter.

Judges Bowing Out Due to Conflicts of Interest
The judge in the Trayvon Martin murder case recused herself Wednesday because her husband’s law partner has been hired to comment on the trial by CNN.
Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler had been expected to bow out.
The next judge in the roster, Judge John Galluzzo, then declined to take the case against George Zimmerman because of his own conflict of interest: He used to practice law with Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara.
O’Mara is also the godfather of one of Galluzzo’s children.
The case — sure to be a media sensation if it goes to trial — then fell to Judge Kenneth Lester, Jr. Lester, 58, who has a reputation for keeping things moving and doling out tough sentences, will preside over Zimmerman’s bond hearing slated for Friday.
~~~ More Here ~~~

Memorial in Miami
Back in Miami-Dade, several dozen students led the memorial at FIU's Biscayne Bay campus Wednesday. Joining them: Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, and his brother, Jahvaris.
Students from a religion class that organized the event sang along to "Lean on Me."
Second-year law student Desmond Meade said young people should become more engaged.
"Let's take this opportunity to pick up the torch of the civil rights movement that has been laying on the ground too long," he said. "Take this opportunity to spend less time on Facebook and find out what your elected officials are doing.
Florida judge to decide on bond for Trayvon Martin's killer

ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - A Florida judge will decide on Friday whether to release George Zimmerman on bail before his trial for second-degree murder in the killing of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. took over the racially charged case on Wednesday after another judge stepped aside due to a potential conflict of interest.

He will preside over a previously scheduled pre-trial detention hearing beginning at 9 a.m. (1300 GMT), as he takes up a case that has riveted the United States. It also triggered widespread street protests because Zimmerman, a white Hispanic, remained free and was not charged for more than six weeks after he shot and killed Martin, who was black and unarmed.

Zimmerman was finally jailed last week.

more at link,0,273691.story

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