Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex vs Associated Newspapers

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So she didnt't say she wouldnt take a private jet depemdong on circumstance. But she did say she felt we should reduce our carbon footprint.

Obviously hounding her relentlessly is the only possoble reponse.

They have been touting ‘do as I say not what I do’. That is decisive and hypocritical. In order to come alongside of MM trust has to be earned. Most people aren’t going to look up to her because she says one thing and does another. Ethics and character matter.

All else aside do you support her behavior and actions regarding how she chose to step down? With a public announcement that has caused TQ grief in more ways than one?
I think there is some English idea Meghan is a gold digger and needs to be hounded sway.
She is't.
Harry, in the face of this relentless and unfair hounding chose his wife.
By taking this stand he became a amazing man and a proper father. More power to you Harry, you are the best of Englishmen.
I wish Meghan luck on the lawsuit. And if this suit doesn't work, bring on another until you get justice, because you are both being treated worse than criminals.
I think there is some English idea Meghan is a gold digger and needs to be hounded sway.
She is't.
Harry, in the face of this relentless and unfair hounding chose his wife.
By taking this stand he became a amazing man and a proper father. More power to you Harry, you are the best of Englishmen.
I wish Meghan luck on the lawsuit. And if this suit doesn't work, bring on another until you get justice, because you are both being treated worse than criminals.
I really struggle to see your logic and do wish you would at least provide some evidence to your claims.
PS Harry has been a respected man for many years and hasn’t changed.
My own opinion regarding "unfair" press.

Any type of celebrity will be in the press. Their actions largely determine the type of coverage they will get. Their reactions to that press will determine press going forward.

For instance:

We want to be financially independent. Okay. That's understandable and noble. If you walk away from the RF then be financially independent. Truly, there are gated communities that have homes in their budget they can live in comfortably. Granted, my idea of living comfortably in a gated community may not be another person's idea of comfortable. To me, 2 or 3 mil is a fancy home. Then again, I live in a 1950s ranch style home. But hey, we remodeled it lol.

Stop sponging off people that let you live in mansions for free. It sure looks like a handout from our side.

If you don't want negative press then stop responding to it. Toughen up. Learn the difference between negative and positive attention.

I think there is some English idea Meghan is a gold digger and needs to be hounded sway.
She is't.
Harry, in the face of this relentless and unfair hounding chose his wife.
By taking this stand he became a amazing man and a proper father. More power to you Harry, you are the best of Englishmen.
I wish Meghan luck on the lawsuit. And if this suit doesn't work, bring on another until you get justice, because you are both being treated worse than criminals.

I don’t think Meghan is a gold digger.

I do think she has an outsized image of herself as a controversial sparkly American woman who with all the support of her celebrities, some of whom have no idea about English history, have reinforced some idea that she’s some much needed lightning rod to crack the code, and light a fire under the Monarchy. Really?

There were some other wild ideas circulating too... like Meghan for president of the USA... really?

The press is not treating her like a criminal. Imo. —H&M posted Archie video and the dm reported it. She or someone in the inner circle verified their whereabouts in LA and they reported it.

Meghan’s family has big time issues with her. Her family was relentless, and they reported it.

Meghan was the driver to her own PR, her royal Instagram account and they reported it.

When you choose that life you choose all that goes with it.

Thing is, the backlash of SM, and overwhelming disapproval and dislike in the comments of almost all articles is perhaps something she didn’t expect, and has too fragile an ego if she’s letting it get to her?

Fergie still doesn’t command respect. And she was delightful when she first came on the scene. A sunny, fun person. But it soured. By her own choices. Whatever “it” is that she needed to muster, she didn’t, and she still splashes around on the edge of this or that shady controversy.

Truth is, I don’t find Meghan very savvy. Quite mediocre in fact. And there’s a kind of glossy American, superficial corporate word salad, save the world, word salad about her. And, things like going to “hit the ground running” in her approach to joining the Royals leave me thinking she has no nuance. And obviously no deep knowledge of English history or culture.

Those who do a lot of good in the BRF have built it over time, years, decades. Diana didn’t become who she was just for marrying Charles. She built it. And we knew her as an amazing Princess for over fifteen years. And it didn’t change even when she and Charles parted ways. Because she was genuine and fully who she was.

I’ve wondered would Diana name a foundation after her Children? No, I don’t think so. Both her children were fiercely protected by her. And yet, she shared the moments of family delight in a very balanced way when her boys were young. Diana instinctively knew how to do it. Not everyone has her savvy.
@Boxer - no one cares, well most don’t, whether Meghan flies private, or not. No one really cares whether she lives in Canada, LA or Frogmore. The press havent hated on them as she claims. The press are drip fed information by people, or PR close to them. Every celebrity does it, I find it impossible to believe that everyone else in the world of showbiz can control it or ignore it to a vast degree and they can’t. It’s never all going to be sunshine and glitter-no ones life is. It’s no different in your local school playground- just on a smaller scale. Everyone needs to be responsible for their own decisions when they are adults (and yes we all make catastrophic errors of judgement from time to time), if they owned their life, instead of bouncing around trying to impress, people would have much more respect for them.

I see relentless hounding and unfair treatment. this is why there is a lawsuit.
And depressingly we will soon watch, many with triumphant glee as Markle the flipped father puts on a profoundly emotional and lucrative display, coached by his new best friend Caroline Graham of the US Daily Mail On Sunday.

Its unpleasant to see so many "all in" to destroy one of best among them, a man who chose to be a real not a toy soldier, who married for love and chose well.

I have provided evidence here and links as to specific unfairness such as the Frogmore negativity.
Looking at the facts, the couple as very fair to the public and the reponse I see here is the conversation moving on to to the next unfounded "outrage" like flying a friends private jet.
I don’t think Meghan is a gold digger.

I do think she has an outsized image of herself as a controversial sparkly American woman who with all the support of her celebrities, some of whom have no idea about English history, have reinforced some idea that she’s some much needed lightning rod to crack the code, and light a fire under the Monarchy. Really?

There were some other wild ideas circulating too... like Meghan for president of the USA... really?

The press is not treating her like a criminal. Imo. —H&M posted Archie video and the dm reported it. She or someone in the inner circle verified their whereabouts in LA and they reported it.

Meghan’s family has big time issues with her. Her family was relentless, and they reported it.

Meghan was the driver to her own PR, her royal Instagram account and they reported it.

When you choose that life you choose all that goes with it.

Thing is, the backlash of SM, and overwhelming disapproval and dislike in the comments of almost all articles is perhaps something she didn’t expect, and has too fragile an ego if she’s letting it get to her?

Fergie still doesn’t command respect. And she was delightful when she first came on the scene. A sunny, fun person. But it soured. By her own choices. Whatever “it” is that she needed to muster, she didn’t, and she still splashes around on the edge of this or that shady controversy.

Truth is, I don’t find Meghan very savvy. Quite mediocre in fact. And there’s a kind of glossy American, superficial corporate word salad, save the world, word salad about her. And, things like going to “hit the ground running” in her approach to joining the Royals leave me thinking she has no nuance. And obviously no deep knowledge of English history or culture.

Those who do a lot of good in the BRF have built it over time, years, decades. Diana didn’t become who she was just for marrying Charles. She built it. And we knew her as an amazing Princess for over fifteen years. And it didn’t change even when she and Charles parted ways. Because she was genuine and fully who she was.

I’ve wondered would Diana name a foundation after her Children? No, I don’t think so. Both her children were fiercely protected by her. And yet, she shared the moments of family delight in a very balanced way when her boys were young. Diana instinctively knew how to do it. Not everyone has her savvy.

Fergie is an actual criminal.
Think about treating an ordinary person as a criminal.
It isnt right.
I think there is some English idea Meghan is a gold digger and needs to be hounded sway.
She is't.
Harry, in the face of this relentless and unfair hounding chose his wife.
By taking this stand he became a amazing man and a proper father. More power to you Harry, you are the best of Englishmen.
I wish Meghan luck on the lawsuit. And if this suit doesn't work, bring on another until you get justice, because you are both being treated worse than criminals.

The problem with this lawsuit is the double standard - again.

Harry told Markle's father to stop talking to the media, that it would only make things worse. Markle found a way around this, to control the narrative by enlisting 5 friends to speak to the media on her behalf. She breaks the rules in a sneaky way where she can blame someone else for her actions.

Markle used her 5 friends to badmouth her father in the media. That's fair, according to Markle. When her father uses her written words to defend himself, that's not fair.

Markle has a history of enlisting friends to speak to the media, today she claims that she had no idea they spoke to the media on her behalf. That seems dishonest.

"On one occasion, lawyers for the newspaper alleged Meghan asked Ms. Mulroney to intervene in a story The Mail on Sunday was preparing on the Duchess in April, 2018. The paper alleged Meghan was concerned about comments that her former business adviser, Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne, had given to a reporter.

Meghan asked Ms. Mulroney to intervene “to try to ensure that a more favourable article was published.” The filing alleged Ms. Mulroney wrote to Ms. Nelthorpe-Cowne in London to put “pressure on her to withdraw or change statements [Ms. Nelthorpe-Cowne] had made to The Mail on Sunday."

The paper’s features editor, Nicholas Pyke, wrote to Harry’s communications secretary, Jason Knauf, to complain about Ms. Mulroney’s actions. “Mr. Knauf responded by stating that he understood Mr. Pyke’s position and that he would endeavour to ensure that ’this does not happen again,'" the filing alleged."
Jessica Mulroney, friend of Meghan Markle, caught up in Duchess’s legal row with British tabloid
They have been touting ‘do as I say not what I do’. That is decisive and hypocritical. In order to come alongside of MM trust has to be earned. Most people aren’t going to look up to her because she says one thing and does another. Ethics and character matter.

All else aside do you support her behavior and actions regarding how she chose to step down? With a public announcement that has caused TQ grief in more ways than one?

ETA *divisive
I see relentless hounding and unfair treatment. this is why there is a lawsuit.
And depressingly we will soon watch, many with triumphant glee as Markle the flipped father puts on a profoundly emotional and lucrative display, coached by his new best friend Caroline Graham of the US Daily Mail On Sunday.

Its unpleasant to see so many "all in" to destroy one of best among them, a man who chose to be a real not a toy soldier, who married for love and chose well.

I have provided evidence here and links as to specific unfairness such as the Frogmore negativity.
Looking at the facts, the couple as very fair to the public and the reponse I see here is the conversation moving on to to the next unfounded "outrage" like flying a friends private jet.

There is a lawsuit because Markle presumes that she can badmouth her father to the media, albeit through 5 friends, while denying her father the right to respond using the same media.
The problem with this lawsuit is the double standard - again.

Harry told Markle's father to stop talking to the media, that it would only make things worse. Markle found a way around this, to control the narrative by enlisting 5 friends to speak to the media on her behalf. She breaks the rules in a sneaky way where she can blame someone else for her actions.

Markle used her 5 friends to badmouth her father in the media. That's fair, according to Markle. When her father uses her written words to defend himself, that's not fair.

Markle has a history of enlisting friends to speak to the media, today she claims that she had no idea they spoke to the media on her behalf. That seems dishonest.

"On one occasion, lawyers for the newspaper alleged Meghan asked Ms. Mulroney to intervene in a story The Mail on Sunday was preparing on the Duchess in April, 2018. The paper alleged Meghan was concerned about comments that her former business adviser, Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne, had given to a reporter.

Meghan asked Ms. Mulroney to intervene “to try to ensure that a more favourable article was published.” The filing alleged Ms. Mulroney wrote to Ms. Nelthorpe-Cowne in London to put “pressure on her to withdraw or change statements [Ms. Nelthorpe-Cowne] had made to The Mail on Sunday."

The paper’s features editor, Nicholas Pyke, wrote to Harry’s communications secretary, Jason Knauf, to complain about Ms. Mulroney’s actions. “Mr. Knauf responded by stating that he understood Mr. Pyke’s position and that he would endeavour to ensure that ’this does not happen again,'" the filing alleged."
Jessica Mulroney, friend of Meghan Markle, caught up in Duchess’s legal row with British tabloid

Her actions speak for themselves. Her behavior is a pattern with its own history. Hit and Run
DBM we
There is a lawsuit because Markle presumes that she can badmouth her father to the media, albeit through 5 friends, while denying her father the right to respond using the same media.

Did not Mr. Markle jump into the pocket of the Daily Mail at the first opportunity?
He is selling it all, she had the copyright.
Does sharing copyrighted material with friends change your right copyright?
There is a lawsuit because Markle presumes that she can badmouth her father to the media, albeit through 5 friends, while denying her father the right to respond using the same media.

Double standards. I don’t befriend people like this. It’s exhausting and typically it comes from a selfish individual.

Truth and authenticity matter.
They have been touting ‘do as I say not what I do’. That is divisive and hypocritical. In order to come alongside of MM trust has to be earned. Most people aren’t going to look up to her because she says one thing and does another. Ethics and character matter.

All else aside do you support her behavior and actions regarding how she chose to step down? With a public announcement that has caused TQ grief in more ways than one?

I was under the impression that the Queen told Harry and Markle to take a break, to rest and regroup, after the disastrous Africa tour where they announced "what about me, my life is so hard!!!" and "we're suing the big bad media".

They were expected to return refreshed and ready for duty 6 weeks later at Christmas. Instead of returning to work, they lashed out. The Royal Family pleaded with Harry to go slow so all the details of partially stepping down could be sorted out. He didn't listen. Harry and Megan did not get what they wanted. If the Freedom book paints them as angels and their families as villains, I suspect they will lose what little they have retained - such as a 2 million annual allowance and titles that they cannot use.

This lawsuit is a further embarrassment to the Royal Family. They know that Markle has a history of attempting to manipulate media coverage, that she enlisted friends to speak on her behalf. They know that Markle has denied knowing that these friends spoke to the media on her behalf. They know that this has no good outcome, regardless of the court ruling.
Double standards. I don’t befriend people like this. It’s exhausting and typically it comes from a selfish individual.

Truth and authenticity matter.

This is exactly why I've focused on Mulroney and her reputation. We can only assume that she's also a nasty gossiper who thinks there is one set of rules for her, and another set of rules for the little people. She is not a celebrity. She married the son of a former Prime Minister; a man who still has a prominent role in international politics. When she is covered in mud, that mud is left on Brian Mulroney. She has to decide whether her friendship with Markle is more important than her father in law's reputation. She has to set the record straight and confirm that Markle enlisted her to contact media. Anything less, and no one will want to befriend her.

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