Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex vs Associated Newspapers

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Since he has accused her of lying about who paid tuition saying he has the bank statements to prove it, he needs to produce them.
Or maybe he was lying or grossly exaggerating about his contribution.
Then being caught needing to produce the bank statements threw her out her letter to him instead to change the conversation.
Which it did quite handily.

I want to see proof of his statement that she lied about the tuition and he paid every penny of her tuition.

That may come up in court, who knows? As for Markle, Sr. making them public now, he might want to be careful about that. Whichever newspaper chooses to run that story will have to deal with a lawsuit from MM.

Bottom line: why would her father lie about such a thing? What would be his motive?
Caroline Graham is the reporter that received the letter from TM and is TMs handler for the DM.

Do you have a link for that information? Thanks, it would be helpful. There are so many reporters covering these stories.
I agree Markle's credibility is on the line. Lets see him produce those bank statements.
He has also complained she ceased sending him money after May 2018.

Do you have a link for that? Sorry to keep asking, but we usually produce links for news stories we're discussing. TIA
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He has apparently supplied the court with financial records that support his claim to have paid all her tuition.
Thomas Markle: I paid for Meghan's school and university - even after her TV success

I cringe at reading this article. Why would MM deliberately provoke and carry on a family fight in the tabloid news media? Why send such insulting letters to your father, making false accusations about him in public? Why use your friends as surrogates to pick a fight by insulting him in magazine articles? Its just horrible.
That may come up in court, who knows? As for Markle, Sr. making them public now, he might want to be careful about that. Whichever newspaper chooses to run that story will have to deal with a lawsuit from MM.

Bottom line: why would her father lie about such a thing? What would be his motive?

MOO I think he probably paid something called the family share of cost. It's the gap between scholarships, grants, aid, loans and the cost of the school. Usually a small percentage.
Should she have mentioned that? Maybe. By 2018 he has refused H&M their requests that he stop talking to reporters and was steady supplier of information to the Daily Mail and associated press, Caroline Graham US Daily Mail.
MOO I think he probably paid something called the family share of cost. It's the gap between scholarships, grants, aid, loans and the cost of the school. Usually a small percentage.
Should she have mentioned that? Maybe. By 2018 he has refused H&M their requests that he stop talking to reporters and was steady supplier of information to the Daily Mail and associated press, Caroline Graham US Daily Mail.
That is not what her father says. He apparently has all his bank statements to prove it and will prove it in court. He says his daughter is a liar. The documents will tell.
Thomas Markle says Meghan is lying about paying her way through college as he paid 'every penny' of her tuition and has 'bank statements to prove it'

He believes in defending himself when he is being defamed, so no reason for him to stop doing that,through the auspices of the Daily Mail or anywhere else he chooses.
I cringe at reading this article. Why would MM deliberately provoke and carry on a family fight in the tabloid news media? Why send such insulting letters to your father, making false accusations about him in public? Why use your friends as surrogates to pick a fight by insulting him in magazine articles? Its just horrible.
She has a history of using a friend to try and manipulate the press to obtain favorable stories about her
Did I miss the bank statements?

I just see that he said he paid every penny.

MOO my guess is he did pay something, but she got the grants, scholarships, aid and loans together to actually pay for college.
He has supplied the High court with details of his payments. I have provided this link before but you choose to ignore it claiming you want to see his bank statements. You will probably have to wait until they are produced in evidence if required.

Thomas Markle: I paid for Meghan's school and university - even after her TV success
She was 9 when he won the lottery.
He was an Emmy winning lighting director and so made good money. How much he contributed to school isnt clear, since the marriage to Meghans mother only lasted 8 years. Maybe a lot maybe a little, I will attempt to find out.
By hard work I mean she worked hard and excelled at school and established an acting career.

If I said she worked herself "through school" I am unaware of of it.

If she claims she paid her own way through college, that usually means she worked at some point in time during those college years. The vast majority of college students do this, yet I've never heard her mention any work she did in college. She attended Northwestern, a school highly regarded for acting, writing, etc. Famous alumni include academy award winning actress Patricia Neal and director/producer/writer Garry Marshall - creator of tv shows Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, etc. It's a pricey school, especially without an academic scholarship. Did MM work summers or evenings to pay for living expenses, food, etc? Just curious as I've never heard her say much about her college years except that she was in a sorority (also costly).
MOO I think he probably paid something called the family share of cost. It's the gap between scholarships, grants, aid, loans and the cost of the school. Usually a small percentage.
Should she have mentioned that? Maybe. By 2018 he has refused H&M their requests that he stop talking to reporters and was steady supplier of information to the Daily Mail and associated press, Caroline Graham US Daily Mail.

At the time of the letter and interview now part of this trial, he hadn't given any interviews to the news media for quite some time, at least a year. One has to wonder why she manipulated her father in such a way to provoke him to go to the news media with that letter.
If she claims she paid her own way through college, that usually means she worked at some point in time during those college years. The vast majority of college students do this, yet I've never heard her mention any work she did in college. She attended Northwestern, a school highly regarded for acting, writing, etc. Famous alumni include academy award winning actress Patricia Neal and director/producer/writer Garry Marshall - creator of tv shows Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, etc. It's a pricey school, especially without an academic scholarship. Did MM work summers or evenings to pay for living expenses, food, etc? Just curious as I've never heard her say much about her college years except that she was in a sorority (also costly).

Business Insider
"Speaking about her time at Northwestern, Markle said it was only through scholarships, financial aid, and work-study programs – where her “earnings from a job on campus went directly towards [her] tuition” – that she was able to attend college.

“And, without question, it was worth every effort,” she added.

Meghan Markle opened up about working in college to pay for her tuition during a royal tour speech | Business Insider
At the time of the letter and interview now part of this trial, he hadn't given any interviews to the news media for quite some time, at least a year. One has to wonder why she manipulated her father in such a way to provoke him to go to the news media with that letter.
Tom Markle said she stoped sending money in 2018.
At the time of the letter and interview now part of this trial, he hadn't given any interviews to the news media for quite some time, at least a year. One has to wonder why she manipulated her father in such a way to provoke him to go to the news media with that letter.
I think he is unpredictable and he aleady said he will do things like the lettet.
Here you are, in the first couple of paragraphs.

Why is Meghan suing the Mail on Sunday?
In the above quoted article it says that “they” (Harry and Meghan)
They say they will use private funds to bring the proceedings,
. Just thought this might help answer your earlier wonderings about who was paying for the proceedings.

( ETA Not sure just cause “they” said it that makes it so but I saw it so i shared it.)
I may have missed it .. although TM has said he has the bank statements to prove he paid her tuition, I haven't seen that he has in fact provided those statements to the court.

As for whether Meghan worked or contributed to her tuition:

Speaking about her time at Northwestern, Markle said it was only through scholarships, financial aid, and work-study programs — where her "earnings from a job on campus went directly towards [her] tuition" — that she was able to attend college.

"And, without question, it was worth every effort," she added.
I may have missed it .. although TM has said he has the bank statements to prove he paid her tuition, I haven't seen that he has in fact provided those statements to the court.

As for whether Meghan worked or contributed to her tuition:

Speaking about her time at Northwestern, Markle said it was only through scholarships, financial aid, and work-study programs — where her "earnings from a job on campus went directly towards [her] tuition" — that she was able to attend college.

"And, without question, it was worth every effort," she added.

Right now it's his word vs hers. Keep in mind, she is the one who initiated the lawsuit. The facts will come out in court. Such a sordid mess.
Re: Thomas Markle's documentation about paying for M's college.

She graduated in 2003. So he might be paying from 1999 through 2003.

That's quite a while ago to keep financial documents and bank statements, but 4 years of tuition would be a sizeable amount of money. Anyone have a guess as to how much? Say $40k a year for 4 years? For a total of $160k.

Wouldn't he have declared that on his taxes?

If so, that would be fairly solid proof.
Here you are, in the first couple of paragraphs.

Why is Meghan suing the Mail on Sunday?
This is an excellent article to help weed out the drama from the issue:

Edited for brevity:
Meghan is suing for breach of copyright, infringement of her privacy, and breaches of the Data Protection Act – an act beefed up last year as part of GDPR changes.

The copyright aspect is based on the principle that the author of a letter retains ownership of its content, regardless of who possesses the piece of paper.

“A letter is a copyright work as it is a literary work,” Alex Newman, national head of intellectual property law at Irwin Mitchell solicitors, said this year. “As soon as you create a copyright work you will own the copyright until it expires automatically. This gives you the right to prevent anyone else copying, or issuing to the public, the whole or a substantial part of your copyrighted work.”

Judges have been increasingly willing to find against the media in privacy cases... If the MoS loses the case it could have wider implications for all journalists who want to report on leaked private documents.

So... the legal significance of this case has nothing to with family feuds, friends solicited for positive PR, who paid for college, where they’re living or how they spent mother’s day. Even credibility of the parties is not relevant. This case is about privacy, ownership, copyright. And whether media can use edited private documents to portray someone in a specific light, telling a truth, but not a whole truth, skewing public perception. This has impacts to celebrities, politicians, current events & the average Joe. I think it is an important case, could establish precedent.

Reposting link:
Why is Meghan suing the Mail on Sunday?
Last edited:
Re: Thomas Markle's documentation about paying for M's college.

She graduated in 2003. So he might be paying from 1999 through 2003.

That's quite a while ago to keep financial documents and bank statements, but 4 years of tuition would be a sizeable amount of money. Anyone have a guess as to how much? Say $40k a year for 4 years? For a total of $160k.

Wouldn't he have declared that on his taxes?

If so, that would be fairly solid proof.
hmm if she received substantial financial aid - that would be on a Form 1098 and if he claimed her as a dependent he would need to have the 1098 to determine how much would be deductible for him - if anything. Those records would be important I would think but not sure what it has to do with the actual case itself?

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