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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I need to read way more on this one but I am absolutely convinced Patsy did it, John is involved...or vice versa.

Burke did not kill his sister. There were two psychopaths in that house, and whoever murdered JB was a psychopath. We know the head blow and the strangling were hours apart. Hours where 99.999% of parents would be calling 911 and screaming for help, not writing practice notes and cleaning fingerprints.
I need to read way more on this one but I am absolutely convinced Patsy did it, John is involved...or vice versa.

Burke did not kill his sister. There were two psychopaths in that house, and whoever murdered JB was a psychopath. We know the head blow and the strangling were hours apart. Hours where 99.999% of parents would be calling 911 and screaming for help, not writing practice notes and cleaning fingerprints.

Patsy may not have been aware of the blow to the head and might only have been in on the kidnapping part of the plot though. They may have told her there was an accident and the child had died so they were faking the strangulation - when she found out later she would just have to keep on rationalising things to herself... they could have pretended the blow was not intended as fatal or indeed not have realised until too late and could not have sought medical help because they really would be caught as kidnappers and extortionists - which in fact they were.
I need to read way more on this one but I am absolutely convinced Patsy did it, John is involved...or vice versa.

Burke did not kill his sister. There were two psychopaths in that house, and whoever murdered JB was a psychopath. We know the head blow and the strangling were hours apart. Hours where 99.999% of parents would be calling 911 and screaming for help, not writing practice notes and cleaning fingerprints.

I see Pasty and John Ramsey trying to save face and doing what it took to do that. They had to face the fact that one if not both of them chose to kill JonBenet instead of seeking any help for her, no matter what the consequence, every day for the rest of their lives.

Pasty, being a strong southern woman and a Christian held on to the promise of forgiveness for now in this life, and the next life beyond. I think Pasty had made her peace and knew she'd soon be with JonBenet.

John Ramsey may of asked for that forgiveness and peace. Maybe in John Ramesys own way, he's seeking that forgiveness by writing his books.
who might have been murdered in front of these children and others as part of some sort of indoctrination programme... Chase - friend of Chris Wolf (whose more recent girlfriend suspected him of having been involved in both murders somehow... ) who knows if he was - but right there is a body. Just saying.
The funny thing is - I am not joking and the above post is not meant as any kind of mick-taking spoof. The dead cat delivered to the police = the cat in the hat is dead - or desist in all cat activities - you are on the copper's doorstep. we had one delivered to our doorstep a couple of years ago - god only knows what all these things mean. The sack withhe rope in it in the spare room which the Ramsey's said was not their's was probably the sack the kids used to nick the rope and tape and note and bits they needed to play their game - probably nicked the pineapple from the party too - other fingerprints on the bowl no doubt occurred when the bowl was discovered. Rest In Peace and God Bless all the little children. xx
Burke wrote the note - didn't he. Using words he has picked up around the place - from his parents.. from the episodes at the Whites (including derogatory mick-taking of his father).. from movies... yeah it could well be the work of a child.. best explanation so far in fact. Poor kid.
Burke wrote the note - didn't he. Using words he has picked up around the place - from his parents.. from the episodes at the Whites (including derogatory mick-taking of his father).. from movies... yeah it could well be the work of a child.. best explanation so far in fact. Poor kid.

No way BR wrote the note. The note is Patsy, all the way. Look at the handwriting exemplars. Perfect match. Only Patsy was not excluded as the author. BR had been excluded long ago, as was JR.
No way BR wrote the note. The note is Patsy, all the way. Look at the handwriting exemplars. Perfect match. Only Patsy was not excluded as the author. BR had been excluded long ago, as was JR.

I do not believe it was Patsy whatsoever - no way no how. I haven't seen samples of Burke's handwriting but I read somewhere today that he had difficulty writing due to fine motor skills - which i do not believe to be true - he played Nintendo which certainly develops those skills. I would need to see examples of his writing from the time to decide whether or not to dismiss him as a suspect for writing the letter - it makes sense - over-dramatic - characterised - not quite right - child-like - dress up and play-like - certainly... but not with any deliberation or intent... to kidnap extort or kill....
I do not believe it was Patsy whatsoever - no way no how. I haven't seen samples of Burke's handwriting but I read somewhere today that he had difficulty writing due to fine motor skills - which i do not believe to be true - he played Nintendo which certainly develops those skills. I would need to see examples of his writing from the time to decide whether or not to dismiss him as a suspect for writing the letter - it makes sense - over-dramatic - characterised - not quite right - child-like - dress up and play-like - certainly... but not with any deliberation or intent... to kidnap extort or kill....

Have you ever LOOKED at the exemplars? I am not trying to be adversarial, but how much have you actually researched on this case? Have you read any of the books on the case written by people other than the parents? There are a few that are more informative than some others.
Because you seem to not know about some basic facts- for example, you are mistaken about the "pubic hair" found on the blanket. It was NOT a pubic hair and this was proven years ago- it has been known for years (and talked about extensively) that that hair found on the blanket was an ancillary (forearm) hair belonging to Patsy Ramsey.
I am sure there was something somewhere about foreign DNA - maybe that will turn out to be a mistake sometime down the track as well - who knows - maybe it is beaver DNA and there has been a terrible mix up; you will have to excuse me while I go take this fork out of my head. :p

Of course there was "foreign DNA" but it so far has not proved to have been related to the case. In the newest book on this case by former lead investigator James Kolar, "foreign DNA" was also found on other brand-new panties from similar sets. This may represent factory workers OR someone who specifically handled JB's clothing- we just don't know.
Patsy was said to own beaver boots- they "disappeared" when investigators asked for them. She also had several fur coats of undetermined fur.
Whatever the DNA is eventually shown to be (or not), there is plenty of evidence in the case that HAS been linked to people. Namely, the fiber evidence of the parents on and in items that are specific to the crime. And Patsy's forearm hair on a blanket covering the body of her daughter that had just come out of the basement dryer. The fingerprints of Patsy and BR on the bowl of pineapple and glass found next to it. The pineapple matched definitively to that which was found inside JB.
This case had plenty of mistakes to be sure- but no mistakes were made when identifying the items I just mentioned.
Beaver DNA.

I say this in the kindest way possible, I think you need medication.
I totally agree. In fact, I believe this case was solved years ago. That accounts for the fact that Boulder has admitted that no one is presently assigned to the case, and all the posturing by the new DA was just empty words. This case cannot be prosecuted and that is that. Patsy is dead, and BT cannot EVER be prosecuted, or even attached to the case at all because of his age at the time. So really, while we cannot prove it, we do know.
What a shame that all those innocent people accused in this case can never be publicly vindicated. I guess it's because it they were, LE might have to say why, and if they admit the case is really solved, it would be pretty obvious who was involved. If they said they knew who it was, then what would be the reason for NOT arresting them? Well- the reason is because one is dead and one is not able to be named.
And actually, the same reason applies to why JR cannot be prosecuted for obstruction of justice or tampering with evidence (her body). Because if that is known publicly, who else would he be covering for? It's a brick wall, no matter which way you look at it.

I guess seeing OJ back in the news (I can only imagine what Casey next declasse act will be) and I thought about civil law suits.

I wonder about Lin Wood and if John Ramsey has him on retainer. John Ramsey's very own flimflam man. John's shakedown artist. And I wondered about Burke and a civil lawsuit. I wonder if John has him on retainer till Burkes forty years old?

One day Lin Wood may file a lawsuit and find that the other party won't back down.
My theory:

Since the case got public attention i had thought Patsy murdered JonBenet.

The reason i thought Patsy murdered JonBenet is i felt she always wanted to be in control of her daughter. Perhaps forcing her to wear certain clothing in pageants when JonBenet did not want to.

It's what i thought then when the case first became public.


After many years of digesting partial/new evidence i have finally come to the conclusion Burke killed JonBenet.

I think he was jealous of the attention JonBenet was getting and eventually took it out on her. Sexually assaulting her and eventually hitting her hard with a toy, or a hard object.


I know there's been recent evidence about the cobwebs, and how an intruder would have brushed away the cobwebs upon entering the house.

Which is probably true. It all depends how much cobwebs were around the window. So, it could be argued.


The theory on an intruder murdering JonBenet:

I think an intruder would have to know a lot about the Ramsey family and their daily schedule. So he or she would know when they would leave for work, what time they have food, what time the kids go to school, what time they go to pageants,...etc...

He or she would also know the area quite well and the surrounding areas to make an escape route, or path to get away in a short space of time, so you could rule out the possibility it would be someone outside of the area, but it also could be someone who knows the area very well.

It's arguable.

An intruder would have been friends with the Ramseys, or would have been in contact before. Maybe as an onlooker.

The intruder could have very well been in the police. I think there's a question mark on that one.


Overall, i think now Burke murdered JonBenet, and now it's been a big cover up. I personally wouldn't think it would be possible for a mother who really loved her daughter to murder her on purpose.

I believe if she did murder her it was by accident. It all depends on her profiler. If Patsy had psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies.

I will say though i don't think Patsy fits the description of a psychopath. The intruder theory still hasn't been dismantled but a couple of more pieces of evidence disproving it could be all it takes.

The cobwebs aren't much to go on, and i think they're latching on for hope so this case can be solved. I personally do not think Patsy fits the description, and i feel i'm a good judge of character when it comes to profiling.

Her dad did not murder her. 100 percent certain about it. I do believe it was Burke, and he had been assaulting her for quite a while.
I guess seeing OJ back in the news (I can only imagine what Casey next declasse act will be) and I thought about civil law suits.

I wonder about Lin Wood and if John Ramsey has him on retainer. John Ramsey's very own flimflam man. John's shakedown artist. And I wondered about Burke and a civil lawsuit. I wonder if John has him on retainer till Burkes forty years old?

One day Lin Wood may file a lawsuit and find that the other party won't back down.

Back in October 2010, Lin Wood was on one of the morning shows to talk about LE wanting to re-interview Burke. I think they just talk when they need to. I'm sure they had quite a few phone calls over Kolar's book.

Any discussion remotely suggesting they are involved will be removed and the poster will be banned.

Tricia Griffith
Co owner

Any discussion remotely suggesting they are involved will be removed and the poster will be banned.

Tricia Griffith
Co owner

Are we able to get a copy of what was posted and our response? Some are just classic and need further thought and meditation.
Hello. I am new here. I posted this idea recently on another forum, but got accused of working for Lin Wood when what I hoped for was genuine discussion of the topic. I noticed also this was a topic of conversation on here but can't find the thread again

I think the evidence which will exonerate the Ramsey's as having staged a cover up for an accidental head injury and exonerate them from any part in the crime is the use of a weapon of torture which I believe was used by a possible paedophile gang who set up a live filming or who took film of the incident in which Jonbenet was strangled and who maybe profited by a pay per view resource or who set the crime up in this way to buy himself time to be away from the crime scene when the death occurred:

the string around Jonbenet's neck was tied in a double knot and then there were 17 inches of string and on the other end was part of a paintbrush. Jonbenet's genitals were also seen to have been stabbed by the other part of the paintbrush.

The string was not tied completely tightly around the neck but with some leeway of some milimetres.

I believe the noose was placed around her neck with the paintbrush fully intact then the paintbrush was pulled down her back and placed between her legs so the paintbrush is then at the front of her body with the wooden brush across her thighs causing her head to be raised from the ground or whatever she was placed on.

If she tries to put her head down: the noose cuts into her neck. If she strains which no doubt she did the noose tightens against the opposing side to where it is being pulled, but I believe she strained in such a way as to break the paintbrush causing it to injure her genital area and for the broken piece to spring up behind her which is still attacked to the noose.

I believe it is possible that Burke found her in this condition and tried to cut her loose and to wipe her wound, but was "caught" by an intruder known to the Ramsey family who pulled a knife and inflicted a blow to the child's head (though this could have happened prior.)

I think it is possible Burke was threatened to shut up.

It is possible the strangulation torture occured on a raised beam or platform and that when Jonbenet strained it caused her to fall and snap the paintbrush causing the gential injury and the blow to the head.

There is a secondary strangulation mark lower on the neck. We do not know how this was caused.

i do not believe the Ramseys would set up such a torture ordeal as this one for any reason whatsoever. if the object of torture was designed to buy time away from the time of death then the Ramsey's stood to gain nothing from this and I do not believe they would do this for any reason.


If the blow to her head knocked her out and then the device was attached she was safe so long as she wasn't moving - if she was on her back then she wouldn't be able to attempt to sit up. She may have realised this if the other neck injury had acted as a warning but if she heard people looking for her she may have tried to let them know she was there and would have been very panicked or she may have seen the perpetrator and began to struggle against the device and this caused her to break the paintbrush bleed on things and then the perp has used John's shirt to wipe the blood with to incriminate him.

Having thought about it some more i realise she was not on a raised platform but have left the quote as it stands.
Theory based on opinion of detectives and statments given by numerous people:
I think both kids had a degree of attachment disorder
I think there may have been alcohol abuse in the home
i think there was verbal and some physical abuse over bedwetting and over dress up and pageant times
The pineapple was Burke's snack and Jonbenet grabbed a bite, causing a fight soon after arriving home
I don't know enough to have an opinion on who molested or fanatically cleaned her previously, but Patsy must have known enough to know something caused damage
I don't know if Jonbenet got the head injury for eating the snack or for causing noise and arguing with another kid or even for resisting being cleaned
I think she may have gotten a few marks on her neck during an attempt to get away or from an attempt to drag her unconscious from kitchen to butler kitchen
I think the cord was to get it over with and the stick used to jab because it was the same size as what caused previous damage
The wiping was fanatical wiping of released urine and maybe to clean the body and to have on new underwear
The blanket and gown may have had blood from a previous assault and would have been disposed of
The killer wore brown gloves and may have handled John's shirt while grabbing a brand new washcloth
I believe the note was an attempt to fool John and get him out of the house. I don't believe he ever handled the note but demanded that police be called while he got Burke and checked the room
He later caught on and knew where to look and decided to get attorneys
If he had left to go get money from his account he may have then been sent on a wild goose chase and Jonbenet would have went missing and he still would have had to get attorneys
There are many facts we don't know and only think we do plus dozens of secrets.
Theory based on opinion of detectives and statments given by numerous people:
I think both kids had a degree of attachment disorder
I think there may have been alcohol abuse in the home
i think there was verbal and some physical abuse over bedwetting and over dress up and pageant times
The pineapple was Burke's snack and Jonbenet grabbed a bite, causing a fight soon after arriving home
I don't know enough to have an opinion on who molested or fanatically cleaned her previously, but Patsy must have known enough to know something caused damage
I don't know if Jonbenet got the head injury for eating the snack or for causing noise and arguing with another kid or even for resisting being cleaned
I think she may have gotten a few marks on her neck during an attempt to get away or from an attempt to drag her unconscious from kitchen to butler kitchen
I think the cord was to get it over with and the stick used to jab because it was the same size as what caused previous damage
The wiping was fanatical wiping of released urine and maybe to clean the body and to have on new underwear
The blanket and gown may have had blood from a previous assault and would have been disposed of
The killer wore brown gloves and may have handled John's shirt while grabbing a brand new washcloth
I believe the note was an attempt to fool John and get him out of the house. I don't believe he ever handled the note but demanded that police be called while he got Burke and checked the room
He later caught on and knew where to look and decided to get attorneys
If he had left to go get money from his account he may have then been sent on a wild goose chase and Jonbenet would have went missing and he still would have had to get attorneys
There are many facts we don't know and only think we do plus dozens of secrets.
I agree with quite a lot of this, but I still haven't seen anything that makes me think BR was involved, except maybe the 911 background, and 1 line in the ransom note. If JR was as stern with BR, as has been reported, I have to wonder why he was so angry. 'We're not speaking to you', usually means that person is getting the silent treatment, because of something he has done wrong, but I'm not so sure here. About JR, finding JB. I too think he might have figured out where she was, based simply on knowing PR's habits. Wanting the charade to end, he went and got her, and then hired separate lawyers. If BR did this, then I think he did everything except write the note. I don't think PR or JR finished JB off, and as far as I can tell, there was very little, if any, undoing or remorse. I think this is a case of, 'what you see, is what you get'. In all honesty, this case almost screams, 'A KID DID THIS!, even down to the bobbing flashlight, but I think a kid would have simply got tired of the whole thing and left everything, as was. What 9 yr old can sit up and commit such a heinous murder and acts of deviance, but not get tired and confused? But, imagining PR coming to his rescue, is even harder to fathom than her orchestrating the whole thing. So, I'm still not sold on BR. My 10 yr old made a couple of interesting observations, though. She thought whoever wrote the note, really wanted the money and planned to get it and run off. moo
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