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I believe the perpetrator(s) of this crime was some narcissistic male, a "friend" of the Ramseys that was seriously jealous of their success.
I agree with Seahorse, but only to a certain extent.
I believe that the murderer was a narcissistic male on the fringes of the Ramseys' lives who harborded a hidden resentment against John Ramsey.
I see no evidence whatsoever that the crime was sexually morivated. I believe that everything that was done to JonBenet was meant to cause John agony. What better way for the perp to stick a knife in the ribs of a rich guy he despises than by killing the guy's young daughter? What better way to twist that knife than by using a phony ransom note to give the guy false hope, when in reality the girl's body will be found in the guy's own house, savagely bound? I submit that the only reason JonBenet's body was hidden in the first place was to increase the psychological torture of her father.
To paint a portrait of this killer, I will refer to the Edgar Allan Poe story "The Cask of Amontillado." In that story, the narrator, Montresor, plots revenge on a man named Fortunato. But the question is, revenge for what? Montresor's motto is, "Nemo me impune lacessit," which translates as "No one cuts me with impunity." Montresor believes that Fortunato has insulted him, but when the two men interact, it is clear that Fortunato does not consider Montresor an enemy; in fact, he appears to treat him as a friend. He may be a little pompous or a little patronizing, but it becomes clear that whatever slight earned Fortunato a death sentence exists primarily in Montresor's mind. At any rate (for the seven people in America who don't know the story), Montresor ends up chaining Fortunato to a wall in the cellar and, while he is still alive, walling him up with bricks and mortar.
I believe JonBenet's killer was someone much like Montresor--someone who felt slighted or ignored by John Ramsey. It could have been an employee he fired, or it could have been someone who said hello to John on the street and didn't get a reply. The killer may have said to himself, "John Ramsey thinks he's better than I am, does he? I'll teach him that a rich, pompous @$$ can still be made to suffer."
I believe the killing was probably the perp's first major crime but that he had been having revenge fantasies for years. I believe that he found revenge to be unsatisfying and probably never did anything similar again, so I doubt his DNA will ever be entered into any database. I would be looking for a terminally single white male who was about 30 to 35 at the time of the crime--perhaps someone who did well in school but failed to live up to his potential and became frustrated.
Personally, I think its an absolute waste of time to even consider an intruder

What makes more sense? Someone looking to randomly break into someone's house on Christmas, or high stress levels from parents?

A user posted their theory prior and I support it nearly 100%. I believe the perp was Patsy, who had fought with JBR on more than once occasion. Why she was out of bed, who knows

I doubt it was solely due to a bed wetting issue, perhaps she was thinking there was going to be another visit from Santa? Perhaps she wanted pineapple?

Patsy put a lot of emphasis on the idea that she went right to bed, and doesn't remember the pineapple

Perhaps they got in a fight, Patsy just said screw it, let her have some pineapple, maybe she'll go to bed afterward, and just...didn't. She lost her cool

Holidays are a time of high stress, and fatigue, everyone knows that, and with a trip planned, you want your kids to get to sleep

They could be fighting, fighting, fighting, and Patsy grabs the flashlight and hits her

As far as the letter, its clear it was just to cover their tracks

Everyone says, well, why call 911

Well, why not? I mean, you call 911, your kid dies, that's what the note says...isn't it? So, it wouldn't be absurd (although very risky), to make a move that would kill your kid, who is dead in the basement anyway

I also think its obvious JR knew, which explained his disappearance for an hour or so during the search party. He was using the opportunity to cover their tracks. This is why when they went into the basement the second time, he was able to find her body so quickly

To me, it makes sense. The holidays are a time of high stress for parents and kids too excited to sleep. The idea of sexual abuse, it may be in there, but I don't think its anywhere near as important as people are thinking. Why Christmas? Why not...the third Monday of March? Second Thursday of June?

The fact that it happened on Christmas, where a fight or two broke out over JBR's reluctance to be her mom's mini, speaks loud and clear to me
Michael Helgoth and another party conspired to abduct JonBenet. I don't know if Helgoth was the one who committed the murder or not, but I do think his motivation was monetary, while the other party was tasked with the actual kidnapping. Whoever did it was a sado-sexual predator who couldn't resist the urge to torture and murder JonBenet once he had her in his clutches. The plan was botched and aborted. When the DA announced that the net was closing in on the perps, Helgoth "committed suicide" two days after, when in fact he had been silenced by his accomplice.
I've always had so many suspicions about this case. From the beginning I felt the brother was guilty of some part of the death. But something just popped into my head and I wonder if it was ever explored. We all know she was in beauty pageants. I myself grew up doing them and twirling from the age of 4. I know how that industry is. Personally I always greatly enjoyed doing it and met tons of people and I was never forced to do them. I worked hard and practiced hours each day. Here is my point. The judging pool is not very deep. The judges were often times seen at multiple pageants and events. I used to have to do interviews with each judge. With that said, wouldn't it be easy for a perp to become a judge just to watch these kids? I never thought of it before until now. Maybe the intruder theory could hold some weight. Maybe JonBenet was familiar with this person but not in the manner of a family friend. Maybe she did recognize him. Maybe for a moment she thought she was safe. It's just a random thought but I do wonder if this was ever investigated. I know they have said that she may have been stalked through her pageants....but maybe it wasn't someone just in the audience. Maybe it was someone who either was a judge or was familiar within the industry itself. Such as a photographer, backstage worker, set design, makeup or hair etc. Or even security. Just an idea to bounce off others. Now when I did pageants it wasn't like they are now. WE didn't wear extensions, flappers, tons of makeup etc. If you were missing your front two teeth it was considered normal and part of growing up and judges didn't tend to hold it against you. It wasn't glitzy. Our own parents fixed our hair and light makeup. Our talent portions were like singing, twirling, dancing etc. Not shaking our buts and being... um in your face sort of speak. Not that I'm judging anyone. JonBenet seemed to really enjoy herself. But back in my day you did come across people in the business that you saw pretty often. (Kinda creeps me out looking back). Mind you my parents were very over protective and I was never out of their sight for a moment. But not all parents were like that. It was nothing to see some kids running wild and their parents completely oblivious to where they were. i think you can find that though in anything. But out of curiosity I wonder if anyone else has thought of this idea?
Someone broke into the house, hid, and killed JBR. Burke woke up at some point and alerted one or both of his parents. They believed he had killed her and tried to cover it up in an attempt to protect him. John wrapped her up, hid her body, and cleaned the flashlight. Patsy wrote the note. The real killer remains free, and Burke is so confused and was so young, he's not sure what really happened. John still thinks he's protecting his son.
I also think one or both children were being molested by someone outside the family, which may or may not be related to the murder.
Someone broke into the house, hid, and killed JBR. Burke woke up at some point and alerted one or both of his parents. They believed he had killed her and tried to cover it up in an attempt to protect him. John wrapped her up, hid her body, and cleaned the flashlight. Patsy wrote the note. The real killer remains free, and Burke is so confused and was so young, he's not sure what really happened. John still thinks he's protecting his son.
I also think one or both children were being molested by someone outside the family, which may or may not be related to the murder.

I too have fantasized that an intruder type hit JB on the head and the R's thought Burke did it and the R's wrote the note and staged the body etc. How ironic that would be. I don't believe it could have been an intruder though.
Michael Helgoth and another party conspired to abduct JonBenet. I don't know if Helgoth was the one who committed the murder or not, but I do think his motivation was monetary, while the other party was tasked with the actual kidnapping. Whoever did it was a sado-sexual predator who couldn't resist the urge to torture and murder JonBenet once he had her in his clutches. The plan was botched and aborted. When the DA announced that the net was closing in on the perps, Helgoth "committed suicide" two days after, when in fact he had been silenced by his accomplice.

These are my thoughts exactly, and I think that Lou Smit looked at them as well? There seemed to be many things that fit.
I think after researching this case for many years i've come to the realization i've been over-analytical about what actually happened.

I do stand by the notion that Burke Ramsey did not kill his sister based on later actions, and the way her body was supposedly found. I watched the Dr. Phil interview and to me he comes across like he's on the autism spectrum. He smiled a lot in the interview but i believe he's always been like that looking at older pictures of him. When he was a kid it seemed he always had that grin regardless.

I think JonBenet regularly was seeing the killer. I'm not sure if both were being molested.

It was either the father or an intruder who knew JonBenet well... i.e.. saw her at school,..etc..
After watching Burke on Dr. Phil, and reading everything I could find, I feel that the mother did this. I believe she was suffering from multiple personalities and that she really believed that someone broke into her house and murdered her daughter, and that she had zero recollection of doing it.

Here are my reasons:

After reading the housekeeper's account, I believe her. She said there was a pocket knife on the floor. The housekeeper stated that earlier in the day, Burke was found by the housekeeper playing with the pocket knife, and that she herself took it away from him, and placed it closed up in the linen closet, and that Patty had gone in that room to change the bedding as JonBenet had wet her bed. So she found the knife there and had it.

The housekeeper also stated that the blanket the child was wrapped in, had been in the dryer. And a shirt was stuck to it and that it had to have come from the dryer.

Now, the thought of a murderer coming into the home, searching for paper, and a pen, and writing a ransom not, finding the girl's room without waking anyone else in the house, killing her inside the home, finding the pocket knife and getting a specific blanket out of the dryer, it just does not happen this way.

I believe Burke witnessed the entire thing and blocked it out. I think he doesn't even remember what went on. I think he was beyond disturbed and traumatized, and I believe that this, coupled with being in seclusion for years as his father and his mother tried to shield him, led to the way he acts. On top of that I think Burke had some underlying issues to begin with, which did not help the situation at all, and witnessing his sister's murder and than being kept away from other children and people in general, AND feeling trapped for years stuck with his mom who subconsciously he knows killed his sister, made him the way that he is today.

I feel she wrote the note, but as her alternate personality. A personality where she gets angry easily.

I believe there was a "reason" as to why her alternate personality killed the girl too, I think that as a mom who participated in beauty contests with her daughter, when she was "herself" she was fine, but as her alter self, she was mean and wanted the girl to win. I think she had Jonbenet on a diet of sorts, when she was her other personality. I think she specifically told her daughter not to eat anything else, that she "gorged herself" at the party, and that she needed to just go to bed. And I feel that JonBenet told her brother she was still hungry and he took her downstairs, and together they went, I think he grabbed her some pineapple, and grabbed himself an iced tea, and they made a little too much noise, probably talking excitedly about her presents, and his presents, and how happy they were, and she heard it, and went downstairs. And found her daughter doing EXACTLY what she told her daughter not to do.

I think the boy had brought the flashlight downstairs, to easily get some snacks, with his sister and without waking everyone and it was sitting on the table, and the mother grabbed it, and hit her daughter on the head. I think when that happened, and JonBenet didn't get back up she knew she had to stage something and did.

I think she told her son to go to bed, and he did so scared and reluctant and upset, and in the chaos, the iced tea glass and bowl of pineapple were left there on the table. Thus why JonBenet had undigested pineapple in her stomach.

I don't know if the sexual stuff happened that night. I think perhaps someone else had been sexually molesting her for some time, and that is why experts said it was possible, and it looked like she was, but it was well before this. It could have been anyone, a teacher, one of the parents, (the brother maybe but he was 9 which I don't know if he did he was so young, it is POSSIBLE, but he may have never even touched her). Mom may have even done this for years as another personality, who knows?

I think when the mom took the girl into the basement, she saw the broken window and knew it would be the perfect way for some stranger to have gotten into the house. I think she had grabbed the pocket knife, and tape and rope and the blanket from the dryer.

I think she posed the suitcase under the window, used the rope and tape on what she believed was her daughter dead (really unconscious and dying not dead yet), and than went upstairs and wrote the note.

I think she began put the note on the stairs, went back to bed, and woke as herself, and began screaming. I think her son came downstairs in the midst of the police call, and said a few things that got picked up on the phone call, and was told to go back to bed.

And the rest is history.
Well I've been following the case since the beginning. I've read the majority of the books about the case. For me it's very clear. The former police chief, James Kolar who probably knows more about the evidence than anyone, got it right.
Burke did it. The parents covered it up. This makes all the sense in the world. Why did the parents go to extreme lengths to prevent Burke from being interviewed almost immediately? Why did they refuse to allow themselves to be interviewed by the police (unless they were interviewed together?) Why was John Ramsey making arrangements to leave town almost immediately? Why did JR lawyer up almost immediately? None of this behavior makes sense except when looked at from the perspective of two parents who are trying to save their only living child from a lifelong sentence of public scrutiny and judgement as a very weird, sick little boy. This, in addition to the public scrutiny and judgement that would follow them - as the parents of a very weird, sick little boy.

The physical and circumstantial evidence is very powerful; Patsy's handwriting, her practice writing on her own writing pad, her writing pens, her paint brush used as the garrote. PR and JR's unnatural, stonewalling behavior as parents of a murdered child.

All of the rest of the case is nothing more than diversion that confuses the untrained public. A Santa Clause suspect, Mark Kaar, police mistakes, a variety of investigative imperfections and typo errors (typical and normal), a half dozen weirdo suspects that emerge to muddy the investigation (also typical and normal) trace DNA; all of these things are simply distractions to the fundamental evidence as described in Kolar's book; Foreign Faction.

The surprising appearance of Burke Ramsey finally giving this interview after all these years should provide meaningful insight to discerning, reasonable adults when viewing what was once a disturbed little boy as a disturbed adult male. the majority of the books about the case. For me it's very clear. The former police chief, James Kolar who probably knows more about the evidence than anyone, got it right.

Burke did it. The parents covered it up. This makes all the sense in the world. Why did the parents go to extreme lengths to prevent Burke from being interviewed almost immediately? Why did they refuse to allow themselves to be interviewed by the police (unless they were interviewed together?) Why was John Ramsey making arrangements to leave town almost immediately? Why did JR lawyer up almost immediately? None of this behavior makes sense except when looked at from the perspective of two parents who are trying to save their only living child from a lifelong sentence of public scrutiny and judgement as a very weird, sick little boy. This, in addition to the public scrutiny and judgement that would follow them - as the parents of a very weird, sick little boy.

The physical and circumstantial evidence is very powerful; Patsy's handwriting, her practice writing on her own writing pad, her writing pens, her paint brush used as the garrote. PR and JR's unnatural, stonewalling behavior as parents of a murdered child.

All of the rest of the case is nothing more than diversion that confuses the untrained public. A Santa Clause suspect, Mark Kaar, police mistakes, a variety of investigative imperfections and typo errors (typical and normal), a half dozen weirdo suspects that emerge to muddy the investigation (also typical and normal) touch DNA; all of these things are simply distractions to the fundamental evidence as described in Kolar's book; Foreign Faction.

The surprising appearance of Burke Ramsey finally giving this interview after all these years should provide meaningful insight to discerning, reasonable adults when viewing what was once a disturbed little boy as a disturbed adult male.
I believe John Ramsey killed her, and I believe none of the other family members were involved. To me, the Ransom Note looks exactly like John's handwriting. I work in the legal industry, and I could care less what the so-called "handwriting experts" said - that he did not write it - handwriting is not an exact science, and, with my own eyes, his writing matches. There are other things that make me think he did it as well. There are also many things Patsy did that make me believe she had nothing to do with it. Burke? I do not think so. I do think there is something wrong with him like Asperger's. We never see him crying at the funeral or afterwards, he does not appear upset in the usual manner, and he smiles throughout the interview with Dr. Phil. I think this shows nothing but awkwardness. IMO, he did not do this. As soon as those "experts" said John was not the writer, the focus came off him. I think it should be back on him.........

I am basing this on my own observations and my own logic.
Well I've been following the case since the beginning. I've read the majority of the books about the case. For me it's very clear. The former police chief, James Kolar who probably knows more about the evidence than anyone, got it right.

Burke did it. The parents covered it up. This makes all the sense in the world.

Why did the parents go to extreme lengths to prevent Burke from being interviewed almost immediately? Why did they refuse to allow themselves to be interviewed by the police (unless they were interviewed together?) Why was John Ramsey making arrangements to leave town almost immediately? Why did JR lawyer up almost immediately?

None of this behavior makes sense except when looked at from the perspective of two parents who are trying to save their only living child from a lifelong sentence of public scrutiny and judgement as a very weird, sick little boy.

This, in addition to the public scrutiny and judgement that would follow them - as the parents of a very weird, sick little boy.

The physical and circumstantial evidence is very powerful; Patsy's handwriting, her practice writing on her own writing pad, her writing pens, her paint brush used as the garrote. PR and JR's unnatural, stonewalling behavior as parents of a murdered child.

All of the rest of the case is nothing more than diversion that confuses the untrained public. A Santa Clause suspect, Mark Kaar, police mistakes, a variety of investigative imperfections and typo errors (typical and normal), a half dozen weirdo suspects that emerge to muddy the investigation (also typical and normal) touch DNA; all of these things are simply distractions to the fundamental evidence as described in Kolar's book; Foreign Faction.

The unsupported theories about psycho killers disregard the police and FBI experts that have identified the loosely placed "restraints" as an attempt to stage this crime. Personally, it kills me how often ordinary John Q Public folks foolishly and arrogantly disregard professional trained experts who have spent countless hours developing thier science and skills. In other words: "To heck with the evidence and theories developed by the FBI. Listen to me instead. I have a two year degree in Humanities." Please!

The surprising appearance of Burke Ramsey finally giving this interview after all these years should provide meaningful insight to discerning, reasonable adults when viewing what was once a disturbed little boy as a disturbed adult male.
Thanks Topcop for your very interesting post.

One thing that does stand out to me is the fact that Patsy phoned their friends and Burke's doctor to come over to the house that morning.

To me, that created confusion and contaminated a crime scene. I see the confusion as a distraction that worked.

Right now I am looking forward to the 3rd Dr. Phil show next week. But I am extremely looking forward to the CBS special coming up. I have been wondering
if the CBS upcoming show was the catalyst which prompted Burke to do the D.P. show. I have a feeling that J.R. was behind Burke appearing on the

I'm considering the new information that Burke revealed - that he did go down to the basement, etc.

I join everyone in hoping and praying that somehow the CBS show brings out some facts that can at least point to the truth.
This is the very least that can happen for that poor little girl, JonBenet.
You find your daughter dead. What do you do?

EVERYONE knows not to mess up the crime scene if you want to catch who did it... EVERYONE.

JR picks up the child, removes tape from mouth, carries her upstairs, lays on floor, PR hugs/cries/etc on top of child wearing the same clothes from the night before. This is after calling over many friends to come over to console you during a supposed 'kidnapping'. What were they supposed to do? Especially after you were told in the note not to call others.

Who would not allow one of the three ONLY witnesses to be questioned by LE? Who would not let the other two witnesses to be spoken to seperately?

Who was trying to leave the area just after his daughter was found dead?

That about seals it for me, always has

I get that. But I will say this, in his defense, if my child were lying there probably dead, with tape on her mouth and something around her throat, I would probably pick her up in shock, I would probably be screaming and crying incoherently, I would probably run her upstairs, hoping she was still alive somehow or that she could be revived. In fact, I would probably be ripping ropes and tape and everything off, and starting CPR, even if she was cold as ice. I think I would not want to believe that my baby could be dead and gone. I don't think in that moment, the WORST moment of my entire life, I would be thinking clearly, or be able to come to terms with her death. And I have been looking at these cases for years and years, I know that would be the WORST thing I could do to help find the killer or killers, but I would still probably do ALL of those things. Because I would be in complete shock, my entire world would have crashed, I wouldn't want to believe for even a moment that my child couldn't be revived or I was too late.

I am not saying that John is not the one who did it. But I am saying I could see any loving parent break down and every instruction given by the cop (IE don't TOUCH anything if you find anything call me" etc), would go right out the window, and I would just want to hold, try to revive, cuddle and love on my baby dead or not.
Well I've been following the case since the beginning. I've read the majority of the books about the case. For me it's very clear. The former police chief, James Kolar who probably knows more about the evidence than anyone, got it right.

Burke did it. The parents covered it up. This makes all the sense in the world.

Why did the parents go to extreme lengths to prevent Burke from being interviewed almost immediately? Why did they refuse to allow themselves to be interviewed by the police (unless they were interviewed together?) Why was John Ramsey making arrangements to leave town almost immediately? Why did JR lawyer up almost immediately?

None of this behavior makes sense except when looked at from the perspective of two parents who are trying to save their only living child from a lifelong sentence of public scrutiny and judgement as a very weird, sick little boy.

This, in addition to the public scrutiny and judgement that would follow them - as the parents of a very weird, sick little boy.

The physical and circumstantial evidence is very powerful; Patsy's handwriting, her practice writing on her own writing pad, her writing pens, her paint brush used as the garrote. PR and JR's unnatural, stonewalling behavior as parents of a murdered child.

All of the rest of the case is nothing more than diversion that confuses the untrained public. A Santa Clause suspect, Mark Kaar, police mistakes, a variety of investigative imperfections and typo errors (typical and normal), a half dozen weirdo suspects that emerge to muddy the investigation (also typical and normal) touch DNA; all of these things are simply distractions to the fundamental evidence as described in Kolar's book; Foreign Faction.

The unsupported theories about psycho killers disregard the police and FBI experts that have identified the loosely placed "restraints" as an attempt to stage this crime. Personally, it kills me how often ordinary John Q Public folks foolishly and arrogantly disregard professional trained experts who have spent countless hours developing thier science and skills. In other words: "To heck with the evidence and theories developed by the FBI. Listen to me instead. I have a two year degree in Humanities." Please!

The surprising appearance of Burke Ramsey finally giving this interview after all these years should provide meaningful insight to discerning, reasonable adults when viewing what was once a disturbed little boy as a disturbed adult male.

Completely agree with your assessment. I would go even further to suggest, that the case is more complex and that we may have an event A, that involves BR leading to a B situation including elements, which would later be classified as "staging" (dressing/re-dressing JB e.g.) . The B situation itself escalated into C with possible involvement of PR. C possibly required "restaging" and additional involvement of JR (redressing, re-staging, moving the body etc.) . All IMO.

Agree. I imagine two desperate parents staging an elaborate and confusing story as a cover for Burke. Not many people want to consider that a nine year old could or would engage in bashing his sister over the head, strangling her, or sexually abusing her. Its the horrible secret that is too difficult to come to terms with. Yet as Kolar explains in his book, there are cases and research into this type of criminal behavior perpetrated by 9 year olds - and younger.
Wow. Quite a story. Its not supported by any physical or circumstantial evidence that I'm aware of. What sources do you have for these criminals who befriended Patty and John? Who is the Santa you refer to? Investigators debunked the family friend "Santa" as being to ill and frail to hoist himself in and out of a window. The stun gun reference is one of the most often repeated erroneous theories by keyboard crime fans; probably because Lou Smit suggested the possibility.

The taser is NOT a knockout instrument. Ever get "tased" anyone? If you haven't, at least you have seen people hit with a taser on tv. It doesn't knock them out. It can incapicate them for a few moments and cause them to be compliant. But it hurts like hell and the recipient of a taser hit is very likely to scream bloody murder. I did. No I'm not a criminal - I'm in LE. Maybe one kid in a 100 would be silent but there is no way a criminal could count on that kind of reaction. He's be better off stuffing a rag in a kid's mouth than take a chance that a taser woud render them unconscious - this is very far-fetched yet so many crime fans believe this anyway.
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