Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #16

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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How about ... prosecutors knew the original lie was a lie, and as long as it wasn't presented in court it wasn't worth wasting the time. Now that the liar claims he was promised something by the lawyers or families of Knox and Sollecito in exchange for false testimony and he lied under oath in court, it's a bit of a problem for the lovebirds.

We knew when the pair paraded the lying prisoners through the courtroom that the lovebirds looked desperate. Now we see how desperate they are. I wonder who else has been offered money in exchange for favorable testimony.

Has this supposed money transaction been proven? If so could you provide a cite please? Or is this simply another attempt to discredit AK, RS, and family extensions again?
There is that starch again ;) Funny how if a bra clasp is left for 6 weeks in a sealed room, people scream contamination. But if a kitchen knife is left in a kitchen drawer for days and is possibly still being used then of course we can't have any starch on it. The starch means nothing. JMO.

Since it is Italy I would think that finding starch on a knife to be a very common, I simply cannot imagine cooking pasta with a bra clasp.

Of course I have been surprised before
Has this supposed money transaction been proven? If so could you provide a cite please? Or is this simply another attempt to discredit AK, RS, and family extensions again?
What bothers me is that when I type in "witness tampering sollecitos" in Google News search, I get zippo. Only with TJMK and Perugia Murder File blogs, does anything come up. So it is NOT newsworthy, for sure.

ETA:Then again, when I see the TJMK item about the investigations into the defense, it looks serious. Good lord in heaven. :(
It has been suggested in the report that the machines may have had some trace DNA on them, thus providing one hypothetical reason for contamination. I would think that this would also be a reason to consider the DNA on the knife handle to be contaminated, yet the experts don't allege this in connection to the DNA on the handle ... seems a bit inconsistent.

Contamination in any DNA lab is an ongoing issue. Once contamination has been identified the difference is that item is to be invalidated. Here they simply ignored that could be an issue and introduced the items anyway. As the experts report states there is more than just the issue of contamination but also of manipulation. Manipulation is very serious and I am certain that the experts have backup for those claims.
Since contamination cannot be absolutely ruled out in any DNA lab, would you like to see DNA excluded from all murder investigations?

Items in murder trials are invalidated all the time due to contamination. It is not limited to murder trials either. That is simply the procedures/protocols which should be followed and these protocols are accepted internationally.
What bothers me is that when I type in "witness tampering sollecitos" in Google News search, I get zippo. Only with TJMK and Perugia Murder File blogs, does anything come up. So it is NOT newsworthy, for sure.

ETA:Then again, when I see the TJMK item about the investigations into the defense, it looks serious. Good lord in heaven. :(

This is a very important point that you bring up SMK. I have not seen any formal charges filed and must be kept in mind prior to making those accusations.
The agenda of the investigators is to solve the murder of Meredith Kercher. Based on heaps of evidence, three culprits were found guilty and sentenced to a quarter of a century in jail. The agenda of the culprits is to do anything they can to obfuscate the truth, including trying to discredit DNA labs on the basis of claims that contamination cannot be ruled out, parading five lying prisoners through the court, alleging that every single person associated with the investigation is corrupt or incompetent and running a PR campaign to bury any information that reveals the involvement of the lovebirds in the murder.

Out of curiousity, how many DNA experts are running to the defense of Stephanoni?

How often do you see this many DNA experts, from AUS, US, CAN, UK, and Italy stating the findings are inaccurate. It most certainly is not the norm as the reputations of these experts are on the line and they will simply lose their jobs. I believe my count is close to 20 DNA experts stating that there are serious errors with respect to these findings
Originally Posted by wasnt_me
It's crazy and the last people you ought go rolling up on without a search warrant are the VERY ONES who are sticklers for procedure. That move just goes to prove that the prosecution doesn't give a damn about procedure or doing things properly, as long as they get their desired outcome. The oldheads are about to learn a thing or two about the new laws. This will hopefully be a time in Italy where the new judical rules they put in place start to get followed by those who've been in office for decades.


Wondering what song you will come up for this one :giggle:

"Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when the come for you?"

Saturday's song, already selected, will be:

It's time to put on makeup,
it's time to light the lights!
It's time to get things started on the muppet show tonight!
To introduce our guest star, what's what I'm here to do.
So it really makes me happy, to introduce to you:


and required the strength of a man ... Amanda is very small - 5'2" or 5'3"

Which is exactly what the papers were reporting at the onset of the case. That it had to be a man to inflict such a wound that would make the knife go through the neck all the way to the handle. So whatever knife it was, if it had starch on it, that starch was bloody after that.

Plus, we're not just talking one wound. To say that RS's kitchen knife can go through a 3 on 1 knife fight with all that blood and not get any in the starch....hinky dinky....

The bra clasp and the knife? Got a song....

"Ooh-ooh Tainted love! danda, tainted love!
...The love we shared seems to go nowhere,
but I've lost my life, and I toss and turn.
I can't sleep at night!
Once I ran to you, now I run from you!
this tainted love you've given, I've given all a boy could give you,
take my tears and that's not really all!
Tainted love...."

(That last part is probably how AK and RS feel about the police.)
I would be surprised if Amanda and Raffaele do not win their appeal - it's becoming more and more circus like..

Amanda appears still very beautiful and while I have no idea of the ordeal this has been for her, I believe she will do okay in the long run - perhaps a lucrative book deal or something....

I feel most sorry for Raffaele. You don't see the news out to get his picture that much.... he's overshadowed by the beautiful Amanda ......
How will he fare when this is all over with? - all that he has gone through for a such a very short affair with a gal who appears no longer interested in him. Wow a sad love story if ever there was one, and what a price to pay!

I know. I think about Rafe, I do. I don't know how much publicity he wants, but my heart goes out to him. I love to see him smiling in court. Very big change from the dear in the headlights look.

I really hope at the end of this thing, once they're free, they can make their last spontenous declarations about how they feel to have lost MK. That I thin will bring it full circle and hopefully shift the focus back to what was most important, justice for her.
I think this is his blessing. If/When they are released he will find it easier to get back to his normal life and finish school. Amanda is the one who was demonized for years, not Raffaele.

Can you imagine his leeriness to date, though? :crazy:

I believe he got a degree behind bars. I think he was supposed to finish in 2008 or right at the end of 2007. he completed that work while incarcerated.
As I'm sure you know, the court-appointed experts did not opine on the evidence that implicates RG.

<modsnip>: the contamination of DNA is not an affirmative defense; the defendants do not have the burden of proving contamination beyond a reasonable doubt. But that doesn't make the proven potential contamination "hypothetical."

DNA results that COULD come from contamination because proper protocol was not followed are no longer reliable evidence. They can't be used to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Not by any sane court.

Plus, RG appealed and he brought up contimination, too. So his might be too. As I keep saying, I only believe MK's dna was on the bra because it was her bra, not because Stephanoni told me it was on there.
There is that starch again ;) Funny how if a bra clasp is left for 6 weeks in a sealed room, people scream contamination. But if a kitchen knife is left in a kitchen drawer for days and is possibly still being used then of course we can't have any starch on it. The starch means nothing. JMO.

Murder happened on November 1. Knife collected November 6. If they were sitting around using that knife for 5 days, which is unlikely since they were at the police station almost every waking hour, but if they used it at least 2 or 3 times and cleaned it and cleaned it again, how the heck is MK's low copy nonexistent DNA on it?

And those are so sick folks, cooking and eating with the murder weapon, I tell you.

Looks like RS "lost his a woman so could you be so heartless? How could she be so Dr. Evil? She's bringing out a side of him that he don't know..."
(Kenye West)
Eww. I'm sorry, it never occurred to me that they would use the murder knife to cut potatoes with afterwards.

But if they had done that... then the logic would be they doused the knife in bleach, and then sometime later used it to cut potatoes (or some starchy food), and then cleaned it again in such a thorough way that the police's suspicions were raised enough that they thought it was the murder weapon (because it was so clean?)

The WHOLE scenario is that they took the kitchen knife from Raf's house, randomly met Rudy at the basketball court, went to the cottage, killed Meredith, cleaned the knife somewhere, took it back to the cottage. Scrubbed and bleached it. Sometime within the next three days cooked with it (instead of using the other knives), and then thoroughly cleaned it again to a level where the suspicions of the police were raised.

It defies plausibility. JMO. :innocent:

No, you forgot the part, where after all that, it still had MK's dna on the tip.
I believe you are mistaken. The experts were appointed on behalf of the appeals court to examine the DNA testing regarding RS and AK. Nothing in the mandate requested that they review the DNA findings of RG. This could though be something that could now be filed on RG's behalf

What am I mistaken about? Forensic evidence regarding Guede has been accepted by the court, so presumably there is nothing incorrect about the collection and analysis of the evidence. The DNA on the knife handle was accepted and not considered to be contaminated. The only evidence that is put into question because, hypothetically, contamination could have occurred are the two pieces of evidence that clearly implicate the lovebirds in the murder. I find it interesting that the DNA on the knife handle, which doesn't implicate anyone in the murder, was collected and analyzed correctly.
Well, if you understand anything of the artistic and gay male perspective, you can see that formerly he was indeed "pretty" as Amanda, and looks like he is dressed for Provincetown - and the shaven head has him looking like a hardened convict. Medicated shampoo takes care of lice, and I see Amanda has not shaven her head. :razz:




AND the journalist for Rolling Stone sees it as Nova and I do:

I think Sollecito would have a bird if he knew that men and women in the US were describing him as "pretty". I think that if a man shaves his head three years into a prison term, it's more likely because of hygiene than because he doesn't want to look "pretty" anymore.
Has this supposed money transaction been proven? If so could you provide a cite please? Or is this simply another attempt to discredit AK, RS, and family extensions again?

Someone else made the post about the prisoner being paid by someone on the lovebirds team so that he could have a sex change. I was merely responding. I suggest you have a look at whomever made that post and request the citation.

I have added a link below ...
Items in murder trials are invalidated all the time due to contamination. It is not limited to murder trials either. That is simply the procedures/protocols which should be followed and these protocols are accepted internationally.

Any thoughts on how the defense is going to get around that staged breakin, other blood evidence and absence of alibi? Even if these two pieces of evidence are placed in question, that doesn't make the rest of the evidence disappear.
No ... but I doubt Mr Sollecito cut his hair because he was too "pretty". He's a 25 year old man, not a pretty child.

Firstly, I'm not convinced this is an issue of maturity. Secondly, if it were, I would say that the idea of having to make yourself less of a sexual target in a prison situation is most definitely a 'man' issue rather than one you would associate with a child. Therefore, I don't really get your logic here.
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