Meredith Kercher murdered - Amanda Knox convicted, now appeals #7

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Thanks Allusonz! Okay - I'm confused. My question is: were there bloody footprints?

From your post, I'm gathering that there were bloody footprints - but that Stephanoni said she did not test the blood for DNA? or that it was even blood?

And we have been looking at the pictures right? The pictures of the footprints are legitimate, right? They came from the evidence files somewhere, right?


yes there were bloody footprints attributed to RG but not RS or AK

there was also footprints detected by luminol which tested negative for blood (it was these footprints detected by luminol that Stephanoni stated were not tested for blood on the stand i believe in April of 2009 dont quote me on the date) these were DNA ones only though

Some of the footprints posted are legitimate ones others have not been, i am trying to think back through the threads
Okay - I think I get it now! She wasn't talking about the footprints in the pictures. She was talking about other footprints, that if they existed, could only be see with luminol. Okay..... THANK YOU!

I thought I was loosing it :) I knew we had pictures posted here of footprints :crazy:


ok sounds like you have it

it is truly explained quite well here
Okay - I think I get it now! She wasn't talking about the footprints in the pictures. She was talking about other footprints, that if they existed, could only be see with luminol. Okay..... THANK YOU!

I thought I was loosing it :) I knew we had pictures posted here of footprints :crazy:


A footprint in the hallway is a size 38, or size 6 ... the same as Knox.
Okay - I think I get it now! She wasn't talking about the footprints in the pictures. She was talking about other footprints, that if they existed, could only be see with luminol. Okay..... THANK YOU!

I thought I was loosing it :) I knew we had pictures posted here of footprints :crazy:


I have been making designer straight jackets i have one reserved for flourish i will make sure i reserve one for you to :giggle:

Unfortunately though i need more than you do lol
yes there were bloody footprints attributed to RG but not RS or AK

there was also footprints detected by luminol which tested negative for blood (it was these footprints detected by luminol that Stephanoni stated were not tested for blood on the stand i believe in April of 2009 dont quote me on the date) these were DNA ones only though

Some of the footprints posted are legitimate ones others have not been, i am trying to think back through the threads

In the court during the trial, the bath mat footprint was attributed to Raffaele. Although his lawyers appealed this point, the courts refused to hear additional arguments about the bloody foot print. It is not a match to Rudy or Knox.
A footprint in the hallway is a size 38, or size 6 ... the same as Knox.

Otto again we have been through this, the ones that were attributed to AK and RS were not in blood and not detectable to the naked eye they showed up in luminol testing and were then tested for blood and came back negative
Thanks Allusonz! Okay - I'm confused. My question is: were there bloody footprints?

From your post, I'm gathering that there were bloody footprints - but that Stephanoni said she did not test the blood for DNA? or that it was even blood?

And we have been looking at the pictures right? The pictures of the footprints are legitimate, right? They came from the evidence files somewhere, right?


There has been speculation that the luminol footprints were not blood because some kind of juice also produces a luminol print. I suppose the idea is that Amanda walked in juice and left footprints leading away from Meredith's bedroom.

The footprints are legitimate.
In the court during the trial, the bath mat footprint was attributed to Raffaele. Although his lawyers appealed this point, the courts refused to hear additional arguments about the bloody foot print. It is not a match to Rudy or Knox.

Again Otto, you and Malkmus had a lengthy exchange regarding this, he posted the pictures in the threads during this discussion.

It cannot be RS's footprint as he is unable to step on his 2nd toe

there is the link to the footprint in the bathroom and it has side by side of both RS's and RG's in comparison
There has been speculation that the luminol footprints were not blood because some kind of juice also produces a luminol print. I suppose the idea is that Amanda walked in juice and left footprints leading away from Meredith's bedroom.

The footprints are legitimate.

Again i have never stated and i cannot recall anyone stating there were not footprints

Stephanoni tested those found by luminol for blood and they came back negative
Otto again we have been through this, the ones that were attributed to AK and RS were not in blood and not detectable to the naked eye they showed up in luminol testing and were then tested for blood and came back negative

I don't know that they were tested for blood. I thought they were not tested for blood. Whatever was on the bottom of the foot to make the print was cleaned up.
Again Otto, you and Malkmus had a lengthy exchange regarding this, he posted the pictures in the threads during this discussion.

It cannot be RS's footprint as he is unable to step on his 2nd toe

there is the link to the footprint in the bathroom and it has side by side of both RS's and RG's in comparison

The court and experts disagree. The conclusion in the courtroom and by the experts was that the bloody print on the bath mat belonged to Raffaele. Malkmus and I discussed some of the pseudo-experts that sit at a computer and add measurements to photos and pretend that the print is now much longer and narrower, therefore belonging to Rudy, but that is not how the courts came to their conclusion. That is in fact what was done to put forth an argument that the footprint could not belong to Raffaele.
I don't know that they were tested for blood. I thought they were not tested for blood. Whatever was on the bottom of the foot to make the print was cleaned up.

Think about what you just said. If they were cleaned up how could they be detected? There was no clean up. Yes they were tested for blood and the ones that were found by luminol were negative for blood.
Think about what you just said. If they were cleaned up how could they be detected? There was no clean up. Yes they were tested for blood and the ones that were found by luminol were negative for blood.

The prints were cleaned up and that is why luminol was needed to make the prints visible. Do you have a link for the prints being negative for blood? I was under the impression that the prints were not tested for blood and that became a reason to criticize the findings.
The prints were cleaned up and that is why luminol was needed to make the prints visible. Do you have a link for the prints being negative for blood? I was under the impression that the prints were not tested for blood and that became a reason to criticize the findings.

No they were not cleaned up. If they had been cleaned up they would not of been detected or would of shown much like a wiping motion on a chalkboard. There was NO CLEANUP. Stephanoni lied on the stand and they were tested with tetramethylbenzidine which is very sensitive for blood. They tested negative
The prints were cleaned up and that is why luminol was needed to make the prints visible. Do you have a link for the prints being negative for blood? I was under the impression that the prints were not tested for blood and that became a reason to criticize the findings.

Otto you have been given many links in these discussions here is one
The movie addressed the fact that Meredith was moved after she was murdered, which I thought was interesting. This is a fact that is rarely discussed, but the blood pooling was on Meredith's shoulder, indicating she died lying turned slightly to one side. When found, she was prone ... inconsistent with the blood pooling. Because of this, police concluded that someone (Amanda and Raffaele) returned to the scene, staged the break in, cleaned up and locked the bedroom door.
The movie addressed the fact that Meredith was moved after she was murdered, which I thought was interesting. This is a fact that is rarely discussed, but the blood pooling was on Meredith's shoulder, indicating she died lying turned slightly to one side. When found, she was prone ... inconsistent with the blood pooling. Because of this, police concluded that someone (Amanda and Raffaele) returned to the scene, staged the break in, cleaned up and locked the bedroom door.

Discuss it with someone that watched the movie i said from the outset that i was not going to and i did not
I felt then and still do feel that it was not done in a sensitive fashion to all involved and the Kerchers, Ak's family, and RS's family all agreed.
Discuss it with someone that watched the movie i said from the outset that i was not going to and i did not

There are other people here, too! This isn't a personal two-way chat;)
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