Meredith Kercher murdered - Amanda Knox convicted, now appeals #7

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Otto you have been given many links in these discussions here is one

I'm not particularly interested in propaganda. Experts determined that the footprint on the bathmat belonged to Raffaele. Why should I instead believe something created by someone that was not in the court room, who is not an expert, and who used photoshop to argue that the footprint was something other than it was?

Dempsey is wrong. There were footprints in the cottage both on the bathmat and in the hallway. The hallway footprints were only visible with luminol. The footprint in the bathroom has been matched to Raffaele, and a footprint in the hallway is the same size as Amanda's foot. Rudy's shoe prints leave Meredith's room and become fainter as they head straight for the entrance door.
yep, me, you, otto, and six others:)

To you all i plead insanity, coersion, blood clotting factors and many more things and sincerely apologize to you all :)

pssssssstttttttt flourish can we make that 2 bottles of wine each, the gang in Perugia?
No they were not cleaned up. If they had been cleaned up they would not of been detected or would of shown much like a wiping motion on a chalkboard. There was NO CLEANUP. Stephanoni lied on the stand and they were tested with tetramethylbenzidine which is very sensitive for blood. They tested negative

If I'm wrong, I would like to know, but I can't change my opinion because of something I read here. Do you have a link to information where it is stated that the forensic analyst tested the footprints for blood?
Discuss it with someone that watched the movie i said from the outset that i was not going to and i did not

That wasn't addressed to you, that was actually an open comment on this discussion forum.
I'm thinking more along the lines of a news article or court document, not a propaganda site that turns brains into pretzels to make the evidence disappear.

Then by all means google it. If you go back to either earlier in this thread or in the last one and i believe the one before and the 4th one it has been discussed numerous times with various links given
Otto you have been given many links in these discussions here is one

This is a hard one, because this link is not trustworthy. It is not written from an unpredjudiced point of view. Is there a neutral link out there that tells us that Staphani perjuried herself on the stand?

Are there any neutral links out there?


ETA: Reading your response to Otto, I will go find one of the previous links. :)
This is a hard one, because this link is not trustworthy. It is not written from an unpredjudiced point of view. Is there a neutral link out there that tells us that Staphani perjuried herself on the stand?

Are there any neutral links out there?


ETA: Reading your response to Otto, I will go find one of the previous links. :)

Yes there is. Malkmus I believe posted actual crime scene photos and other links during that discussion IIRC of the bathmat and other pictures and Otto knows this has been discussed at length. A person simply needs to go back and look at them
I will go back and look through the previous discussion.

Thanks Allusonz.

This is just a small part of the luminol discussion in court:

"With reference to the non-visible biological traces, she explained that the methodology used to detect this type of specimen consists of using a reactive chemical called Luminol which, due to a chemical reaction, reveals, by fluorescence (sic, actually chemiluminesecence), [187] traces of blood which may be present but are invisible to the naked eye (latent). Revealing such traces not only helps to reconstruct the dynamic of the events, but can also allow analysable DNA to be found that may yield the genetic profile of the individual who left it. She specified, however, that positive results from Luminol were also given by animal blood and by certain other elements such as rust, fruit juice, vegetal chlorophyll, bleach, etc.


On the floor of the corridor of the flat (the corridor going from the small bathroom to the living room-kitchen corner), some samples were taken of bloody spots nearly circular in form, which were identified as the blood of the victim. (pg 193)


She then explained the results obtained from the Luminol tests, stating that "this test was performed during the second search, at the end of all the other activities, on the floor of the following areas: Filomena Romanelli's room, Amanda Knox's room, the corridor, the living room-kitchen corner and the larger bathroom" (p. 83 of the transcripts). She pointed out that on the basis of this test, she could not say with certainty that blood was present, since other substances as well may cause Luminol
to glow. The sample called L1 in the inspection report, taken in Romanelli's room, corresponded to the genetic profile of the victim; the sample called L2, also from Romanelli's room, yielded a mixed genetic profile of the victim and Knox; the sample L3, taken from Knox's room, as well as the other two (L4 and L5) yielded Knox's genetic profile. Of the samples L6, L7, L8 and L9, only L8 (item 183) from the corridor, almost in the middle of the corridor in front of the door to Amanda Knox's room, gave the result: victim plus Knox. The last sample L9 yielded no result.
The living room-kitchen corner gave a negative result on the Luminol test, as did the larger bathroom. pg 194-5

The Luminol also revealed another foot print, left along the hallway and the genetic result of the sample was the genetic profile of Amanda Knox.
Another sample, also taken from the hallway, but in front of the wall that separates the victim’s room from Knox’s room, yielded a mixed genetic profile: the victim plus Knox. pg 198


She pointed out that Luminol also detects substances other than blood. However, the presence of DNA also meant, necessarily, that biological material was present (page 102).


She thus asked whether it was still possible to interpret these traces as being haematic in nature. Analysing the quantification data, she added, "we see that the quantity of DNA obtained from the major part of these traces is compatible with low copy number DNA; therefore DNA is present in very small quantities; so it is also necessary here to ask oneself whether or not the amplification could be repeated, in order to be able to consider the results obtained as scientifically valid‛ (page 74). pg 257

Ref: Judge's Report:
This is a hard one, because this link is not trustworthy. It is not written from an unpredjudiced point of view. Is there a neutral link out there that tells us that Staphani perjuried herself on the stand?

Are there any neutral links out there?


ETA: Reading your response to Otto, I will go find one of the previous links. :)

This is the conclusion of the court regarding the bath mat footprint:

One characteristic of the defendant’s sole print was indeed to be found in the print on the mat: this was the relevant size in width of Sollecito’s big toe with respect to the measurements belonging to the co-defendants Guede (whose big toe measures 23mm in width, with a significant difference of 7mm, [363] and 43mm in height; cf. table 5653) and Knox (big toe: width 22mm and height 41.8mm; table 5655).
Furthermore, Sollecito’s metatarsus is 99 mm wide (table 5651), where [the one] on the mat has a matching width of 98-99mm (table 18, or 99mm on table 19).
The analyses of the size of the big toe, Sollecito’s being absolutely the widest, led in itself to the conclusion of compatibility between the print on the mat and the right foot of the defendant, while the comparison between the sole-print of Guede and that of Sollecito also demonstrated the different size of the plantar arch, with Guede’s narrower one attesting to the fact that the Ivory-Coast national has an altogether narrower foot in comparison to Raffaele Sollecito’s foot. (pg 339)
The prosecution expert used the grid of L.M. Robbins has become very controversial over a number of cases in how the measurements were arrived at

IIRC some of those cases are under review
Amanda's footprint:

this is the print of a foot most likely imprinted in a deposit of haematic substance, since the Luminol was positive; it was found in the corridor in front of the door to Meredith Kercher’s room, and was pointed towards the entrance. It is considered useful for negative comparisons. The dimensions of the Luminol-positive print (photo 51, main album) show 22.4mm width for the big toe; 78mm width for the metatarsus; 43mm width of the heel, compared to the corresponding measurements from Amanda Knox’s sole-print (cf. photo 44 on page 5669, main album) at: 22mm with regard to the width of the big toe; 76.7mm the width of the metatarsus; 43mm the width of the heel. (page 347)
Here is what the Chicago Tribune wrote about Louise Robbins:

By the time Robbins died in 1987, appeals courts had overturned many of the cases in which she had testified. And the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, in a rare rebuke of one of its members, concluded her courtroom work was not grounded in science

The expert in this case used this Grid.

ETA Motivation about how Rinaldi, the prosecution's footprint expert, used the "Grid of LM Robbins" in his analysis. By doing so, he affiliated himself with one of the most thoroughly discredited junk scientists ever to enter a courtroom. Here is what the Chicago Tribune wrote about Louise Robbins:

By the time Robbins died in 1987, appeals courts had overturned many of the cases in which she had testified. And the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, in a rare rebuke of one of its members, concluded her courtroom work was not grounded in science.

Robbins is best known for her role in the attempted railroading of Stephen Buckley for the murder of Jeanine Nicarico. The killer (Brian Dugan) left a dusty boot print on a door when he kicked it open. It looked somewhat like the sole of Buckley's boots, except the orientation of the diagonal treads was completely reversed. Robbins said this happened by magic because of the force of the kick. It was a creative argument, but fortunately, the jury didn't buy it. Here is what a cop who quit his job over this case had to say about Robbins:

The first lab guy says it's not the boot. . . . We don't like that answer, so there's no paper [report]. We go to a second guy who used to do our lab. He says yes. So we write a report on Mr. Yes. Then Louise Robbins arrives. This is the boot, she says. That'll be $10,000
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