Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox Conviction Overturned #22

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Like I said ... too much effort is made to downplay all the irregular, abnormal, heartless, callous and horrible things done by Knox.

"she *advertiser censored**ing bled to death" ... Knox to Meredith's friends immediately after the murder.

Irregular, abnormal, heartless, callous and horrible do not prove murder. She may or may not be those things...perception...but it does not prove anything legally. The Judge has found her innocent of the charges.
Anyone who thinks Amanda's behavior is unprecedented proof that she is a killer should familiarize themselves with the Melissa Mooney case.

A liar. And a logical suspect. Homicide investigators always start with the victim’s inner circle. Remember, Roger was the husband with the temper, who frightened his ex-wife, whom everyone suspected once Melissa’s body was found. And his DNA was at the crime scene.

Roger turned out to be innocent, the neighbor across the street had broken in and assaulted her.

This is also relevant as the neighbor was just one man:

Ben David: What we found significant about Melissa’s injuries is what we didn’t find. We didn’t find many defensive wounds. It’s as if she was rendered absolutely helpless by her attacker.
Irregular, abnormal, heartless, callous and horrible do not prove murder. She may or may not be those things...perception...but it does not prove anything legally. The Judge has found her innocent of the charges.

There are three stages to a trial in Italy. The first stage found her guilty, the second stage reversed that decision and the third stage is yet to come.
Anyone who thinks Amanda's behavior is unprecedented proof that she is a killer should familiarize themselves with the Melissa Mooney case.

Roger turned out to be innocent, the neighbor across the street had broken in and assaulted her.

This is also relevant as the neighbor was just one man:

It sure does seem like today's world is full of ugly coping, different and previously unknown ways of grieving, guilty actions but innocent ... and all sorts of "up is down" beliefs.
"But Knox’s acquittal represents a tragedy of the justice system, eerily reminiscent of the Orlando, Fla. trial that found Casey Anthony not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee in July.

The acquittal of Amanda Knox is a serious miscarriage of justice."
I did not like Benjamin Mack's five reasons any more than I liked them the first time I read them, when Nick Squires wrote them.
There are three stages to a trial in Italy. The first stage found her guilty, the second stage reversed that decision and the third stage is yet to come.
You mean we are right back where we started???:eek::furious:
It sure does seem like today's world is full of ugly coping, different and previously unknown ways of grieving, guilty actions but innocent ... and all sorts of "up is down" beliefs.
I was just thinking the same, about those who cannot accept the Honorable Hellman's wise ruling.:waitasec:
yoga EARTH CONNECTION tune-up - YouTube

You learn something new on here everyday it seems :)

Oh, my! Some faces must be red!

With hundreds of millions of Yoga practitioners worldwide, I think it's silly to make broad statements that Yoga NEVER includes certain moves.

But even more to the point, to me, is that we know the word "cartwheel" is a translation of something the Italian officer said in Italian. How are we to know that the activity witness by the officer is the same movement English-speakers think of as a "cartwheel."

I am particularly surprised that multi-lingual posters seem so unaware of the problems inherent to casual translations.
So have these allegations of sexual harassment moved past the allegation stage? If not, I'm going to again state that until they are substantiated, they are still allegations, not something that has been proven. It is disturbing to me to read where people are taking this as a "given," and seem to assume they are true.

When the allegations were made against AK and RS, people who stated that they were true allegations (before the trial and appeal) were consistently berated for indicating the allegations were true, so I don't understand why the people being accused now aren't getting the same respect. Kind of sad, IMO.

Good points, though it should be noted that IMO, those who automatically assume that it's "another Knox sex-fantasy lie" are just as sad, if not something else that I will refrain from stating...
According to Knox, Patrick is a rapist and murderer, police beat her during 2 hours of questioning as a witness, she was traumatized because she was deprived of food and water during two hours of questioning, a prison official sexually harassed her, other prison inmates are lesbians and came on to her.

She is convicted of telling a whopper lie regarding Patrick, sentenced to three years in prison and ordered to pay Patrick thousands of euros in compensation. Apparently this was not enough to stop her from telling more whopper lies. She is facing trial regarding allegations against the police during her two hours of questioning. She was imprisoned for sexually violent murder so it's not surprising that part of her rehabilitation included discussion about sexual values, and I suspect the other prisoners will not be happy to hear that Knox is calling them lesbians.

Knox is a liar. This we know. We know that when she lies, resulting in other people suffering severe consequences, she will do nothing to bring forth the truth. She admittedly cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy. I see no reason to believe anything Knox says about others. All her stories seem to focus on sex and violence, so it's no surprise that she is still spinning the same stories.

Putting AK's statements re PL in the present tense is a falsehood. She recanted those claims years ago, within a few hours of making them.

It is furthermore untrue that AK "will do nothing" to correct her own misstatements. In the gift statement just a few hours after her original statement re PL, AK is already calling her own statements "unreal" and "like a dream." Did she go far enough? Did she confess to perjury in order to help PL? No. Should she have done so? Probably. But it is not true she did nothing.

It has been pointed out to you dozens of times that AK never said she has an ongoing problem distinguishing between fantasy and reality. The statements she made on that subject referred to her confusion under the pressure of interrogation and after being forced to "imagine" a scenario she believed to be untrue.

So as for AK and what you call her "whopper lies." Pot, meet kettle.
Like I said ... too much effort is made to downplay all the irregular, abnormal, heartless, callous and horrible things done by Knox.

"she *advertiser censored**ing bled to death" ... Knox to Meredith's friends immediately after the murder.

Too much effort is being made to read into normal actions and reactions in a manner that reflects more on her accusers than on her, IMO.
The police station is a large building with large corridors. There was plenty of room to flip cartwheels and do the splits.

Maybe so. Where did the alleged cartwheels and splits take place? Where is your blueprint of the police station?

I ask because the last time you made a broad statement about cartwheels not being done in conjunction with yoga, it turned out to be demonstrably untrue.
Like I said, yoga is traditionally a spiritual practice with a physical component. Knox was doing exercise, not having a spiritual experience at the police station during a murder investigation.

You are simply making up things out of whole cloth. You have no way of judging AK's state of mind and soul on that night in November, 2007.
Yes, it is, because in any case, whether it was just Yoga stretches, the splits, or cartwheels- NONE of which are appropriate in the environment of a police station, especially when you are in such a grave situation as to be a main suspect in a murder investigation. It's as bizarre and self-centered behavior as Casey Anthony renting videos with her boyfriend hours after her daughter "disappeared", but in reality was already dead! Or Scott Peterson having drinks while his wife was also "missing", but really also already dead!!!

It might be bizarre if you did cartwheels during your first ten minutes at the station.

But AK had been there for more than 10 hours per day for four days. It shouldn't surprise anyone that she had grown comfortable in those surroundings.
Setting aside the cartwheel bit for a second. If she was just stretching, why is that inappropriate? You're sitting in an uncomfortable chair for a long period of time. Heck, when I'm at work in a more cushy chair, I get up from time to time and do a few basic stretches, some of which are yoga poses. I don't understand what's wrong or inappropriate about that.

In fact, I've sat through many a boring "office safety" meeting where we were advised to do exactly that: get up an stretch for at least five minutes out of every hour.
It sure does seem like today's world is full of ugly coping, different and previously unknown ways of grieving, guilty actions but innocent ... and all sorts of "up is down" beliefs.

Or maybe, just maybe, humans are individuals born from a womb, rather than mass produced, predictable automatons made in a factory. Really, the insistance that there are only certain ways that are appropriate to act in time of grief or stress is judgemental and downright offensive. When my fiance was killed I didn't grieve in the stereotypical manner, far from it - does that make me a bad person because I didn't follow these mysterious rules of proper behavior?
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