Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox Conviction Overturned #22

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What evidence supports your claim?

Please see that I have noted in my posts: all imo.

There have been plenty of hashing the details and it is all over now.

If she is not guilty of anything then I wish her the best and she and her family privacy and hopefully she will have the dignity to not profit off of Meredith as so many have ghoulishly wished.

Respectfully bolded by me.

We should all be very careful about using photographs and small video shots to judge people's characters for good or ill. Here's why:

Ever wonder why press photographers take zillions of photos in a row of their subjects? This is so that their editors can shop through a wide variety of angles and expressions etc until they find one that conveys the impression that they desire. Snipping video to show things like laughter or smiles without the surrounding context is a similar trick of the trade. A good media editor with enough material could make Mother Theresa look as evil as Hitler, or vice versa. The tools of propaganda did not die with Goebbels, they just got more subtle and effective, and fell into the hands of the private sector.

A terrific comment. In the cover for the book Darkness Descending, a smiling Meredith is flanked by photos of Amanda and Raffaele that make them look shifty, IMO. In the Duke Lacrosse case, an unflattering photo of Collin Finnerty was used in one of the most biased articles that came out right after his court appearance upon arrest and release, Lester Munson's guilt-presuming nonsense. This photo makes him look shifty, but a quick Google search shows that other photos taken at the same time are more neutral, IMO.

A terrific comment. In the cover for the book Darkness Descending, a smiling Meredith is flanked by photos of Amanda and Raffaele that make them look shifty, IMO. In the Duke Lacrosse case, an unflattering photo of Collin Finnerty was used in one of the most biased articles that came out right after his court appearance upon arrest and release, Lester Munson's guilt-presuming nonsense. This photo makes him look shifty, but a quick Google search shows that other photos taken at the same time are more neutral, IMO.

Just to note, Knox-supporting books, articles and sites use the same techniques, only using flattering, sweet looking pictures instead. Their pics of Mignini have been...less than flattering. The game has been played to the hilt on both sides.

ETA: And make no mistake, to the media (and others) this really is all just a game. To them, the affect of all of this on the people involved is far less real than the money they stand to make, or attention gained, or just being able to say 'me right, you wrong'.
Sorry, key board problems right when I am in the middle of a fuss.

That is a reply to your first sentence.

It is off of Meredith either way of looking at it.

AK has her whole life ahead of her and the hopes on this thread are that she will profit from it and there is no way of getting around it is at Meredith expense.

Agree to disagree.

Will leave you to your celebrations.
Huh? I am not celebrating. Knox's family is. I am an outsider.
Just to note, Knox-supporting books, articles and sites use the same techniques, only using flattering, sweet looking pictures instead. Their pics of Mignini have been...less than flattering. The game has been played to the hilt on both sides.
I thought Mignini looked pretty damned handsome in every photo I saw of him. :innocent:
I thought Mignini looked pretty damned handsome in every photo I saw of him. :innocent:

Even the bug eyed gut shot one (the appeals verdict pic, to make sure I'm being clear)? I'd call the way that one was used classic propaganda.
Even the bug eyed gut shot one (the appeals verdict pic, to make sure I'm being clear)? I'd call the way that one was used classic propaganda.
Yes, I guess that was a classic. It was what it purported to be, though: A pic of him as he heard the verdict.

I guess this one courtesy CBS News was supposed to reveal his sinister side:

No, I was making a general comment. I think Knox's looks should have had nothing to do with any suspicion of her as a murder suspect, but this was far from the case ( I am thinking of Burleigh's book, The Fatal Gift of Beauty" here.)

We all know pretty girls can kill or be sexually perverted. Yes, it is silly for anyone to say, "She is too pretty or sweet to kill" (think Karla Homolka, Brenda Wiley). But it is just as wrong to view the "Angel Face" as being the mark of the depravity ( I am thinking of Mignini and much of his commentary on her looks.)

Burleigh's book is based on a quote from Lord Byron, I don't have it handy at the moment, but he said Italy has the fatal gift of beauty.

ETA: IIRC she used just the first part of this quote, maybe she should have used the rest as well:

Italia! O Italia! thou who hast
The fatal gift of beauty, which became
A funeral dower of present woes and past,
On thy sweet brow is sorrow plough'd by shame,
And annals graved in characters of flame.
Burleigh's book is based on a quote from Lord Byron, I don't have it handy at the moment, but he said Italy has the fatal gift of beauty.

ETA: IIRC she used just the first part of this quote, maybe she should have used the rest as well:

Italia! O Italia! thou who hast
The fatal gift of beauty, which became
A funeral dower of present woes and past,
On thy sweet brow is sorrow plough'd by shame,
And annals graved in characters of flame.
The Byron quote is apt. She chose well. Thank you for pointing it out.


Amanda Knox checks out Occupy Seattle protest

On Thursday she walked hand in hand through downtown Seattle with best friend Madison Paxton, who stayed close to Knox while she was in prison in Italy.

After lunch they walked with some family members through a crowded shopping square during a Wall Street Protest in downtown Seattle, barely noticeable with their covered heads and Paxton’s sunglasses.
This, incidentally, is what I had brought up on JREF. It seems Amanda is a symbol to some of liberalism, and Mignini, of the old values reasserting themselves. So the whole thing boils down to a matter of taste and sensibility, shrouded in a court case.
And I suppose Amanda looks too "Seattle -Nirvana" on the ferryboat?:waitasec:

Maybe we all had it wrong. Maybe Kokomani was the lookout. He saw Meredith heading towards the cottage. Rudy is inside on the toilet. Meredith enters and Kokomani follows her in to "help" Rudy, and things got out of control. So Rudy's version would be the closest version to the truth.

Wouldn't that be insane.

I know I'm behind on the conversation, but I find Koko's story the craziest of them all, so I am willing to entertain his involvement.

You raise an interesting question about the pierced, infected ear, one that I had not previously seen. I seem to recall reading about Amanda's pillowcase having a spot of blood on it. Maybe someone can help out by either pointing out whether my memory is right or wrong. With respect to other things that do not make sense, I would say that it is difficult to explain the luminol-positive areas, but I happen to think that it is approximately equally difficult to do so from the point of view of the prosecution or the defense.

I recall a blood spot or spot of something on her pillowcase, and it must be remembered that her ears were not professionally pierced. If I recall correctly, Rafe did it. And he'd had to have done it within the days before MK's death, so I can imagine fresh blood dripping from ears if someone who didn't know how to do it was doing the piercing.

As for the luminol, I find it hard to believe that the ruler used to measure the luminol prints lit up with bright luminol. There was also luminol splatter marks on the collector's booties. It's obvious to me they somehow botched the test. Either that, or blood splatter was on the ruler and that man's booties.
Kokomani wasn't a suspect, yet he came forward as a witness and identified both AK and RS on the scene. IMO he would have never come forward if he was involved somehow himself. I think he did lie about the circumstances (bumping into them in the road) because he is far more the drug dealer then RG ever was. If he was there then most likely the reason was to provide drugs to the 3. This then explains the violent nature of the attack against Meredith (somewhat, as I don't want to use drug use as an 'excuse'). However, I don't believe we will hear much more from Kokomani again. The lawyers of RS will do anything to prevent him from speaking out. Besides that he might face charges for his previous testimony if he is going to change his story now. JMO.

I don't know the basis for any of these claims about Koko or RS's lawyers.
Here is the blood on the tap:

And the blood stain on her pillow:

The blood from her ear didn't have to come from falling off. I find that implausible as well. It could very well have come from touching her ear, then the faucet.

I never found the luminol too difficult to explain, given all the manuals and expert warnings that it can not be used to determine whether a substance is actually blood. But what really hits it home for me, is the unknown female footprint. I doubt there was another woman there who stepped in blood.

Good point about the bloodstain. Looking at it, it really does not look like a drop, but a smear.
Not being a suspect means nobody came to him with any questions, no witness saw him, no evidence of him was ever found. The police never had Kokomani under their nose. He wasn't connected to the murder at all and would have never been connected had he not come forward himself. Had he been involved somehow there would have been no reason to come forward to 'muddy the waters'. These waters were already pitch black when it came to Kokomani.

The only possible reason that he did come forward is that he was not involved himself, and that indeed he knew who killed Meredith. He identified all 3 at the crime scene. However, by the time he testified he was already in jail for his drug problems and he couldn't be bothered anymore to give a clear testimony. He even refused a translator. Hardly anyone could understand a word he was saying :)

AK and RS interjected themselves right from the start since AK lived there and they had cleaned/staged the crime scene. They knew they had quite a few things to 'explain'.

all of these things can be said of RG, except that RG was found by a print in the room. Koko did almost exactly the same things RG did after the crime, according to others. Even leaving the city shortly after the crime. with the other unidentified DNA, smudged prints etc at the scene, we just don't know. It's not really objective to assume that this only one possible reason for his actions. We can agree he was on drugs, and I hope we can agree that we don't think like people on drugs, so it's hard to say with any degree of certainty what thoughts were in his mind that made him do the things he did or say the things he said.

I think the theories above sound a lot like the same kinds of reasoning Massei used, and his conviction was thrown out.
The sink stuff is weird. Amanda's body was checked twice for cuts... no cuts. There's video of the sink, I can't see blood, but a close-up photo shows smeared blood. The handle shows the same smear look. I've seen another picture where it was just the smaller red smear. My guess is it's just that smaller red part and not the long smear that this picture makes it look like. The JREF forums have considered that it might be fake blood from the halloween blood makeup that had been used, since they couldn't find a confirmatory blood test for the tap stain. But the blood on the pillow seems to make that much less plausible.

When did Amanda's botched ear piercing take place?

looking at the smear on the sink, I can see that the brown on the handle and where the blood is, that's a reflection of the shelf above the sink. They should have put a white piece of paper between the shelf and the sink, so there would be no reflection. If you look into the smear, you can see what look like fingerprint impressions, actually. Look and let me know if I'm right.
I recall a blood spot or spot of something on her pillowcase, and it must be remembered that her ears were not professionally pierced. If I recall correctly, Rafe did it. And he'd had to have done it within the days before MK's death, so I can imagine fresh blood dripping from ears if someone who didn't know how to do it was doing the piercing.

As for the luminol, I find it hard to believe that the ruler used to measure the luminol prints lit up with bright luminol. There was also luminol splatter marks on the collector's booties. It's obvious to me they somehow botched the test. Either that, or blood splatter was on the ruler and that man's booties.

Blood is not the only thing that lights up with Luminol. It is activated by iron in blood, but iron can come from many other sources. Copper will activate it too, as will most oxidizing agents (such as bleach).

It can show the investigator where blood might be, but it does not show that blood IS there.
The CCTV image doesn't show the gate so we can't really say when he parked his car, but he did testify that he was on the way to a bar at about 9:30pm when he bumped into the 3. Then the tow truck guy saw the car later in front of the gate. So maybe he was there or around dealing drugs but I don't think we will hear more from him, but who knows.

Amanda Knox: The missing Video Original - YouTube

He couldn't have been there at 930pm, because he said he saw the car being towed. That happened around 1115pm. This is what I mean by his story is circumspect.
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