Messages to the Cox Family and Susan's Friends

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I am so sorry for your losses and the injustice of it all.
I am so sorry for the loss of you daughter and now grandsons. I pray God eases your pain and surrounds you with love and comfort.
To the family and friends of Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot begin to imagine the depths of your pain and grief. I hope you will find comfort in knowing Charlie and Braden are now reunited with their mother. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
My deepest condolences to the family friends and all who knew and loved Susan and her boys. There are many people around the world praying for your family, and wishing we could take away just a bit of your pain. Susan and the boys are safe in the arms of the lord where they will remain until you are all reunited one day. They will never be forgotten. May the truth of what happened to Susan finally come out. Hugs and love to you and yours during this most difficult time.
My prayers are for you in this time of such intense sorrow. I hope you feel the touch of your higher power, especially at the times when you wonder where He may be.

I also pray that there will be a time when you begin to experience the sweet memories of your three angels more than the sad ones you are experiencing now.

With Deep Sincerity,
I believe that the boys have risen up and are now in the protective hands of God. They are back in the arms of their mother, and never again will be hurt.

My deepest sorrow to the Cox family, to the friends of Susan, to those that tried their hardest to prevent such an event. To the firefighters/rescue and the case worker, the ME and the Sheriff Department, all involved today in this horrible scene, may God watch over and protect you, and ease your pain.

On Eagle's Wings - YouTube

I can only say how very sad I feel for the Cox family. Never expected this to be the outcome. Shaken up right now just thinking about this outcome.

Just so shocked and didn't expect this outcome.
My deepest condolences for the loss of your little grandsons. I cannot imagine the pain you must feel. I am so very sorry. My prayers have begun and will continue. May God comfort your heart and surround you with his love as you grieve their abscence. Shalom, Sharai
Please know you are in the thoughts and prayers of myself and many, many others across the country. I’m not too good with words at times like these but I found this passage below and hope it may provide you some measure of comfort during this very difficult time in your lives.
"A loved one is a treasure of the heart and to lose a loved one is like losing a piece of yourself. But the love they brought you...did not leave, for the essence of the soul lingers. It cannot escape your heart, for it has been there forever.

Cling to the memories and let them find their way to heal you. The love and laughter, the joy in the togetherness you shared...will make you strong. You'll come to realize that your time together, no matter how long, was meant to be, and that you were blessed to have such a precious gift of love in your life.

Keep your heart beating with the loving memories and trust in your faith to guide you through. Know that though life moves on...the beauty of love stays behind to surround and embrace you. Your loved one has left you hold in your heart forever."
~ Debbie Burton-Peddle ~
I can't even begin to imagine the horrible pain that has once again been inflicted upon Susan's family and loved ones. I pray that you feel the love and warmth of your loving Father in Heaven, and that he begins to mend your hearts and souls. There are many of us here at WS that are willing to help in any way we can. Never hesitate to ask.
My thoughts and prayers are with your family! I can't imagine your pain, as I'm heartbroken!
There are no words that will ever make this better, or make any more sense, but know that many people have you in our prayers that you will find peace.
I am so sorry. I am in shock, mad and angry and so so sad, as are a lot of people in the world tonight. Susan and the boys captured many hearts, and sometimes, while we may not understand, He does. God is in control. Susan is with her precious sons tonight. That is a comfort that I will hold onto. Many people are praying for you, your family and friends in this terrible tragedy.
My thoughts and prayers are with all the family and friends of Susan and her sons, especially the Coxes. Coco
We are so sorry for your loss. You have shown class and dignity and courage to inspire us for years now, and you are in our prayers.
My prayers and thoughts are with your family during this tragic time. I am at
a loss as to what to say.
We at Justice of Chandra Crime Board are all so heartbroken and extend our sympathies to your family.
I am so sad and broken hearted. May your angels rest in peace.
May the Lord try to comfort you at this time.

I am so sorry again. Bless you.

Justice for Chandra - Moderator
Dear Cox Family, and to all friends and people who loved Susan, Charlie and Braden, I'm so sorry for your loss and for your pain. Like others here, I too wish there was something I could say to ease your sorrow and your deep pain. May God give you the strength you need to make it through. Sending you my love and prayers from North Florida.
My deepest sympathy to your families and you are all in our prayers tonight.
Susan, Charlie, and Braden. May you all live together in Gods loving arms for all eternity.
To everyone who loved Charlie, Braden and Susan

I am so sorry for your terrible loss. I have no words that could take away an ounce of that pain but if I could bear some of it for you I would. I am praying for you and hope you know how much we all appreciate your brave fight for the children's safety and for justice for Susan. I hope you can still have Susan brought home. Please remember the children and Susan at their happiest times.
As a parent, and a survivor of family violence, my heart is absolutely shattered upon hearing about the senseless loss of these two precious boys, compounded by the loss of their beloved mother. The only small comfort is in knowing that at long last Susan holds her babies in her arms again. My most heartfelt condolences to Susan's family and friends and the entire community they left behind. My prayers are with you, and I stand in solidarity with you as you seek answers and action on behalf of Susan and her children.

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