Meter Reader-Part 2

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I am a newbie and maybe asking too many questions BUT (lol) has the Meter Reader spoke to the media yet about his "story". I haven't seen it. I really want to hear the "story" as I can't imagine what "story" goes with this that he didn't speak to the first time. Hope he doesn't complain about LE, etc.
I am a newbie and maybe asking too many questions BUT (lol) has the Meter Reader spoke to the media yet about his "story". I haven't seen it. I really want to hear the "story" as I can't imagine what "story" goes with this that he didn't speak to the first time. Hope he doesn't complain about LE, etc.

here's his press conference:
Meter Reader Who Found Caylee To Tell Story Soon
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The meter reader who discovered the remains of Caylee Anthony plans to tell his whole story to the media sometime in the new year, his attorney said on Wednesday. Dec.24/08

I really expected to hear a bit from D Evans by today. It seems to me with "Hoover's Revelations" and the "daisy chain theories", that RK's attorney would move quickly to quash the rumors.....unless??

I have not for a minute thought that RK was anything but a good citizen and standup guy. But this silence is causing me to reconsider.
What are other's thoughts on this?
I know enquiring minds want to know things, and sometimes I'm one of them, but maybe the MM is going to behave with some decorum and stay off the tv. LE may have asked him to, while they are investigating what happened in regard to his tips.
ecs5928: far be it from me to question your sanity, but I've seen you post this several times, and I've watched the video myownself a few times. I still see that white thing as one of those, for lack of the official industry terms, power boxes that are set on the side of a property that may in the future be developed.
Meter Reader Who Found Caylee To Tell Story Soon
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The meter reader who discovered the remains of Caylee Anthony plans to tell his whole story to the media sometime in the new year, his attorney said on Wednesday. Dec.24/08

I really expected to hear a bit from D Evans by today. It seems to me with "Hoover's Revelations" and the "daisy chain theories", that RK's attorney would move quickly to quash the rumors.....unless??

I have not for a minute thought that RK was anything but a good citizen and standup guy. But this silence is causing me to reconsider.
What are other's thoughts on this?

I suspected from the beginning that something was not right with this meter reader. Although I was bashed on this thread for considering the meter readers' actions were suspicious, I still believe that he is somehow connected to this case. Now there have been claims of him knowing a woman at the county jail where KC is being held. Something is not right.

I have always questioned the fact that he would tell "HIS STORY" after the new year. One thought had come to mind. Once I had a cousin who was running from the law and during the holidays he kept saying that after the holidays he would turn himself in to authorities. And after the holidays, he did just that...turned himself in. Why? He wanted to be home to spend the holidays with his family before going to police because he knew after that he would be doing a lot of hard time for the crime that he and some friends committed. He ended up getting 7 years. The reason why i brought this up was because I felt that after the meter reader would tell "HIS STORY" he would somehow connect hisself to all of this. What could the "WHOLE STORY" be? He just spotted a suspicious bag right? So there's more to this story? Any other ideas?
Helloooooo if the picture in your post blows up the whole thread it's probably too big.
Ooops! Sorry - file size was only 193k according to my 'puter so I'll try this again - I've lowered the resolution so you may have to enlarge it to see what I am referring to.:waitasec:


  • Suburban Dr081108.JPG
    Suburban Dr081108.JPG
    119.5 KB · Views: 185
Ooops! Sorry - file size was only 193k according to my 'puter so I'll try this again - I've lowered the resolution so you may have to enlarge it to see what I am referring to.:waitasec:

I don't know what that is but it may be what the meter reader found that was sooooo suspicious to him. I just don't know.
maybe this ground has been well-traversed here, in which case feel free to direct me to another thread.

but i don't get why it took so long to find the body, assuming it was there since it was first disposed of around june 20th. i know they said the area got flooded with the hurricane...but i was watching NG last night, and there was footage of the body hunter lady doing a search, and the area looked fine, not flooded at all--even though she said she could not search due to flooding :waitasec:

i mean, if it was there august 11th or whenever kronk first called, HOW ON EARTH could it take 4 more months to find it? especially when apparently the anthony family PI was there a month before it was found? i don't get it. someone help me :confused:
Even though it looks like an area that is easy to navigate..unless you have lived in Florida you can't understand how wild these areas are. Florida mangroves, etc....are like a swamp, not like a public park. These areas would be like searching a bijou..not a standard situation at all. However, I share your frustration..that it seems like a logical place (in retrospect) to have been searching vigorously.
I don't think anyone is happy about that.
I live in Florida and am familiar with that area. Number one: It was realllllyyyy flooded during that time of the tropical storm. We got so much water dumped on us in this area. There were neighborhoods that were completely flooded and even my yard got flooded right up to the house! In Florida the water just sits on the ground and absorbs slowly. It floods really easily.

Also if you try to search areas that are flooded like that I would think you run the risk of detroying evidence.
Even though it looks like an area that is easy to navigate..unless you have lived in Florida you can't understand how wild these areas are. Florida mangroves, etc....are like a swamp, not like a public park. These areas would be like searching a bijou..not a standard situation at all. However, I share your frustration..that it seems like a logical place (in retrospect) to have been searching vigorously.

thanks. i just checked out the "pictures of the crime scene" thread and someone posted pics of a wooded area in FL. yeah, that's very different from what i was imagining. where i've lived (NC and VA), you would definitely be able to see a body that close to the road, and people would walk through the woods from time to time and stumble on it. makes sense.

BUT. if the woods were this un-navigable, how could the meter reader have seen anything in august when he first called? i don't get it. if he's close enough to see anything in this kind of foliage, he must be pretty close. and if he's that close, wouldn't he pretty much know it was a body? :waitasec:
I will try to help you.

Here in Florida the landscaping can be amazing in the rate in which most of it grows. During the rainy season when it rains every day, it is not uncommon for brush, bushes and grass to grow so much that you feel as though your landscaper is at your house every other day!

The bag with the remains was found tangled around some pretty thick brush and combined with the groundcover, the amount of rain, the flood waters from Faye, it could very easily go un noticed.

***even though I live within 20-25 minutes of where the remains were found, I have not been over there to see, but over on this side of town we have drains that are on the sides of the roads that actually have fairly large openings. Every once in a while a kid will lose a skateboard as it gets away from them and rolls into the drains. These lead out to any one of the many lakes or retention ponds in the area. I wonder if maybe Casey originally pushed the bag through one of the drain openings and the bag worked its way through the drainage areas and ended up where they were found. The remains could have sat in the drain "tunnels" un noticed and it was only when the forces of the drain waters got heavy enough did the bag get unlodged and finish its journey. IMO
***even though I live within 20-25 minutes of where the remains were found, I have not been over there to see, but over on this side of town we have drains that are on the sides of the roads that actually have fairly large openings. Every once in a while a kid will lose a skateboard as it gets away from them and rolls into the drains. These lead out to any one of the many lakes or retention ponds in the area. I wonder if maybe Casey originally pushed the bag through one of the drain openings and the bag worked its way through the drainage areas and ended up where they were found. The remains could have sat in the drain "tunnels" un noticed and it was only when the forces of the drain waters got heavy enough did the bag get unlodged and finish its journey. IMO

yeah, that makes sense, thank you! :)

it also explains my next confusion which was, if the MR and the POLICE were too scared to go into the woods to look for the body (for fear of snakes, etc.), how did KC get it back in there? but maybe she didn't, like you said. maybe she put caylee's body into the drain opening.
I agree with the OP. I just went and listened to the meter readers first 3 911 calls back in August. It really sounds to me like he was just completely blown off. I don't allow myself to get frustrated over this case anymore...but when I heard those calls I wanted to scream. He sounds so put off by these people who answer the phones that I can't believe he kept calling back. If I were him I might have been like, screw this no-one is taking me seriously. No wonder he kept going back to the place to check on what he's like no-one was listening to him. I think if they would have taken these calls he made seriously back in August Caylee would have been found. I don't care if the area was under water at the time, there are ways to search in water. I just say God Bless R Kronk for sticking to his guns and not giving up on Caylee and what he saw back in August.
thanks. i just checked out the "pictures of the crime scene" thread and someone posted pics of a wooded area in FL. yeah, that's very different from what i was imagining. where i've lived (NC and VA), you would definitely be able to see a body that close to the road, and people would walk through the woods from time to time and stumble on it. makes sense.

BUT. if the woods were this un-navigable, how could the meter reader have seen anything in august when he first called? i don't get it. if he's close enough to see anything in this kind of foliage, he must be pretty close. and if he's that close, wouldn't he pretty much know it was a body? :waitasec:

IMO I think the meter reader at first called about something else he might have seen in this area. He mentioned a white object and a white bag I believe. When the remains were eventually found, I think the MR was way off his beaten path meter reading route. In most neighborhoods, the plastic covers to read individual meters are fairly close to the curbs, the MR had worked his way around the corner onto Suburban and thought "well since I'm back in the area, think I will wander around" and he went merely to satisfy his curiousity and was determined to find what he was looking for.
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