Meter Reader-Part 2

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I live in Florida and am familiar with that area. Number one: It was realllllyyyy flooded during that time of the tropical storm. We got so much water dumped on us in this area. There were neighborhoods that were completely flooded and even my yard got flooded right up to the house! In Florida the water just sits on the ground and absorbs slowly. It floods really easily.

Also if you try to search areas that are flooded like that I would think you run the risk of detroying evidence.

That's why the head of TES called off the search there. It was a really smart thing to do. :clap:

thanks. i just checked out the "pictures of the crime scene" thread and someone posted pics of a wooded area in FL. yeah, that's very different from what i was imagining. where i've lived (NC and VA), you would definitely be able to see a body that close to the road, and people would walk through the woods from time to time and stumble on it. makes sense.

BUT. if the woods were this un-navigable, how could the meter reader have seen anything in august when he first called? i don't get it. if he's close enough to see anything in this kind of foliage, he must be pretty close. and if he's that close, wouldn't he pretty much know it was a body? :waitasec:

He called a couple of days before Faye hit. It wasn't flooded then.
I agree with the OP. I just went and listened to the meter readers first 3 911 calls back in August. It really sounds to me like he was just completely blown off. I don't allow myself to get frustrated over this case anymore...but when I heard those calls I wanted to scream. He sounds so put off by these people who answer the phones that I can't believe he kept calling back.

*respectfully snipped

i've often thought that's likely why he got someone else to call the last time.
IMO I think the meter reader at first called about something else he might have seen in this area. He mentioned a white object and a white bag I believe. When the remains were eventually found, I think the MR was way off his beaten path meter reading route. In most neighborhoods, the plastic covers to read individual meters are fairly close to the curbs, the MR had worked his way around the corner onto Suburban and thought "well since I'm back in the area, think I will wander around" and he went merely to satisfy his curiousity and was determined to find what he was looking for.

ITA. I think his original calls in August were about another bag and not the same one he found on December 11th.

I also think it's easy to say now, after the fact, that she should have been found earlier, but I know Florida and it doesn't surprise me at all that they didn't. I will even concede that maybe they did blow off the MR a little, but they had thousands and thousands of tips and they probably thought, like alot of people did at the time, that the chances of Caylee being that close to home was very unlikely. Of course now we know differently, but had you asked me in August I would have said no way Casey left the body so close to home. I was convinced she was in the swamps near the airport and would never be found.
*respectfully snipped

i've often thought that's likely why he got someone else to call the last time.

ITA: I posted the same line of thought right after the 911 tapes were released. The 911 operator sounded annoyed to me. I really wonder if the tip was taken seriously or not.

Also, how do we know that "that" areas was in fact searched before with cadaver dogs as stated by GST and others. I mean, unless we have a grid by grid record of exactly where searches took place and by whom, i.e., Tim M, Le or other private searches, this exact area could very well have been overlooked.
That's why the head of TES called off the search there. It was a really smart thing to do. :clap:

He called a couple of days before Faye hit. It wasn't flooded then.

Actually, it was. We had above average rainfall amounts in June and July this year, so the area was probably already flooded, and then Faye made it worse.
Where is the sign on the left side of the road?

ITA. I think his original calls in August were about another bag and not the same one he found on December 11th.

I also think it's easy to say now, after the fact, that she should have been found earlier, but I know Florida and it doesn't surprise me at all that they didn't. I will even concede that maybe they did blow off the MR a little, but they had thousands and thousands of tips and they probably thought, like alot of people did at the time, that the chances of Caylee being that close to home was very unlikely. Of course now we know differently, but had you asked me in August I would have said no way Casey left the body so close to home. I was convinced she was in the swamps near the airport and would never be found.

I totally agree!
I agree with the OP. I just went and listened to the meter readers first 3 911 calls back in August. It really sounds to me like he was just completely blown off. I don't allow myself to get frustrated over this case anymore...but when I heard those calls I wanted to scream. He sounds so put off by these people who answer the phones that I can't believe he kept calling back. If I were him I might have been like, screw this no-one is taking me seriously. No wonder he kept going back to the place to check on what he's like no-one was listening to him. I think if they would have taken these calls he made seriously back in August Caylee would have been found. I don't care if the area was under water at the time, there are ways to search in water. I just say God Bless R Kronk for sticking to his guns and not giving up on Caylee and what he saw back in August.

Did you really think the male 911 operator sounded like he blew him off? I thought that guy took some interest. The woman on the first call though.... whew.
Did you really think the male 911 operator sounded like he blew him off? I thought that guy took some interest. The woman on the first call though.... whew.

He was a little better than the others but still I felt like he was pushing the tip off on someone else when he told RK to call the tip in to the tipline. Then RK sounded like he didn't want any part of that. Just the whole thing was weird.
There is an odd exchange going on between the LE dispatcher(s) and the MR about where he is. If his on-site call was made when he was at the location of the remains - then he was pretty close to a street sign at Suburban/Hopespring. Obviously the photographer is closer for this shot.

Helloooooo if the picture in your post blows up the whole thread it's probably too big.

Many, many apologies JB. I'm flogging myself repeatedly for the next 20 minutes (really, I am sorry, attached b instead of a)

Here's the whole picture with a link to the bigger picture. This is a still picture taken of my 55inch LCD 1081i TV. The video on youtube has been compressed beyond belief making this object hard to see. The video on NG is probably a copy of the original video and hasn't been compressed (other than the DirectTV MP4 HD compression)

Linky to bigger pic 1024 x 728.

Link to 3.2mb original shot from my camera.



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What is that thing? It looks too big and the wrong shape for a trash bag.
IMO I think the meter reader at first called about something else he might have seen in this area. He mentioned a white object and a white bag I believe. When the remains were eventually found, I think the MR was way off his beaten path meter reading route. In most neighborhoods, the plastic covers to read individual meters are fairly close to the curbs, the MR had worked his way around the corner onto Suburban and thought "well since I'm back in the area, think I will wander around" and he went merely to satisfy his curiousity and was determined to find what he was looking for.

IIRC, the MR never mentioned white bag in the calls. Something round and white; white board but not white bag. The incident report for the 8/11 call says a gray bag. The incident report for the 8/12 call says trash bag.
BUT. if the woods were this un-navigable, how could the meter reader have seen anything in august when he first called? i don't get it. if he's close enough to see anything in this kind of foliage, he must be pretty close. and if he's that close, wouldn't he pretty much know it was a body? :waitasec:

I agree. Also, if the area was that dense with brush/plants why would the MR fight his way deeply into that kind of jungle to relieve himself? Wouldn't he honestly just have gone off the road a few feet?
IIRC, the MR never mentioned white bag in the calls. Something round and white; white board but not white bag. The incident report for the 8/11 call says a gray bag. The incident report for the 8/12 call says trash bag.

We do know the MR mentioned a bag in the second call though. Don't think he specified a color. It's actually bleeped out when he says "bag", but later in the call the male 911 dispatcher says, OK we're gonna go down there and look for the bag".
Many, many apologies JB. I'm flogging myself repeatedly for the next 20 minutes (really, I am sorry, attached b instead of a)

Here's the whole picture with a link to the bigger picture. This is a still picture taken of my 55inch LCD 1081i TV. The video on youtube has been compressed beyond belief making this object hard to see. The video on NG is probably a copy of the original video and hasn't been compressed (other than the DirectTV MP4 HD compression)

Linky to bigger pic 1024 x 728.

Link to 3.2mb original shot from my camera.

To me - it looks like a garbage truck with a figure getting ready to pick up a white bag - or maybe to toss a white bag? :waitasec:
To me - it looks like a garbage truck with a figure getting ready to pick up a white bag - or maybe to toss a white bag? :waitasec:

Based on the scale of things around it. It looks to me to be about 2-3 ft high and about 2 ft wide. It's sitting on the ground right near the curb and it is forward of where the kudzu (or whatever that vine is) sticks out all the way to the road which would put it just at or slightly after the dump scene.

If you look at the tree that is just to the left of the light pole (and obviously behind it somewhat) and is covered with vines, this is the tree that is on the right side of the picture I've attached below.


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Same location just pulled back a bit and from a slightly different angle.


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Did anyone ever see a transcript of all the calls the MR made?

Not to my knowledge, Patty G, but since JB has entered motions to get the unedited 911 calls released to him, maybe we will get the unedited versions soon and know more about when RK talks about a "bag".
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