Mexico Mexico - David Hartley, 30, Lake Falcon, 30 Sept 2010 #1

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Do we know that it was actually David Hartley driving the truck that morning? Did he ever show his drivers license to the cop?

Did his family ever say when was the last time they had seen or talked to him?

They got stopped by the Texas LE for expired plates on their trailer. TH had called her MIL that morning.

of the stop by LE. You can barely hear the officer talking to David on the driver's side.
I would be of the thought that if David's body is found, then it turns into a whole new ballgame, then the US can step in and demand more investigation etc.... in other words it would be a long time coming before the Federallies would ever go away, which would cause alot of issues for the Cartels protecting their drug running routes, but that is just my thoughts....

The federales are scared to death of Los Zetas cartel. The cartels have ALL the power. JMO

google the Los Zetas. Scary thugs.
TYH is the one who's been saying (since the beginning) that she "knows" the pirates have his body (she's said the pirates took his body, hid his body, dragged his body into the weeds, etc.). She even speculated early on that the Mexican Govt. may be hiding his body. I don't remember reading that the Mexican Govt. have been the ones claiming his body is hidden. It's all come from the *widow*.

ETA: And I agree that it makes no sense for these cartel thugs, pirates, or whomever, to hide the body of a tourist to cover up an alleged crime. Especially since they supposedly let TYH go free unharmed.

ETA ll: Oh yes, I forgot to mention that TYH also said @ one point the pirates might have removed his life vest (implying that they did so to sink his body). Yet, while within 10 feet of her with a gun pointed at her, after allegedly shooting/killing her husband, they talked it over amongst themselves, and decided to let her go.
I have no idea whether he was murdered or not. Just pointing out that there's not a shred of concrete evidence that he was. For all we know, he could be lounging beside the swimming pool on some drug kingpin's lavish estate somewhere in Central or South America.

Come to think of it, is there a shred of concrete evidence that David was even on the lake that day? Have any witnesses claimed to have seen him?
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that David's JETSKI and BODY are not surfacing anywhere. Drug cartels are known for making this stuff public..they WANT the public/government officials to know when they've killed (as evident lately..) so WHY would they hide David AND his jetski?

Makes no sense. None.
Come to think of it, is there a shred of concrete evidence that David was even on the lake that day? Have any witnesses claimed to have seen him?

No. There is a witness who saw Tiffany on her jetski (apparently speeding off) but not David.
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that David's JETSKI and BODY are not surfacing anywhere. Drug cartels are known for making this stuff public..they WANT the public/government officials to know when they've killed (as evident lately..) so WHY would they hide David AND his jetski?

Makes no sense. None.

My thoughts on this are they took the jet-ski to use. I believe they took the lifejacket off of him in the water. And any other items of value-ring, necklace, watch. Anything.
Come to think of it, is there a shred of concrete evidence that David was even on the lake that day? Have any witnesses claimed to have seen him?

Not that I've heard, but Sheriff Gonzalez says that the DashCam video proves TH's story of the shooting. :rolleyes:
Has anyone said whether Tiffany and David brought cell phones with them that day?
So why hide his body? Makes no sense!

Why do they put bodies in barrels of acid to make them disappear?

They do and have and it has happened, over and over and over again. Yet, other times, they've taken them and decapitated them and hung them on freeway overpasses in Mexico. Why?

Why have there been so many U.S. citizens {disappear} without a trace? MANY of them are NOT involved in drugs or gun running or transporting humans. They're just over there having fun in a club and {wooshhhhhhhhhhh!} never to be seen again.

There is presently a portion of the State of Arizona that is uninhabitable and the federal government, that would be U.S. Federal government, has posted signs that say the area is unsafe. That is 100 miles NORTH of the Mexican border, almost to Phoenix.

I don't want to get into a political discussion, but this is WHY? Arizona is trying to secure the border south of them.

IMHO, I believe the reason they don't want to return David's body, is because they've already seen the force behind the search. Just imagine what COULD happen if they find {Proof} that they actually did kill David, then the next step would be JUSTICE! They do NOT want attention. Heck, the guys who murdered David are most likely already dead themselves for messing up!


Mexican Drug Cartels Control Parts of Arizona

In a press conference ignored by the American national media, the sheriff described how his deputies were outmanned and outgunned by the cartel smugglers who increasingly operate using military tactics and weapons. The result, said Sheriff Babeu, was that a wide corridor of Arizona from the border North to the outskirts of Phoenix is effectively controlled by the cartels. "We do not have control of this area," the sheriff said.

At the same time as the sheriff's ignored press conference, the national media did cover assurances from the Obama Administration that crime was down at the border; that the border had never been safer. This ludicrous propaganda was based on selected crime stats from San Diego, Phoenix, Austin and San Antonio
<<<<<<<<<<<<more article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
So on one hand we have these merciless drug cartels who have no fear of the federales or even US law enforcement because they have them outmanned and outgunned, yet these exact same ruthless people are terrified that those exact same authorities will catch them and try them for murder?

You can't have it both ways.

And if they hid David's body to avoid law enforcement, why in the heck let the one witness to the murder go?
How do we know that is really David though?

I'm sure his mother would have known his voice. If she didn't see the clip, I'm sure someone in his family or his friends would have and would have questioned it if it did now sound like him.
I'm sure his mother would have known his voice. If she didn't see the clip, I'm sure someone in his family or his friends would have and would have questioned it if it did now sound like him.

The cop that pulled him over probably ID'ed him. if David is no biggie to the Mexicans (which I agree with)......then why murder him?

If it was for his jet-ski, then IMO, they would have murdered Tiffany for her jet-ski also.
I'm sure his mother would have known his voice. If she didn't see the clip, I'm sure someone in his family or his friends would have and would have questioned it if it did now sound like him.

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