Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #1

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Certainly Jenny has the right to abandon her life and hitchhike around Mexico, and her husband doesn't control her. However, in a partnership of marriage, there's usually a little more cooperation going on where one party does not run off to another country to hitchhike around while the other party is worried sick back at home.

There is something off about this missing person story.

I think it 's just a certain kind of free-spirited youthfulness, the same spirit that probably led her to want to marry an American so she could move to the US. I've spent time in hostels in my travels and they're full of young people who are unwilling to settle down to the corporate grind and boredom of middle-class life.
I think it 's just a certain kind of free-spirited youthfulness, the same spirit that probably led her to want to marry an American so she could move to the US. I've spent time in hostels in my travels and they're full of young people who are unwilling to settle down to the corporate grind and boredom of middle-class life.

I can understand free-spirited youthfulness and a spirit of adventure. But I just wonder how many of these traveling young people who are unwilling to settle down to the corporate grind are already married and traveling alone. Jenny is definitely unusual. Married couples certainly don't have to spend every moment together, but most couples would want to share this great adventure. Jenny spoke about conquering her fears by traveling alone. There's more going on here than just being a free-spirit IMO. I really hope that whatever fears she was trying to conquer didn't come true.
This posted link from the FB page says that the trail has gone cold. JR also says that Jenny was last seen in the U.S. :confused: What about all her photos in Mexico? Does he mean last seen "by him"?

i was wondering if there is proof that jenny actually was in mexico?
do you need to have a visa before travelling to mexico or is the visa given on entry?
could she have gone back to the states without letting her husband know?
i was wondering if there is proof that jenny actually was in mexico?

She was blogging pictures from Mexico for about a month before her disappearance. I think that qualifies as proof.

do you need to have a visa before travelling to mexico or is the visa given on entry?

You need a passport to travel in Mexico. You do not need one to enter Mexico.

could she have gone back to the states without letting her husband know?

You need a passport to reenter the US. US Immigration and Customs would have a record of that.
This posted link from the FB page says that the trail has gone cold. JR also says that Jenny was last seen in the U.S. :confused: What about all her photos in Mexico? Does he mean last seen "by him"?

I think he was referring to his last sight of her, he'll probably edit it.

I have no doubt she was in Oaxaca, got in a stranger's vehicle, and has disappeared.
I think he was referring to his last sight of her, he'll probably edit it.

I have no doubt she was in Oaxaca, got in a stranger's vehicle, and has disappeared.

I agree that he meant that he last saw Jenny in the US. But when you're putting information on a site designed to help you publicize your missing loved one, you get it right the first time. Anyone who has never heard of Jenny would think she is missing in the US, not Mexico.

Here is what the site asks:

Have you lost a friend or family member outside the U.S.? JR answers Yes.

If yes, in what country or area was the person last seen? JR answers USA.

His answer makes no sense. He can't be that dense, can he?

Yes, I agree she probably hitched a ride with someone up to no good.
The latest post on FB:

Asks for more searches on road to Cancun.
Asks for more money.
Asks for more help from Chinese people and government. So far, all talk and no action except for a few.
Tells his senator and country to get off their butt and support their people. No excuses.

I've been biting my tongue since the early days of his FB page, but he has displayed an immature, angry and entitled attitude toward the US government from the beginning (some posts deleted). Why bite the hand that may feed you? Neither the US nor the Chinese government is required to pull out all stops to look for an adult who has voluntarily gone to a foreign country and disappeared. They will help, but it seems to me that he expects more than is reasonable. End rant. JMO
Again ZERO reference to her family or friends - nothing posted from them, people aren't donating - which is a sign of us all being confused by this situation.

NOTHING posted from family (at least as a public post) on her Facebook page. Could it be that "Jenny Chen" went back to China and resumed life as her given name in all aspects including social media circles? Trying to find a positive result here amongst the weird behavior of the husband. Since he can't access Chinese Passport data (i.e. she left to go home), has not confirmed that he filed a missing persons report.

Do we have any evidence that they weren't together in Cancun? That he WAS at the hotel or didn't pick her up early....

He said "She never made the flight to cuba" a couple of hours after someone asked that question - wouldn't it take longer to get that answer and you would need a court order to go after flight records?

The very fact that he said "I am now using my own finances to search for her" NO KIDDING she is your wife, sell everything, go into debt to find her - if you truly were married and loved her you give up everything to go after it.

TOO many unanswered questions.

Wish I could investigate!
I saw that. Very perceptive comment. So far, it's been there one hour. I wonder how long it takes to get deleted.

ETA: There's a brief reply rather than a deletion.

Referring to my previous post...the perceptive comment and the brief, then not so brief reply went "poof." ''Twas interesting while it lasted.
Referring to my previous post...the perceptive comment and the brief, then not so brief reply went "poof." ''Twas interesting while it lasted.


I've been following this case since Day 1 and thought nothing bad of hubby but now I'm questioning.

I get the vibe that maybe hubby is socially awkward or otherwise not really self-aware in a more "global" sense as it relates to how the world works (or doesn't, as it were).

For me, I observe that in the age difference (totally possible), the kind of odd and stilted writing style on the find page, etc. I may be reading into it, but I'm not sure if I'm feeling "hinky" or just "he's technologically-challenged" - "not social media savvy" - possibly a little older and technophobic?
NOTHING posted from family (at least as a public post) on her Facebook page. Could it be that "Jenny Chen" went back to China and resumed life as her given name in all aspects including social media circles? Trying to find a positive result here amongst the weird behavior of the husband. Since he can't access Chinese Passport data (i.e. she left to go home), has not confirmed that he filed a missing persons report.

I have seen posts from some of her friends in China, expressing support for his effort to find her. If she traveled from Mexico to China, there would be immigration and airline records of her travel. I think it is pretty unlikely that she left Mexico.
That's my feeling about him, too. The fact that he's older, and "not the easiest one to get along with" in his own words (Komo News, 4/24), marrying at an older age suggests to me that he might have gone to China looking for a wife. And she, much younger and naive, not fluent in English might not have picked up on his awkwardness at first, seeing him as her ticket to adventure. Once the reality of their marriage set in, she might have been looking for a way out, or at the very least, a break. I still think the best case scenario is that she has intentionally gone off the grid to get away from him. But it is also very likely she took a ride with the wrong person and is in serious danger.

I don't get his expectation for strangers to fund the search for his wife. He complains about having to use his own money, but why shouldn't he? That is really odd to me. On the other hand, I don't think it's a scam, because he's certainly not getting rich by doing it. He just seems to have a strange sense of entitlement.
Does anybody know how she got from Seattle to Mexico? I haven't been able to find that detail.
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