Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #2

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The movie "Wild" was actually based on the real life experience of Cheryl Streyad the author of the book by the same name. So it just reinforced Jenny possibly thinking she too could get out of difficult situations.

It's amazing though, that people want to follow in the footsteps of Chris McCandless, who died on his Alaska adventure ("Into the Wild"). It wasn't even a happy ending, but people think it's so romantic I guess. And some have died emulating him.

Yea. I saw that movie too and it was a great movie. The Chris McCandless movie did a great job of portraying what his last days must have been like. He almost pulled himself out of it and had the right idea about trying to forage for whatever food he could find. The bus was a great move too for shelter. If he would have just had enough food to last the winter he would have made it.

I had forgotten that the WILD movie was also based on a true story too. Thanks for reminding me about that.

The movie "Wild" was actually based on the real life experience of Cheryl Streyad the author of the book by the same name. So it just reinforced Jenny possibly thinking she too could get out of difficult situations.

It's amazing though, that people want to follow in the footsteps of Chris McCandless, who died on his Alaska adventure ("Into the Wild"). It wasn't even a happy ending, but people think it's so romantic I guess. And some have died emulating him.

"Wild" was a great book and gave me romantic notions about hiking the AT (if only I were 20 years younger!).

However "Into The Wild" is a horror story! I don't get the romanticism.
"Wild" was a great book and gave me romantic notions about hiking the AT (if only I were 20 years younger!).

However "Into The Wild" is a horror story! I don't get the romanticism.

I havent read the book and have to ask about the encounter she had with the person that drove her to his home and invited her in for dinner and also about the 2 hunters she met on the trail.

During the movie I got the feeling they were trying to portray that she came close to being raped. Did the book differ in those parts than the movie? In the book did she ever get in more danger than the movie let on ? Or was the book about the same ?

I ask because sometimes books are much more realistic and wondering if the movie fudged any there.
:desert: You seem like a sweet girl, and a kindred spirit, Jenny. I hope you are soaring as your free spirit dreamt of, and that you at peace.
I havent read the book and have to ask about the encounter she had with the person that drove her to his home and invited her in for dinner and also about the 2 hunters she met on the trail.

During the movie I got the feeling they were trying to portray that she came close to being raped. Did the book differ in those parts than the movie? In the book did she ever get in more danger than the movie let on ? Or was the book about the same ?

I ask because sometimes books are much more realistic and wondering if the movie fudged any there.

I didn't see the movie. It's been a few years and I remember there were a few situations that scared me - but it was more of the unknown than a direct threat. If that makes sense. Like I said it's been awhile! But I don't remember reading anything that left me thinking it was too dangerous for a (well prepared!) single woman to attempt.
I don't understand why anyone thinks JR didn't care about Jenny. Or that Jenny didn't care about JR. I don't understand why it is a question or topic of discussion. It's entirely irrelevant. They had a long term relationship, and they had "their way" which maybe doesn't seem traditional from some points of view. But that doesn't mean they didn't love each other, or didn't love each other anymore. I don't really think their relationship was abnormal at all. I don't get what others are seeing.

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was yours. If it doesn't, it never was.

He gave her the space she needed to be fulfilled. Why is that wrong? We do NOT know their relationship status or what Jenny was thinking. She was on her way to meet her husband in Cancun. She was on her way to be with him. She said so herself. Someone interrupted her journey.

In the beginning I thought the state of their marriage could be relevant to try to get inside Jenny's head. Things I thought to myself: Could she have been trying to run away from JR? She disappears just as she was supposed to meet up with him. Coincidence, or was it her plan? Why did she tell JR she would be out of touch for a few days before Cancun?
Then there's JR. The frequent deletions from the HFJ page, and ignoring questions about Jenny's family even when posters on the HFJ page asked in a concerned way about them just made me feel like something was off about his behavior, which cast suspicion.

My current thinking is that she identified strongly with Cheryl Strayed in Wild (even the same age when embarked on their trips!), and that she decided that as long as she just keeps telling herself she is brave and strong, she could handle any situation. And JR? I think he let her do what she wanted to do, and even he was too relaxed about the trip and trusted that she would come out of it fine, so he didn't do things like get her Mexican sim card info (if that's even what she has--we don't know, maybe he doesn't either) or take other precautionary measures to help ensure her safety while traveling alone.

Just my opinion.
In the beginning I thought the state of their marriage could be relevant to try to get inside Jenny's head. Things I thought to myself: Could she have been trying to run away from JR? She disappears just as she was supposed to meet up with him. Coincidence, or was it her plan? Why did she tell JR she would be out of touch for a few days before Cancun?
Then there's JR. The frequent deletions from the HFJ page, and ignoring questions about Jenny's family even when posters on the HFJ page asked in a concerned way about them just made me feel like something was off about his behavior, which cast suspicion.

My current thinking is that she identified strongly with Cheryl Strayed in Wild (even the same age when embarked on their trips!), and that she decided that as long as she just keeps telling herself she is brave and strong, she could handle any situation. And JR? I think he let her do what she wanted to do, and even he was too relaxed about the trip and trusted that she would come out of it fine, so he didn't do things like get her Mexican sim card info (if that's even what she has--we don't know, maybe he doesn't either) or take other precautionary measures to help ensure her safety while traveling alone.

Just my opinion.
At the end of the day, it just seems like we're trying to make one person responsible for another person's behavior. Jenny is not a child. She is a grown asss woman, and she can do whatever the heck she wants. JR does not own her. He can't force her to comply to his wants or needs.

And if she decides she's going to embark on some fool's trip whether he likes it or not, then maybe he just threw his hands in the air and stepped out of the way. In reading everything, it sounds to me like Jenny always did what Jenny wanted, and didn't really seem completely concerned with anyone else, including her birth family. She chose to go off the grid, she chose to shut logic out, she chose to trust dangerous people, and she chose to defy what we consider normal relationship standards. This is all on Jenny. She made selfish decisions, but that's her human right.

JR is hurting. He's probably had to go through a range of emotions that probably include denial, guilt, grief, anger, sadness and who knows what else. For all you know, he cries himself to sleep every night, like a small broken man. Maybe he doesn't want anyone to see him hurting. Maybe that's all he has left to hold on to to keep himself from going over the edge. We just do not know. That's really heart wrenching to imagine. Logical concluding dictates Jenny is no longer alive. What can he actually, really do? At what cost? He's spent ridiculous amounts of time and money on a quest he'll likely never get answers to. He'll probably spend the rest of his life wondering, even after he gets to the point where he moves on. And he will move on. Will his timeline for moving on match our expectations? Probably not. But that's between him and his conscience and not really for us to judge. But he will move on.

I understand the questions early on, but at this stage I honestly don't get why JR's feelings for Jenny, or hers for him are still a debatable topic. She may have loved him, or maybe she didn't. But she did plan to meet him by her own admission, and he did arrive as scheduled. I don't see the conflict, other than she disappeared. And on that note, as of the moment of this post we know exactly as much about her whereabouts as we did in post #1 in thread #1. And I really don't think we'll ever know more. :(
We want Jenny to be found and we want her husband and family to know what happened. That reason for being here hasn't changed. Everything, whether little or big, that we talk about revolves around that goal. When information is sparse we go off on tangents or sort of spin our wheels and try to understand what is impossible to understand. I think that's part of the WS experience. JMO MOO

This is a discussion, not judgement, not a debate or an argument. We can explore any aspect of a case as long as we don't violate TOS. That has rarely happened on this thread. We all bring varied personalities to the thread. Some are dramatic, some are researchers, some are logical, some are empathetic, etc...we look at the case from different angles and through different lenses, but we respect the process and the posters.

When I don't understand why someone wants to discuss something, or I disagree with the way or frequency they discuss it, I've learned not to participate. I figure if the subject is one that they are interested in it's really not my place to shut them down or cause them to feel they have to defend their choice. I can try to change the subject, but I'm not a mod. If it gets bad in the TOS sense I report posts, but I never threaten to do it or say I've done it. If I get tired of a subject I leave the thread, as I did when the discussion about whether a mountain lion could have taken DeOrr Kunz or whether polygraphs are useful...went on for days and days. When I made a silly joke about the mountain lion discussion starting up again my post was deleted. I mean, all I did was post a "run for the hills" emoji. :D But I can understand that mods prefer subjects to ebb and flow naturally and that there aren't efforts to stop discussions or subtly criticize those who want to continue as I did with my emoji.

That's been my experience on most threads and I'm sure we can continue that here. We're a good bunch! :balloons:

JMO, MOO, etc
We want Jenny to be found and we want her husband and family to know what happened. That reason for being here hasn't changed. Everything, whether little or big, that we talk about revolves around that goal. When information is sparse we go off on tangents or sort of spin our wheels and try to understand what is impossible to understand. I think that's part of the WS experience. JMO MOO

This is a discussion, not judgement, not a debate or an argument. We can explore any aspect of a case as long as we don't violate TOS. That has rarely happened on this thread. We all bring varied personalities to the thread. Some are dramatic, some are researchers, some are logical, some are empathetic, etc...we look at the case from different angles and through different lenses, but we respect the process and the posters.

When I don't understand why someone wants to discuss something, or I disagree with the way or frequency they discuss it, I've learned not to participate. I figure if the subject is one that they are interested in it's really not my place to shut them down or cause them to feel they have to defend their choice. I can try to change the subject, but I'm not a mod. If it gets bad in the TOS sense I report posts, but I never threaten to do it or say I've done it. If I get tired of a subject I leave the thread, as I did when the discussion about whether a mountain lion could have taken DeOrr Kunz or whether polygraphs are useful...went on for days and days. When I made a silly joke about the mountain lion discussion starting up again my post was deleted. I mean, all I did was post a "run for the hills" emoji. :D But I can understand that mods prefer subjects to ebb and flow naturally and that there aren't efforts to stop discussions or subtly criticize those who want to continue as I did with my emoji.

That's been my experience on most threads and I'm sure we can continue that here. We're a good bunch! :balloons:

JMO, MOO, etc



We were chasing Mountain Lion scat for almost 2 months on that thread. Lol

Even though we knew that the theory or outside abduction was close to nil. Lol

Btw. I had to leave that thread as well once the possible mountain lion theory was being fixated on.

Nothing but hugs for us Jenny lovers.
I have to agree with Lilibet on that, Dex (but I know you won't hold it against me ;)! )

Also: I HATE to do this, but I only have so much time and energy to devote to WS, & for now I'm going to have to abandon Jenny because I feel my energy is needed more/better used to help find Autumn:

I'll look in here when I can.



Websleuths 101. Never disagree with Dex.

Lol. Just joking.

Big hugs here.

Btw. The thread loves you. So don't leave us.
I don't understand why anyone thinks JR didn't care about Jenny. Or that Jenny didn't care about JR. I don't understand why it is a question or topic of discussion. It's entirely irrelevant. They had a long term relationship, and they had "their way" which maybe doesn't seem traditional from some points of view. But that doesn't mean they didn't love each other, or didn't love each other anymore. I don't really think their relationship was abnormal at all. I don't get what others are seeing.

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was yours. If it doesn't, it never was.

He gave her the space she needed to be fulfilled. Why is that wrong? We do NOT know their relationship status or what Jenny was thinking. She was on her way to meet her husband in Cancun. She was on her way to be with him. She said so herself. Someone interrupted her journey.

Agree. Imo. Jenny was using Jonathan for the most part.

So I can't blame him for some things.

I only hate that he is reporting things as he doesn't want to tell the full truth.

Now Jenny was smart and knew how to live a free life.

So maybe she just moved on to the next JR.

Agree. Imo. Jenny was using Jonathan for the most part.

So I can't blame him for some things.

I only hate that he is reporting things as he doesn't want to tell the full truth.

Now Jenny was smart and knew how to live a free life.

So maybe she just moved on to the next JR.


We don't know what their arrangement/agreement was. Not all marriages are traditional.
Okay guys. I am assuming that all of us are good hearted people and would help a Jenny Chen out by letting her spend the night with us for the love of helping.

So let me ask this.

Wouldn't a rich person that tricked you into letting them stay with you several days for free; Make you mad.

So what if one of Jennys hosts felt wronged by her and followed her and made sure she paid with her life.

Because imo. Remember Jenny gave $1 to the house that let her stay for several days.

So what if Jenny just used the wrong person. Idk
He will be disappointed again.

I'm not holding my breath.

Yep, good news, bad news, good news, bad news, good news. Now wait for the bad news, which will turn out to be no news. It never ends.
If the driver was with his family. Then wouldn't the family be interviewed by the p.i or LE to verify this?

Wouldn't the P.I go to the house to see if Jenny's phone or laptop or hammock is in the home.

Also why are we hearing family when it should be more detailed like wife and 2 kids. Or whatever.
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