Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #2

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It's strange how few details we know after all this time. As far as I know, he hasn't revealed where they were planning to stay from Apr. 15-20. She did reserve a couch surfing home from Apr 20-23, but I don't know if JR was planning to stay with her or not. Apparently she never confirmed this reservation. Her flight to Cuba was supposed to be on the 23rd.

I don't think JR was going to couchsurf with her Apr 20-23. On his page, he says: "I had planned to meet with her on April15th in Cancun for a nice 5 day vacation." So, to me that says that JR would have been going back to Seattle by then, so she was back to roughing it, and traveling on the cheap.
Respectfully snipped by me:

Here's what she'd written, as translated by google translate (hope mods will allow). I thought 12 hours each day sounded like too much, but then I don't know anything about backpacking, lol. Thanks for confirming that that seems extreme. It's so sad to read things like this she wrote, where you wish you could reach out to her and persuade her to have a more realistic view of adventures. To start smaller, join a group, learn to do it safely. Sigh.....

"After lunch, have been at 5 pm. Go to the old movie theater to see the movie called wild. I love this movie, about a woman, she began walking from Mexico climbing, has been climbing north, after California, Washington (the seat of Seattle), Canada. From Mexico to Canada, Wow! . . . . This mountain road is called the pacific crest trail. I am excited to see after, ignited the fire of hope in my heart, because I also want to do such a thing. Go home at night and start searching for computers, if you start training for long distance backpack hiking. May start with this trail began to practice, called mt.rainier wonderlan trail. MT Ranier is a huge mountain, the national park, every year someone died in the inside, because lost. Wonderland trail is around the mountain circle. 12 hours a day to climb, use 12 days to complete, into the nature, temporarily leave the human civilization. Think about all excited ~ ~ ~ ~

This is the day of Christmas, very quiet."

Thanks for the translation, slowpoke. Sigh indeed. No rational person would start training for long distance backpacking on that particular trail at that speed.

Apparently, she abandoned the idea, perhaps persuaded by JR. And her trip to Mexico certainly didn't involve temporarily leaving human civilization or doing anything as strenuous as the Pacific Crest Trail. Maybe she came to her senses...sort of. But her disconnect with reality regarding her capabilities, even in Mexico, is troubling, to say the least. For example, she was warned not to eat street food, but she did anyway, and got very ill. Conquering fear trumped common sense every time.
Jenny didn't have hiking equipment on her.

So the only hiking she did was hitchhiking. Jmo.

Now the picture that Jenny took on the road with her backpack and sign; Tells me that she didn't have no luggage for Mexico, Cuba, and New York.

So I guess that Jr automatically knew that his wife was mentally ill and he didn't expect her to make it through these trips.

Btw. JR was skiing around the first week that Jenny left.

So he obviously wasn't worrying. Jmo.
I have a question.

Did Jr ever say to Jenny that he will bring her more clothing for her other trips when he gets out there?

Plus did he ever update her on the plans for the lovers reunion that he had in mind

So are we supposed to believe that Jonathan stayed at a resort for 5 days without calling or messaging Jenny 5000 times to ask where she was?

So can Jonathan please show us a screenshot of the 1000 messages that he sent Jenny during these 5 days.


Jonathan put pictures up when camping or skiing.

But where is his pictures from his first arrival to Cancun for the first trip.

Jenny didn't have hiking equipment on her.

So the only hiking she did was hitchhiking. Jmo.

Now the picture that Jenny took on the road with her backpack and sign; Tells me that she didn't have no luggage for Mexico, Cuba, and New York.

So I guess that Jr automatically knew that his wife was mentally ill and he didn't expect her to make it through these trips.

Btw. JR was skiing around the first week that Jenny left.

So he obviously wasn't worrying. Jmo.

That's a pretty big pack on her back, plus the smaller one on her front. IMO that's enough clothing for the whole trip. She didn't need camping equipment. I disagree with you on this one, Dex, unless I'm misunderstanding you. ;)
I have a question.

Did Jr ever say to Jenny that he will bring her more clothing for her other trips when he gets out there?

Plus did he ever update her on the plans for the lovers reunion that he had in mind

So are we supposed to believe that Jonathan stayed at a resort for 5 days without calling or messaging Jenny 5000 times to ask where she was?

So can Jonathan please show us a screenshot of the 1000 messages that he sent Jenny during these 5 days.


Jonathan put pictures up when camping or skiing.

But where is his pictures from his first arrival to Cancun for the first trip.

All good questions, Dex.
That's a pretty big pack on her back, plus the smaller one on her front. IMO that's enough clothing for the whole trip. She didn't need camping equipment. I disagree with you on this one, Dex, unless I'm misunderstanding you. ;)

I have to agree with Lilibet on that, Dex (but I know you won't hold it against me ;)! )

Also: I HATE to do this, but I only have so much time and energy to devote to WS, & for now I'm going to have to abandon Jenny because I feel my energy is needed more/better used to help find Autumn:

I'll look in here when I can.
I have to agree with Lilibet on that, Dex (but I know you won't hold it against me ;)! )

Also: I HATE to do this, but I only have so much time and energy to devote to WS, & for now I'm going to have to abandon Jenny because I feel my energy is needed more/better used to help find Autumn:

I'll look in here when I can.

I don't blame you, sjm. Thanks for the heads up about Autumn. Is that a Hannah Garner deja vue or what? I have to say that like Hannah's Dad, they are doing the FB page exactly the way it should be done.
Okay. Special treat.

Jenny shows her love for Jonathan.

I couldn't view them all, but it was nice to see JR being relaxed and silly. Made me feel sad for him anew.

That's a pretty big pack on her back, plus the smaller one on her front. IMO that's enough clothing for the whole trip. She didn't need camping equipment. I disagree with you on this one, Dex, unless I'm misunderstanding you. ;)

We know she carries a hammock in her pack. She wrote that her third couchsurfer host had ants everywhere, so she chose to sleep in her hammock on the rooftop.
There are all types of people and all types of relationships on this planet. As far as theirs goes, I don't believe it ended by JRs hand. I just think Jenny needed to explore the world and her place in it, and JR did not stand in her way. She made some mistakes and trusted the wrong people, in a dangerous place.
There are all types of people and all types of relationships on this planet. As far as theirs goes, I don't believe it ended by JRs hand. I just think Jenny needed to explore the world and her place in it, and JR did not stand in her way. She made some mistakes and trusted the wrong people, in a dangerous place.

I agree with you here. I think once she came up missing JR probably realized he was being closely looked at and he may have went a little too far in trying to seem like he cared about her more than he actually did while she was down there. It almost sounds to me that they were growing apart and they both realized it and mutually decided to spend more time apart.

It is such a sad story and it really is hard to believe how naive she became. I think one of the huge mistakes she made was thinking that just because she was able to have some successful days venturing in far away places in strange homes that it would continue like that without running into some very serious trouble.

I think she even realized she would run into some issues but I dont think she ever expected the extent of the trouble she would face. I almost get the feeling she even expected some people to give her a hard time but she mistakingly thought she could get out of any predicament.

If only she had read just a few of the cases here on WS she may have begun to realize the danger in the world. That movie she saw WILD was probably the worse thing she could have done because I saw that movie and it gave the audience a false sense of security too. There is 1 scene particularly where the hiker girl gets into a scary situation with strangers and she manages to get herself out of it. In real life the girl may have either been raped or killed by those creepy strangers.

I think that she thought she was the girl in that movie. It had a happy ending for the most part and she too probably felt she would have a happy ending. Wish someone would have got in her ear that it was a MOVIE and in real life things dont always turn out so well.

Its such a sad story about her. Like the perfect storm coming together with her relationship falling apart and her thinking that her rebellious style would be enough to meet all challenges.

I think right around the last delivery truck sighting was where she met her fate. Whether that driver ended up dropping her off in a bad area or whether she never made it out of the truck. I dont think she made it through that night of the truck sighting.
I don't understand why anyone thinks JR didn't care about Jenny. Or that Jenny didn't care about JR. I don't understand why it is a question or topic of discussion. It's entirely irrelevant. They had a long term relationship, and they had "their way" which maybe doesn't seem traditional from some points of view. But that doesn't mean they didn't love each other, or didn't love each other anymore. I don't really think their relationship was abnormal at all. I don't get what others are seeing.

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was yours. If it doesn't, it never was.

He gave her the space she needed to be fulfilled. Why is that wrong? We do NOT know their relationship status or what Jenny was thinking. She was on her way to meet her husband in Cancun. She was on her way to be with him. She said so herself. Someone interrupted her journey.
Her story reminds me of the time I was visiting NYC and how things can turn in the blink of an eye.

I was naive too at the time and I was traveling the subways during the daytime to get around the city. It was great for awhile until something I never expected happened.


All of a sudden there I was much further than I had wanted to venture away from my hotel and it got dark. I luckily had the wherewithall to realize I had put myself in a bad situation. It was pretty obvious to me though and it hit me like a 2 X 4 upside the head because the crowd had changed. Instead of all the hustle and bustle of other travelers like myself the tone of the place got scarier. It was like everyone was smart enough to be home by nightfall and the only people I began to see looked scarier to me. Grant it that this was many years ago at a time where NYC was having lots of problems with crime too and I am sure it is much better than back when I was there.

Anyhow I was just about to go down the next subway station and it was like someone inside my head was yelling at me to not go down there. Stay at street level where at least I am still alive and breathing. LOL
I was way too far away from the hotel to walk back and I was in a bad area where no cabs were even spotted. So I had managed to get myself in one heck of a predicament. People began staring at me and realized I was not from there.

Somehow I managed to find an open coffee shop and got in the phone book and called a cab to come get me. I waited right near the door of the place until I was safely being driven away from the area. I think back to how stupid I was to get myself in that situation and it reminded me of what her last moments may have been like. The realization that she had gotten herself into a terrible situation and not much you can do to get away from it.
I don't understand why anyone thinks JR didn't care about Jenny. Or that Jenny didn't care about JR. I don't understand why it is a question or topic of discussion. It's entirely irrelevant. They had a long term relationship, and they had "their way" which maybe doesn't seem traditional from some points of view. But that doesn't mean they didn't love each other, or didn't love each other anymore. I don't really think their relationship was abnormal at all. I don't get what others are seeing.

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was yours. If it doesn't, it never was.

He gave her the space she needed to be fulfilled. Why is that wrong? We do NOT know their relationship status or what Jenny was thinking. She was on her way to meet her husband in Cancun. She was on her way to be with him. She said so herself. Someone interrupted her journey.

You are right that there are all sorts of relationships but theirs was defiinitely unusual and not many people are like that IMO. Most would fight to try to force the person not to leave. A lot of people if it gets to that point of one of them leaving like she did then the relationship is basically over.

One thing that I can guarantee is unusual is that most people would never allow a loved one to go couchsurfing in strangers homes in a different country while traveling. That right there is what makes most people think JR did not care much.
I agree with you here. I think once she came up missing JR probably realized he was being closely looked at and he may have went a little too far in trying to seem like he cared about her more than he actually did while she was down there. It almost sounds to me that they were growing apart and they both realized it and mutually decided to spend more time apart.

It is such a sad story and it really is hard to believe how naive she became. I think one of the huge mistakes she made was thinking that just because she was able to have some successful days venturing in far away places in strange homes that it would continue like that without running into some very serious trouble.

I think she even realized she would run into some issues but I dont think she ever expected the extent of the trouble she would face. I almost get the feeling she even expected some people to give her a hard time but she mistakingly thought she could get out of any predicament.

If only she had read just a few of the cases here on WS she may have begun to realize the danger in the world. That movie she saw WILD was probably the worse thing she could have done because I saw that movie and it gave the audience a false sense of security too. There is 1 scene particularly where the hiker girl gets into a scary situation with strangers and she manages to get herself out of it. In real life the girl may have either been raped or killed by those creepy strangers.

I think that she thought she was the girl in that movie. It had a happy ending for the most part and she too probably felt she would have a happy ending. Wish someone would have got in her ear that it was a MOVIE and in real life things dont always turn out so well.

Its such a sad story about her. Like the perfect storm coming together with her relationship falling apart and her thinking that her rebellious style would be enough to meet all challenges.

I think right around the last delivery truck sighting was where she met her fate. Whether that driver ended up dropping her off in a bad area or whether she never made it out of the truck. I dont think she made it through that night of the truck sighting.

The movie "Wild" was actually based on the real life experience of Cheryl Streyad the author of the book by the same name. So it just reinforced Jenny possibly thinking she too could get out of difficult situations.

It's amazing though, that people want to follow in the footsteps of Chris McCandless, who died on his Alaska adventure ("Into the Wild"). It wasn't even a happy ending, but people think it's so romantic I guess. And some have died emulating him.
I don't understand why anyone thinks JR didn't care about Jenny. Or that Jenny didn't care about JR. I don't understand why it is a question or topic of discussion. It's entirely irrelevant. They had a long term relationship, and they had "their way" which maybe doesn't seem traditional from some points of view. But that doesn't mean they didn't love each other, or didn't love each other anymore. I don't really think their relationship was abnormal at all. I don't get what others are seeing.

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was yours. If it doesn't, it never was.

He gave her the space she needed to be fulfilled. Why is that wrong? We do NOT know their relationship status or what Jenny was thinking. She was on her way to meet her husband in Cancun. She was on her way to be with him. She said so herself. Someone interrupted her journey.

I think a lot of men would have trouble being married to such an independent woman, and maybe a lot of women can't relate to being so adventurous, and that's why Jenny and JR seem abnormal. I would say their relationship might be unusual or uncommon, but nothing wrong with that, imo.
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