Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #3

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Maybe he is in Mexico. He did say he was planning to go back soon....

He was in Mexico and when his friend posted "Where are you?!" his PI answered on Thursday 11/11 that JR had been having connection issues since Wednesday and was flying back "today" Thursday 11/11. He didn't say which Wednesday...the day before or previous week. If it was the previous week that makes more sense regarding his silence than the day before. Of course if he didn't have anything to post until the day before and then got connection issues, that makes sense too.

At first I wondered why he didn't borrow his PI's laptop to post on, but he probably doesn't have passwords memorized. A friend of mine living in Indonesia didn't respond to a couple of worried texts and when she finally surfaced, her IMessage had been messed up. She had to get a new Apple ID to fix it. So I guess this stuff happens.

But it's now Monday 11/14 and he still hasn't posted...must be more bad news.
My continued prayers for JR in his quest to find Jenny. I know he will!
Surrounding him with prayer.
He was in Mexico and when his friend posted "Where are you?!" his PI answered on Thursday 11/11 that JR had been having connection issues since Wednesday and was flying back "today" Thursday 11/11. He didn't say which Wednesday...the day before or previous week. If it was the previous week that makes more sense regarding his silence than the day before. Of course if he didn't have anything to post until the day before and then got connection issues, that makes sense too.

At first I wondered why he didn't borrow his PI's laptop to post on, but he probably doesn't have passwords memorized. A friend of mine living in Indonesia didn't respond to a couple of worried texts and when she finally surfaced, her IMessage had been messed up. She had to get a new Apple ID to fix it. So I guess this stuff happens.

But it's now Monday 11/14 and he still hasn't posted...must be more bad news.

JR has posted on the HFJ Facebook thread that he has returned from Mexico. Hopefully an update will follow.
JR has posted on the HFJ Facebook thread that he has returned from Mexico. Hopefully an update will follow.

Don't hold your breath. He has been back for four days, and the only thing he has posted is "I am back and OK. Thank you for your concerns!". That's it. If he was going to post an update, he could have done that on Friday.

And when/if he does post an update, it will be something like: big news coming soon, but I can't talk about it.
JR doesn't owe updates, and I'm sure that isn't his priority.

Speaking of, he probably needs to focus on his income status.
On the HFJ Facebook thread, a member asked JR if he has received any updates on the investigation, and JR reponded two hours ago ¨Not yet¨.

How disappointing.

I'm at a loss to understand how the case can go from...

10/18 The police took action Friday with positive results. Waiting for police report to comment.

and this...
10/21 The police are following substantial leads. Crucial phase in investigation.
Can't say more. Hope for a positive outcome.

and this...
10/31 I will be getting updates next week.

To this...
11/15 Asked if he's gotten updates. "Not yet."{"tn":"R0"}

What happened to the police taking action and following substantial leads? Were they bluffing? Did they make progress but haven't informed JR? Why not? Have they told him things he can't reveal? I know he doesn't owe us information, but we are riding this roller coaster with him. I hope he will feel like explaining a little further, if only to say whether the action and lead-following actually took place and panned out or not...and then "I just can't say anything at this time."

What should JR do next? Does he have enough information to surmise that Jenny is dead or is he still holding out hope that she's alive. If he thinks she is dead is he going to push to find her remains and bring someone to justice or decide he's done all he can do with a corrupt legal system? I'd hate to be making those decisions. :(
Well stated, Lilibet. ¨Have they told him things he can't reveal?¨ I hope this is the case, and it is what JR wrote in an earlier but recent post. I hope he is not being lied to in this regard, which would be a terribly cruel thing to do, to a man who is searching for his missing wife.
JR doesn't owe updates, and I'm sure that isn't his priority.

Speaking of, he probably needs to focus on his income status.

Thank you for the $8,000 in donations to my . There will be no updates. I OWE YOU NOTHING! But I still need your continued support. So please keep donating. :facepalm:
How disappointing.

I'm at a loss to understand how the case can go from...

10/18 The police took action Friday with positive results. Waiting for police report to comment.

and this...
10/21 The police are following substantial leads. Crucial phase in investigation.
Can't say more. Hope for a positive outcome.

and this...
10/31 I will be getting updates next week.

To this...
11/15 Asked if he's gotten updates. "Not yet."{"tn":"R0"}

What happened to the police taking action and following substantial leads? Were they bluffing? Did they make progress but haven't informed JR? Why not? Have they told him things he can't reveal? I know he doesn't owe us information, but we are riding this roller coaster with him. I hope he will feel like explaining a little further, if only to say whether the action and lead-following actually took place and panned out or not...and then "I just can't say anything at this time."

What should JR do next? Does he have enough information to surmise that Jenny is dead or is he still holding out hope that she's alive. If he thinks she is dead is he going to push to find her remains and bring someone to justice or decide he's done all he can do with a corrupt legal system? I'd hate to be making those decisions. :(

This case was over almost from the time it started. Seven months later and we still have zero evidence from any source other than JR, that this woman is even missing, and now he is tongue tied. That's unless you count the foreign language media reports saying that she is alive and well and still traveling in Mexico. But nobody seems to believe that those reports are credible. So that leaves nothing left, to go on.

JR got his $8,000 and now he is just trying to fade away.
I STILL highly doubt Jenny is still wandering aimlessly around Mexico...

...Passport Validity
The maximum period of time that a visitor may stay in Mexico without a formal visa is six months.

Also, do we know if she had her Mexico Vistor's Permit known as a FMM (Forma Migratoria Multiple).

...If you do not arrive in Mexico by airplane, then you will need to pay Mexico’s Visitor’s Permit fee separately if you travel beyond the 22 miles/35 km ‘free zone’ after crossing a land border into Mexico or arriving by sea on a private vessel. If you do this, you will have to complete the Visitor’s permit at the immigration check-point and pay the fee separately.

Did she keep it safe???

...Lost your FMM Permit? If you lose your FMM, you will need to visit one of the immigration offices situated in towns and cities across the country, or at the airport, and apply for a replacement before you can leave. This will involve some form-filling and filing, and a trip to a local bank to pay your permit replacement fee (about US$30) before you return to the immigration office to receive your FMM replacement.

Regardless, she would be over her 6 months now...

...Over-Stayed on your FMM? If you overstay the time you were granted on a FMM permit (usually 180 days), you will need to visit an immigration office (or the immigration center at the airport) and pay a fine before you can leave the country. The amount of the fine depends on how long you have over-stayed; it is calculated on a per-day basis and, at time of writing, will not be more than MX$6,000 pesos. As with lost permits, you should arrange to secure your exit visa before your planned flight departure date, as otherwise you might miss your flight.


If you do not have your FMM (Visitor’s Permit) with you when you leave, you will need to undergo some Mexican Immigration red-tape and apply to get a replacement at one the country’s immigration offices or at the airport. The fee to replace thee permit is about US$30, A lost permit, especially if you only notice at the airport when you are ready to leave, will delay your exit and may cause you to miss your scheduled flight.

...Over-Staying Your Mexico Visitor’s Permit
If you overstay while visiting Mexico on a FMM permit (the usual allowance is 180 days), you will need to visit an immigration office (or the immigration center at the airport) and pay a fine before you can leave the country. The amount of the fine depends on how long you have over-stayed; it is calculated on a per-day basis and, at time of writing, will not be more than MX$6,000 pesos.

WHERE the &*%$ is Jenny?!?!?!?!

Thank you for the $8,000 in donations to my . There will be no updates. I OWE YOU NOTHING! But I still need your continued support. So please keep donating. :facepalm:

...says every invented. Donating is optional. So is news.
Regarding "the hold up" with the "investigation", --- everyone knows, Mexican time moves slooooooooooooooow :snail:

Scroll down to the heading "TIME"

...A SECOND, cultural difference often drives Americans and other foreigners in Mexico to distraction, largely because they refuse to admit its existence. It has to do with time: stereotypically and arrogantly it's called the manana syndrome, or, as the T-shirts have it, I'm on Mexican Time.

...The difference is not merely a question of punctuality, formality, or responsibility but rather one of the conception of time, its role in life, and its social function. The expression of the difference can undoubtedly be found in the stereotypes: Mexicans are, in most of the country, less punctual, quick, and hurried than Americans (or Germans or Britons, for that matter).

...There is a sociological explanation too. Because so many Mexicans work, live, and even love informally, time is not of the essence. Letting and watching time go by, being late (an hour, a day, a week), are not grievous offenses. They simply indicate a lower rung on the ladder of priorities. It is more important to see a friend or the family than to keep an appointment or make it to work, especially when work consists of hawking wares on street corners. An economic explanation is also available: there is a severe lack of incentives for being on time, delivering on time, or working overtime. Since most people are paid little for what they do, the prize for punctuality and formality can be meaningless: time is often not money in Mexico. The choice between making a few pesos more and having a good time is easy and as rational as any other. Everything is slow in Mexico, but not because Mexicans cannot do things quickly. Everything is slow because the passage of time is not very noticeable. Time is flat: too frequently nothing changes with time, and the sense of its going by -- the reason for putting a premium on it -- is absent. Much of Mexico lacks seasons except when it rains and when it doesn't, and in the countryside the dry season is basically devoted to waiting for rain; for this and more-complex reasons as well, time in Mexico is not what it is in the United States. Time divides our two countries as much as any other single factor.

Read more:
Regarding "the hold up" with the "investigation", --- everyone knows, Mexican time moves slooooooooooooooow :snail:

Scroll down to the heading "TIME"


Read more:

Fascinating article in The Atlantic. Thanks.
I loved one of the quotes..."In Mexico, nothing happens until it happens."

And money talks. JR is probably wishing he'd greased a few palms along the way as he was encouraged to do from the beginning. Or did someone like Corona or the trucking company bribe LE to ignore what happened to Jenny and stonewall JR. Results go to the highest bidder and that certainly wasn't JR. For all we know, she was killed by Mexican LE for having an attitude. He really didn't stand a chance of finding Jenny, did he?

Corruption in the Mexican police can take many forms. It ranges from taking bribes to ignore crimes to active participation in criminal activity such as extortion, drug-trafficking, and assassination. The Mexican police are notorious for their corruption that is evident on all levels of law-enforcement, local and federal.
...says every invented. Donating is optional. So is news.

Most people do update their . That's why there is a section on every page for updates. Expecting people to donate money to a fund like that, and not providing any updates on the progress, is kind of unbelievable.
Fascinating article in The Atlantic. Thanks.
I loved one of the quotes..."In Mexico, nothing happens until it happens."

And money talks. JR is probably wishing he'd greased a few palms along the way as he was encouraged to do from the beginning. Or did someone like Corona or the trucking company bribe LE to ignore what happened to Jenny and stonewall JR. Results go to the highest bidder and that certainly wasn't JR. For all we know, she was killed by Mexican LE for having an attitude. He really didn't stand a chance of finding Jenny, did he?

Corruption in the Mexican police can take many forms. It ranges from taking bribes to ignore crimes to active participation in criminal activity such as extortion, drug-trafficking, and assassination. The Mexican police are notorious for their corruption that is evident on all levels of law-enforcement, local and federal.
Tarabull and Lilibet, yours were both exceptionally informative, relevant and exceptional posts.

The time will come that JR finally gives up. I don't think he'll find Jenny, or find out what happened to Jenny, ever. :(
Most people do update their . That's why there is a section on every page for updates. Expecting people to donate money to a fund like that, and not providing any updates on the progress, is kind of unbelievable.

I understand what you're saying, KaaBoom and most people asking for donations do provide updates, even if it isn't "required." GigTu is also correct, that when you give a gift, it's not with the expectation of anything in return, even thanks (but don't get me started on the etiquette of "thank you" notes!!).

However, in a situation, in which you are asking for money from strangers for a specific purpose, most people donating do so because they care about the person or situation. It seems obvious to me that the recipient would be so grateful that people (even strangers) care enough to part with money that updates would be a natural and and courteous thing to do, even if it's not technically required. But I think we've come to realize that JR marches to a different drummer and this case has sparse information.

Just out of curiosity, I did some math and JR has given an average of about 11-12 updates/month for almost 7 months since 4/23. Now lots were at the beginning and some of those have been what I would call "non-updates"...the same ones that we see on FB. For all intents and purposes, donations dried up three months ago, except for a couple in the past month. Whether they dried up because there were few updates or the updates dwindled because the donations stopped...we don't know. Egg meet chicken.

So as much as I'd like to hear more from JR because I care, I've come to not expect much. It is what it is. I don't agree that this has been a scam, but is just a combination of socially awkward JR, corrupt LE, and no solid leads that JR can share. At least that's my hope.
JR doesn't owe updates, and I'm sure that isn't his priority.

Speaking of, he probably needs to focus on his income status.

I'm sorry. But once you take the publics money via go fund me. Then you owe updates atleast.

Just atleast so people know if their money helped for the sake of finding Jenny and not just not knowing if your money went to him having more tug and rubs at a Mexico massage parlor. Jmo.
How disappointing.

I'm at a loss to understand how the case can go from...

10/18 The police took action Friday with positive results. Waiting for police report to comment.

and this...
10/21 The police are following substantial leads. Crucial phase in investigation.
Can't say more. Hope for a positive outcome.

and this...
10/31 I will be getting updates next week.

To this...
11/15 Asked if he's gotten updates. "Not yet."{"tn":"R0"}

What happened to the police taking action and following substantial leads? Were they bluffing? Did they make progress but haven't informed JR? Why not? Have they told him things he can't reveal? I know he doesn't owe us information, but we are riding this roller coaster with him. I hope he will feel like explaining a little further, if only to say whether the action and lead-following actually took place and panned out or not...and then "I just can't say anything at this time."

What should JR do next? Does he have enough information to surmise that Jenny is dead or is he still holding out hope that she's alive. If he thinks she is dead is he going to push to find her remains and bring someone to justice or decide he's done all he can do with a corrupt legal system? I'd hate to be making those decisions. :(

Imo. Jonathan is using Jennys case to have a reason why he is going to Mexico again and again.

I just wished we knew if he actually gets massages in Mexico while supposedly looking for Jenny.

Because he always comes back with no updates even after he promises everyone that he is going out there to get Breaking News Updates.
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