Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #3

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Sex trafficking is the least likely type of slavery Jenny would be subjected to, if captured. Read this...

My question is What time is JR going to offer a reward of some type and mention it to the media as being ongoing?

Because there is no reward at all. Even if its a simple $500.

So how seriously should we take this?

Now Jr may not be rich. But at least he could show more concern by offering a poor person $500 bucks that may have information in Mexico. Which will be paid once proven. Jmo.
Sex trafficking is the least likely type of slavery Jenny would be subjected to, if captured. Read this...

That's truly shocking.

My question is What time is JR going to offer a reward of some type and mention it to the media as being ongoing?

Because there is no reward at all. Even if its a simple $500.

So how seriously should we take this?

Now Jr may not be rich. But at least he could show more concern by offering a poor person $500 bucks that may have information in Mexico. Which will be paid once proven. Jmo.

He never offered a reward for info? I don't remember. Maybe that's not a good idea in Mexico. People discouraged him from bribing officials, even though it's the custom.
$500 is a LOT of money in Mexico. It's seemingly more in Cambodia, but the desperation to get it is the same when you are poor and hungry, and threatened to pay up - or else. If someone will sell their own daughter for money, who's to say someone wouldn't sell their information for it...

Here's a sad tale of how mothers will sell their daughter's virginity in Cambodia. If a mother can do that, I don't think anything is off the table for $500 in Mexico.
$500 is a LOT of money in Mexico. It's seemingly more in Cambodia, but the desperation to get it is the same when you are poor and hungry, and threatened to pay up - or else. If someone will sell their own daughter for money, who's to say someone wouldn't sell their information for it...

Here's a sad tale of how mothers will sell their daughter's virginity in Cambodia. If a mother can do that, I don't think anything is off the table for $500 in Mexico.

Another unbelievably heartbreaking story. It's hard to imagine being that desperate. :(

If anyone does have information about Jenny, it's certainly possible a reward would be motivating. One can hope. I'm not sure who has advised JR on this.
This case is randomly weird.
You know the friend the shopkeeper called to come drive Jenny to Cancun? The one that was hours away? Who's to say that person didn't still show up, follow them, and catch up to them? I'm still hung up on that "free ride" gesture, and I think there's more to it and the shopkeepers than meets the eye. Maybe they are ALL corrupt (shopkeeper, mystery driver, Corona driver).
You know the friend the shopkeeper called to come drive Jenny to Cancun? The one that was hours away? Who's to say that person didn't still show up, follow them, and catch up to them? I'm still hung up on that "free ride" gesture, and I think there's more to it and the shopkeepers than meets the eye. Maybe they are ALL corrupt (shopkeeper, mystery driver, Corona driver).

I agree. The "free ride" is weird. Who would volunteer to drive someone halfway across Mexico as a favor unless they were already planning to go to Cancun? Even if Jenny agreed to pay for fuel and meals, it's a long haul. And what a coincidence if they "just happened" to be going that way! Of course, there's always the possibility that the shopkeeper was worried about Jenny hitchhiking and arranged for a reliable and generous friend to take her to Cancun or as far as an ATM. Most of us would try to keep someone like Jenny from danger.

OR it could be that the shopkeeper's friend is in the "slave trade" and would split the profit with the shopkeeper (the "bird dog fee" as my car salesman Dad used to call what he paid for referrals). If the Corona driver is also known to be in the slave trade, the friend could have chased down the Corona driver to retrieve Jenny or strike a deal.

What I don't understand is why the shopkeeper would even admit that Jenny stayed there and show her Chinese signature to the PI...unless someone else had told the PI that Jenny stayed there and she had no choice OR the whole situation was totally innocent. I certainly hope the "friend" has been interviewed by the PI and LE. JR did say that the prosecutor had confirmed the story.
Jenny, bless her heart, is a quirky girl. Her husband is plain weird. I certainly hope that one day Jenny can read all the posts about her & husband and this enormously tangled situation . Im sure she would get a big kick out of the whole mess.

Seems like there would be advocates for Americans lost or missing in other countries.

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I agree. The "free ride" is weird. Who would volunteer to drive someone halfway across Mexico as a favor unless they were already planning to go to Cancun? Even if Jenny agreed to pay for fuel and meals, it's a long haul. And what a coincidence if they "just happened" to be going that way! Of course, there's always the possibility that the shopkeeper was worried about Jenny hitchhiking and arranged for a reliable and generous friend to take her to Cancun or as far as an ATM. Most of us would try to keep someone like Jenny from danger.

OR it could be that the shopkeeper's friend is in the "slave trade" and would split the profit with the shopkeeper (the "bird dog fee" as my car salesman Dad used to call what he paid for referrals). If the Corona driver is also known to be in the slave trade, the friend could have chased down the Corona driver to retrieve Jenny or strike a deal.

What I don't understand is why the shopkeeper would even admit that Jenny stayed there and show her Chinese signature to the PI...unless someone else had told the PI that Jenny stayed there and she had no choice OR the whole situation was totally innocent. I certainly hope the "friend" has been interviewed by the PI and LE. JR did say that the prosecutor had confirmed the story.

I'm not surprised by Jenny getting a ride in this manner. Having traveled through this area extensively, I can say this is just natural for these generous people. They were probably sincerely concerned for her safety. And, Jenny as no doubt a curiosity/a novelty. Maybe she played on their sympathies. But the main point being the generosity in giving her this type of transport is consistent with the people of that region. They are truly lovely.
I'm not surprised by Jenny getting a ride in this manner. Having traveled through this area extensively, I can say this is just natural for these generous people. They were probably sincerely concerned for her safety. And, Jenny as no doubt a curiosity/a novelty. Maybe she played on their sympathies. But the main point being the generosity in giving her this type of transport is consistent with the people of that region. They are truly lovely.

Thank you. It's good to hear your personal experience and opinion that the ride isn't unusual. I hope and would expect that was the reality. Of course, in a poor country with a slavery problem (see article posted by GigTu), anything is possible. Even in the U.S. where most people would also try to help Jenny, there are some who would take advantage of a young woman alone, as is true everywhere. As Jenny said (paraphrasing) "It can just take one person to ruin your life." Somewhere along the line it appears that she met up with that person.
I agree. The "free ride" is weird. Who would volunteer to drive someone halfway across Mexico as a favor unless they were already planning to go to Cancun? Even if Jenny agreed to pay for fuel and meals, it's a long haul. And what a coincidence if they "just happened" to be going that way! Of course, there's always the possibility that the shopkeeper was worried about Jenny hitchhiking and arranged for a reliable and generous friend to take her to Cancun or as far as an ATM. Most of us would try to keep someone like Jenny from danger.

OR it could be that the shopkeeper's friend is in the "slave trade" and would split the profit with the shopkeeper (the "bird dog fee" as my car salesman Dad used to call what he paid for referrals). If the Corona driver is also known to be in the slave trade, the friend could have chased down the Corona driver to retrieve Jenny or strike a deal.

What I don't understand is why the shopkeeper would even admit that Jenny stayed there and show her Chinese signature to the PI...unless someone else had told the PI that Jenny stayed there and she had no choice OR the whole situation was totally innocent. I certainly hope the "friend" has been interviewed by the PI and LE. JR did say that the prosecutor had confirmed the story.
Didn't the cement truck driver drop her off there? Someone else knew she was there. If they had obviously lied, this would be a different case completely.
Thank you. It's good to hear your personal experience and opinion that the ride isn't unusual. I hope and would expect that was the reality. Of course, in a poor country with a slavery problem (see article posted by GigTu), anything is possible. Even in the U.S. where most people would also try to help Jenny, there are some who would take advantage of a young woman alone, as is true everywhere. As Jenny said (paraphrasing) "It can just take one person to ruin your life." Somewhere along the line it appears that she met up with that person.

But here's what is so contradictory to that statement. She *went out of her way* to find trouble! Sleeping at gas stations (who does that!?!?!) and taking pictures in front of *advertiser censored* peddlers, etc. She seemed to invite tragedy! Or was she that out of touch....or was it like I said upthread...."death by backpack". Crazy case....
I agree. The "free ride" is weird. Who would volunteer to drive someone halfway across Mexico as a favor unless they were already planning to go to Cancun? Even if Jenny agreed to pay for fuel and meals, it's a long haul. And what a coincidence if they "just happened" to be going that way! Of course, there's always the possibility that the shopkeeper was worried about Jenny hitchhiking and arranged for a reliable and generous friend to take her to Cancun or as far as an ATM. Most of us would try to keep someone like Jenny from danger.

OR it could be that the shopkeeper's friend is in the "slave trade" and would split the profit with the shopkeeper (the "bird dog fee" as my car salesman Dad used to call what he paid for referrals). If the Corona driver is also known to be in the slave trade, the friend could have chased down the Corona driver to retrieve Jenny or strike a deal.

What I don't understand is why the shopkeeper would even admit that Jenny stayed there and show her Chinese signature to the PI...unless someone else had told the PI that Jenny stayed there and she had no choice OR the whole situation was totally innocent. I certainly hope the "friend" has been interviewed by the PI and LE. JR did say that the prosecutor had confirmed the story.

Here we go.

JR supposedly sent her money for a bus ride to Cancun because he was worried.

And she obviously didn't want to simply take a bus there.


She ran away maybe? Lol

Because for some reason she didn't want a straight ride there by him nor anyone else.

But I would still love to hear the shopkeepers explain who was willing to drive her 15 hours away and why and for how much?

Because all JR said was that Jenny didn't want to wait and that Sounds like my Jenny?


Btw. The witnesses that supposedly seen the driver never pointed him out.

And this is why JR had to use gps to guess who the driver in that area could have been.

But out of the entire gps. There was no highlight marking that showed the driver at that exact location at that exact time.

So I think someone is misleading him about a Corona pickup. Jmo.
She ticked off those shop keepers by being cheap and taking advantage of them. WHY did Jenny leave her journal behind, when she had so carefully guarded it before that? This time, the time she disappears? Talk about a coincidence. Those shopkeepers are sketchy. I think JR would find out a lot more about Jenny if he investigated what goes on at that place on a routine basis. My expectation is that it's not safe for women that no one is watching over. Women can be just as greedy, mean and cold blooded as men, as we've seen in recent articles I've been posting. I don't put it past them to have sold Jenny and lied.about it. JMO
She ticked off those shop keepers by being cheap and taking advantage of them. WHY did Jenny leave her journal behind, when she had so carefully guarded it before that? This time, the time she disappears? Talk about a coincidence. Those shopkeepers are sketchy. I think JR would find out a lot more about Jenny if he investigated what goes on at that place on a routine basis. My expectation is that it's not safe for women that no one is watching over. Women can be just as greedy, mean and cold blooded as men, as we've seen in recent articles I've been posting. I don't put it past them to have sold Jenny and lied.about it. JMO

You make good points, but just for the record, she didn't leave her journal there. She wrote her Chinese name in a spiral notebook belonging to the storekeeper, which had lists of food and beverage items. We (and the FB group) were trying to figure out why Jenny would write down such large quantities. But it wasn't typical Asian handwriting. Some of the dates were after her disappearance. Some thought it might have to do with drugs. CN kept telling the FB group that the only thing that mattered was Jenny's name in the notebook. And then we FINALLY found out months later that she'd spent the night at the storekeeper's and had breakfast with them. So it all made sense.

And all that is why I have trouble suspecting the storekeeper, although I don't think your theories are beyond the realm of possibility. But why show that notebook to the PI and/or JR (who also visited according to a photo taken outside the store)? Why prove to them that Jenny was there? Even if someone else told the PI that Jenny had stayed there, the storekeeper didn't need to show the signature. She could have denied, denied, denied.

But let's say she had done something with Jenny and was trying to deflect attention and seem credible. If everyone local knew Jenny had stayed there, she might as well admit it and show Jenny's signature so her story would be believed. It's a little convoluted to me, but it's possible.

This case twists my brain into a pretzel!!
You make good points, but just for the record, she didn't leave her journal there. She wrote her Chinese name in a spiral notebook belonging to the storekeeper, which had lists of food and beverage items. We (and the FB group) were trying to figure out why Jenny would write down such large quantities. But it wasn't typical Asian handwriting. Some of the dates were after her disappearance. Some thought it might have to do with drugs. CN kept telling the FB group that the only thing that mattered was Jenny's name in the notebook. And then we FINALLY found out months later that she'd spent the night at the storekeeper's and had breakfast with them. So it all made sense.

And all that is why I have trouble suspecting the storekeeper, although I don't think your theories are beyond the realm of possibility. But why show that notebook to the PI and/or JR (who also visited according to a photo taken outside the store)? Why prove to them that Jenny was there? Even if someone else told the PI that Jenny had stayed there, the storekeeper didn't need to show the signature. She could have denied, denied, denied.

But let's say she had done something with Jenny and was trying to deflect attention and seem credible. If everyone local knew Jenny had stayed there, she might as well admit it and show Jenny's signature so her story would be believed. It's a little convoluted to me, but it's possible.

This case twists my brain into a pretzel!!
Exactly why you stated. Sometimes people fabricate at great length to appear legitimate. It works. So, I do remember about the notebook now that you reminded me. Over time, even someone with 6000+ posts can start to mix up the facts.
Several thoughts in response to all the great posts of late.

Regarding a reward being offered, I don't recall JR discussing it, but did see an article stating that 50,000 pesos was being offered. Here's a translated link:

I agree the shopkeeper arranging a ride for Jenny all the way to Cancun ("half of Mexico", as Jenny stated) seems something that makes you raise an eyebrow. Rosesfromangels thinks it is believable, knowing the area, though, so I will keep an open mind on that.

That area IS a truck stop, so maybe shopkeeper has lots of regulars and knows someone who would have been traveling to Cancun, maybe?

Jenny was out of cash on hand from what I understand, and the nearby ATM was unserviceable, so she had to get a free ride, I guess, at least until she could get to a working ATM or bank.

By the way, when was it that JR learned Jenny had only 40 pesos on her. Did she tell him that, or did the shopkeeper say that?

I was never clear on JR's reason for putting money for bus fare to Cancun in her bank account. Was she out of money in her bank account, or just out of money budgeted for her trip up to that point? It wasn't that she had only 40 pesos total remaining in her account until JR added more money, do you think? That couldn't be, because she still had a lot of traveling to do. So you'd think she'd have quite a bit of money in the account yet and wouldn't really immediately need JR to add in bus fare money. I guess that's my point. I don't know, just mulling things over.
I think we can safely rule ONE scenario out: she wasn't disappeared for money.
After reading the last few posts, it just doesnt seem Jenny was thinking all. I know we have all suggested this before. But truly, this sounds like someone just not well at all. Speculation and opinion only.
You make good points, but just for the record, she didn't leave her journal there. She wrote her Chinese name in a spiral notebook belonging to the storekeeper, which had lists of food and beverage items. We (and the FB group) were trying to figure out why Jenny would write down such large quantities. But it wasn't typical Asian handwriting. Some of the dates were after her disappearance. Some thought it might have to do with drugs. CN kept telling the FB group that the only thing that mattered was Jenny's name in the notebook. And then we FINALLY found out months later that she'd spent the night at the storekeeper's and had breakfast with them. So it all made sense.

And all that is why I have trouble suspecting the storekeeper, although I don't think your theories are beyond the realm of possibility. But why show that notebook to the PI and/or JR (who also visited according to a photo taken outside the store)? Why prove to them that Jenny was there? Even if someone else told the PI that Jenny had stayed there, the storekeeper didn't need to show the signature. She could have denied, denied, denied.

But let's say she had done something with Jenny and was trying to deflect attention and seem credible. If everyone local knew Jenny had stayed there, she might as well admit it and show Jenny's signature so her story would be believed. It's a little convoluted to me, but it's possible.

This case twists my brain into a pretzel!!

Question. What kind of shopkeeper is she?

Because she met Jenny at 12 midnight in a restaurant or bar or something after the cement truck driver supposedly dropped Jenny off.

So why are we not calling her a restaurant owner or bar owner or whatever?

Jmo. That word shopkeeper is too vague but Jr loves using that word instead of saying store owner or something.

Because how many small shop lady workers are still hanging out at that time of night.

So did she own the establishment or work there or is she just a shop keeper of a day time small business that was just hanging out that night?
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