Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #3

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Question. What kind of shopkeeper is she?

Because she met Jenny at 12 midnight in a restaurant or bar or something after the cement truck driver supposedly dropped Jenny off.

So why are we not calling her a restaurant owner or bar owner or whatever?

Jmo. That word shopkeeper is too vague but Jr loves using that word instead of saying store owner or something.

Because how many small shop lady workers are still hanging out at that time of night.

So did she own the establishment or work there or is she just a shop keeper of a day time small business that was just hanging out that night?

I'm not sure if this map link will post correctly (if not, this place is just to the right of the Pemex station) but there is a place of business that says "Comedor" (which I think means it is an eatery). A sign outside of it states "Serv las 24 hrs". It could be this kind of place Jenny approached. Maybe they sell items like a convenience store, too, just a guess?!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sElw3Owh2M8RwNaaoZx_FmQ!2e0
If I remember correctly, JR took a pic while there and it was the small shacks on the small street side that Jenny stayed at. Is that correct?

Also, the shopkeeper heard Jenny talking to the Corona truck driver while he was parked to get gas, or just across the street from their little shacks?
Exactly why you stated. Sometimes people fabricate at great length to appear legitimate. It works. So, I do remember about the notebook now that you reminded me. Over time, even someone with 6000+ posts can start to mix up the facts.

No shame! Thankfully, we have enough members here who remember different things and can fill in our blanks (of which I have many)!! :D

Several thoughts in response to all the great posts of late.

Regarding a reward being offered, I don't recall JR discussing it, but did see an article stating that 50,000 pesos was being offered. Here's a translated link:

I agree the shopkeeper arranging a ride for Jenny all the way to Cancun ("half of Mexico", as Jenny stated) seems something that makes you raise an eyebrow. Rosesfromangels thinks it is believable, knowing the area, though, so I will keep an open mind on that.

That area IS a truck stop, so maybe shopkeeper has lots of regulars and knows someone who would have been traveling to Cancun, maybe?

Jenny was out of cash on hand from what I understand, and the nearby ATM was unserviceable, so she had to get a free ride, I guess, at least until she could get to a working ATM or bank.

By the way, when was it that JR learned Jenny had only 40 pesos on her. Did she tell him that, or did the shopkeeper say that?

I was never clear on JR's reason for putting money for bus fare to Cancun in her bank account. Was she out of money in her bank account, or just out of money budgeted for her trip up to that point? It wasn't that she had only 40 pesos total remaining in her account until JR added more money, do you think? That couldn't be, because she still had a lot of traveling to do. So you'd think she'd have quite a bit of money in the account yet and wouldn't really immediately need JR to add in bus fare money. I guess that's my point. I don't know, just mulling things over.

I don't believe Jenny was out of money. My foggy recollection is that JR did not want her hitchhiking to Cancun, but knew she was too cheap to take a bus. She probably wouldn't want to use her own money, so he gave her money for the bus, hoping that she would use it.

I think we can safely rule ONE scenario out: she wasn't disappeared for money.

Do you mean not trafficked? Are you back to thinking it was an abduction, rape and murder? That's the simplest explanation.

After reading the last few posts, it just doesnt seem Jenny was thinking all. I know we have all suggested this before. But truly, this sounds like someone just not well at all. Speculation and opinion only.

I agree. Whether she had mental health issues or not, at best she was definitely a quirky free spirit who pushed the limits of common sense...and seemingly lost. At worst, a break with reality tipped the balance. Either way, she never should have been traveling alone. I would like to know what people who encountered her and spent time with her on this trip thought of her.

If I remember correctly, JR took a pic while there and it was the small shacks on the small street side that Jenny stayed at. Is that correct?

Also, the shopkeeper heard Jenny talking to the Corona truck driver while he was parked to get gas, or just across the street from their little shacks?

I believe the shacks you are talking about where JR's photo was taken are where she caught the ride from Corona, not where she stayed. They are across the highway from Pemex and the 24 hour place slowpoke posted, right on the main highway. It's hard to see now on slowpoke's street view because trucks are parked in front. Last year there was a Corona truck parked there on street view! I don't see how anyone could hear a conversation from across the road with all the truck traffic, unless there was a lull and they spoke loudly.

Here is the photo of JR taken a year ago. He says this is where Corona picked her up.
Ibelieve the shacks you are talking about where JR's photo was taken are where she caught the ride from Corona, not where she stayed. They are across the highway from Pemex and the 24 hour place slowpoke posted, right on the main highway. It's hard to see now on slowpoke's street view because trucks are parked in front. Last year there was a Corona truck parked there on street view! I don't see how anyone could hear a conversation from across the road with all the truck traffic, unless there was a lull and they spoke loudly.

Here is the photo of JR taken a year ago. He says this is where Corona picked her up. malink/818427671665612/

I think it is possible the pick-up spot and where she stayed could be one and the same, or at least the place she stayed could've been nearby on that side of that road. Could be several places open all hours at this crossing, we just don't know. We just know that one comedor I posted earlier says it serves 24 hours. So we know it is plausible for Jenny to meet a shopkeeper in the wee hours at this crossing.

Jenny was intending to head north to get to Cancun, so she would have been standing on the east side of the road with her Cancun sign but the Corona truck that gave her the ride is said to have pulled up on the opposite side of the road, convincing her to head south with him due to blockades on the northerly route. If Jenny was standing just outside her shop, I suppose Jenny shouting to the driver to be heard across the road may have enabled ms shopkeeper to pick up their conversation.

Here's a google map street view of the location JR posted showing there seems to be a couple more places with tables and chairs, so they could be more comedors there.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sVx_0a32GE5t4MW7sCW_14Q!2e0
Is that the Peppa Pig woman?

... cameras caught Jenny Chen, at 10:17 am on Monday, April 11 against the Peppa Pig cafe where [she] exchanged words with a man and then continued on his way towards Administrative City on federal highway 190 Christopher Columbus in Tlalixtac jurisdiction of Cabrera.
Is that the Peppa Pig woman?

... cameras caught Jenny Chen, at 10:17 am on Monday, April 11 against the Peppa Pig cafe where [she] exchanged words with a man and then continued on his way towards Administrative City on federal highway 190 Christopher Columbus in Tlalixtac jurisdiction of Cabrera.

No, Peppa Pig is in Oaxaca City. Jenny would have taken 190 out of Oaxaca on April 11 to Juchitan de Zaragoza, and then she was going north on 185. The cement truck dropped her off at Lagunas crossing where the Pemex is and she spent the night with the storekeeper/shopkeeper woman and caught a ride with the Corona driver.
... and she supposedly caught a ride with the Corona driver.
Maybe we discussed this before, but reading that link I posted that told of a reward being offered I note that it said taxi drivers in Chiapas say they saw Jenny. I also read where JR had planned to install billboards in (I think) Juchitan and Chiapas. I recall one billboard erected in Juchitan, but did one go up in Chiapas, too?
Anyway, assuming it true about the sightings in Chiapas, I was thinking HOW the taxi drivers saw (noticed) her in Chiapas. Did they see her because she was standing on the roadside trying to get a lift? Being taxi drivers, they're probably focused on people standing on the sides, signaling their desire for a ride. If that is where they saw her, then that would mean she not in the Corona truck at that point.

So, is the Corona truck ride bogus, or did these drivers see her in said truck, or did she get out of the truck in Chiapas? How much has JR investigated Chiapas?
Granted I haven't read up on all the threads and posts on this topic but couldn't it be possible the truck driver kidnapped her and the gas station worker if he saw might not want to say anything so nobody comes after him or he doesn't lose a big client like a truck buying gas from him or maybe he just didn't see. Did the driver ever get interviewed or investigated such as the rest of his route and destination?
Granted I haven't read up on all the threads and posts on this topic but couldn't it be possible the truck driver kidnapped her and the gas station worker if he saw might not want to say anything so nobody comes after him or he doesn't lose a big client like a truck buying gas from him or maybe he just didn't see. Did the driver ever get interviewed or investigated such as the rest of his route and destination?

Welcome to WS, WebWoman! We welcome your fresh input to this frustrating case of Jenny Chen.

What facts we know in this case are only known to us through the filter of the husband, JR. We only have the shopkeeper's word (again, through JR) for what happened with Jenny at Lagunas Crossing. So, I'd say your scenario is just as plausible!

Yes, the Corona drivers did get interviewed and polygraphed. JR has been making it clear for months that he believes one of them (or both) are responsible for her disappearance. Though at this point I'm not sure what the police think, as JR makes it sound like the police are doing nothing. JR has said one of the drivers was so nervous he jumped out of the chair during the polygraph test.

This is a great summary Lilibet wrote, it was a cleaned up version of a press release written by JR. The polygraphs were administered some time after this press release.

Thread 2, post # 1148

Our minds were thinking hard at that time (I think my brain has since degraded, lol) and you can see evidence of that if you read the posts around that time, if you'd like to read and catch up.
Welcome to WS, WebWoman! We welcome your fresh input to this frustrating case of Jenny Chen.

What facts we know in this case are only known to us through the filter of the husband, JR. We only have the shopkeeper's word (again, through JR) for what happened with Jenny at Lagunas Crossing. So, I'd say your scenario is just as plausible!

Yes, the Corona drivers did get interviewed and polygraphed. JR has been making it clear for months that he believes one of them (or both) are responsible for her disappearance. Though at this point I'm not sure what the police think, as JR makes it sound like the police are doing nothing. JR has said one of the drivers was so nervous he jumped out of the chair during the polygraph test.

This is a great summary Lilibet wrote, it was a cleaned up version of a press release written by JR. The polygraphs were administered some time after this press release.

Thread 2, post # 1148

Our minds were thinking hard at that time (I think my brain has since degraded, lol) and you can see evidence of that if you read the posts around that time, if you'd like to read and catch up.


I love his pics at lunch with the Corona executives. Lol. But where is the pic with the Mexican prosecutors or police captains that he was meeting up with at first.

Btw. Why would Corona execs meet up with him and they all fly together to another part of Mexico?

But he acts like they are doing nothing?

Also. Why would Corona send 4 people to meet up and fly with him in the first place like he was the king of England or something? Lol

So do we know if Jr maybe stumbled across them at a conference but acted like they were there soley for him?

Because aint no company sending that many people to meet you. Jmo.

Because if anything. A corporation will send 1 lawyer or investigator or something to handle any legal business that you may want to hash out. Jmo.
Ok. But why call a diner owner or head worker a shopkeeper.

So was the shopkeeper simply at the diner?

That is an interesting question. There are very different phrases in spanish that clearly identify a restaurant owner or worker from a "shopkeeper".
I believe Jenny referred to them as shopkeepers too, in her postings, didn't she?
I believe Jenny referred to them as shopkeepers too, in her postings, didn't she?

I believe she did when she talked about the family whose hospitality she abused. We don't know what she called the people she stayed with on her last night.
Since we're discussing the shopkeeper, I took a look back at the notepad, where Jenny wrote her name in Chinese on one of the pages. (See first link for post with the photo of it. Post 252 by KaaBoom)

We see that tortillas are listed in large quantities (kilos), and it says "descontar de cte de Artemio" (deduct from Artemio's account).

There's a list of 3 items under Alex y el sancudo: modeles (or modelos?), medias, cacahuates. At the Wikipedia link I read that "Most beer is sold in 325 ml bottles called "medias" in the popular slang, with certain brands, such as Tecate and Modelo Especial often sold in cans." So, could the first item be Modelos referring to the beer in cans, then medias for bottled beer? Cacahuates is peanuts, which I guess could be good eaten with beer.

And in another area it says, "Artemio comida". (Artemio meal)

So, maybe it is a diner. Artemio must sell her tortillas, so that's why it says to deduct the amount from Artemio's account, for when he eats or drinks there. It looks like it's mostly Artemio's page, except for the Alex and el sancudo part.

Maybe it's an everything kind of store: sells grocery or convenience store items in addition to beer and hot meals, and that's why JR refers to her as a "shopkeeper"? I don't know. lol
Since we're discussing the shopkeeper, I took a look back at the notepad, where Jenny wrote her name in Chinese on one of the pages. (See first link for post with the photo of it. Post 252 by KaaBoom)

We see that tortillas are listed in large quantities (kilos), and it says "descontar de cte de Artemio" (deduct from Artemio's account).

There's a list of 3 items under Alex y el sancudo: modeles (or modelos?), medias, cacahuates. At the Wikipedia link I read that "Most beer is sold in 325 ml bottles called "medias" in the popular slang, with certain brands, such as Tecate and Modelo Especial often sold in cans." So, could the first item be Modelos referring to the beer in cans, then medias for bottled beer? Cacahuates is peanuts, which I guess could be good eaten with beer.

And in another area it says, "Artemio comida". (Artemio meal)

So, maybe it is a diner. Artemio must sell her tortillas, so that's why it says to deduct the amount from Artemio's account, for when he eats or drinks there. It looks like it's mostly Artemio's page, except for the Alex and el sancudo part.

Maybe it's an everything kind of store: sells grocery or convenience store items in addition to beer and hot meals, and that's why JR refers to her as a "shopkeeper"? I don't know. lol

When JR posted the photo of the notebook page with very little information, which had to be dragged out of him, there was a lot of discussion about the things listed on the page. Thanks for going into detail slowpoke. I think you are right that it is an "everything kind of store."
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