Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #4

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I don’t know if it was translated from something other than Chinese, Cherry. If you click on the link in the WS post that is quoted in the post I linked, it leads to a page no longer available that references China as shown below. It seems strange to me too that her brother has a different last name. In the U.S. that would indicate a different father, so could Jenny be the child of a second marriage? I know there’s another reference on the threads to her brother’s name, but I haven’t found it yet.


The link is not working for some reason... But I did notice the reporter's name is in Chinese so I think if I can take a look at the original Chines text, I can find Jenny's brother's name in Chinese characters, which will be much more helpful. Do you think you could screen shot the article and post it here, Lilibet?

I’m sorry, cherry. I guess it wasn’t clear in my post that the page I linked is no longer available (see bold sentence), so I can’t screenshot the article. I only posted the link to show that the article quoted appeared to be in Chinese originally. I was responding to you wondering if it was translated from a language other than Chinese because the translation was so bad. Sorry for the confusion. It’s contagious on this crazy thread. :)

ETA: I see that Kaboom found the original Chinese article and that cleared up the name question. How’d you do that Kaboom? :)
Maybe this is the correct link. The date and article number seem to match.

Ah, so Jenny's brother's name is 陈群宇 (Qun Yu Chen). FYI, Jenny's Chinese name is 陈群丹 (Qun Dan Chen).

I have updated the Media Thread with this link and the info about Jenny’s brother. Thank you both!**NO-DISCUSSION**&p=13646252#post13646252

I’m curious about the names cherry. I need a tutorial from you! :) Would Jenny be called “Dan” by her family and would her brother be called “Yu” since the rest of their Chinese names are the same. Is “Qun” the last name? What is “Chen”? I thought last name came first, but “Chen” is last. :confused:
GigTu, I was pointing out that Singapore is not involved in this case, because a member here wrote a letter to the Chinese Commerce Chamber of Singapore. I believe it was a mistake because the said member used google to translate the Chinese article and the translation was wrong which led him to believe Singapore was involved.

Chinese embassy, however, is involved in this case, at least their political stance is to support the search of Jenny, they even went far and beyond by taking everything that Mexican police said for granted. (smirk)

We have a new member. Welcome aboard SC.
I don’t know if it was translated from something other than Chinese, Cherry. If you click on the link in the WS post that is quoted in the post I linked, it leads to a page no longer available that references China as shown below. It seems strange to me too that her brother has a different last name. In the U.S. that would indicate a different father, so could Jenny be the child of a second marriage? I know there’s another reference on the threads to her brother’s name, but I haven’t found it yet.

Every Chinese article refers to Jenny as he and her brother as she. But they basically said the same thing the English articles were stating.

Also, since no credible news stations picked this story up at all. I’m actually surprised that I see the story in more Chinese written articles than Spanish written articles.
Welcome back Dex. :seeya: I hadn’t seen you around for awhile and wondered if you’d taken a break. Or else we’ve been frequenting different threads.

We are excited to have a member who is able to translate Chinese. Google translate just wasn’t cutting it!
Welcome back Dex. :seeya: I hadn’t seen you around for awhile and wondered if you’d taken a break. Or else we’ve been frequenting different threads.

We are excited to have a member who is able to translate Chinese. Google translate just wasn’t cutting it!

Thanks LiliB. I periodically check in. I was surprised to see new thread page 6. Wow. I guess JR will use the earthquake to delay his updates.

1 person asked where was Jenny seen by the new witness. And he told the person to message him instead of letting his public know where to be on the lookout at. Weird.
I think the location has been announced on this very thread a few times. And, JR mentioned it himself in the FB group by saying he'd hold off searching the federal district until earthquakes effort recovery has slowed.
Thanks LiliB. I periodically check in. I was surprised to see new thread page 6. Wow. I guess JR will use the earthquake to delay his updates.

1 person asked where was Jenny seen by the new witness. And he told the person to message him instead of letting his public know where to be on the lookout at. Weird.

JR later said there were more interviews to conduct before posting notices about Jenny, but it would happen soon. Then the earthquake happened and he was more specific about the location.

I think the location has been announced on this very thread a few times. And, JR mentioned it himself in the FB group by saying he'd hold off searching the federal district until earthquakes effort recovery has slowed.

Yes, since that request to message him privately, he’s asked Jenny’s friends from Oaxaca, Puebla and Mexico City to message him. He met near Mexico City with the person who says she saw Jenny. The fact that he mentioned the federal district indicates to me that she was seen in that area. I think that gets us up to speed. :)
Chinese people's names consist of a surname and a given name. The surname comes first, followed by the given name. But in translations, when Chinese names are translated, we like to reverse the order so westerners can figure out the surname easily. So in Jenny's chase, her Chinese name in normal order is Chen Qun Dan, Chen being her surname, ie. family name, and Qun Dan being her given name. In my translation I reversed the order for the reason mentioned above. Her brother's name is Chen Qun Yu. They share the same surname Chen, obviously. And it is very common for siblings to share a common characters in their given names. In this chase, the common character is Qun.

I hope this clears things up!

I have updated the Media Thread with this link and the info about Jenny’s brother. Thank you both!**NO-DISCUSSION**&p=13646252#post13646252

I’m curious about the names cherry. I need a tutorial from you! :) Would Jenny be called “Dan” by her family and would her brother be called “Yu” since the rest of their Chinese names are the same. Is “Qun” the last name? What is “Chen”? I thought last name came first, but “Chen” is last. :confused:
Chinese people's names consist of a surname and a given name. The surname comes first, followed by the given name. But in translations, when Chinese names are translated, we like to reverse the order so westerners can figure out the surname easily. So in Jenny's chase, her Chinese name in normal order is Chen Qun Dan, Chen being her surname, ie. family name, and Qun Dan being her given name. In my translation I reversed the order for the reason mentioned above. Her brother's name is Chen Qun Yu. They share the same surname Chen, obviously. And it is very common for siblings to share a common characters in their given names. In this chase, the common character is Qun.

I hope this clears things up!

Thank you! It clears it up nicely. :)
Today JR has revealed that the place Jenny was seen in February was Zócalo, Mexico City, the public square. He believes she is still in the Federal District (Mexico City) or Puebla. He says he will wait for the earthquake chaos to settle down before posting fliers. But he was encouraged by members to do it now, since it’s actually a good time to do it, probably because people are looking for loved ones. He will send fliers to ones asking.

Zocalo is the huge public square in Mexico City. It can hold 100,000 people! The witness says she saw and spoke to Jenny, but unless Jenny identified herself I don’t see how the witness could be certain she saw and spoke to her. How many other petite Asian women who could look similar to Jenny are in Mexico at any given time?! It’s very hard to positively identify someone of the same race, let alone another. We see mistaken sightings a lot on WS and Jenny is not that distinctive IMO. I really hope thIs is not a deliberate happens.ócalo

The Federal District JR refers to is the old name for Mexico City. It was officially changed to Mexico City in January 2016. Locals still refer to it as DF or Federal District. I kept seeing DF and wondered what it is.
Please delete this if it has been mentioned or asked, but what are others thoughts on the husband's previous arrests, before and after Jenny went missing? I really hope Jenny is found safe, and that the possible sighting is credible and accurate.
Well, we can’t talk too much about JR’s personal and legal life under the victim-friendly TOS. We all know about it, and if we don’t, online records are available for private perusal. He himself posted briefly about his arrest in July 2016, and quickly deleted it, but we did discuss it at the time ln thread #2. Here’s a sample.

I think it still rankles most of us. But more than that one arrest, I am bothered (to put it mildly) when someone exhibits disrespect for even minor laws and their consequences for decades. It speaks loudly to character IMO. I’ve probably said more than enough!

Just a general’s very difficult when a victim is someone known to have behaved badly. I always want people to be safe and/or have their missing loved one back. But I don’t have to like them! Check out John Beck’s thread for an illustration of this problem.
JB an JR are two good examples of not liking someone related to a missing persons case, Lilibet. JR kind of fits into his own category of being disliked, but I don't believe he disappeared Jenny regardless of his misdemeanor history.

JB being the actual MP is more of a manhunt for a wanted criminal however, and he is not a victim in my opinion.

Im very glad I haven't read the word "Corona" in awhile. If we know JR at all, we can expect him to push hard and speak loudly about Zocalo. How long before we hate that word too. :slap:
JB an JR are two good examples of not liking someone related to a missing persons case, Lilibet. JR kind of fits into his own category of being disliked, but I don't believe he disappeared Jenny regardless of his misdemeanor history.

JB being the actual MP is more of a manhunt for a wanted criminal however, and he is not a victim in my opinion.

Im very glad I haven't read the word "Corona" in awhile. If we know JR at all, we can expect him to push hard and speak loudly about Zocalo. How long before we hate that word too. :slap:

Speaking only according to WS TOS, both JR and JB are technically “victims” but in different categories as you say. The TOS are a good thing and keep me walking a fine line and not saying more than I have! But I struggle with the feelings.

I agree that JR did not disappear Jenny and is truly a victim, regardless of his repugnant (to me) personal issues. I do have to wonder whether there was a “last straw” that motivated her sudden decision to travel to Mexico, Cuba and NYC.

And although what JB did to consumers was a crime in my book, he was never charged with one. So the feds weren’t looking for him, unfortunately. Missing or not, they got as much of the $113 mllion judgement out of him as they could. So the only ones who want to know what happened to him are WS and his family and I doubt they hold out hope that he’s alive. Two crazy cases!

Whoever told JR that she saw Jenny in February has really messed up his claims about Corona. At least he can’t launch Twitter campaigns against Zocalo, the city square! :D
About JB, I thought his expected appearance in court that day could have resulted in charges against him - and that him fleeing caused great financial hardship to his wife et al (potentially losing the house for example) because they were left holding the financial bag for his misdeeds. I think though, the house was ultimately untouched by the legal system?... I'm not sure so I may go read up on it all - because it's interesting. It really is an enigmatic mystery. Thanks for giving me the info, I appreciate it.

I wonder if JRs public claims about Jenny being seen on Zocalo now forever negate his Corona claims.
About JB, I thought his expected appearance in court that day could have resulted in charges against him - and that him fleeing caused great financial hardship to his wife et al (potentially losing the house for example) because they were left holding the financial bag for his misdeeds. I think though, the house was ultimately untouched by the legal system?... I'm not sure so I may go read up on it all - because it's interesting. It really is an enigmatic mystery. Thanks for giving me the info, I appreciate it.

I wonder if JRs public claims about Jenny being seen on Zocalo now forever negate his Corona claims.

It was never a criminal case, unfortunately. JB’s court appearance was apparently just a meeting regarding the bankruptcy he filed. They were almost done with the process. His leaving could have caused his wife to lose everything, but in the final settlement recently she was able to retain some money and the house IIRC. I guess the feds had mercy on her. It was another bizarre case worth rereading.

Eventually I think JR will say that the Zócalo sighting was a mistake and zero in on Corona again.

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