Mexico - Kaleo Skye, 3 & Roxy Rain 10 mos, killed by dad, Rosarito, 10 Aug 2021 *arrest in CA*

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DNA Solves
he chose to go down that rabbit hole just like the rest of them.

Agree. Brainwashed and delusional or your typical soccer dad in the suburbs, knowingly acting to end the lives of your children make you equally culpable.

MC has never denied killing his children. It's his reason for doing so that he's still pondering. He says it came to him when he was in bed in Mexico. I'm anxious to hear about his social and private communications six months prior to the act.

Our babysitter's parents fell hard for this stuff. A commercial airline pilot and real estate executive!

And I remember when David Icke was doing morning sports on the BBC (early 80's).
Not that I can understand his mind, but I think it's like a self-generated addiction he kept going back to dig up more "secrets conspiracies". It grew to the point he believed he was the one to save the world. Reading some of his old social media posts, he always got an "ego-boost-high" making himself out to be the one with some direct link to the Almighty. Just like a Proverbs says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” It was a choice, his choice. He even says he made himself believe. He wants to call it a delusion, but that's still making it all about him, trying to make excuses. MOO, it's an unforgivable act what he did to those two children.

In the two-page letter viewed by PEOPLE, Matthew Taylor Coleman had written to a friend about what has been going through his mind in the 10 months since he was locked up for the murder of his two children in August 2021.

'I was deceived,' Coleman wrote in the letter from an undisclosed federal prison in California. 'I was deceiving myself. I know now that the [reptile] DNA thing was a delusion in my own mind. I made myself believe something that wasn't there.'
Not that I can understand his mind, but I think it's like a self-generated addiction he kept going back to dig up more "secrets conspiracies". It grew to the point he believed he was the one to save the world. Reading some of his old social media posts, he always got an "ego-boost-high" making himself out to be the one with some direct link to the Almighty. Just like a Proverbs says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” It was a choice, his choice. He even says he made himself believe. He wants to call it a delusion, but that's still making it all about him, trying to make excuses. MOO, it's an unforgivable act what he did to those two children.

In the two-page letter viewed by PEOPLE, Matthew Taylor Coleman had written to a friend about what has been going through his mind in the 10 months since he was locked up for the murder of his two children in August 2021.

'I was deceived,' Coleman wrote in the letter from an undisclosed federal prison in California. 'I was deceiving myself. I know now that the [reptile] DNA thing was a delusion in my own mind. I made myself believe something that wasn't there.'

You've reminded me of this analysis of Qanon and wanted to share this really interesting perspective. The author sees it like a game, where people become fully immersed in the experience.

The basis is that apophenia (the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things) fuels these kinds of conspiracy theories. People spend all of their time searching for clues that don't exist. And in some cases, the clues they're being given guide them away from reality, into dangerous rabbit holes.

"QAnon grows on the wild misinterpretation of random data, presented in a suggestive fashion in an environment designed to help the users come to the intended misunderstanding."

It matters to me to get the facts straight. I thought she was getting clarity from his grandma's old Bibles. One article said she was, the other article said he was. Even the People link I remembered went to another article. MOO, if you can copy and paste something from an article it is always best.

At 3:12 a.m., Matthew allegedly sent a text to Abby in response to a previous text she had sent him.

"Hi babe, miss you too," he allegedly wrote, according to the affidavit. "Things have been rough but starting to get some clarity as well. Still confused on a lot of things though and processing through them. So many crazy thoughts going through my head right now, hard to explain."

"Yeah, funny you're getting some clarity through my grandma's old Bibles," he continued. "Wasn't there 2. Anyways, was actually still thinking of burning them in case there's a chip in them or something. Going to keep processing through everything and hope to get some answers. Hope all this craziness ends soon. Love you."

-----Versus this article's version------

'Hi babe, miss you too,' read one of the texts, sent in the early hours of August 9 - the day of the murder, according to the filing.

'Things have been rough but starting to get some clarity as well. Still confused on a lot of things though and processing through them.

'So many crazy thoughts going through my head right now, hard to explain,'
he went on, adding that he was 'getting some clarity through my grandmas [sic] old bibles.'

See what I mean?
... The basis is that apophenia (the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things) fuels these kinds of conspiracy theories. People spend all of their time searching for clues that don't exist. And in some cases, the clues they're being given guide them away from reality, into dangerous rabbit holes.
(Enlarged and Bold by Me to Reply)
"QAnon grows on the wild misinterpretation of random data, presented in a suggestive fashion in an environment designed to help the users come to the intended misunderstanding."

Thank You for this article link. I will want to reread it several times. It's profoundly frightening to grasp the the evil intention and methods used to mess with people's minds.

I think this sentence, perhaps initially used by Q actually describes the gobbling up of utter nonsense that happens with the followers of far-fetched conspiracy theories-- "Breadcrumbs are easy to swallow." I picture Coleman going to the dark web daily to gobble up those crumbs like he's playing the game PAC MAN.

My Own Opinion
...He says it came to him when he was in bed in Mexico. I'm anxious to hear about his social and private communications six months prior to the act.

Our babysitter's parents fell hard for this stuff. A commercial airline pilot and real estate executive!

And I remember when David Icke was doing morning sports on the BBC (early 80's).
I was shocked to read about your babysitter's parents falling so hard for it.

You know and remember this David Icke guy, but I didn't know about him. Well, apparently, Coleman believed everything David Icke said, but didn't research who "the white haired guy" was, or commit his name to memory, but just bought all of Icke's far-fetched theories without a doubt nor a hesitation to believe in "those lizard people theories". Geez, he killed his kids and it started with him believing the nonsense spouted by some white haired guy he didn't even seem to know the guy's name.​

Coleman told authorities he had been radicalized by British conspiracy theorist David Icke, and was possessed into thinking there are 'lizard people' on earth, court documents revealed.

Icke's theories are so extreme that he has been banned from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

'He explained that he first learned of 'Lizard People' on Twitter and from 'that British guy with white hair,' FBI Special Agent Joseph P. Hamer wrote in his search warrant.

Oh, and of course, just as the Almighty personally told Coleman things, so did Q. It only stands to reason that Coleman always taking a lead role in his mind would believe he was the one who had to save the world, and also he might be the only true man left.​

Coleman went on to claim that Q - the name of the anonymous account whose 2017 post to image-sharing site 4Chan sparked the QAnon movement- was communicating with him directly, telling agents that he 'eventually…saw the big picture that he had to kill his children to prevent them from becoming an alien species that would release carnage over the Earth.'

Coleman 'said he knew what he did was wrong, but it was the only course of action that would save the world,' according to court documents.

In the weeks and months before the killings, Coleman also became obsessed with QAnon. He ranted to agents after confessing to the double murder, saying he was 'either crazy or the only person left on Earth that is a true man.'

Again, Just My Own Thoughts, Reactions, & Opinions.
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"QAnon grows on the wild misinterpretation of random data, presented in a suggestive fashion in an environment designed to help the users come to the intended misunderstanding."

..."Breadcrumbs are easy to swallow." I picture Coleman going to the dark web daily to gobble up those crumbs like he's playing the game PAC MAN.

Bakers and breadcrumbs

Q's posts tended to be either vague or totally incomprehensible, but QAnon believers have been more than happy to try and decipher them. At one point in 2019, for example, Q posted a photo of an unnamed island chain. Eager to divine the reasoning behind the post, QAnon adherents tried to "prove" that the photo must have been taken on Air Force One and thus that Q was traveling with the president.

The Q posts are known to the faithful as "breadcrumbs." The people who then try to figure out what they mean are called "bakers."
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They report he's having regrets from jail and that he's coming to the the realization, but not fully yet, as though it's progress and improvement. He's trying to "sort out his thoughts". Really should've done that a long time ago. Fooled himself while looking right at his innocent children. They make it sound like he can wake up and come out of his decision. No, he can't bring back those children he killed with a spear gun. Just MOO, it's too late for regrets to change anything.​

I quoted this article - back on post #517 page 26 in May.

The judge granted the request and set a new hearing date of July 28 in U.S. District Court, Southern District of California.

But I have looked at Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo's calendar schedules since May - and yesterday (7/26) & today (7/27)- she has no court hearings, also tomorrow 7/28 she has none. She does have several cases on 7/29/22 - but Coleman's name is not on there.

@Seattle1 Is there somewhere else besides - this link:

that you might info on his next court date? And is the Judge still Bencivengo?
TIA! :)
I quoted this article - back on post #517 page 26 in May.

The judge granted the request and set a new hearing date of July 28 in U.S. District Court, Southern District of California.

But I have looked at Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo's calendar schedules since May - and yesterday (7/26) & today (7/27)- she has no court hearings, also tomorrow 7/28 she has none. She does have several cases on 7/29/22 - but Coleman's name is not on there.

@Seattle1 Is there somewhere else besides - this link:

that you might info on his next court date? And is the Judge still Bencivengo?
TIA! :)
Hi @Niner -- This case is still assigned to Judge Bencivengo and the docket since being moved from Northern to Southern CALIF US District Court is pretty skinny.

Looks like a joint motion to continue the hearing was filed on 7/21, and the Court ordered the status hearing continued the next day but no new date has been written as of today.

ORDER on Motion Continuing Motion Hearing/Trial Setting as to Matthew Taylor Coleman (1) Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 7/28/2022 09:30 AM before Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.. Signed by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on 5/13/2022.(anh) (Entered: 05/13/2022)
Joint MOTION to Continue Status Hearing by USA as to Matthew Taylor Coleman. (Ko, Peter) (anh). (Entered: 07/21/2022)
ORDER on 33 Motion to Continue Status Hearing. Signed by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on 7/22/2022.(sjt) (Entered: 07/22/2022)

CM/ECF - casd
Hi @Niner -- This case is still assigned to Judge Bencivengo and the docket since being moved from Northern to Southern CALIF US District Court is pretty skinny.

Looks like a joint motion to continue the hearing was filed on 7/21, and the Court ordered the status hearing continued the next day but no new date has been written as of today.

ORDER on Motion Continuing Motion Hearing/Trial Setting as to Matthew Taylor Coleman (1) Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 7/28/2022 09:30 AM before Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.. Signed by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on 5/13/2022.(anh) (Entered: 05/13/2022)
Joint MOTION to Continue Status Hearing by USA as to Matthew Taylor Coleman. (Ko, Peter) (anh). (Entered: 07/21/2022)
ORDER on 33 Motion to Continue Status Hearing. Signed by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on 7/22/2022.(sjt) (Entered: 07/22/2022)

CM/ECF - casd

Thank you for that info! Much appreciated.
Looks like there was a hearing 7/28 - per this article.

August 15, 2022
In the early hours of Aug. 9, 2021, Matthew Coleman woke his 2-year-old son, Kaleo, and 10-month-old daughter, Roxy, in a room at the City Express Hotel, where they were staying in the Mexican seaside resort town of Rosarito. He bundled them into his van and drove them to a remote ranch a short distance away. Then he murdered them both by stabbing them over a dozen times each with a spearfishing gun.
The case was last before a judge on July 28, for a status hearing. The hearing was conducted by phone and Coleman was not present, according to a court filing.

The judge sought the hearing after both prosecution and defense had sought a continuance until October. In a court filing reviewed by VICE News, the parties outlined their reasons for seeking another delay: “The Department of Justice must decide whether to seek the death penalty in this case.”

The document revealed that in June, defense lawyers met with officials from the U.S. Attorney’s office and “presented mitigating information for consideration.” While the U.S. Attorney has submitted a recommendation to the DOJ, the case will now need to go through “multiple levels of review and may include another defense presentation to DOJ officials of mitigating information” before they can make an decision about whether or not to seek the death penalty.

Additionally, the application said both sides were still reviewing mountains of digital evidence sourced from Coleman’s devices and social media accounts.” For example, in June 2022, the prosecution provided Coleman with “years of unfiltered data recently received through search warrants on three social media accounts,” the application states.
Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo initially denied the application, but at the July hearing she granted a continuance on the condition that the parties both submit a status report no later than three days after the DOJ submits their recommendation.

So per article doesn't look like anything is going to happen until October, but I will keep checking the Judge's schedule weekly.
Looks like there was a hearing 7/28 - per this article.

Thanks, @Niner. It seems Judge Bencivengo wanted to show both the govt and defense that she doesn't intend to be overplayed by both sides agreeing without her and ordered the status hearing held via phone. IMO, we'd never see this happen in (state) District Court! I'll pull a new docket report by October.
Hi @Niner -- This case is still assigned to Judge Bencivengo and the docket since being moved from Northern to Southern CALIF US District Court is pretty skinny.

Looks like a joint motion to continue the hearing was filed on 7/21, and the Court ordered the status hearing continued the next day but no new date has been written as of today.

ORDER on Motion Continuing Motion Hearing/Trial Setting as to Matthew Taylor Coleman (1) Motion Hearing/Trial Setting set for 7/28/2022 09:30 AM before Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.. Signed by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on 5/13/2022.(anh) (Entered: 05/13/2022)
Joint MOTION to Continue Status Hearing by USA as to Matthew Taylor Coleman. (Ko, Peter) (anh). (Entered: 07/21/2022)
ORDER on 33 Motion to Continue Status Hearing. Signed by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on 7/22/2022.(sjt) (Entered: 07/22/2022)

CM/ECF - casd

U.S. District Court
Southern District of California (San Diego)
CRIMINAL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 3:21-cr-02627-CAB-1​

Case title: USA v. Coleman

Date Filed: 09/08/2021

Assigned to: Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo

Date Filed#Docket Text
ORDER on 33 Motion to Continue Status Hearing. Signed by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on 7/22/2022.(sjt) (Entered: 07/22/2022)
NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE: Sean Kevin Kennedy appearing for Matthew Taylor Coleman as Learned Counsel (Kennedy, Sean)Attorney Sean Kevin Kennedy added to party Matthew Taylor Coleman(pty:dft) (anh). (Entered: 07/27/2022)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo: Telephonic Status Hearing as to Matthew Taylor Coleman held on 7/28/2022. Defendant's appearance waived for this proceeding and parties appearing telephonic. Parties shall submit a Status Report no later than three (3) days from the date the Dept of Justice makes determination on capital decision. Excludable(s) started as to Matthew Taylor Coleman: XT1 - Continuance granted, failure to continue would stop further proceedings or result in miscarriage of justice beginning 7/28/2022. Upon receipt of the report, the Court will reset further status hearing. (Court Reporter/ECR Mauralee Ramirez). (Plaintiff Attorney Peter Ko, AUSA). (Defendant Attorney Christine O'Connor, Cuahtemoc Ortega and Elena Sadowsky, FD/CDCA). (Sean Kennedy, learned counsel). (no document attached) (lmh) (Entered: 07/28/2022)
STATUS REPORT and Motion to Exclude Time Under Speedy Trial Act (Joint) by USA as to Matthew Taylor Coleman (Ko, Peter) (anh). (Entered: 09/30/2022)
ORDER Setting Telephonic Status Hearing as to Matthew Taylor Coleman, ( Status Hearing set for 12/2/2022 02:00 PM before Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo.). Signed by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on 9/30/2022. (anh) (Entered: 09/30/2022)

It has been awhile since he was in court - I shall shorten this up a bit now.

Friday, December 2nd:
*Status Hearing (@ 2pm PT) – CA/Mexico - Kaleo Skye (3) & Roxy Rain (10 mos.) Coleman (reported missing Aug. 8, 2021, Santa Barbara & found on Aug. 9, 2021 by a farmworker in Rosarito, Mexico) - *Matthew Taylor Coleman (40/now 41) arrested (8/9/21 @ Mexican/US border in San Ysidro Port of Entry checkpoint from Tijuana), charged (8/11/21), indicted (9/8/21) & arraigned (9/29/21) with 2 counts of “foreign murder of U.S. nationals”. Held without bond. Plead not guilty. DA “may” seek the DP.
Case info from 8/11/21 thru 9/29/21 reference post #494 here:

11/1/21 Update: In a joint motion filed last week by the United States Attorney & the Federal Public Defenders, both sides asked that the case be continued until next May so that they could continue to gather relevant evidence in the case. A computer, two phones & an iPad are being searched pursuant to warrants," the motion says. "Instead of waiting until agents have completed the searches & providing only data seized as responsive to the warrants, a mirror image of the computer's entire drive & the full Cellebrite downloads for the phones & iPad will be provided to the defense by Nov. 5, 2021." By that date, the United States also will provide additional discovery consisting generally of cell site data, Mexican law enforcement reports, photographs & recordings of or from the area of the murders, jail recordings & videos from the Port of Entry," the motion continues. A federal law enforcement source confirms that FBI agents are focusing on his web browsing history, text & email messages & postings on message boards & groups that discuss QAnon conspiracy theories. Hearing regarding request to delay for six months is scheduled on 11/5/21.
5/19/22 Update: The U.S. Attorney’s Office & federal public defenders, who are representing Coleman in this case, asked the court to delay Thursday’s hearing to late July. Prosecutors have not yet decided whether to pursue the death penalty in this case & on June 27, defense attorneys plan to present information to prosecutors that “may bear on that decision,” according to court documents. “Once that recommendation has been made, the parties will have a better idea of the direction that this case may take & the amount of time that might be necessary to prepare for trial, in the event there is one,” attorneys wrote. Attorneys also said there is at least one terabyte of digital discovery in this case & more information is expected, including results of search warrants from Internet service providers. The judge granted the request & set a new hearing date of 7/28/22 in U.S. District Court, Southern District of Calif.
6/6/22 Update: A new search warrant also reveals DOJ is working to dispel any insanity defense from Coleman. In a May 13 court filing, U.S. Attorneys in San Diego asked for additional time before moving forward with the trial against Coleman as they "contemplate" whether to pursue the death penalty. In addition, a new search warrant filed in federal court on June 3, shows the federal prosecutors continue to scour through Coleman's computers in hopes of determining whether or not he has a "legitimate mental illness."
7/21/22: #33: Joint Motion to continue status hearing for 7/28/22. 7/22/22: #34: Order on #33 Motion to continue hearing-granted.
7/28/22 Update: Hearing held before a judge on July 28, for a status hearing. The hearing was conducted by phone & Coleman was not present, according to a court filing. The judge sought the hearing after both prosecution & defense had sought a continuance until October. In a court filing the parties outlined their reasons for seeking another delay: “The Dept. of Justice must decide whether to seek the death penalty in this case.” The document revealed that in June, defense lawyers met with officials from the U.S. Attorney’s office & “presented mitigating information for consideration.” While the U.S. Attorney has submitted a recommendation to the DOJ, the case will now need to go through “multiple levels of review & may include another defense presentation to DOJ officials of mitigating information” before they can make an decision about whether or not to seek the death penalty. Additionally, the application said both sides were still reviewing mountains of digital evidence sourced from Coleman’s devices & social media accounts.” For example, in June 2022, the prosecution provided Coleman with “years of unfiltered data recently received through search warrants on three social media accounts,” the application states. Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo initially denied the application, but at the July hearing she granted a continuance on the condition that the parties both submit a status report no later than three days after the DOJ submits their recommendation.
9/30/22: Status report & Motion to exclude time under speedy trial act. Order setting telephonic status hearing on 12/2/22 @ 2pm before Judge Bencivengo.

Federal prosecutors will not pursue the death penalty against Matthew Coleman, the Santa Barbara surf instructor who brutally killed his 2-year-old and 10-month-old children because he believed they had "serpent DNA" in them.


It has been awhile since he was in court...

(For You, @Niner.) A status hearing in the case is set for February 9.
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Federal prosecutors will not pursue the death penalty against Matthew Coleman, the Santa Barbara surf instructor who brutally killed his 2-year-old and 10-month-old children because he believed they had "serpent DNA" in them.

View attachment 399236

(For You, @Niner.) A status hearing in the case is set for February 9.

Hey! Is that date 2/9 in the article? I can not access it - is why I ask. The Judge's schedule right now only goes thru 2/3.

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