Mexico Mexico - Rebecca Coriam, 24, Disney Cruise Employee, Coast of Mexico, 22 March 2011

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Wow. Just reading those articles now. I'm inclined to believe Tracie but I really don't think we'll ever know for sure. I hope Rebecca's family is able to continue forward in some way,
To me it seems like there are three possibilities:

1 - Rebecca was pressured into the threesome with Tracie and Tracie's boyfriend; afterwards she was so disturbed, she took her own life. One of her friends on board the ship has stated that Rebecca phoned her prior to joining Tracie and her boyfriend and that she, this friend, urged Rebecca NOT to let herself be pressured.

2 - Rebecca refused to take part in the threesome and the other two forced her, then killed her to stop her talking.

3 - Rebecca refused to take part in the threesome, the other two forced her, and a traumatised Rebecca then killed herself.
Rebecca was already hurt in one of the pictures. The police claimed there was a struggle because her shorts were ripped but I don't see any shorts. In the picture whereby she's facing the camera and holding her face with her hands, her shirt is not tucked in and it's hanging several inches beneath her belt line. In the 2nd picture whereby her back is turned to the camera, the back of her shirt is cut irregularly at the bottom and it's 6 inches above her waist line so that her lower back is exposed. Nobody mentions that as far as I can tell, but how did her shirt get cut off so ragged looking in a very short time? Also, look at the right side of her back just where the shirt is cut off. There's a red spot right where the shirt begins to be cut, indicating that someone poked her with a knife or scissors when they cut the shirt across the back. Why cut off the shirt like that? The fact that it's cut from behind tells me someone else did that, even tho she could have taken it off and cut it, then put it back on. If she did that however, then she wouldn't have jabbed herself with a sharp object, causing the red mark we see on her back. I think the other girl fought with her, cut her shirt like that, then she and the boyfriend decided to get rid of her. They already cut her shirt and possibly beat her up, so they feared they might spend some time in jail and decided to end the problem with the threesome as well by throwing her over board.
Rebecca was already hurt in one of the pictures. The police claimed there was a struggle because her shorts were ripped but I don't see any shorts. In the picture whereby she's facing the camera and holding her face with her hands, her shirt is not tucked in and it's hanging several inches beneath her belt line. In the 2nd picture whereby her back is turned to the camera, the back of her shirt is cut irregularly at the bottom and it's 6 inches above her waist line so that her lower back is exposed. Nobody mentions that as far as I can tell, but how did her shirt get cut off so ragged looking in a very short time? Also, look at the right side of her back just where the shirt is cut off. There's a red spot right where the shirt begins to be cut, indicating that someone poked her with a knife or scissors when they cut the shirt across the back. Why cut off the shirt like that? The fact that it's cut from behind tells me someone else did that, even tho she could have taken it off and cut it, then put it back on. If she did that however, then she wouldn't have jabbed herself with a sharp object, causing the red mark we see on her back. I think the other girl fought with her, cut her shirt like that, then she and the boyfriend decided to get rid of her. They already cut her shirt and possibly beat her up, so they feared they might spend some time in jail and decided to end the problem with the threesome as well by throwing her over board.

Could you post or link us to this picture?

Yeah, it is one persons point of view/story. Unfortunately there is no one else talking or gonna talk, so there is no way corroborate what she is saying.

“I have nothing to hide. My silence was never an admission of guilt, my silence was to protect the image of a friend."
One of the interesting things from that article was that it says "her credit card was used two months after her disappearance.".. I didn't think i'd heard this before - had anyone else?
This is the most often misunderstood and misrepresented thing in RC's case. The use of her credit card was an automatic bill pay that was previously set up before she disappeared. I can understand the family's frustration and desire for answers but this is a piece that they often under report. By saying there was "activity on her credit card/bank account", while technically true, it gives the impression that one of two things happened:

1) - Someone eliminated Rebecca via nefarious means and stole her credit card and used it


2) - RC is somehow miraculously alive and used her credit card for something such as running away, escaping, etc.

But by saying a general statement like "her credit card was used" and giving no details, you can create that impression. The truth is far more logical and fits the narrative that her life sadly and tragically ended in the ocean that morning. Note how whenever you read that from RC's family attorney it never notes what the credit card was used for and how often. The truth is it was one time to pay a bill automatically that was already set up before this happened.
My Theory:
I think Rebecca may have committed suicide and I will explain why.

My Boyfriends Theory.
His is short and simple - he thinks Rebecca left at a port.
Good post with good theories. Your theory is more logical imo and could very well be a possibility. I definitely think RC's family is in a bit of denial about their daughter's situation and would refuse to believe she was so distraught over that morning's events that she threw herself overboard. This is especially true if she was sexually assaulted. I've always been ehhhh on the official explanation that a rouge wave rocked the ship and tossed her overboard and could realistically believe that she did that herself given her state of mind or as a stretch someone pushed her to eliminate her for whatever reason(s).

Virtually no chance she's alive. I know that's final, tragic and sad but it's just not possible. There are so many mental leaps you have to make to get to that point. As noted above, the credit card use was an automatic bill pay that was previously set up before she disappeared. It has been primarily the family and their attorney pushing that narrative because it furthers the family's desire to hold on to things that *might* give hope their daughter is alive. I understand that completely because before you find a body, you don't know for certain. The logical part of me can never say never without physical evidence she is deceased but given what likely happened, I can say it with 99.9% certainty and can find no realistic scenario that would cause RC to be living today.
I tend to believe she MAY have been raped by her girlfriend's lover. Her girlfriend had a cuteness about her but the boyfriend was no Steve Stunning. All photos I've seen of the guy make him look quite frightening, if anything. My only problem with the rape theory is that no one heard her scream for help nor apparently did she report the incident or go to the clinic. I can see Disney covering up a suicide or accident, but murder? Is this a case of "money talks"? I wonder also why her parents sued for only $75,000 and then settled if they thought foul play was involved. I'd have gone after them in the millions of dollars for their covering up evidence alone. I still can't decide if Bex was murdered, committed suicide or accidently fell off. A good case could be made for any one of them. I'm sure if there was any way to force Disney to give up the true story, it would've happened by now. Shameful that Disney has more money and influence than Maritime Law.
I forgot to mention Bex's practical jokes which were way over the top; dumping soap on people and tackling them for no reason (outside of frat hazing) isn't normal behavior, as another poster noted. It could be indicative of her alleged drug problem or undiagnosed bi-polar disorder. It could also be another sort of medical condition. Long ago, I knew a girl who started behaving in such a weird way..."want to see a cigarette burn twice?", then proceeded to put the cigarette out on the person's arm and other things like that. That was not normal behavior, for her or anyone. Turned out it was something to do with her thyroid, which required surgery. The weird behavior stopped after that.
I only just tonight heard of this girl. Was not reported on where I live in Canada as far as I'm aware (and I follow these kinds of stories in the news).

But I just have to note that in readin through the pages of posts, it's very eerie an ad for Disney Swarovski crystals kept popping up....
Thanks for that, I've just read it. Interesting where the friend/girlfriend of Rebecca on the ship states: 'I never did anything to physically harm Rebecca.'

That doesn't rule out hurting her emotionally, maybe pressuring her into the threesome....? Possibly pushing her into it despite knowing Rebecca was fragile. Did that contribute to suicide if indeed that's what resulted?

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