MI MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, Fatally Shot While Jogging, Rose Twp, 30 Jul 2016 #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Nina is a WS Member so I’m pretty confident she is aware of what’s gone down in the threads.


Thanks ... I did not realize she was a member here. She did well with the way she reported. ( my post was supposed to say she might have been keeping track of the case here, not trading. Sheesh - smack me with that old trout icon :oops: )
Every now and then I try to picture how this went this down. (Notice I don’t say ‘make sense of…’, because this makes NO sense at all to me.)

WS is listed as a POI, maybe even a suspect, here. Given his vocal nature on this forum I sometimes lean in that direction till I think about it some. I believe LE asked about ownership of a shotgun by him or family members, but nothing about the vehicle he drives. A white or light colored sedan was seen in that area. Back to the shotgun. WS was an Army medic who claims to have been deployed to combat areas overseas. I have no idea of the extent of his combat experience. If he has seen combat with an M-4 or M-16 against enemy combatants who are shooting back I can’t reconcile that with the shooting results here. Missing 3 out of 4 shots with a shotgun? (Of course, we don’t know if buckshot or rifled slugs were used and if I’m going to shoot at a moving target my choice is buckshot.) Of course it is possible the shooter hits Alexandra with the first shot and she runs off the road and tries to run through the trees in an evasive action. At less than 5’ tall and 100 pounds or less I don’t think that is likely, though.

While I can’t rule out WS, I strongly suspect this was a stranger Alexandra had seen earlier that day or on during another run and something set that person off. Or someone else Alexandra recognized, but didn’t necessarily know. I believe I’ve read that LE stated they believe she knew her killer and they know far more about the crime scene than we do.

If this was a stranger, I wonder if they have been off that road before shooting a shotgun. Maybe north of the crime scene around Elliott Lake? I can imagine LE has questioned others in the area. Though, possession of shotgun loaded with buckshot or rifled slugs is illegal outside of the deer season if such a person is caught walking through the woods. In fact, LE might even detain anyone for driving in a rural area like that with such a gun within reach in the vehicle.

I know I hate the fact that there is probably little if any video available – probably a video surveillance on a house or two of the sedan – no eye witnesses and no DNA likely. This is going to be a tough one to solve.
I stop by Websleuths to check on this thread/case every so often. I truly hope that one day soon, Ally gets the justice she deserves.
I was thinking about Ally just this morning.

I wish there was something we could do to help. The person who did this to her needs to be stopped and brought to justice, not only for the sake of Nikki and Franz, but also so that he cannot do this to another family.

He is a threat to the public, IMO.
I've said it before, but I find it very similar to the murder of Heidi Childs and David Metzler. Both occurred off of gravel rural roads, with a common weapon (.30-30 rifle in the case Childs and Metzler) and I tend to believe both cases involve a stranger to the victim(s).
Last weekend I listened to the "Already Gone" podcast about this case and took note of the reference to the "online forum" of crime followers. I was like, "well that obviously Websleuths," found this thread and began reading. So over the last week I have read this entire thing, and let me just say, WOW, what a ride! I laughed with you guys, I got angry with you guys, and I lost a TON of sleep; Staying up til 3 AM several nights because this thread is so captivating.

So, after years of being the creeper, lurking in the corner, I was finally inspired to make an account. And after taking in almost 3 years of information in a week, I feel like Neo, and now I know Kung Fu. So I am going to post my thoughts on the case, but wanted to say hello to my fellow true crime fans and thank you for all your hard work and due diligence on this case!
aaaaand I'm back.

During my marathon catch up of this thread, I took several screen shots to share with my husband. I always share my favorite cases with him, whether he wants it or not. And he mentioned that the posts by the bf remind him of one of his family members. We laughed about that, because this family member is insufferable, but it also gave me pause... for years, I have quietly thought to myself that if this family member ended up killing someone, that I wouldn't be surprised.
(side note: as far as I am aware he has NOT hurt anyone. He does not display outward violence that I have seen.)
The bf in this case and this certain family member in my life display many of the same qualities, including obvious narcissism, short temper and the inability to be wrong. This family member gets along fine in life, but has difficulty holding a job or relationship for very long (and i mean a year or two in this case) but rambles on about how he is always right and everyone else is crazy. He can never even fathom the cause for the deterioration of every one of his relationships could actually be him. So what I am saying is, that he seems pretty normal until you disagree with him, and then all the facts get distorted and he yells and says mean, nasty things... and I consider him capable of a crime like this. In turn, I consider Wes capable of a crime like this, despite all his claims of a normal, happy life.

One thing I do want to mention that I haven't seen in this thread, is that I don't think he is lying about still being in contact with Ally, still seeing her regularly and sharing loving texts. Years ago, I had a long term relationship end, but we continued to see each other. We met up, spent the night together, probably said "I love you's" but in NO way were we getting back together. Break ups are hard, we were both single, and we still had feelings for each other. I probably would have even gone to a family function with him. But we both moved on and that is that. Wes has a difficult time accepting the truth, but it IS possible that what he says about her staying the night is true, but that its also true that they were broken up.
There's no way with what we've seen of WS's personality (baring in mind this was just a short snippet) that him and Alexandra had this wonderful happy care free life he talks about.

If he was anything like he was on here towards her then she was a battered woman, and I don't necessarily mean physically.
There's no way with what we've seen of WS's personality (baring in mind this was just a short snippet) that him and Alexandra had this wonderful happy care free life he talks about.

If he was anything like he was on here towards her then she was a battered woman, and I don't necessarily mean physically.
I respectfully disagree. We do not know that. I by no means condone how WS conducted himself on this thread, but for all we know they had a good relationship while it lasted. Or not. We don't know.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Break ups are hard, we were both single, and we still had feelings for each other. I probably would have even gone to a family function with him. But we both moved on and that is that. Wes has a difficult time accepting the truth, but it IS possible that what he says about her staying the night is true, but that its also true that they were broken up.
Respectfully snipped for focus. I agree with this. Relationships are complex. I've seen people "shut the door and never look back", I've seen "conscious uncouplings", I've seen couples remain "best friends" and I've seen couples become ferocious enemies. Anything is possible.

Amateur opinion and speculation

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