MI MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, fatally shot while jogging, Rose Twp, 30 July 2016 #1

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I need some help with a point I can't reconcile in this case. There are many of you on the thread who have been diligently researching since the victim was murdered, so thank you in advance for your thoughts.

As I understand it, the victim had an amicable breakup with her boyfriend and moved home to live with her parents. I am correct that she had a 90 minute drive each way to and from her job?

*That is a huge red flag*

Do I have that right?
A 30 something woman moves back in with her parents and has to drive 90 minutes each way to work. Doesn't add up at all. *At all*.

I can only conclude *she knew she was in danger*, and sought the familial protection of her parents house.

Thoughts please.

That isn't correct and I don't know where it has come from. I checked it on Google and it is only 21 miles to her BF place with another 9 miles max to their workplace. The VI has also confirmed it is only about a 30 min commute and she frequently only did two nighttime (7pm-7 a.m) shifts, often staying over in between at his place - she still had clothes and belongings at his place.
ok - let's compromise and say it takes an hour to drive. : )
Still a big fat red flag to me the a woman in her 30's would move home with her parents and drive an hour each way to work.

She is doing her 30mile commute to work at 6p.m. and perhaps only once or twice per week - hardly a difficult commute outside of rush hour imo.
Thanks BDE ... I will look for the post that may have mentioned the possibility of Ally and former BF (meet up)
The VI stated they worked the same shift Fri-Sat 7am-7pm but on different floors. He said that was when he last saw her IIRC and I guess she then went home to sleep Sat morning as he did.
She is doing her 30mile commute to work at 6p.m. and perhaps only once or twice per week - hardly a difficult commute outside of rush hour imo.

While I don’t agree on the 90 mins, it has been stated to me by someone who is more familiar with the area than I am, that the commute would have been lengthy. I based my calculations off of googles maps, but that doesn’t account for traffic.

But just to put this out there, her commute would have fallen during rush hour on Friday’s. Michigan expressways rush hour starts about 4 and lasts til about 630-7, depending. Not to mention, Friday night traffic in general-people going to dinner, shopping at the end of the work week.
While I don’t agree on the 90 mins, it has been stated to me by someone who is more familiar with the area than I am, that the commute would have been lengthy. I based my calculations off of googles maps, but that doesn’t account for traffic.

But just to put this out there, her commute would have fallen during rush hour on Friday’s. Michigan expressways rush hour starts about 4 and lasts til about 630-7, depending. Not to mention, Friday night traffic in general-people going to dinner, shopping at the end of the work week.

True but she would be travelling against the flow leaving Detroit area surely? Also, she may not have always worked on a Friday. VI mentioned she was a special type of staff (Contingency ? IIRC )

We cannot state her commute was 90mins as a fact, and then call it a Red Flag. It isn't. She often only worked 2 days a week and VI said she often stayed over at his when working, so that would also lessen the commuting further.
Ally was jogging at 2:30 in the afternoon. No one has ever said that she had gone to visit WS that morning like they had planned, so she must have changed her mind at some point.

From article accompanying CWD videos:

Where were you at the precise time of the shooting?
"I was at home," said Sutherland. "Ally and I had actually worked the night before. And she was planning on coming over that morning."
Just because it hasn't been said doesn't mean she didn't go, before she went home. We can only speculate she did or did not go. Maybe they carpooled from his place? We don't know. We know she went home that's all. I don't think we have a time and we have conflicting info whether she saw either her mother or father at all before she went to sleep and then jogging at approx 2p.m.

It's strange to me about this uncertainty over Saturday morning.

mother speaks out: https://www.tctimes.com/news/homici...cle_6726e004-73b8-11e7-8f45-1fd1578cd67b.html

[FONT=&quot]“Ally loved animals, especially elephants, giraffes and sloths.”
—-her mom describes a shopping experience they had together a few years before, Ally admired a baby onesie with an elephant. mom bought it to save for Ally’s first daughter.

[FONT=&quot]Ally was passionate about her writing, having earned her Master’s Degree in creative writing. It was awarded to her posthumously a week before her birthday in November of last year.

[FONT=&quot]In order to be a nurse, she had to be able to lift patients, not an easy task when you’re under 5-feet tall and under 100 pounds.

[FONT=&quot] “She ran 10 miles every day and every other day lifted 20-pound weights,”

It was very important to Ally that her organs be donated, said her mother. Her wish could not be fulfilled because when there is a homicide, an autopsy is required, making organ donation impossible.


That was actually a statement from her mother, in an article, saying Ally’s organs were so damaged that she could not be an organ donor.

This is the mother's statement that I recalled/referred to.
Just because it hasn't been said doesn't mean she didn't go, before she went home. We can only speculate she did or did not go. Maybe they carpooled from his place? We don't know. We know she went home that's all. I don't think we have a time and we have conflicting info whether she saw either her mother or father at all before she went to sleep and then jogging at approx 2p.m.

It's strange to me about this uncertainty over Saturday morning.


The Crime Watch Daily interview as done in March of this year, and it's coming up on the second anniversary of Ally's death this July. During the ex-boyfriend's segment of the interview, he said: "She was planning on coming over that morning."

In an earlier post, you said that Ally and Wes last saw one another at the hospital on different floors during their 12-hour shift. There is no mention of Ally having gone to the apartment (that they had shared at one time) after work that morning. Presumably, Ally went home (her parents' home in Holly) and Wes went to the apartment in Wixom.

If Ally had been to the apartment that morning, why wouldn't Wes have mentioned that in the CWD interview? Instead, he said that she was planning to come on Saturday morning. If Ally got home and went to bed by 8:00AM, was running at 2:30PM (maybe 6 hours sleep), when would she have had time to go to Wixom and return home? I doubt she went to visit Wes on Saturday morning. :moo:
The Crime Watch Daily interview as done in March of this year, and it's coming up on the second anniversary of Ally's death this July. During the ex-boyfriend's segment of the interview, he said: "She was planning on coming over that morning."

In an earlier post, you said that Ally and Wes last saw one another at the hospital on different floors during their 12-hour shift. There is no mention of Ally having gone to the apartment (that they had shared at one time) after work that morning. Presumably, Ally went home (her parents' home in Holly) and Wes went to the apartment in Wixom.

If Ally had been to the apartment that morning, why wouldn't Wes have mentioned that in the CWD interview? Instead, he said that she was planning to come on Saturday morning. If Ally got home and went to bed by 8:00AM, was running at 2:30PM (maybe 6 hours sleep), when would she have had time to go to Wixom and return home? I doubt she went to visit Wes on Saturday morning. :moo:
I don't know - we are presuming. You would have to ask the VI - that's my point. Planning and doing are different. Wixom is on her way home anyway so only VI knows.

Eta I quoted VI about when they last met. His post and actual wording is up thread.
I don't know - we are presuming. You would have to ask the VI - that's my point. Planning and doing are different. Wixom is on her way home anyway so only VI knows.

I think it's safe to say that Oakland County Sheriff's Department and Michigan State Police know whether or not Ally was at the Wixom apartment after work on Saturday morning before she headed to her parents' home in Holly. I don't necessarily believe everything that the VI has told is.
I like this video, because it has a lot of footage of the crime scene.

I find it somewhat ironic that while the reporter is stating that they are looking for a four-door white sedan car,
a four-door white sedan car is passing him in the background...

Perhaps *not* so ironic.
I know white sedans are very common, but still....
We know Perps like to show up for searches, funerals, etc.
I could envision them getting a thrill by driving by.
If I were LE, I'd run the plate.
Out of the 3 suspects, FB, NB and WS, who last saw her alive on that Saturday? Do we even know that?
I don't know - we are presuming. You would have to ask the VI - that's my point. Planning and doing are different. Wixom is on her way home anyway so only VI knows.

Eta I quoted VI about when they last met. His post and actual wording is up thread.

The VI has failed one polygraph, another was inconclusive, and he’s not been ruled out a suspect in his ex girlfriends murder. They were broke up. He’s said numerous things that have been contradicted and IMO only seems to reply to posts that he’s able to control the narrative of. Am I saying he’s not credible? No. He very well may be, but we have nothing to prove his credibility besides his own dialogue. Many of us have asked him questions to help clarify things we have questions about and get ignored.

I understand her parents have not been ruled out as suspects either, but I tend to lean towards trusting a mother who said her daughter had clothes purchased for a trip to Meet up w/an old love interest. Those are facts that LE could have and probably did easily corroborate.

From everything I can tell-Ally was moving on with her life. She had been at her parents house for several months, had future plans that point to her not being interested romantically with Wes anymore.

The EX boyfriends alibi is he was sleeping.

If I had to take a guess and that’s only what it is-a guess. LE probably checked the pings on his cell phone which should have confirmed his where abouts when he was sleeping. Yet he’s still not ruled out as a suspect. So maybe his phone was off while he was asleep, thus no cell phone pings.

Also, he’s said he didn’t find out about her murder until after he got to work that night . I dont know about anyone else, but if I was on great terms with my ex and something happened to me, I can imagine my parents would reach out to them before I got to work.

Out of the 3 suspects, FB, NB and WS, who last saw her alive on that Saturday? Do we even know that?

Three suspects? Investigators have indicated that no one has been ruled out and that anyone who knew Ally is a suspect.

From the Crime Watch Daily interview segment with Lt. Shaw:

And anyone who knew Ally Brueger is considered a suspect.
"Everyone is in the game," said Lt. Shaw.
Is it better to fail a polygraph or refuse to take one? I don't know. Noone is ruled out - that's all we really know.

Who saw Ally last ? Why did she leave her phone? Who saw her go on the jog? Did she say anything before she died? Who saw the white sedan? Where was the surveillance video taken? Did she know her killer?

Hoping for some answers.
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