MI MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, Fatally Shot While Jogging, Rose Twp, 30 July 2016 #2

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TY Spell. I have CP the whole post and included a link to the correct page (post 570)

"The only weapon that I actually own and kept in my apartment was my crossbow. All the guns I hunt with are technically my dads gun. He’s kind of gun safety nut lol so he always keeps them locked up in a gun safe in his basement unless were using them. He lives out in Belleville. And yes, the 2 shotguns that my dad owns we’re tested, cleared, and returned to him a few days later. We also agreed to let them search my dads house and our hunting cabin up north. One thing that’s actually worth noting here is that during the searches they weren’t just looking for shotguns. They were also searching for a “specific kind of shotgun shells” but they didn’t say what kind they were searching for."

MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, fatally shot while jogging, Rose Twp, 30 July 2016
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I know we have limited info, but what do we need for this to be solved? Basically what is missing? I’m afraid we are not missing anything...and we know as much as LE...which equates to a hopeful Hail Mary in the future.

If I read you correctly, I'm afraid for the same reasons. I hope we're both wrong and they have much more than we do. We're missing that shotgun. We need for someone to be cleared so we can move on. I'm not convinced neither has been cleared. If neither actually have been we might be in trouble.
I think the police probably knows a lot more than we do. But it still might not be enough to convict anyone. They probably know a lot
about the gun that was used and know something about the tire tracks they found. But they may not have finger prints or DNA evidence. And police have interviewed many people, so by now they may have a hunch who could be responsible.
@Combatmedic2121 , is your meeting with FBI this week---has the meeting already happened?

Have you considered a private investigator to get info that you may not have access to? Regarding people or persons you suspect who may have killed Ally?

Just curious. This case needs a break .

This meeting has not happened yet unfortunately.
I called this new investigator (who my new point of contact) and left her a voicemail early last week.
I basically asked her to get back with me with a date and time for us to sit down and really go over everything I know from the very beginning regarding Ally’s parents and that this was going to take some time.

So then last Thursday, after she still hadn’t contacted me back yet, I texted this investigator a batch of screenshot messages regarding Franz... from Nikki, the 2 previous ex-boyfriends (Devin & Randy), and one of the ex-boyfriends mothers (Carmella). Some I’ve posted on here and some I haven’t... some of these are new and the police haven’t even seen them yet that I was aware of.

After I sent her those screenshots I simply texted her saying that All I really needed to know is that LE was aware of what I’m aware.... basically, are we even remotely on the same page here?
If we are...great! No further questions!
If we are not... we really need to sit down and go over all of this from the beginning.

The investigator replied that she was currently out of town and would be back this week.
She thanked me for the screenshots I sent her and said she was going to print them and go over them, and she would be contacting me soon so we could sit down and go over everything.
So that’s where we’re at right now....

As far as a private investigator...
I’m not exactly sure how that would even work. I mean, If LE won’t share info regarding the case with me, or anyone else, because it’s an “active homicide case”... what obligation is LE going to have to share info with some private investigators that I, or anyone else, hire?
I’m just not familiar with how any of that would even work.
I know we have limited info, but what do we need for this to be solved? Basically what is missing? I’m afraid we are not missing anything...and we know as much as LE...which equates to a hopeful Hail Mary in the future.

I’ve thought about this a lot recently. All evidence I have makes me strongly suspect Franz’s involvement, and then Nikki’s involvement to cover it up... but unfortunately I have no “smoking gun evidence”.
At this point “smoking gun evidence” May be almost impossible to obtain.

I honestly think that at this point, we really need a confession here...

Franz... he probably won’t confess.

I believe if LE does it right, LE could possibly get something from her. Even if it’s just an admission that she suspects Franz’s involvment (which I personally think she does based on behaviors I’ve seen).
Of course, if Nikki and Franz lawyered up (which I suspect they might have after CWD) then this becomes extremely difficult obviously.

Nikki‘s Family...
If Nikki told someone in her family, and LE goes about it right, I believe they could get something very useful here. I actually have a particular individual in mind, but I can’t really elaborate on this until I talk to investigators. Sry.


I’ve thought about this a lot recently. All evidence I have makes me strongly suspect Franz’s involvement, and then Nikki’s involvement to cover it up... but unfortunately I have no “smoking gun evidence”.
At this point “smoking gun evidence” May be almost impossible to obtain.

I honestly think that at this point, we really need a confession here...

Franz... he probably won’t confess.

I believe if LE does it right, LE could possibly get something from her. Even if it’s just an admission that she suspects Franz’s involvment (which I personally think she does based on behaviors I’ve seen).
Of course, if Nikki and Franz lawyered up (which I suspect they might have after CWD) then this becomes extremely difficult obviously.

Nikki‘s Family...
If Nikki told someone in her family, and LE goes about it right, I believe they could get something very useful here. I actually have a particular individual in mind, but I can’t really elaborate on this until I talk to investigators. Sry.

With respect, that is not 'evidence'. The same could be applied to you. You and Ally had a relationship and she left the relationship. Maybe Nikki has some things that Ally told her, too.

I’ve thought about this a lot recently. All evidence I have makes me strongly suspect Franz’s involvement, and then Nikki’s involvement to cover it up... but unfortunately I have no “smoking gun evidence”.
At this point “smoking gun evidence” May be almost impossible to obtain.

I honestly think that at this point, we really need a confession here...

Franz... he probably won’t confess.

I believe if LE does it right, LE could possibly get something from her. Even if it’s just an admission that she suspects Franz’s involvment (which I personally think she does based on behaviors I’ve seen).
Of course, if Nikki and Franz lawyered up (which I suspect they might have after CWD) then this becomes extremely difficult obviously.

Nikki‘s Family...
If Nikki told someone in her family, and LE goes about it right, I believe they could get something very useful here. I actually have a particular individual in mind, but I can’t really elaborate on this until I talk to investigators. Sry.

Appreciate the update and your efforts keeping AB case current.

Is anything being organised for the anniversary? Like a memorial run or something?
I can imagine a similar scenario here.
Although Cananda .....
Ben Spurr on Twitter
Ann Brocklehurst on Twitter

Police say a 21-year-old woman got into an altercation with a pedestrian while she was driving at the intersection of Shuter and George, and proceeded to take out a shotgun from the trunk of her car and shoot at the pedestrian.

I don't see an altercation with a stranger only because LE has reason to believe the shooter was known to her.

Since it was said that she didn't have any enemies, I think it was somebody she knew, that went into a rage. Perhaps jealousy, because she was going to Florida to visit an old boyfriend. Maybe it's someone that easily flys off the handle when faced with conflict or adversity. Maybe it was a case of if I can't have you no one can.

All big 'maybes' and my speculation and opinion.
I don't see that as a possibility simply because AB/WS had been apart for some months and I can't see a reason for a rage killing then. Also, guns he had access to have been cleared.
It takes a long time to get over a relationship that was thought to be everlasting. A "couple months" they were apart, but supposedly still in frequent contact. It isn't impossible to believe one got really angry with the other, maybe stewed on it and the anger festered.

'the guns he had access to were cleared" we only have CM's word on that. We all know there are plenty of cases where there is an unknown weapon not immediately discovered.

I don't know what to think. We only have access to CM's words, and what has been in media from the parents. Which side carries the most weight? Which is more believable? Who do we trust to be honest ... and should we?
I don't see an altercation with a stranger only because LE has reason to believe the shooter was known to her.

Since it was said that she didn't have any enemies, I think it was somebody she knew, that went into a rage. Perhaps jealousy, because she was going to Florida to visit an old boyfriend. Maybe it's someone that easily flys off the handle when faced with conflict or adversity. Maybe it was a case of if I can't have you no one can.

All big 'maybes' and my speculation and opinion.

Really? Like this hasn’t been suggested about a hundred times already...
Don’t you think if Ally’s case was just that simple they would have solved it by now?

Also, for the record, enough with the “someone” BS. It’s obvious who that “someone” is that you’re referring to... and I have a name.

And since it’s me, Wes Sutherland, that you’re obviously referring to here, I’ll just say this...
First, I have absolutely no criminal record. I’ve never been in trouble with the law. I have no history of violence, of any kind, in my entire life. I’ve never once even thought about laying my hands on any woman I’ve dated, or any other woman for that matter, period! So let’s just get that clear right now. I was raised far better than that!

Secondly, I was the only one who could personally rule this theory out absolutely and definitively, I realized very early on this actually provided me with a unique advantage in solving Ally’s case that no one else really had.
In other words, the unique ability to immediately rule myself out definitively, from day one, gave me an enormous head start, if that makes sense.

So in the very early days, while LE and the average person was probably thinking something like, “Well... it’s probably the boyfriend... it’s ALWAYS the boyfriend...”
I was able to immediately get to work
focusing ALL my attention and ALL my research on everyone else in Ally’s life and every other possibility.

Realizing I had a unique head start over everyone else in finding Ally’s killer, I spent truly endless hours over many many months relentlessly looking for Ally’s killer.
Friends. Relatives. Co-Workers. Neighbors. Ex-boyfriends. Anyone recently released from prison in the area. And yes, even Franz and Nikki.
Whenever a new article came out I would read through every comment on every website looking for any clues.
Every night I spent hours reading through local crime reports looking for anything involving stranger danger, shotgun, road rage, white sedans, joggers being harassed.
Going back years, I read through every police report I could find involving Fish Lake Rd. (The road Ally was killed on) and then even the surrounding roads.
I could honestly go on and on... but you get the point...
I partially lost my sanity to be honest... I withdrew from my family. I was hardly working. Almost lost my job. Lost my apartment because I went broke. Had my reputation drug through the mud by the media.
Basically nothing mattered to me but finding Ally’s killer... and I mean NOTHING!

So if anyone who wants to “suggest” or “speculate” that I might have actually murdered Ally is completely free to do so... But do not expect me to just take that kind of crap laying down, and then try claiming even more suspecion (like anger issues) when I don’t.
It takes a long time to get over a relationship that was thought to be everlasting. A "couple months" they were apart, but supposedly still in frequent contact. It isn't impossible to believe one got really angry with the other, maybe stewed on it and the anger festered.

'the guns he had access to were cleared" we only have CM's word on that. We all know there are plenty of cases where there is an unknown weapon not immediately discovered.

I don't know what to think. We only have access to CM's words, and what has been in media from the parents. Which side carries the most weight? Which is more believable? Who do we trust to be honest ... and should we?
I think perspective from all sides is interesting and informative, but it shouldn't be confused with facts. And IMO we're in no position to say who is more believable only who's story better lines up with what we know. Which isn't a lot...
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