GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

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JVM is covering Amy's case now - Mike Brooks saying still don't know how Amy came to be involved.

JVM saying he has anger issues, showing vid from BJB's MS of "cage fighting", discussing capacity for violence.

The attorney TH said video would be more prejudicial than probative.

Mike Brooks talking about friends saying BJB had anger issues...don't know what "set him off".

Showing portion of presser early this a.m.

Commercial break now.
Poor Tonya, she is just listed as "another female victim" on the screen...why wasn't her disappearance made public like Amy's?
Back on.

JVM has theory BJB lusting after "very pretty wife"...Mark said women can't speak for themselves so not fair to throw out speculations.

Caller asking JVM for advice re: her friend who's vic of DV - JVM said let the professionals handle it.

Commercial break.

Back on - showing Casey Anthony case - "explosive secrets"
I found the one photo where Amy was cuddling close to Junior with her arm around him to be very disturbing. To think she was smiling and showing affection towards the man who later murdered her. She probably never expected him to hurt her when she went with him. I wonder what he told her to get her to come with him and Tonya, and without even taking her purse or ID. She did lock the door and take the keys according to news reports, so she couldn't have rushed away real fast. I wonder if she usually takes the keys when she goes out to feed and water the dog? But no one has said the dog food was outside. I wondered if he came when she was taking care of the dog, since James said she did that first thing every morning. (In all the chaos, I hope someone remembered to feed and water the dog.)

Go back and read post #267 (page 11, thread #2) from a local...and then look at the photo again...and THEN...look at her eyes in the photo when she is snuggling up with Junior vs. her eyes in the photo when she is with her family. One set of eyes and smile looks like she is enjoying herself and the other looks forced, IMO.
Tonya Howarth's Parents Remember Their Daughter


Tonya Howarth's parents never heard of Amy Henslee before, but they'd been following her disappearance on the news. They had no idea their daughter was connected until late Thursday night, only learning of her murder Friday morning.

Netta Alsup hadn't heard from her daughter since last week, but indicates that wasn't out of the ordinary, "It's hard you don't think you're going to get through it." When we hung up, she said, "I love you mom, I told her I loved her too," she recalls. "That's the last time I talked to her."

Monday she was supposed to call and check in, but never did. Interestingly, Tonya's on again off again boyfriend, Junior "BJ" Beebe, did. In-fact, he called many times.

"She's fine, her phone's broke, you know she's with some friends," Alsup recalls. "He never let on that anything was really wrong"

more at link + VIDEO,0,3483086.story
Poor Tonya, she is just listed as "another female victim" on the screen...why wasn't her disappearance made public like Amy's?

I know :( how sad..
I read in some articles posted above where they spoke with her daughter who said she had last spoken with Tonya on Saturday and all this happened on Monday, as she apparently 'lived' with BJB it doesn't seem like anyone knew she was missing :( (I'll try to find the link)

But on the other hand surely someone would have noticed Tonya was also missing when they realised Amy was?
Tonya Howarth's Parents Remember Their Daughter


Tonya Howarth's parents never heard of Amy Henslee before, but they'd been following her disappearance on the news. They had no idea their daughter was connected until late Thursday night, only learning of her murder Friday morning.

Netta Alsup hadn't heard from her daughter since last week, but indicates that wasn't out of the ordinary, "It's hard you don't think you're going to get through it." When we hung up, she said, "I love you mom, I told her I loved her too," she recalls. "That's the last time I talked to her."

Monday she was supposed to call and check in, but never did. Interestingly, Tonya's on again off again boyfriend, Junior "BJ" Beebe, did. In-fact, he called many times.

"She's fine, her phone's broke, you know she's with some friends," Alsup recalls. "He never let on that anything was really wrong"

more at link + VIDEO,0,3483086.story

OMG! I can't believe he rung her parents like that! how awful :(
Their hinky meters obviously didn't go off.. what a creep!
OMG! I can't believe he rung her parents like that! how awful :(
Their hinky meters obviously didn't go off.. what a creep!

It sounds like their meters went off regularly...but that Tonya had ignored the warnings so much that they were probably somewhat immune to them by that point in time.
I think Jr went to Amy's and told her Tonya was hurt or dying. When they got back to his place, amy threatened to get help to call somebody and he said no - either he had hurt Tonya or supplied her with something that caused her to od. A fight ensued and Amy shots were fired.
Go back and read post #267 (page 11, thread #2) from a local...and then look at the photo again...and THEN...look at her eyes in the photo when she is snuggling up with Junior vs. her eyes in the photo when she is with her family. One set of eyes and smile looks like she is enjoying herself and the other looks forced, IMO.

I just don't get what transpired in this sordid, sad story. But, by the look of that photo, it does look like her eyes are sparkling in that photo. However, could be that she had had a few drinks. Mine used to get sparkly after a few. LOL What is interesting is that I see no close photos in that series of James and Amy. Doesn't mean there weren't any. But, why so many of them both while James was on the sidelines?

It does seem like Beebe had no hatred for her and that they got along. Did he have feelings for her?

Now could it be his girlfriend got jealous and perhaps was the one to shoot Amy? And then Beebe shot her? Perhaps why he says he didn't kill Amy? BUT, why wouldn't he just say that's what happened instead of concealing their murder.

So what did happen? Why both women? Perhaps Amy told Tonya she should leave Beebe and that set him off?

At the same time, he doesn't seem to be overly sad about what happened. Yawning in the court room?

This is just so confusing.
What a its bad enough he killed these 2 women,but to taunt her parents with phone calls. I just dont get it. this poor woman is going to wonder for the rest of her life why she took him at his word.

I think its aweful that Tonya is getting pushed to the back of all this because Amy got the press. I just hope the 2 of them were of some comfort to each other before thier deaths.

RIP Tonya and Amy
I think Jr went to Amy's and told her Tonya was hurt or dying. When they got back to his place, amy threatened to get help to call somebody and he said no - either he had hurt Tonya or supplied her with something that caused her to od. A fight ensued and Amy shots were fired.

That's what I thought at first---but it was reported now that Tonya went with Jr to pick up Amy at her home that morning. So I think he tricked both of them. I think he planned to kill them both and used Tonya as a lure. Maybe anyway.
Assuming Tonya was with him, Amy might have been more apt to just go wherever he was taking them, rather than with him, on his own...

I wonder if they will be able to tell if he killed them right away, or made them suffer for a day or two :( I know they said they believed the blood to be about two days old...
I just don't get what transpired in this sordid, sad story. But, by the look of that photo, it does look like her eyes are sparkling in that photo. However, could be that she had had a few drinks. Mine used to get sparkly after a few. LOL What is interesting is that I see no close photos in that series of James and Amy. Doesn't mean there weren't any. But, why so many of them both while James was on the sidelines?

It does seem like Beebe had no hatred for her and that they got along. Did he have feelings for her?

Now could it be his girlfriend got jealous and perhaps was the one to shoot Amy? And then Beebe shot her? Perhaps why he says he didn't kill Amy? BUT, why wouldn't he just say that's what happened instead of concealing their murder.

So what did happen? Why both women? Perhaps Amy told Tonya she should leave Beebe and that set him off?

At the same time, he doesn't seem to be overly sad about what happened. Yawning in the court room?

This is just so confusing.

My theory is that he was a meth user. Or steroids or even both. I think he snapped. He had a history of anger issues and aggressive behavior.
Originally Posted by msteach View Post
I found that family spokesperson to be pretty pushy and rude if she was the one they were interviewing with James yesterday. Every time he tried to answer, she would shut him down and take over. Granted, there may have been times that it was hard for him to respond because of emotions, but there were definitely times that he was trying to answer and she cut him off. (Hmmm...maybe she has a future as a fill in for NG on one of her many nights off...she'd fit right in.)

Even notice the body language on that interview from yesterday. This woman takes over -- stands out in front and seems to 'hog the show'. I noticed that last night but thought that maybe I was just being petty. Strikes me as someoene who might want to get her 15 minutes of fame through this. Sad...this is a time for the family...and not for outsiders to take over.


Darn, I thought it was just me. She acted as if he wasn't in the room!

Hi...would one of you please link us to the interview you're referring to? I tried to find it on my own and am unable to. tia
Someone asked earlier about not hearing (or noticing) the gunshots. This is rural Michigan. Currently I live in a semi-rural part of MI, but I grew up in a small town just like this. Target practice is common here because there are lots of hunters (don't know all the "seasons" but there are MANY here in Michigan --you may even be able to hunt right now), and homes are typically further apart. I hear gunshots occasionally near my home --you can't really tell where they're coming from or what they are - sound travels far in rural areas since a lot of MI is very flat- but trust me it doesn't seem all that odd here. I can completely understand why no one would call the police over a couple of shotgun blasts --especially if they didn't hear any screaming or yelling.
Hmmm. Those photos are interesting. She seems to be very affectionate with him. Was she just one of those guy's girls that touchy feely and flirty, but it's innocent on her part and he fell for her? I wonder if he had some kind of obsession with her.
Someone asked earlier about not hearing (or noticing) the gunshots. This is rural Michigan. Currently I live in a semi-rural part of MI, but I grew up in a small town just like this. Target practice is common here because there are lots of hunters (don't know all the "seasons" but there are MANY here in Michigan --you may even be able to hunt right now), and homes are typically further apart. I hear gunshots occasionally near my home --you can't really tell where they're coming from or what they are - sound travels far in rural areas since a lot of MI is very flat- but trust me it doesn't seem all that odd here. I can completely understand why no one would call the police over a couple of shotgun blasts --especially if they didn't hear any screaming or yelling.

This is true. I live in an area just like this about 1 1/2 hours northeast of Bangor and I hear gunfire several times a week on average. Most of it would be shotgun or rifle fire. If their area is like mine, there are probably a couple of gunclubs in the vicinity as well. Morning is usually when I hear it as the hunters are out then. (as well as early evening through dusk).

As for there always being some hunting season open here...that's true too. For instance:
Coyote Hunting Season:
Statewide July 15 - April 15

and then this from the DNR website
Note 1: Coyote may be taken on private property by a property owner or designee all year if they are doing or about to do damage on private property. A license or written permit is not needed.
Someone asked earlier about not hearing (or noticing) the gunshots. This is rural Michigan. Currently I live in a semi-rural part of MI, but I grew up in a small town just like this. Target practice is common here because there are lots of hunters (don't know all the "seasons" but there are MANY here in Michigan --you may even be able to hunt right now), and homes are typically further apart. I hear gunshots occasionally near my home --you can't really tell where they're coming from or what they are - sound travels far in rural areas since a lot of MI is very flat- but trust me it doesn't seem all that odd here. I can completely understand why no one would call the police over a couple of shotgun blasts --especially if they didn't hear any screaming or yelling.

That makes sense Palmerk...and pretty much what I had thought. I do have another question about areas where hunting is common. Do the hunters dig holes to bury the carcass of the kills after they're done taking what they need? When we first got a possible address on the trailer home of Beebe...I noticed in the satellite photos...what looked to be a lot of overturned ground. My dh agreed with me..but said it may be what they do with the animal remains. (we aren't hunters).
I know there is no reason at all to think this is anything more than an isolated incident...but thought I'd ask.
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