GUILTY MI - April Millsap, 14, Armada, 24 July 2014 #2

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DNA Solves
Anyone want to post tweets tomorrow? Feel free.

Thanks again, Chelly, for posting. I'd take over but I'm getting slammed with work.

Hey, how do you post Tweets to show up as text (like yours do) rather than the whole picture (like mine)?
I keep thinking about all of these people RIGHT there either moments before or after April was killed. It's heartbreaking. I hope they all can find some peace. So terribly sad.

RIP April

That's what I've said from the beginning, especially knowing I had planned to ride on the trail right through that same area that night and skipped it in favor of something else instead. The "What ifs" that ran through my mind. I want to dislike Mr Buchanan knowing he was in a position to intervene -- possibly being the last person to see April alive -- to the point he can place "a man on a motorcycle within 45 feet of a young girl" in the approximate location she was found.....but I can't dislike him. This guy is sharp as a tack. If a man who has it "together" as much as he appears to, can ride through there and not sense she was in immediate danger what makes me think I would have done it any different. I'd have to believe he would have picked up on further clues if they had been there. At this point, his testimony is probably the most helpful eyewitness the prosecutor has called upon so we can only be thankful someone like him was there.

Very eyes welled up right along with them as they all spoke of being there during that time. I agree, I hope they can all find peace. I've felt bad enough just thinking about being through there and I can only imagine how terrible I'd feel if I were in their position.
Thanks again, Chelly, for posting. I'd take over but I'm getting slammed with work.

Hey, how do you post Tweets to show up as text (like yours do) rather than the whole picture (like mine)?
I just copy and paste.
Spinella testified she could not identify VanCallis as the man she saw. She said she also could not disqualify him.

^^For anybody else who was confused by Erika Erickson's tweet yesterday.

Also from this article:

Earlier in his testimony, Buchanan said he noticed VanCallis’ “large eyes” and “wide eyes” through the front opening of the helmet. He said he didn’t know if the visor was down or up.

“His eyes were so wide I thought he was angry or nervous or something,” he said. “I just sort of nodded, ‘(thinking) I’m not going to narc you out for having a bike on the trail.’”

Buchanan, an engineer, said on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the best, his certainty of identification “is a 10.”

“I was certain about his face, his facial hair,” Buchanan said. “I could see brownish hair on his face.”
I think April did not show people that she was in trouble because she really didn't realize the danger she was in. She had handled the first encounter with VanCallis and came out fine. She didn't call 911 and only texted her boyfriend after the incident. She most likely figured her dog was protection and the guy didn't hurt her earlier. Mr Buchanan was not the last person to see April alive (besides the killer), the mother and daughter on the bicycles were.
I am thinking April was not breathing when mother/daughter saw man/dog in woods. I am thinking the professor might be the last person to see April....but I am not using the timeline closely so maybe you are correct. This professor great prosecution witness.
Mr Buchanan was not the last person to see April alive (besides the killer), the mother and daughter on the bicycles were.

Now that I've had more time to think about it, I think you are correct. The daughter saw April cross in front of her from the south side of the path to the north as she walked and they were going east. Most everyone else has her standing or walking along the south side. That and how soon they turned around to come back. The distance between where they saw April and Omo Rd is maybe 500-750yds and the bridge where they turned around is only 50-100yds past Omo Rd. Then they come across the bike on the side of the trail and she sees him in the woods. Even at a "leisurely/casual pace" the time between those two incidents probably only took 10 minutes....tops.

A woman testified Thursday that James VanCallis and April Millsap “seemed very strange” together on the Macomb Orchard Trail around the time police suspect Millsap was murdered.

Mary Stein, an Oakland University professor, is the only witness so far at VanCallis’ murder trial to identify both VanCallis and Millsap together on the path July 24, 2014.

Stein, while testifying in Macomb County Circuit Court, rated her certainty of her VanCallis identification “a 10,” on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the most positive.
Cathy ‏@courtchatter 55s55 seconds ago
#VanCallisTrial - Sorry to say I am not impressed with VanCallis' attorney and I'm normally a champion of defense attys. He's not prepared.

<I agree with Cathy>
Cathy &#8207;@courtchatter 3m3 minutes ago
#VanCallisTrial - Defense: There wasn't any searches on there, 'how to kidnap someone' 'how to murder someone', was there?
Detective: No
Jameson Cook &#8207;@JamesonCook 6m6 minutes ago
Detective Higgason testifies #vancallistrial

Chris Hall &#8207;@challreporter 4m4 minutes ago
On cross-exam, Higgason agrees no way to know who made searches on computer from VanCallis home. No searches on how to kidnap, rape, murder
Chris Hall &#8207;@challreporter 1m1 minute ago
Higgason didn't find any connection form April's phone to VanCallis' phone.
Cathy &#8207;@courtchatter 14s14 seconds ago
#VanCallisTrial - Defense: Nothing was found in computer/phones searches to tie to victim.
Cathy &#8207;@courtchatter 52s53 seconds ago
#VanCallisTrial - Next witness for the State: FBI agent, Christopher Hess
Erika Erickson &#8207;@FOX2Erika 1m1 minute ago
FBI violent crimes task force agent on the stand. He'll be discussing phone records. #JamesVancallis trial @FOX2News

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