GUILTY MI - Aundria Bowman, 14, murdered, Holland, 11 March 1989 *located 2020, adoptive father convicted*

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On March 7, 1971, the Muskegon Chronicle had a wedding announcement for Brenda and Dennis. It stated that Dennis was stationed in San Diego at that time.
May 19, 1969 from the Muskegon Chronicle-Dennis Bowman had finished basic training in Great Lakes Training Center in IL The article stated he was home on leave but would be returning to IL to do further training in electronics.
Kim Payne, another friend of Aundria, also said in the documentary that Aundria’s adoptive mother was aware of at least some of the alleged abuse.

She shared one memory of a time she was at the Bowmans’ house for dinner. She said the rest of the family was eating hamburgers, but that Aundria was only allowed to eat a “leftover sandwich” consisting of bread and condiments.

“(Aundria) made a comment that that’s all she was allowed to eat … so Dennis came across the table, right in front of me, and hit her so hard he almost knocked her out of the chair,” Payne said. “She started bawling her eyes out, of course. Brenda sat there and did nothing about it.”

Brenda Bowman testified during Dennis Bowman’s 2021 trial that Aundria had confided that her father was molesting her. She said she called the allegations a “lie.”
I watched the documentary last night. @Aundria62374 I am so glad you never stopped your fight for your daughter.
and @CarlK90245 thank you for being by Cathy's side.

@CarlK90245 I totally forgot that we thought that Aundria/Alexis could have been the Racine Jane doe until I watched the documentary last night. I also remember that huge spreadsheet you had of all the missing people.

What gets me at the end of the day is how can Brenda still love this man? He did so many evil things it seems like she will always make excuses for him. So sick.
Kim Payne, another friend of Aundria, also said in the documentary that Aundria’s adoptive mother was aware of at least some of the alleged abuse.

She shared one memory of a time she was at the Bowmans’ house for dinner. She said the rest of the family was eating hamburgers, but that Aundria was only allowed to eat a “leftover sandwich” consisting of bread and condiments.

“(Aundria) made a comment that that’s all she was allowed to eat … so Dennis came across the table, right in front of me, and hit her so hard he almost knocked her out of the chair,” Payne said. “She started bawling her eyes out, of course. Brenda sat there and did nothing about it.”

Brenda Bowman testified during Dennis Bowman’s 2021 trial that Aundria had confided that her father was molesting her. She said she called the allegations a “lie.”
I think Brenda knew what was going on and behaved like a jealous wife rather than protecting a child she sometimes refers to as her daughter. I also believe in my heart she knew all the details. She put on a good show for LE but I didn't buy it. A woman truly heartbroken by finding out her husband raped and killed women and killed their daughter doesn't ever tell that man she loves him.
In looking at the information on the internet about the USS Vulcan, it's hard to say where he may have been other than VA during his time of service. In 1978, the last year he was on that boat, they did a maiden voyage of women with the men on that boat. I don't know if Dennis was still on the boat at that time. Also found that during the 70's, and it doesn't state exact dates, the USS Vulcan travelled to other countries. Repair Ship Photo Index (AR)
There is also a USS Vulcan Reunion page on FB. It might be worth putting a post on there looking for information from anyone who served during the years Dennis was there. Someone who was with him might be able to give a good timeline of when and where Dennis was.
Wow. This documentary was incredibly well done and very bittersweet. Many of us were familiar with the basics of Aundria's missing case for years as people attempted to match her with UIDs. Seeing all of the depth and horror beyond the superficial stories put out over the years was absolutely soul-shaking. It's maddening to think that this child was unwittingly placed into the arms of some of the sickest people on the planet, while the selfless intent was to give her the most promising life possible.

Cathy is an absolute BAMF and it was such a thrill to see Carl's involvement and the iconic WS background showing up on my tv! A lot of times after these documentaries, I'm left with my thoughts about the perpetrator and the punishment. Not this time. I'm just blown away by the confidence, passion, and persistence of all those involved who blew this case wide open and put Dennis right where he deserves to be (and not in Michigan)! I'm left with a sense of hope and trust that good people are out there and that working together we can do big things!
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I watched the Netflix documentary last night - first time I heard about this disappearance/murder. I read through the entire discussion as well. It's one of the most sickening murders I've read about - sickening to watch the documentary to the end.

It seems logical that Dennis Bowman's wife knew from the beginning that her husband murdered Alexis. That is, in part, supported by the fact that she was comfortable with his history of sexually assaulting girls and teens, she provided numerous false sighting after the murder, and she easily accepted what he did. My impression is that there is, or was, a mild version (if such a thing is possible) of folie a deux between husband and wife. That is, at some point Dennis viewed Alexis from a predatory perspective - perhaps when he returned home from prison. He gradually, in small steps (leftover sandwich) convinced his wife (of lower intelligence) that Alexis should be treated poorly, eventually justifying sexual assault. It's even possible that, after his wife became pregnant, she expected Alexis to step up to satisfy Dennis in order to protect the unexpected pregnancy. At each step towards increased abuse, his wife looked the other way; did nothing, seemed to agree with Dennis' persecution of Alexis.

When Alexis reported the sexual abuse to her adoptive mother and to the school, Dennis' wife was not only of the mindset that Alexis was a liar and a rotten child, but that she deserved what she received. I think that Dennis' wife was entirely dependent on Dennis for her identity. That is, if she went against Dennis, she would lose her lifestyle, emotional support, companionship, moral compass, and balance in life. When she finally seems to understand that Dennis sexually abused Alexis, murdered her, chopped her up with a machete and an axe, and buried her with dirty diapers, she sets that aside and acts as though nothing is wrong - presumably because she believes that it is what Alexis deserved.

His wife seems to have two personas - one for investigators, and another one for Dennis. With investigators, we almost believe that she sees her failings. The next minute, with her husband, we see that she continues to support him. Is that because she can feel pious and guilt free with him?

We see towards the end of the documentary that they are desperate to be together, to be able to regularly see each other in person. My impression is that they need validation from each other to believe that what they've done is acceptable. Dennis reveals the location of Alexis' body only because he expects that, in exchange for that information, he will imprisoned near his wife. He obviously didn't get anything in writing, since he did not get what he wanted.

I do wonder whether his wife always knew where Alexis was buried. Thank goodness for mother's intuition about the location of Alexis' body!

... this is an opinion based on the documentary.

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