GUILTY MI - Carnel Chamberlain, 4, Mount Pleasant, 21 June 2012 #1

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Saginaw Chippewa boys disappearance suspicious FBI joins probe 06/23/2012

Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police now are calling Thursday night's disappearance of a 4-year-old boy in the Isabella Reservation "suspicious" and the FBI has joined the investigation.

Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police now are calling Thursday night's disappearance of a 4-year-old boy in the Isabella Reservation "suspicious" and the FBI has joined the investigation.

A statement released early Saturday morning said investigators have a "person of interest" in mind, but did not identity that person. It gave no indication whether police were talking to the person of interest.

Felony crimes involving Native Americans committed on Indian reservations fall under federal jurisdiction. The missing by, Carnel Chamberlain, 4, is a member of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe.

"Their investigation moves forward from this point," said the statement from Tribal spokesman Frank Cloutier.

Came on to post that new info ----- SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH can't just one of these stories be real?!!?!?!

Why when its reported that "child wandered off" that it just can't be that?

Obviously they didn't call me...i'm very sad/mad/angry and now that FBI is involved whoever is responsible is facing federal charges and time.
ok a cousin states that mom got home at 930 and asked BF where he was, he said IDK

ughhhhh that is NOT how it was reported initially!!!
Probe focuses on mom&#8217;s boyfriend in Saginaw Chippewa boy&#8217;s disappearance

  • Police investigating the mysterious disappearance of a 4-year-old Saginaw Chippewa boy say they&#8217;re now focusing on the child&#8217;s mother&#8217;s boyfriend.
  • And the boyfriend is not cooperating.
  • Carnel Chamberlain, the missing child, disappeared Thursday night from his Tomah Road home east of Mt. Pleasant.
  • &#8220;The mother has been fully cooperative in this developing investigation,&#8221; said Tribal spokesman Frank Cloutier in a statement released Saturday morning. &#8220;The boyfriend, however, has not fully cooperated in the investigation thus far.&#8221;

The facts in this case are about as clear as mud!!!!

Other than the boyfriend, who last saw Carnell and at what time? Was he left in the care of bf alone that day?

Media says there were a bunch of people at the home (party?), someone thought to look for him and can't find him at 10:00 PM? I have a hard time thinking the boyfriend did something to him in the midst of all the people at the home and no one saw anything. Wouldn't someone have seen him leading Carnell away? It would make more sense that something happened earlier in the day when no one was around.

I realize we have no facts, but I'm gonna say what I'm thinking. Another young Mom who places more importance on her relationship with a guy (who is not baby-daddy), than her own child. I'll retract and apologize if proven wrong.
ok a cousin states that mom got home at 930 and asked BF where he was, he said IDK

ughhhhh that is NOT how it was reported initially!!!

Where are you seeing that info?
Not another child who dissapeared from a home full of people... Not again.
The facts in this case are about as clear as mud!!!!

Other than the boyfriend, who last saw Carnell and at what time? Was he left in the care of bf alone that day?

Media says there were a bunch of people at the home (party?), someone thought to look for him and can't find him at 10:00 PM? I have a hard time thinking the boyfriend did something to him in the midst of all the people at the home and no one saw anything. Wouldn't someone have seen him leading Carnell away? It would make more sense that something happened earlier in the day when no one was around.

I realize we have no facts, but I'm gonna say what I'm thinking. Another young Mom who places more importance on her relationship with a guy (who is not baby-daddy), than her own child. I'll retract and apologize if proven wrong.

IIRC, it was one msm article which read people were coming and going. The morning start article reads:

Carnel was supposed to be with his family Thursday evening when his mother discovered she couldn&#8217;t find him, Cloutier said.

As for the rest of your post, Knox, I'm thinking the same thing.

WHY do these women put their flavor of the week/month over their children? WHY! :maddening: 99 out of 100 times, the boyfriend always becomes the person of interest.

When are single moms going to put parenting 1st? Poor Carnell. Now I am just hoping he is found. Praying this does not turn into a case like little Tangena Hussain. MI MI - AMBER ALERT: Tangena Hussain, 2, Detroit, 2 Oct 2008 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

kind of OT-I'm a single mom, in my 40's with an almost 10 yr old. No way am I going to split my time with a non related 3rd party. My son comes first. I recently joked maybe I'll start dating when I'm 60. I like being single too much. Seriously, I wouldn't even think about dating until my son is a junior in HS. I like being an involved parent. It's an honor and priviledge. Not something I am going to dump on any flavor of the week/month.

Please let Carnell be found, or the bf fess up where he is located. Please!:please:
Only my opinion here... Usually, I give very little weight to photos of children where they "look sad". I have a toddler and I know the second that camera gets whipped out, my smiling baby turns into a frowning, shy kid. If I want to catch a cute expression, I have to do it on the sly. That being said, the two pictures of Carnell show a marked difference in appearance, and not just a haircut. His beautiful eyes look so anxious in the shaved head photo- he's smiling, but it's not reaching his eyes. Bad day or was there something more going on? All moo...
Cubby you're my Mom-Hero:takeabow:

I was a single Mom of two boys, 22 years ago. I found a wonderful man who loves my boys just as his own, we raised them all together. Cherry on top is our daughter.

I'm not condemning Carnell's Mom, sorry if it came off that way. I have no idea what her situation is, I based that earlier statement on looking at her FB Page. Just lamenting about what we see over and over again here. It's just so preventable.

The boyfriend is not in custody according to the latest news. Hoping Carnell is a active and adventuresome little guy who took off and lost his way in the woods. I believe we are at roughly the 40 hour mark, he could just be one tired, thirsty & hungry little man. I was VERY shocked they called off the search last night
Tribal Website...

Update, 12:30 a.m. Saturday, June 23:
In the matter of missing four year old Carnel Chamberlain the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police believe his disappearance is suspicious. Investigators indicate they have a person of interest in mind as their investigation moves forward from this point.

The Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police would like to thank each and every person who assisted with the search efforts to find Carnel on June 21 and 22.

Future search efforts will be coordinated through the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police along with assistance from the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Fire Department and volunteers.

If members of the community choose to continue searching on their own, please contact the Tribal Police at (989) 775-4700 should you come across items that are suspicious in nature. The Saginaw Chippewa Police along with the FBI are continuing the investigation.

Any further questions need to be directed to Public Relations Director Frank Cloutier (989) 775-4076.

Sorry if this has already been posted..
Thank you, Knox. My son is with his dad eow, so I could date... but I honestly do not want to. His father and I were never married. I've been single and on my own for more than 20 years. I honestly do not want to make time for someone else at this point in my life. It would be unfair to ask someone to stay casually in the background so to speak. Outside of my own father, and my sons godmoms husband, I wouldn't even think of leaving my son with a guy who is the sole 'baby sitter' so to speak.

I know there are a lot of great men out there who love children they did not father like their own..... I shouldn't generalize.

back to Carnell. If there is a pool in the back yard, then my guess is Carnell was not properly supervised, there was an accident which was hidden. I haven't seen any hint of physical abuse.... so we'll see.

Just continuing to pray he is found soon!

(eta: I should add I wear a ring on the wedding finger so no one bothers me, lol.)
As for the search. I honestly believe if the authorities believed Carnell wandered away and became lost, they would continue to search through the night.

There is NO WAY they would not continue to search through the night if they believed this child would be found alive.

We don't know where mom was during the day or evening Thursday.
We don't know what time Carnell was last seen alive and safe.
We don't know who may have been in and out of the house the day or evening of Carnell's disappearance.
We don't know if drugs or alcohol may have been involved with the adults who were supposed to be caring for Carnell the day of his disappearance.
We don't know who saw Carnell alive and well the day of his disappearance or when he was last seen alive and well.

Way too many unknowns at this point.

Children are our most precious gift. When are parents going to stop leaving them with just anyone? :(
Heading over to search site now -- pls pray that when I get there they say hes been found safe so go home :)

Hoping for a boots on the ground update from longtallcold today.
I will never understand why these beautiful young women choose men like that. Never. This little guy's mom looks a lot like my 3 littles' birth mom, and she continually chose men who abused her (and likely them) in front of them. it's heart breaking.
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