GUILTY MI - Carnel Chamberlain, 4, Mount Pleasant, 21 June 2012 #1

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<modsnip> The questions I have are: 1- did the bf have access to a vehicle ( friends, etc.). 2- when was the last exact time someone credible laid eyes on Carnel (don't mean to sound snarky) 3- have they
Checked the phone records of the house ( if there is a house phone) and of his cell ( if he has one?) 4- was blood found in the house (as rumor has said).

<modsnip> Don't get me wrong I know LE is doing all they can.
Baby boy never stood a chance. How sad he wasn't allowed to be adopted. Maybe mom decided he was worth something to her if she kept him......:(

The young and made mistakes excuse works better when a person is 16. Using live-in lover, felon as a babysitter isn't a mistake. It's wanton disregard for the welfare and safety of a child. IF this live-in is responsible for this baby being gone, I truly wish the mom could be charged, also. Child endangerment seems appropriate. Maybe if it happens enough times, these women will pay attention!! :banghead:

NO, its a mistake in judgement - she is not a suspect here so I don't think we need to imprint on the internet forever how horrible a mom she is for choices she made mooo
Why? If her bf is found to be responsible for disappearing Carnel, doesn't she bear some responsibility for bringing this guy into their lives?

I believe that if that is the case, she will bear enough burden on her own without internet strangers picking apart her every decision in her young life. I feel we leave her alone due to she is NOT a suspect in her sons disappearance, and she will have her own demons to bear, without our help. And we are a victim friendly forum and she is a victim!
She didnt lock her son in a closet with no food to starve to death...she didnt strap him into his carseat and run the car into a pond, she didnt chloroform him and duct tape him and toss him out with the trash, she didnt blame it on a carjacking by a black guy, she didnt claim a stranger abducted him out his window, she didnt claim she gave him to a "group" , she didnt claim he was on the beach one minute and gone the next.....

My point is mom has been talking to media (which is what you all scream for) and has been cooperating, so whatever "bad judgement' in YOUR eyes she made, lets leave it there, as I am pretty sure she has enough of her own crap going through her head with out internet strangers adding more.

Hope I got my point across.
NO, its a mistake in judgement - she is not a suspect here so I don't think we need to imprint on the internet forever how horrible a mom she is for choices she made mooo

Thank you! This is a victim friendly forum. Carnel's mom is not a suspect or person of interest in her sons disappearance. Jaimee is considered a victim here at WS.
I may not agree 100%..but I still want to hear the opinon of others..
I dont have to like it.

Bring Carnel home!!!
MOUNT PLEASANT, MI — A search will continue Tuesday morning for 4-year-old Carnel Chamberlain, who has been missing from his home since Thursday evening.

Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police will continue the search with the help of other law enforcement agencies and professionals, said tribal spokesman Frank Coultier.

Authorities will meet Tuesday morning to discuss strategies for the fifth day of organized searching. They will talk about possibly expanded the search radius from its current area of a 10 mile radius around the home, Coultier said

Search warrant executed in case of missing Mount Pleasant 4-year-old

OUNT PLEASANT, MI &#8212; The Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police have executed a search warrant to gather information in the case of Carnel Chamberlain, a 4-year-old boy who has been missing since Thursday night.
A warrant seeking evidence was executed on a 20-year-old man, the boyfriend of the missing boy's mother, who had been identified by police as a person of interest, Tribal spokesman Frank Cloutier said.

The man was not in custody as of Monday afternoon, Cloutier said. He could not give additional information about the warrant, but said details would be released if there are any developments in the case.

Police believe Chamberlain's boyfriend was the last person to see the child before he went missing. They said initially the man was not being cooperative as police began the investigation.

Bambi Scarlott and her husband, Stephen, who live next door, said they saw people in white jumpsuits going inside the home and noticed that police took an ATV four-wheeler and some other items from outside the home.
Im not ready to speculate about Jaimee YET. But I did want to mention the comments after this article. Post by TY..the last one,as of right now.

From your own link was this:

Jaimee said Monday that she was young when Carnel was born and made mistakes, which she has learned from.

People make mistakes, and errors in judgement in regards to the people they bring into their lives, why make it worse for her? She is a victim here as much as Carnel is!
I just wish they could find him safe, from the picture earlier it appears that the campground may be right next to their house. That could be a very easy way for someone to take a small child. He might be use to playing very close to that area and maybe went just to close and someone grabbed him. I just don't think we have all the info yet. I jusy pray that baby is brought home safe.
From your own link was this:

People make mistakes, and errors in judgement in regards to the people they bring into their lives, why make it worse for her? She is a victim here as much as Carnel is!

YES...thank you for making my point! I want to hear ALL opinions.
I mean, you want to blame a parent, go look at Ayla, Jahessye, Aliayah, Isabel, Sky, Bianca, or Amir posts to see what that involves!
I just wish they could find him safe, from the picture earlier it appears that the campground may be right next to their house. That could be a very easy way for someone to take a small child. He might be use to playing very close to that area and maybe went just to close and someone grabbed him. I just don't think we have all the info yet. I jusy pray that baby is brought home safe.

The only people who can use the campground are natives...and id bet the farm he wasnt taken by a native

Reason I say this is only native on native crime usually is DV.
Search warrant executed in case of missing Mount Pleasant 4-year-old

OUNT PLEASANT, MI — The Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police have executed a search warrant to gather information in the case of Carnel Chamberlain, a 4-year-old boy who has been missing since Thursday night.
A warrant seeking evidence was executed on a 20-year-old man, the boyfriend of the missing boy's mother, who had been identified by police as a person of interest, Tribal spokesman Frank Cloutier said.

The man was not in custody as of Monday afternoon, Cloutier said. He could not give additional information about the warrant, but said details would be released if there are any developments in the case.

Police believe Chamberlain's boyfriend was the last person to see the child before he went missing. They said initially the man was not being cooperative as police began the investigation.

Bambi Scarlott and her husband, Stephen, who live next door, said they saw people in white jumpsuits going inside the home and noticed that police took an ATV four-wheeler and some other items from outside the home.

Did anyone catch this from the above article:

Chamberlain told police that her boyfriend was watching the 4-year-old and that neither of them were home when she arrived.

If AB wasn't home when she arrived, where was he? How long was she at the house before he returned without Carnel?

I wonder how long they were gone from the house.
Did anyone catch this from the above article:

Chamberlain told police that her boyfriend was watching the 4-year-old and that neither of them were home when she arrived.

If AB wasn't home when she arrived, where was he? How long was she at the house before he returned without Carnel?

I wonder how long they were gone from the house.

I havnt seen it stated that way before...that no one was home when she arrived. In moo that changes everyhing, Carnel could be anywhere within driving distance. Anyone else seen this before?
The search for the missing child began Thursday evening soon after Jaimee Chamberlain, 21, returned from work to her home at 7340 E. Tomah to find that her son was not there. Chamberlain told police that her boyfriend was watching the 4-year-old and that neither of them were home when she arrived.

Good catch Cubby!!

I SURE would like to know who saw Carnel last..besides AB.
I just wish they could find him safe, from the picture earlier it appears that the campground may be right next to their house. That could be a very easy way for someone to take a small child. He might be use to playing very close to that area and maybe went just to close and someone grabbed him. I just don't think we have all the info yet. I jusy pray that baby is brought home safe.

tunker, the camp ground is really close. From the maps posted earlier one has to drive down Tomah Rd and right past the house to get to the camp ground which is right around the corner where the road bends right/downward while looking at the map.

If this was a stranger abduction, there is really not one good reason for AB not to be cooperating with LE. Not one.
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