GUILTY MI - Chelsea Bruck, 22, Frenchtown Twp, 26 Oct 2014 #2

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Many of my posts were removed and I'm not sure why. I checked the forum FAQ and saw nothing about posting links with pictures and there are other pictures in the thread without links. Can someone explain to me this rule so my posts don't get removed?

I didn't see (or don't remember?) what you may have posted that has been deleted, so I can't say why they were removed.

Moderator Coldpizza's post #694 a page back on this thread may help to know why. Don't worry, most of us have had something removed because we didn't always know or understand a rule.
There is a visible similarity between the suspect in Kaitlyns case and the drawing in Chelseas/ But the cases seem so different.

This 27 yr old suspect groomed an underage girl online for months and lured her away. Very different scenario here.

However, maybe he was at the party and jumped on an opportunity, because he is a sex offender type? Could be.

Just want to point out that what is part way between these two girls' location is Toledo, a known human trafficking hub. If it is something like that, they don't care if they have to get the girl by grooming them or snatching them. I'm not saying I think that's what has happened here but it is just one possibility.

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My husband and I went to Pilot this evening to check on the travel mugs. There were several variations available. However, there was only 1 or 2 available of each specific type. Additionally, there were several empty areas on the shelves, where stock had run out. As I looked at each one, I noticed most were from the same supplier. Here is a link to the suppliers site:
I did not see anything that stood out as a match...I did verify with the sales attendant...if there is normally more in stock...and the answer was yes.

Yes, Julia worked at a Walmart in Saline. From what I understand, Julia's parents were notified when she failed to attend her work Christmas party. I also read that there is no suspects in the case but some say there could be a connection to Walmart. I am not sure what that means. Again, with this area being such a small, tight knit community, it is just so strange...I really can't think of any similar crimes to other woman, from our community, in their age bracket. I know that Chelsea Small was also murdered in Taylor, Mi..I feel that her situation is not related, as she did not attend the same high school or know the girls.
Just an FYI. According to the FB post by Chelsea's sister, they have received many comments about the possible connection between Chelsea and the missing Ohio girl and have "taken the necessary steps"
I wanted to share that I just read on FB that Kaitlyn Walters, was found safe In Tennessee & headed hime. The suspect was arrested for his part in her disappearance.
Does anyone know if the mug was found? There could have been more than one set of fingerprints, and it would be interesting to know what was in the mug. I'm still eager to know if Chelsea brought the mug with her to the event, someone gave it to her there, or if she left the party with someone and purchased the mug at a local party store.
Does anyone know if the mug was found? There could have been more than one set of fingerprints, and it would be interesting to know what was in the mug. I'm still eager to know if Chelsea brought the mug with her to the event, someone gave it to her there, or if she left the party with someone and purchased the mug at a local party store.

Good point about the mug! Got me thinking about how important it is for LE to act quickly in cases like this to go after every thing they can, get as many names of people at the event, etc...

Also, if the mug has vanished, it shows just how much of a 3-no case this is, and the more I think about these kind of cases, the more IMO they are planned in advance...

We have so little - the mug, and also that she injured her face and was bleeding.. Now I wonder if tracking dogs been of use early on? Also, what about using luminol in the parking lot to trace blood - limjinol is used in tracking deer for instance, as mentioned here:

Why is it I have a feeling none of this was done....
...Why is it I have a feeling none of this was done....

We don't know what has or hasn't been done in this investigation because LE has kept their findings close to the vest. That said, Chelsea is an adult and could have decided to "disappear" herself. It's been done before. While I don't think this is the case with Ms. Bruck, LE generally doesn't consider an adult "missing" until they fail to reappear within 48-72 hours. During that time frame, potential evidence can be overlooked. :moo:
...Why is it I have a feeling none of this was done....

We don't know what has or hasn't been done in this investigation because LE has kept their findings close to the vest. That said, Chelsea is an adult and could have decided to "disappear" herself. It's been done before. While I don't think this is the case with Ms. Bruck, LE generally doesn't consider an adult "missing" until they fail to reappear within 48-72 hours. During that time frame, potential evidence can be overlooked. :moo:

Agree - in some cases which I'm sure you've seen, where parents are very convincing, or the missing person is "important" or connected, etc. LE gets involved right away. But too often, it's a "come back in 48 hours"....
This discussion was started on October 28 with the first media reports on that date. It seems that LE was already on the case and asking the public for help in locating Chelsea. Family checked Chelsea's phone for calls/texts (there were none) and turned the phone over to LE. A lot can happen in 48 hours. The farm property was probably cleaned up following the Halloween party, tent dismantled, vendors' booths removed, trash collected, etc. If there was evidence that might have helped locate Chelsea, it was likely gone by the time LE was involved. :moo:
I believe there were FB posts by the party host the day after, requesting help for cleaning up. I think the cleanup got done fast.
The suspect looks exactly like theChelsea suspect drawing. And in both cases are related by the same event abduction.

I don't understand. I thought Kaitlin walked away from her home and disappeared. She and the "abductor" communicated via something called KIK. How is that an event abduction. Just asking, as this confused me.
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