GUILTY MI - Chelsea Bruck, 22, Frenchtown Twp, 26 Oct 2014 #5

DNA Solves
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There has not been tox results or COD released yet has there? It seems like its been so long since she was found. I had hoped that all those that speculated that LE was just "waiting for a body" to make an arrest, were right. Sadly though, the more time that passes, the less hopefull I am. Maybe it's just waiting for the DNA results at this point, for LE to make a move?

Here's a good paper on the basics of analyzing DNA evidence. It underscores the complexity, which can account for the lengthy study:
I remembered reading this too because I remember it is what made me lean toward possible sexual assault.

This article, published by a Michigan news outlet, says the same:

Many outlets did omit this detail, so perhaps we should treat the info cautiously.
I take that one with a grain of salt. Since they found her costume (or at least part of it) in one place and the body in another, a reporter could have interpreted that as she was found naked (since at least part of her clothes were found somewhere else). I've seen that happen more than once.

The article itself has 2 big lines
"Remains discovered close to train tracks near woods on private property
Costume found about ten miles away at an industrial site near Flat Rock"

The way it is written says to me that they assume naked because of what I wrote above.
There has not been tox results or COD released yet has there? It seems like its been so long since she was found. I had hoped that all those that speculated that LE was just "waiting for a body" to make an arrest, were right. Sadly though, the more time that passes, the less hopefull I am. Maybe it's just waiting for the DNA results at this point, for LE to make a move?

Considering the substantial and what seem to be on the mark points BessDrew posts include, the meticulous process described in MSM about the forensic process being followed and the challenges, that Spellz recently posted, the evidence the LE found at the two sites where Chelsea and her clothes were found, if there are delays, it's hard to know or guess why, it seems to me. If LE is getting close, the last thing they would do is tip their hand, I imagine.

Noting below for reference.

Sheriff vows to press on in search for Bruck's killer
By Ray Kisonas, Monroe News, Tue, Apr 28, '15, 04:24 am

“Visually, there was evidence on the clothes,” Sheriff Malone said, declining to identify that evidence.

The sheriff said “in all likelihood” Chelsea was killed at or near where the body was located. Her costume was found about 10 miles away. pictures of the vigil
I don't have a link since I think it was just he said/she said, but didn't several people report they last saw her NOT in her costume?

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I don't have a link since I think it was just he said/she said, but didn't several people report they last saw her NOT in her costume?

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Yeah, I recall reading that too. IIRC she had a dark sweatshirt or hoodie over it. Is that what you recall Monster12?
I don't have a link since I think it was just he said/she said, but didn't several people report they last saw her NOT in her costume?

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Yes, she was said to have put on a sweat shirt and taken off her wig by the time she was in the 3 am bonfire conversation and in some picture from late in the night as well, IIRC. You may want to recheck Kilen's posts for a good fix on it, as what she posted about what Chelsea was wearing was not reported exactly that way, about the jug too.
Comment added to HFCB FB post that seems odd to me and does not appear to be answering any question simply states:
"I believe he lives in a trailor park (Kimberly estates)."

That is scary to me since my mom lives there!!!!
That is scary to me since my mom lives there!!!!

It could most likely be just a cryptic nothing. It's not how murderers are found, sounds more trollish to me, a distraction, maybe BessDrew's posts got to them, bored, who knows, sounds like somebody stirring ****, to me, not like somebody wanting to be a hero. LE may be able to trace it in short order, if they need to. I have no doubt the Brucks are on it already, either way.
Re: The comment on facebook- I saw that comment, all comments on that post get forwarded to our emails. Nothing has been removed from the post/deleted so I have no idea what that comment was in reference to exactly. My only thought is she replied to the wrong thread and the thread she replied to isn't one I get email updates for, I looked around a bit but didn't notice anything, it's possible it has since been deleted.

No one replied about arrangements on the facebook page because we still don't know exactly ourselves it'll be announced as soon as details are sorted out. The remains have not been released yet. There should be an announcement in the not too distant future, I don't know exactly when there will be an announcement but I assume it will be within the next couple of weeks. As soon as we know, you'll know please don't ask us for more details as we don't have them :tantrum: . I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just getting this question daily and there isn't an answer yet.

As for myself, it's kind of hard to watch this thread especially since I'm kind of running on empty at the moment between my mom still being in the hospital (though she must be feeling somewhat better as she escaped last week), Nate not being around due to work, my being back at work and the kid trying to wrap up her first year of school. So basically I'm somewhat around but exhausted T_T
Re: The comment on facebook- I saw that comment, all comments on that post get forwarded to our emails. Nothing has been removed from the post/deleted so I have no idea what that comment was in reference to exactly. My only thought is she replied to the wrong thread and the thread she replied to isn't one I get email updates for, I looked around a bit but didn't notice anything, it's possible it has since been deleted.

No one replied about arrangements on the facebook page because we still don't know exactly ourselves it'll be announced as soon as details are sorted out. The remains have not been released yet. There should be an announcement in the not too distant future, I don't know exactly when there will be an announcement but I assume it will be within the next couple of weeks. As soon as we know, you'll know please don't ask us for more details as we don't have them :tantrum: . I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just getting this question daily and there isn't an answer yet.

As for myself, it's kind of hard to watch this thread especially since I'm kind of running on empty at the moment between my mom still being in the hospital (though she must be feeling somewhat better as she escaped last week), Nate not being around due to work, my being back at work and the kid trying to wrap up her first year of school. So basically I'm somewhat around but exhausted T_T
Continued Support and Prayers Kilen. Thank you for your update. Rest Sister!!
Thank you for the update Kilen. Surrounding you with good thoughts and prayer
Re: The comment on facebook- I saw that comment, all comments on that post get forwarded to our emails. Nothing has been removed from the post/deleted so I have no idea what that comment was in reference to exactly. My only thought is she replied to the wrong thread and the thread she replied to isn't one I get email updates for, I looked around a bit but didn't notice anything, it's possible it has since been deleted.

No one replied about arrangements on the facebook page because we still don't know exactly ourselves it'll be announced as soon as details are sorted out. The remains have not been released yet. There should be an announcement in the not too distant future, I don't know exactly when there will be an announcement but I assume it will be within the next couple of weeks. As soon as we know, you'll know please don't ask us for more details as we don't have them :tantrum: . I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just getting this question daily and there isn't an answer yet.

As for myself, it's kind of hard to watch this thread especially since I'm kind of running on empty at the moment between my mom still being in the hospital (though she must be feeling somewhat better as she escaped last week), Nate not being around due to work, my being back at work and the kid trying to wrap up her first year of school. So basically I'm somewhat around but exhausted T_T


Thank you for the news. I'm so pleased to hear your mom is somewhat better. Congratulations to you all and to your first grade graduate, when school ends. Continued thoughts and prayers to you, to Nate, and your soon to be graduate and the Brucks. Chelsea is always on our minds besides being in our hearts, as are you.
It was so nice to see a post from you, Kilen, even a quick "hello" is always welcomed. Relieved that your mom is slowly improving, though I am sure you all want it to skedaddle and get the improved version back. Yikes, but life sounds so chaotic for you right now. Please listen to the peeps and get all the rest you can, when you can. It isn't easy to remember to take care of ourselves when pulled in so many directions.

Our thoughts remain with you and all the family. Congrats on a successful school year for your daughter. They grow up quickly.

It states here that she was naked.

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Could be a case of Media just assuming. Like I stated earlier one TV station reported she was partially buried. Neither of these were confirmed by LE.

Though after they found part of her costume in Flat Rock I sorta assumed she was naked myself. If this was a homicide why leave any clothing behind.. especially if it had blood of it or other bodily fluids.
It's tricky, I would guess, because initially the police didn't believe there was evidence of a crime. They likely believed Chelsea would return on her own and it sounds like they didn't question her friends in more detail until later on...which may have given friends time to get their stories together *IF* two or more people are conspiring to keep a secret.

Like how long we talking here?
We don't know for sure, but she wasn't able to be reported missing until 48 hours after she disappeared, which would mean the report was filed October 28th (last seen: October 26, 3 a.m., according to flyer). We know the police hadn't spoken to the people pictured with Chelsea that night until at least October 30th and they hadn't spoken with the party's security volunteers until at least November 2nd (we know this because the police posted on the Sheriff's Facebook page, asking the public to identify their names, on these dates). We don't know when they took statements or questioned those she rode with.
Re: The comment on facebook- I saw that comment, all comments on that post get forwarded to our emails. Nothing has been removed from the post/deleted so I have no idea what that comment was in reference to exactly. My only thought is she replied to the wrong thread and the thread she replied to isn't one I get email updates for, I looked around a bit but didn't notice anything, it's possible it has since been deleted.

No one replied about arrangements on the facebook page because we still don't know exactly ourselves it'll be announced as soon as details are sorted out. The remains have not been released yet. There should be an announcement in the not too distant future, I don't know exactly when there will be an announcement but I assume it will be within the next couple of weeks. As soon as we know, you'll know please don't ask us for more details as we don't have them :tantrum: . I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just getting this question daily and there isn't an answer yet.

As for myself, it's kind of hard to watch this thread especially since I'm kind of running on empty at the moment between my mom still being in the hospital (though she must be feeling somewhat better as she escaped last week), Nate not being around due to work, my being back at work and the kid trying to wrap up her first year of school. So basically I'm somewhat around but exhausted T_T

Thinking of you and your family. Take care of yourself!
BessDrew, I love your posting of possibilities of how things went down.

I have only one thing twinging around in my mind about it, that I'd like you to ponder and consider further assssment of. LE said they think Chelsea was killed near the location she was found. We have never been privvy to the reasons why, but we do know that they collected a decent amount of evidence from the area around the tracks. I suspect they found DNA evidence or some other form of evidence of a struggle. There are homes nearby that no doubt had their front doors knocked on, and it hasn't been reported that there was screaming or any other type of annoyance, although that doesn't mean much to us because we aren't being told. I simply can't fathom why they'd be down at those tracks in such an uncomfortable location (outside of the vehicle I mean), unless they were parked near the trees and whatever happened began in the vehicle right there.
All is quiet on Chelsea, I hope we learn something new. I've seen a few of our Websleuths are on Saidie Hopkins thread. Monroe County can't handle another tragedy :(
All is quiet on Chelsea, I hope we learn something new. I've seen a few of our Websleuths are on Saidie Hopkins thread. Monroe County can't handle another tragedy :(

Thank you, dmc. Saidie lives only a few blocks away from me, just across the river. Our town is already wrapped in purple ..... I imagine it touches the Bruck family in a gut-wrenching way, too.

Dundee is even smaller than Monroe .... our hearts are heavy with sadness and concern.

Saidie's thread:
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