GUILTY MI - Chelsea Bruck, 22, Frenchtown Twp, 26 Oct 2014 #5

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Also in other stories I've followed, If they think they are close to closing in on someone responsible, they may hold back on releasing info. Obviously whoever is responsible knows it is them, but if they know that LE knows what happened and who might be responsible, it may cause them to run and attempt to "disappear" in a sense. I know it was mentioned before and seems fairly obviously. Someone asked in the Facebook group about a memorial and nobody responded. It makes me curious if the results are back yet to LE or if they're still waiting on those to continue their investigation. I really hope for some news soon on an arrest for the family and also personal closure on all of our theories. This is the first big story I've followed and I'm selfishly curious of how it all comes together.

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Audio interview here with Dr. Daniel Spitz, Coroner. (April 2015)

To get some perpective on how difficult solving the case could be, Frank Beckmann interviewed Macomb County Coroner, Dr. Daniel Spitz

Spellz, thank you very much for keeping us informed. I'm going to listen to it again. Dr. Daniel Spitz, the Corner, was great to hear, and Mr. Beckman sounds well informed about Chelsea's case. (4/27)
Also in other stories I've followed, If they think they are close to closing in on someone responsible, they may hold back on releasing info. Obviously whoever is responsible knows it is them, but if they know that LE knows what happened and who might be responsible, it may cause them to run and attempt to "disappear" in a sense. I know it was mentioned before and seems fairly obviously. Someone asked in the Facebook group about a memorial and nobody responded. It makes me curious if the results are back yet to LE or if they're still waiting on those to continue their investigation. I really hope for some news soon on an arrest for the family and also personal closure on all of our theories. This is the first big story I've followed and I'm selfishly curious of how it all comes together.

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Completely agree. Its been almost 2 months since the costume was found and over a month since CB was found. I'd like to think they're getting their ducks in a row for an upcoming arrest. This is what I'm hoping for anyway
I also considered an accidental situation. However, when CB was found, LE reported the death to be a homicide. Even though LE has been tight lipped about what evidence was found at the crime scene in Ash Township, the determination rules out accidental to me. Also the place CB was found is telling. My take on the Ash Township location is the POI (s) didn't want CB to be found. In an accidental death situation, most people who do not want to be involved, want the person to be found, but without their name (s) attached to the situation.

IMO and speculation, nothing about Chelsea's murder was accidental. Perhaps opportunistic, but not accidental. She was a stray lamb separated from her flock, and easy prey. And these are predators. Evil, vile, and vicious. I think the costume was discarded in a similar fashion to how her remains were. They didn't care. Complete lack of empathy or connection that she was a living being. I believe to them, she was nothing more than an object to serve their evil purpose. And she was murdered because rape carries a life sentence, so she was silenced. I think they were fueled and amped up by the chaotic music and manic scene at the party, as well as whatever assortment of drugs they were on.

All this being said, I believe justice will prevail, and there will be a positive effect in that the citizens of Monroe will continue to come together, and work towards restoring their community to a healthy and family friendly environment once again.

“Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” - Ben Franklin
Doing some thinking this morning. Allow me to write some of my thoughts here.

If CB was found nude, there has been no indication that any of her clothing was found nearby. "part of her costume" was found miles away. Was it all of her clothing or only a piece? We have not heard definitively. If not the entire set of clothing was found, did they get scattered in the area or pieces dumped elsewhere too, or has perp kept an item? Not likely they would not be found in that area, as far as I can imagine right now. I really want to know if all her clothes were found.

That suggests to me that her clothes were left in the vehicle or (if removed where she was found) had to be gathered up after leaving her body. The next question would logically be ..... were the clothes dumped the same night (what route would be taken from one location to the other and then to perp's home?).

Were they discarded at another day? How long were they in possession of perp? If handled by perp, hopefully there is some DNA left on clothes to connect this person. (Please let this miracle happen. )

If death occurred at the site of the discarded clothing, then she was taken by vehicle nude. Would someone do that? Or were her clothes removed at the body site and then discarded later?

I feel like I am going in circles .... which came first, the clothing discard or the body dumped? Why two different crime scenes? Why leave such a unique piece of the costume (leafy top) that would easily be recognized?
I've been reading along on websleuths since Chelsea first disappeared because I wanted to follow the case and the news often didn't provide much coverage of the ongoing investigation.

I grew up in Monroe County, but attended a different school than Chelsea and am 10+ years older than her. Certain parts of Chelsea's story hit home with me both because of the location and the circumstances.

Just figured I'd add a few thoughts:

1. Since 500-800 people were estimated to have attended the Halloween party, the size is the only thing that stands out as unusual. (This is likely due to the fact that the bands invited thousands of Facebook fans and more showed up than they were prepared for.)

But the concept of large outdoor parties is not uncommon in our region. So much of the land is agricultural, which means there are lots of houses with significant sized property or attached farmland and multiple outbuildings. It would not be unusual to attend a barbecue, bonfire, graduation party, birthday party, or other event at an outdoor location where there would be 50-100 people being served alcohol. About once or twice a year, I see flyers or people promoting "concerts" on Facebook that are hosted out in the country in nearby counties as well.

I say this to point out that Chelsea and other people who live in the area, then, probably wouldn't have viewed the prospect of this outdoor concert as especially threatening or unsafe. It might've seemed more routine to them, as "large" outdoor parties (with say 100 or more people) happen every year and more time than not, it's just a bunch of locals (many of whom went to school together) hanging out.

2. These communities have a small town feel. While nearby Monroe has a population of 23,000 and Flat Rock has about 10,000, I want to emphasize how Chelsea's stomping grounds were MUCH smaller.

Carleton, which is the city where she went to school, has a population of 2,345.
Maybee, where Chelsea lived, has a population of only 562.
There are only 833 students at Airport High School.

(These are stats from the 2010 Census.)

As a result, many of us who grew up in this area feel kind of like everybody-"knows"-everybody. Either you or your siblings went to school with them, they played on a rival sports team at a nearby school, you worked with them at your summer job, they're your cousin or your cousin's friend, they go to your church, you took swim lessons together or went to camp as kids, and so on. Everyone is one person removed from everyone else.

Because of this, the setting is probably a little more complex than just "Chelsea got separated from her friends." I think when people imagine Chelsea separated from them, some either picture her as worried and alone OR they think of her as choosing to hang out with a new group of "enticing strangers" all night. But my guess, given the context, would be that while Chelsea was separated from the friend she came with who had her phone and other clothes, she still spent most of the evening around people who she felt she "knew" or considered "friends." She probably moved between a few groups throughout the night, talking to old high school classmates, then shifting to small talk with people who had worked with her, then chatting with a friend of one of her siblings, and so on.

Even though we're appalled, given the outcome, that she didn't stick with her "ride friends" or have her phone, I think it's possible she was only drinking lightly and behaving responsibly. She was likely hanging out mostly with people she knew and felt relatively unconcerned most of the night about having concrete plans for a ride because she knew many people who could give her one if it came down to it. I was VERY responsible, but I was never concerned at the few area parties I attended because I would've felt safe taking rides from dozens of people I had grown up with via school.

Given all of this and the knowledge of the train track area and abandoned building near the trailer park, I think the person/persons responsible for her disappearance probably fall into the "Chesea-knew-them-but-didn't-know-them-really-well" category and I also believe they either currently live in the area or grew up there. I will share my list of related questions in a future post so this one doesn't get too impossibly long.
BessDrew: :welcome:

Thank you for a great first post! Lot's of terrific points.
It really helps to understand the small town feel dynamics. Do you think all the out of town bands and their followers changed that dynamic that fateful evening?
I do think that once Chelsea got there and started moving around, that she probably immediately picked up on the fact that THIS party had a larger presence of out-of-towners. But my *guess* is that it wouldn't have been too disorienting for her.

* She was at the house of someone she "knew"...even if only on a minimal/super-fan level.
* It was a house she had been at at least once before.
* She was familiar with the general community/region she was in.
* She came with a group of friends.
* The largest group of people represented were still probably locals, with whom she would've felt a high degree of familiarity.
* The next largest group of people, I am guessing, were "groupies"...a subset of people from the larger region who traveled to shows...and may have also seemed familiar to Chelsea.

I do wonder a few things about the injury that a couple people (a high school friend & someone who spoke with her on the phone) referenced. One possibility is that Chelsea went inside...or went to a quieter area of the clean her wound and sit down and recover for a minute. It's possible that when she returned, many people she knew had left and she had fewer or less familiar "friends" left at that late hour to catch a ride with.
BessDrew: Everything you suggest makes perfect sense to me. I agree she most likely knew the Perps, if only as "familiar faces" from previous events. I also believe this case will be solved by someone finally speaking up, and perhaps cutting a deal with LE.

“Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” - Ben Franklin

I do think that once Chelsea got there and started moving around, that she probably immediately picked up on the fact that THIS party had a larger presence of out-of-towners. But my *guess* is that it wouldn't have been too disorienting for her.

* She was at the house of someone she "knew"...even if only on a minimal/super-fan level.
* It was a house she had been at at least once before.
* She was familiar with the general community/region she was in.
* She came with a group of friends.
* The largest group of people represented were still probably locals, with whom she would've felt a high degree of familiarity.
* The next largest group of people, I am guessing, were "groupies"...a subset of people from the larger region who traveled to shows...and may have also seemed familiar to Chelsea.

I do wonder a few things about the injury that a couple people (a high school friend & someone who spoke with her on the phone) referenced. One possibility is that Chelsea went inside...or went to a quieter area of the clean her wound and sit down and recover for a minute. It's possible that when she returned, many people she knew had left and she had fewer or less familiar "friends" left at that late hour to catch a ride with.

Would think one of her friends would have stayed with her to see was okay, or just console her, when she went off to clean/recover from wound.
And she was murdered because rape carries a life sentence, so she was silenced. I think they were fueled and amped up by the chaotic music and manic scene at the party, as well as whatever assortment of drugs they were on.

Sorry to butt in here but rape does not carry a life sentence. Not in Michigan and not even in extreme cases like this one: I have no other issues with what you've stated here.

Several pages ago I looked up my own attackers. None of them are on this list and none are listed as being incarcerated. So either they are all (4) dead or they have managed to get out of jail and not have to be registered. Meanwhile I'll live with what they did to me till the day I die.

Sorry for the OT
Would think one of her friends would have stayed with her to see was okay, or just console her, when she went off to clean/recover from wound.

They probably got separated as it looks like it was a chaotic scene.
That said, it is a bit hard to understand. In my youthful adventures, my pack of friends always stayed within visual range for this very reason. And always, always left together no matter what. But I come from a big city environment. Maybe the home town scene and familiarity caused her to let her guard down. I'm sure her friends have not forgiven themselves for losing sight of her that evening, although they must. It's a tragic but important lesson that reminds young women to stick together when out and about, and especially when alcohol or other "party enhancers" are present. Heartbreaking...
BessDrew. :greetings:. Thank you for the exceptional post! While I have been a country gal least 30 years longer than you, your thoughts pushed mine back to the late 60's.

Our big party hangout actually wasn't so different than this. Many in my peer group hung out a a huge party place called Greenlawn Grove (Middlebelt Rd., Romulus, Mi ... not too far from Detroit Metro Airport). It had a similar feel to the Halloween party atmosphere, though our music was not as intense, overall. It seems there was a cover charge (parking fee?), but I do not honestly remember if that is correct. It was set up similar to a park, picnic tables, lawn chairs, blankets. Underage drinking, minor drug use, make-out sessions, bonfires, hundreds of kids/young people, etc. were not uncommon. I remember feeling overwhelmed at the number of people who attended, so it wasn't somewhere I frequented. But many, many did and had a blast. And yes ...... no one felt worried that bad things could happen.

You are so right that we are all shirt-tail relatives or friends. I recently had a confirmation that I knew relatives of Chelsea back in my days of raising my children. They worked with my husband. Not close relatives of her, but enough to feel I "know" the family somewhat. Perhaps that is what drew me to her situation in the beginning, and keeps me coming back.

I have always felt Chelsea went off with her companion willingly, without a concern for safety. She felt it was someone she could trust. When/how things went wrong is the scary part. I don't think being separated from her friends she arrived with was a concern to her. I do wonder why she did not get her phone and/or purse when the friends she came with were leaving, although I don't believe she had pockets to hold any of her items. She must have felt she could easily use someone else's phone of she needed to make a call. It sort of makes me feel she knew how she would get home later.

BessDrew, thanks again for your insightful posts!
Sorry to butt in here but rape does not carry a life sentence. Not in Michigan and not even in extreme cases like this one: I have no other issues with what you've stated here.

Several pages ago I looked up my own attackers. None of them are on this list and none are listed as being incarcerated. So either they are all (4) dead or they have managed to get out of jail and not have to be registered. Meanwhile I'll live with what they did to me till the day I die.

Sorry for the OT

Psyquestor - love and blessings to you. Bless you for being here and helping!
You are absolutely right on the rape sentencing. Not sure where I got that...perhaps it was my wishful thinking of punishment.
Sorry to butt in here but rape does not carry a life sentence. Not in Michigan and not even in extreme cases like this one: I have no other issues with what you've stated here.

Several pages ago I looked up my own attackers. None of them are on this list and none are listed as being incarcerated. So either they are all (4) dead or they have managed to get out of jail and not have to be registered. Meanwhile I'll live with what they did to me till the day I die.

Sorry for the OT

Unfortunately, I have learned it doesn't end when they die. Not as intense, but it still feels horrible. I am so sorry you have this to live with, psyquestor.

They probably got separated as it looks like it was a chaotic scene.
That said, it is a bit hard to understand. In my youthful adventures, my pack of friends always stayed within visual range for this very reason. And always, always left together no matter what. But I come from a big city environment. Maybe the home town scene and familiarity caused her to let her guard down. I'm sure her friends have not forgiven themselves for losing sight of her that evening, although they must. It's a tragic but important lesson that reminds young women to stick together when out and about, and especially when alcohol or other "party enhancers" are present. Heartbreaking...

Well, in my day at least, these environments were a way to hook up with a special gal or guy for some make out time. :blushing:. But if that was Chelsea's experience, I would think a friend would have known and come forward.
FWIW It wasn't rape, it was sexual assault and other various charges because they trapped me and would not let me go. Quick thinking on my part kept them from succeeding at rape. BUT they were supposed to be on the list and one should still be behind bars. This was a repeat offender, so ...

Anyway, I think you're right that she knew the person she left with. I think she may have left willingly. I also think that something happened that caused her to say "no" or things got creepy / scary. (ala the music genre). Instead of letting her go, the person killed her.

I think the clothing / costume was discarded at a later date. IIRC LE believes the murder took place where she was found.

Thanks, Roses. We're all of course just building out "possible scenarios" from the few facts we have. But I will throw out a few more questions that occur to me.

1. What was the main attraction for Chelsea that drew her to this music scene and this sub-set of fans? I think this is a very important question and I haven't heard too much exploration about it.

For example, did Chelsea grow up listening to this music? Did she take to it on her own? Prior to graduating high school, did she belong to a group of friends in high school who liked this style of music? OR, did Chelsea get into this type of music not so much because it was her first preference, but because...
A. It made her feel like part of the "in crowd" with friends at work/elsewhere who typically went to concerts together?
B. She developed a crush on one of the band members/fans and saw parties like this as opportunities to interact with them?
C. Someone she had a crush on liked this type of music which naturally led her to want to get more involved in this scene?

2. Why did Chelsea arrive at the party so late? Was it purely because she couldn't get a ride earlier in the day? OR...Did she WANT to arrive late (supposedly, she arrived around 11 p.m., right?) because...
A. She knew a certain band, the one she was most a fan of, wouldn't be playing until then?
B. She knew a certain crush, fan, or fellow attender wouldn't be arriving until later? (Many restaurants have employees scheduled on 2-10 afternoon shifts. I know she worked at a restaurant. Was someone else she knew getting off work then?)
C. She wanted to go with a specific group of girl friends from work because this is the small group of close friends she either FELT she belonged to or that she WANTED to belong to eventually?

3. What about the girls (at least one co-worker, right?) with whom she went to the party? How did they perceive Chelsea? Prior to her disappearance, would they have named Chelsea as a member of their "group of friends?"
A. Was there a history of any "mean-girl" dynamics? (I believe I read somewhere there had been some sort of past tension with one of them.)
B. Did they sometimes see Chelsea as a tag-a-long, because she was perhaps more naive and more of a "good girl" than they were and because she frequently needed rides? Is it possible Chelsea looked up to them or thought of them as popular/cool because they were a little more worldly, a little more into drinking, a little more into the hardcore music scene, maybe a little more experienced with guys and so on?
C. Did they ever get jealous of Chelsea? Was Chelsea receiving attention from a male they worked with?

4. Did the girls she rode with intend to hang out with Chelsea the whole time, but the plan changed when they got there?
A. Were the girls purely just giving her a ride because they were going to the same place and never had any intention to hang out with her?
B. Did they leave Chelsea and go off together without her (snubbing her in some way)?
C. Did Chelsea opt to leave them because her biggest intention was to connect with a specific crush/fan/band member at the party?

5. Why did the girls leave the party so much earlier than Chelsea? Were they disappointed/threatened by the party? Was there a conflict that drove them to not want to be there? Or did they just originally intend to stay only a short while? If the latter, did they already know that Chelsea had plans to stay longer than them or did plans change once they arrived?

I say all this because it is VERY hard for me to believe that these girls wouldn't know WHO Chelsea wanted to stay with (whether it was a person or a group of people) when she opted to stay at the party without them.

If I didn't stay with my friends at that age, you better believe it was because there was someone there I wanted to get to know or spend time with. We need to know: who or what took precedent over hanging out with her girlfriends that made her stay?

6. Did Chelsea know that her driver/the suspect(s) intended to go somewhere else before they took her home? Was the person she left with someone she admired/crushed on, i.e. someone she wanted to spend more time with and be liked by? (This will alter a girl's actions as quick or quicker than alcohol sometimes, right?)

Did that person invite Chelsea to an "after-party hangout" and did Chelsea go willingly, perhaps not knowing the nature of the party, and quickly get in over her head and panic?

If I were the investigator, I would want those girl friends to speculate as much as they were willing. To name anyone they thought Chelsea had a crush on, any current or former co-worker with whom Chelsea had any flirtation, and so on. Even if they don't think they know anything, they may be neglecting to mention someone because the person seems so familiar to them and doesn't seem capable of a crime. And perhaps the person is normally more reliable, but made a terrible decision while panicking and under the influence of drugs etc...
Sorry to butt in here but rape does not carry a life sentence. Not in Michigan and not even in extreme cases like this one: I have no other issues with what you've stated here.

Several pages ago I looked up my own attackers. None of them are on this list and none are listed as being incarcerated. So either they are all (4) dead or they have managed to get out of jail and not have to be registered. Meanwhile I'll live with what they did to me till the day I die.

Sorry for the OT

Psyquestor, I am sorry that you had to go through this experience. Did your attackers go to prison in Michigan?
You may already know this, but you can look up people in prison or who have been incarcerated on the website:
After clicking "I agree", change "active offenders" to "all". This will tell you if they are still incarcerated, or have been discharged.
The website does not list people who got arrested and went to jail but did not serve in prison. It may also not include juveniles.

Your questions, I hope have been on LE's mind as they have interviewed numerous concert goers, her friends, and charged two people with lying about what they saw, and LE will probably continue to speak with people as more information comes in, as the evidence from the Easter find, her clothes are tested and Chelsea's remains are examined for more evidence. That being said, and I will go back and reread your posts as they are exceptional, one burning questions comes to mind, given the context you present. Which of the groups you describe would more likely be able to or want to cover for each other or a friend, among those lingering until 3:15 am, and would they ultimately do such a thing, cover for a friend, if they knew that was the person Chelsea left with, do you think?

I think the place where her clothes were found and where Chelsea was found would be the place that the perp/s chose to distance the crime from themselves, it seems possible. That it is along the railroad tracks bespeaks familiarity but not a connection to the tracks in that area, to me. I think if the perp had a chance, they would have done a better job of making sure her costume was never found and that Chelsea was never found, so ultimately, she may have been placed there for a reason as was her costume, so I'm not completely convinced it was by fluke of good luck. Either way, having Chelsea and the costume found, whether placed deliberately or not, it seems like the perp/s is feeling more heat.

Again, thank you very much for sharing all that you have and your poignant questions in your posts up thread. I hope you continue to think this through with us.

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