Deceased/Not Found MI - Coral Hall, 14, Flint, 22 Sept 1998 - *L. Janish guilty*

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hi this is melissa corals bff from childhood, linda number was in that book that i turned in and i also had her number. i called your grandma frequently and asked if she had any new info and she told me what she knew. then she supposidly up and moved to missisippi or something and i gave her name to the police. i dont know why they havent conacted her maybe if u really cared as much as u act like u do u would have linda call the flint police and help them find out what happened. and i did e mail u and u never responded
im sure my last post was confusing. i ment to reply to cgreen2010 post. im ner at this and it was my first post
well now that i said that i would like to introduce myself. my name is melissa and i have been friends with coral since the first grade. we were ALWAYS close, like sisters, and when she disappeared i was histerical. i was only fifteen at the time and i tried to help find her but noone would listen. but a couple years ago when i stumbeled upon ron fongers article in the flint journal i called tanya my other bff, who was also close with coral, and we contacted ron fonger and told him everything we knew. i have been searching for anwsers for years but it seemed like noone even cared. not even her own family. except for her unicle allen who sadly passed away before they reopened her case. her aunt told us to mind our own business and the police told us we were just a couple of kids and they would handle it. but they didint and now precious time has been wasted. evidence washed away. they never even tried to find her until that article was out and we wanted to find the truth. i remember working at meijer about a year after she disappeared. i was bagging groceries and lois janish came through my lane. i hadent seen her since the last time coral and i hung out. i asked her, although i already new, is she was lois janish and she said no, that her name was "ann" i knew she was lying and i know she knew who i was. so i said "really because u look just like my best friend corals grandma, and she is missing" and she looked nervous and booked out of there like a bat outta hell. now why would a loving worried grandmother never contact her missing grandaughter's best friend when she went missing? and why would she act like she didint know me when i saw her at meijer? especially after i told her what i said? actually it was linda corals godmother who called me a couple days after she went missing, she was the only one. im not saying that her grandma did it but i think she knows what happened to her. i know im turning this into a story but i have so much to say. i will end this with a plea to anyone out there with any information no matter how small to please call the police and tell them. i miss her every day and i will for the rest of my life.
Hello Melissa, welcome. I'm sorry that you lost your friend. I'm suspicious of 'granny' and the 2 men, myself. Did you know the 2 men?
no i did not know the two men. but through out the years her grandmother lois used to have people stay with her from time to time. it was an unstable home they moved around a lot. at least every year or two they would move to another place. and even though it was difficult to hang out all the time it was at least once a month and we talked on the phone every day. but back to the facts. i didnt even know that these supposide "men" lived with her. i last spoke with her in the end of august the year she disappeared. actually i was mad at her, she was dropped off at my house by lois and was suppose to spend the night with me. we were hanging out with our friend tanya and she had talked to an old friend and went to hang out with her and come back to my house. long story short, she didnt, and i got mad and didint talk to her after that. i will regret it for the rest of my life. she called me for the last time after that and i hung up on her. she sounded upset and was crying i think, she said she was sorry and she needed my help and i was young and pissed so i hung up on her. i wish i would have asked her what was wrong but u cant change the past. i dont think it was too close to her disappearance but i still wonder what happened that night. so i dont know who lived at her house but they couldnt have stayed there for long.
Ok, that makes sense, so you didn't know the men. Thank you, Melissa. You're right, you can't change the past. Your friend upset you, understandably, so you stopped speaking to her, understandably. That doesn't make you at fault for Coral disappearing. You were young. We all got mad at a friend when we were teenagers. We all had a friend get mad at us. I'm sorry that you weren't given the chance to reconcile with your friend. I hope we are able to find the answers you seek.

I can tell you're upset about this. What is it that you think happened? Do you know any of her other friends and what their theories might be? Do you know cgreen and why she no longer posts here? Am I understanding correctly that Coral's grandmother didn't search for her?

Coral's case is special to me. She reminds me of a friend I had when I was a teenager that I, too, lost contact with because she made me mad. Thankfully, my friend is still around, somewhere. Coral's face and situation reminds me of her and when we were friends. ;)
no i never met cgreen2110, like she said she was 4 at the time coral dissapeared and she only saw her at her grandmothers house. her name was linda, and she was corals godmother. corals grandma lois did not look for her. it was actually linda who called me a couple days after coral disappeared, asking me if i had seen her or talked to her and told me she was missing. lois never called me, u would think that she would call her grandaughters best friend and start looking for anwsers. linda and a guy friend coral had in the area, cant remember his name but he had a lazy eye i do recall i only met him once, had made up some missing posters of coral and put them up around the neighborhood. linda told me that lois went around and ripped them all down saying "she's not missing!" also very suspicious. i guess the police went to lois's place asking why coral was missing so much school and thats when she told them coral was missing. im not saying that she did something but i do think she know what happened to her. i hope she isnt dead but if she was alive i know she would have called me. as a matter of fact my mom still lives in the same house and they still have the same phone number too. there is no way she wouldnt have, we were best friends forever and my whole family loved her like she was one of us its not only been hard on me but my family too especially my mom she loved her very much. i suspect foul play. and tizzle, thanks for careing and taking such an interest in my friends case. i hope someday we can find some anwsers. someone must have saw or heard something. we just need them to come forward. i have heard a couple bad stories about what people were saying around the neighborhood. i hope none of them were true.
Melissa, Coral deserves to be found. Her loved ones, like you, deserve answers. I hope both happen. Coral instantly found a place in my heart the first time I saw her picture and read her story.

I agree that from what you describe, Grandma's behavior is extremely suspicious. What are the theories that you heard in the neighborhood? If you don't want to share or it's too hard for you, I understand. I just think ANY information, at this point, is a step in the right direction of locating your dear friend. I hope that someone who knows something will finally come forward with information.

I have a question:
Did you know the other Melissa's Uncle and boyfriend? And do you know if it was Melissa and her uncle or Melissa's uncle and her boyfriend that went to pick Coral up that night? I've seen it reported both ways and would like a little clarity. TIA.
Hey tizzle, I never met this other Melissa or her unicle or her boyfriend. The summer of 98 the year Coral disappeared Coral told me that she made a new friend and her name was Melissa too. She said that she lived on the same street as her and had three kids the youngest an infant, and Coral used to babysit for her.Thats all I knew about them. But after she went missing Linda, Corals godmother, told me that the boyfriend had a strange obsession with Coral. He had a picture of her next to his bed and used to take her shoes so she couldn't leave. I am actually kind of suspicious of them and their story. We dont really know if the story is true about them getting a phone callfrom Coral and her asking for a ride. That's Melissa Pierce's story but there is no way to prove that it even occured. The rumors that were going around the neighborhood about what happened to Coral were told to me by Linda. She also lived on the same street kitty corner from Lois and Coral. One of the stories was that Lois was doing drugs, crack I think, which I believe 100%! and she had some drugs fronted to her by her drug dealer with the promise of payment after Lois got her income taxes filed, and when she filed them she owed the government money with no refund. So when the dealer wanted his money and Lois didn't have it she told them that they could have Coral as payment and do what they please with her. So they took Coral into the basement and attacked her and shoved a broom up her and killed her. Then stuffed her lifeless body into a garbage bag and threw her in the Flint river. Disposing of her like she was nothing, like she was trash. the Flint river was VERY close to where she lived. As a matter of fact, there was a feild behind the house and on the other side was the river. This is a very disturbing story, and i try not to think about it. Another story i heard from Linda was that here was this guy hanging around, possibly 1 of the 2 guys that lived with them, had a trailer somewhere and wanted to take Coral there. He talked about having a hot tub to make her want to go. I don't know if there is any truth to these stories but I hope telling them to all of you might in some way help find a lead or clue in the case. throught my conversations with Linda, and i would call her every week to see if she had any new info, I would write down every name and story she told me hoping that it might be a break in the case. I believe I gave that information to the police when I gave them Coral's planner she left at my house. If there's anything else you want to know just ask and I will try to the best of my ability to anwser. Again thanks for careing.
i also wanted to share that the planner was torn because my handicap sister got ahold of it and had her way with it.
... I would write down every name and story she told me hoping that it might be a break in the case. I believe I gave that information to the police when I gave them Coral's planner she left at my house...

You might consider calling the Flint Police Department at 810-766-7036, and ask to speak with the Cold Case section. Sometimes just calling and asking them if they have heard anything lately and offering to speak with whomever is the current detective will get interest renewed.

Don't assume that they still have the information you provided in the past. I have sometimes called a cold case section and have gotten a new detective on a case that I had previously provided information on, and have found that they had lost or misplaced my previous report. They have always been cooperative and intertested.
Melissa, it breaks my heart that these are the rumors you have to hear about your friend. I hope they are not true. I can tell that the years of wondering about what happened to Coral have been hard on you. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. Coral is very fortunate to have a friend like you that obviously cares so much.

Richard is right, you should contact the detective in charge of her case. You seem to have a lot of information that I would think would be useful to them and maybe it has been lost over the years, as Richard suggests. I think I am going to contact the detective myself, just to show that their is a public interest in Coral's whereabouts and so that she isn't forgotten about.

You're in my thoughts, Melissa. I'm praying for Coral and you.
You guys are right, I need to get more involved, I need to call the detective investigating her case and talk to him. I will get ahold of him soon and speak with him about what i heard. hopefully we can come up with something to lead us in the right direction. thank you for your support and information.
I went to my moms today and happened upon her phonebook shes had for fifteen years. It's full of everyones numbers that we knew over the years. You know one of those binders that has letters a to z. Anyways, it has all the numbers for coral as well as two girls,Crystal and Kelly, no last names but the numbers are no longer good. but, i counted all the numbers i had for Coral and there was ten! she didnt move from her first house, the one she lived in when i met her she was 5, until she was 9 or 10 and she disappeared when she was 14. thats a lot of moving around in 5 years. also the guy friend she had that i mentioned helping linda make the missing posters of coral well his name was Kevin, I wrote that in the phonebook and he was blind in one eye. I'm glad that all that time ago I wrote that stuff down. and theres more. I also found a couple of names that were of interest to me at the time but I'm having a hard time remembering what linda told me about them. But here goes.... Denis W, "and this is what I wrote down 11 years ago when I was 15", crazy dude was 48 year old man in b with coral, Applegate Michigan. That's the first one, I think the b means bed and I didn't write the whole word or something, It's the only thing that makes sense. Like maybe he tried to do something to her, I dont know but its worth checking out I think. There was also an address, 1290 T, I guess that was where he lived at the time. and the other name was Harry O, and by his name i wrote, with kid baby. so i think maybe hes Melissa Pierce's boyfriend. Not sure though. Oh and by the way I had a different last name for Pierce, it was D, I had that written down too. I just wanted to share this information because I was excited to find it. Now that we have a couple of names we have something to go on. someone else to ask. What do you know, what do you remember? I hope they will investigate them. I'm going to speak with the dectective about this. Any input is always appreciated. I need to get this case blown wide open and the more posts the better. Thank you!!!
Wow! Great work, Melissa! Again, Coral is so lucky to have a friend like you that cares. Isn't it amazing all the stuff we forget about over the years? As a teen, you thought to write all of this stuff down but didn't remember it until you found it. Like Richard said, it's possible that the detectives over the years have forgotten things that they wrote down, too. Evidence sometimes gets lost, also. Keep up your hard work, Mel. And keep us posted!
I live in Michigan, southwest, and had never heard of this case until I clicked notmykids' link. Where could she be?
Were Melissa's boyfriend and uncle ever suspects? Is it possible that they actually did pick Coral up in Flint, caused her harm and then made up the story that they couldn't find her? I'm not clear on the details, though, because most accounts imply that the boyfriend and uncle went to Flint to pick Coral up but CharleyProject says that Melissa accompanied her uncle and says nothing about the boyfriend. Anyone know which account is accurate? BTW, I don't think Melissa is involved in any wrongdoing, just to clarify.

Was the grandmother ever a suspect? Is it also possible that she caused Coral harm? I'm sorry, I don't mean to make accusations. I know nothing about this woman or her morals and mean no offense. It's just strange to me that 2 men lived with them and would make comments about taking Coral to California. It's so vague, two men. Who were these men? Why were they living there? And how long after they made comments regarding kidnapping her granddaughter did she allow them to continue staying there? Did I miss this information somewhere? It just doesn't seem like a very stable environment to me. And why did Coral's own mother have so many problems? Was she, too, raised by the grandmother? Coral went that day to DHS to file a report of abuse or neglect. Against the grandmother? Or the two men? Who?? What were Coral and her grandma arguing about and can anybody that lived near there remember if the grandmother left the house the night Coral disappeared?

I believe her friends when they say she wouldn't have just disappeared from their lives. I believe she would run away from her grandmother, but I don't think she would run away from her friends, because it seems like they're the only stability and love she knew. She was a girl in search of acceptance because of her mother's selfishness, I think she found that acceptance in her friends and don't believe that she would not contact them at least once to tell them she was ok. She called Melissa when she had problems, that's evident by the trip they took to DHS together and by the phone call she placed to Melissa before she disappeared. I'm confident in my belief that she would have called at least her if she had decided to just run away.


reading this entry again after a couple of months really hits home with me. everything thats said here has always been in the back of mind like you were there and saw I what saw, and heard what I did. cool but kinda creepy. you have really done your homework on this case. thank you!
I think the second linked facebook account really looks like our Coral.

Has anyone passed these two facebooks to the detective currently working Corals case?

Also, back when we were working on the Maricopa Jane Doe case, (id'd as Tawni Mazzone) there was some discussion regarding Coral which I don't see posted here. IIRC, there was some information that she was living in a motel with an older man and another female. I don't recall much more about it... but will have to search the old Tawni forum and link the posts here discussing Coral. I'm really surprised to not see that info posted here. Will get that done as soon as I can.

ETA: I guess this is what I recall, the info about Coral being spotted in Indiana.

I don't know what ever happened with that Indiana tip, but I do think that someone - whoemver has been in contact with LE most definately HAS to pass along the facebooks. If for nothing other than to rule them out. No stone left unturned. Better to turn it in and it be a nay, than to leave the possibility in limbo.

IMO, there could be a number of reasons Coral would not make contact with anyone if she is alive and well out there somewhere. One being that part of her life is still too painful to go back and reopen. I hope she is alive and well somewhere.

nose, ears, and chin are spot on. The ears especially!
even the age progressed shows a longer neck like the gal from the FB.

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