MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #4

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Do you think maybe there was surveillance that saw them together at Met Life on
date she went missing or perhaps at other times?
Do you think maybe there was surveillance that saw them together at Met Life on
date she went missing or perhaps at other times?

police had to have some basis for a warrant to tear his house apart, tow their cars, run dogs through the house etc.

but i'm not sure being on video with her, even if it were that day, would suffice for a judge to authorize a warrant.

weird thing the bed being taken 2 weeks after the initial search. i wonder if the initial warrant were for something else, and police used the results of the initial search to get another warrant for the bed and whatever else they took more recently.

For example, if LE, going through SONIC/DEA, had enough to execute a narcotics warrant independent of the DS missing persons thing. Executed that warrant, collected what they were allowed to within the parameters of that warrant; took it for analysis; and then once they had something concrete connecting DS to the house, went back for the other items.
I am betting he followed her home. She didnt realize he was following her until she was at her apartment, parked in her space, and getting out of her car. Perhaps she turned around and there he was, and snatched her.

I think things turned south at her apartment complex.
I think you have it exactly right. I can't stop thinking about what Dani--the amazing, smart, funny, loving, positive person we've gotten to know through SM, Dani--must have gone through, and how she must have felt, how terrified she must have been, and it's killing me.
ok, so that's entering the building in general?

MetLife might have, almost has to have, I would think, security people when you enter their offices inside that building***. Possibly/likely employees of / contracted out to the same people who provide security to the building overall.

which if they had that and he was one of the security people assigned to MetLife's offices, much easier to strike up a relationship, at whatever level.

But maybe not. Perhaps they just have proximity badges and they trust no one will buddy-enter behind employees badging themselves in.

Or nothing at all. Which would be crazy in 2016.

***For health insurers/ "covered entities" to be HIPPA-compliant, they have to "limit physical access to facilities while ensuring that only authorized access is allowed."

I worked in a corporate headquarters with lots of different buildings and we were in healthcare and HIPPA-compliant, and we did the latter with a card key system in most of our buildings. We had a hired/outsourced security group that mostly cruised the parking lot near the headquarters. We also had lots of other space scattered all over many in large office buildings like the one that DS worked in that were not owned by us. In those large, professionally-managed buildings, we relied on the security force that was hired by the building management plus card keys to get us into our own space within the building. We did not hire additional security on our own.
Maybe the apt complex has a 50K rider on their insurance that covers this sort of circumstance.

The cynical side of me says that MetLife could have had $50k in insurance to cover things like this and may have offered to put up reward money in exchange for a covenant not to sue.
I haven't posted anything for a while, but I want to post a challenge to something a lot of people are assuming. If Dani's alleged abductor took her car and returned it themself, that person would have required assistance returning home or to their vehicle. So this brings into question the need for an accomplice or some sort of transportation service, which would alternatively imply a witness! With the apparent lack of phyical evidence and the slow pace of the investigation, the daytime abduction at her apartment seems more likely than masterfully puts her car right back where it belongs and then exposes himself to someone that can place him where she lives.

Instead of ruling out the possibility that there could have been a witness - FG called a friend for a ride, ordered an Uber, whatever- because we all think we would have heard about it, maybe we should consider the possibility that that might be HOW the police have seemingly been aware of much more than we realized since the beginning.

Uber driver, friend, whoever, sees DS is missing, realizes gave someone a ride from DS building the night she was last seen, calls it in. Police have had POI since that weekend and have been connecting the dots ever since.

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<modsnip> Hoping they find something from their search of the Oxford house.
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I live not too far from where DS lives and I admit to having stopped to help a stranger and driving the stranger to the gas station. My fiance offered the woman, without asking me...My mom was furious with me to which I replied that the woman seemed perfectly normal...in reality she spent her time in our vehicle on the phone with a friend and I did as well (my husband was driving), I think she was nervous like I was and we both had a friend on the line just in case but it was still stupid of me. My husband mike and I were like 22 at the time. I couldn't convince mike that he shouldn't ever do that, that he wasn't invincible and yet A few years later he saw a man walking with a gas can in hand in scorching hot temperatures and mike was by himself this time. He offered the man a ride to get gas and the guy was so appreciative that after mike refused to accept money for helping him, we discovered later that the man had thrown the $20 mike refused into the side of the passenger door lol. He took that to mean he did the right thing, I took it as he got so very lucky because plenty of so called "harmless looking soccer dads" are probably bad people but people make snap judgement, that "oh they don't look like a murderer" what the heck lol that kind of thinking leads people here :(

For all the good stories there's horrifying stories and I would now never ever risk such a thing. I will stop at car accidents to offer help or a phone in daylight but even that I have only done once since mike passed 11 months ago, it isn't worth the risk period. It's hard to ignore my instinct to help people. My mom is the opposite. I witnessed a terrible accident and stayed and helped and calmed the kids mom down when she arrived, I provided statements to the police and mike helped put a spare tire on the totalled car in attempts to get it out of the road.

Months later me and mike get subpoenaed to testify in court about what we saw in the accident. My husbands response was omg this is so cool we get to go to a courtroom and testify and my mom's reaction was "I hope you learned ur lesson and never do that again". Provided it's daytime and people are around and medics are being called I would still help but do you guys think that's also dangerous akin to offering a stranger a ride?

You and your husband (and I am so terribly sorry for your loss, Lia :grouphug:) sound like such kind souls.

I have a soft spot especially for those who are clearly in the midst of a mental-health crisis, as I have suffered from depression and PTSD for years and been in the hospital with folks who are hearing voices, seeing things that are not there, etc. It's just very hard for me to come across these individuals and not do anything.

When I was in a college (so this happened over 20 years ago), a friend of mine and his mom stopped at a McDonald's, where they saw a woman they thought was homeless. As they approached her to give her some food and a drink, she asked them for a ride. My friend and his mom were heading in the same direction as where she said she had to go, so they gladly obliged. As soon as she got inside their car, she pulled a knife on them, demanding money. They gave her their wallets, drove another hour -at knife-point- to get to the woman's destination, where she got out of their car. They were able to make it home that night, shaken up but alive. Very, very lucky, IMO.

So I have been pretty reluctant to help strangers -whether men or women- since, but I must admit there have been a couple of occasions where I basically instinctively have done so. One time, I was at a busy truck stop, in the middle of the day, when a young man, clearly mentally ill or under the influence of drugs, asked me for directions. As soon as he asked for my cell phone, though, I gave him a few dollars and suggested he go inside and ask to use their phone. I quickly got inside my car, locked all doors and then called 911 to ask they at least go to the truck stop and check on him.

Now that I have children and have them with me almost always I am out and about, I never do this type of thing. When they were younger, they would actually tell me to stop and help whenever we would come across homeless people in downtown Chicago. I would tell them we couldn't do that and quickly walk away, feeling like I was setting a bad example for them (it's extremely important to me that they grow up to be compassionate human beings, so I would also tell them we could volunteer in a soup kitchen or make a bunch of PB & Js and hand them out when they were a bit older). Now that they are older (12 and 14), though, they don't even ask, which makes me very, very sad in a way, but at the same time, I feel that maybe this type of attitude or awareness will save them one day. Another thing I've always told them is if they get a weird vibe from someone or encounter a dangerous situation, do not to confront them (things can always be replaced) and run as fast as possible until they get to a public space, before even calling 911.

There still are times when I come across someone in need, and before even thinking of possible consequences, instinctively, my mind says, "Help them!" I've really had to train myself to stop and think first. Clearly, Danielle is exceptionally kind, and I am afraid that -as suggested by her dad- is what might have led to her demise :(.
Riding horse this morning gave me some time to think about this case. I've been following it from almost the beginning.

I think if they were really friends or more she would have told him about her plans for the night and/or needing to work the next day. Even in casual conversation, "sneaking out early to make dinner for friend", "putting in a long day tomorrow training"...etc. I generally would keep small talk non-personal with stranger, weather, local sports team. With her out going personality it seems she would have given more info if more than mere acquaintance. If someone knew she was going to be expected, would potentially raise red flags faster.

Not knowing what time she was planning on being at her friend's puts a kink in things. Maybe she had time to run somewhere if she wasn't expected until 7 or so. Drive someone potentially home, yes but you wouldn't generally give stranger ride home and we are back to chatting about plans and people who would be expecting her if a friend.

So let's say he escorts her to her car to keep her "safe". If he pulls a gun then, why would she drive herself to her house or anywhere else? I would be hitting every car along the way if under duress, curbs, trees...

If he pulls a gun and knocks her out, stashing her in the car. Risky, open parking lot, with office building with windows, someone could happen to look out and see. I did read about executive parking garage at facility, maybe under the building? Not sure she had that kind of clout to get VIP parking.

Let's say with her healthy life style, she's parking far away, getting some extra walking in to and from the building. Less risk of being seen. Now what? Some people like to pull the wings off flies but random seems like there would be more evidence, poor planning could lead to messes. Doubt he would drive her directly to her apartment, still early, would need to hide evidence along the way. Too many potential witnesses. Stalking scenerio would lead to him knowing her parking spot. Drive to his house, pull in behind gate, pull into garage. Cover and time. Much later drive her car back to her apartment, walk a mile or so and grab uber or public transport. Wasn't horrible weather. Walk mile from IGA and get dropped off a mile from home, 15 minute walk for each.

Erasing those scenarios:

She drives herself home as usual. He follows and pulls up behind. She's planning on running inside, leaving purse grabbing phone and keys (I do this myself). How do you entice her to car? "Hey, I didn't know you lived here?"...walk to car to chat as someone she recognizes from work. Gun pulled, "get in the car"...

Was he even at work that day? News story said works or worked. Maybe he was throwing the creepy vibe, someone (possibly DS) complained and he got fired. Wife is sick, now he's without a job. That may be enough to supply motive. Hang out and wait for her..."i'll show her...". Hide out, had stalked the place out enough to know neighbors don't get home until late. DS parks in her usual spot, leaves purse to run inside quick. Grab, into his car and gone. She wasn't a large person, little cholorform. Would have to imagine she would have made noise otherwise.

Occam's razor suggests amongst competing hypothesis the one with the least number of assumptions should be selected.
It's based on him working as an EMT in Lyon? back in the Spring. Someone posted up thread about it.

Could've been doing both. Tho I wouldn't want a worn out from working two jobs EMT rolling up to save my life. I don't know how that all works. Could be he worked a few 12 shifts as en EMT on weekends, then full-time security guard during the week.

I wonder which shift he worked security at the MetLife building. I've been assuming DS and he both worked the day shift. But if he worked 2nd shift security and DS, when she works in the office, sometimes clocks long hours. From my experience working crazy hours in an office setting, you get to know the cleaning people and security people a little better if you're one of a handful of employees still in office at 8 pm at night than if you/they are both there when the place is full of other worker-bees. I could see them striking up more of a "friends only" relationship in those circumstances.

I have a friend whose husband has a ft job mon thru fri but once a month sleeps at the fire station for the weekend being a volunteer. We don't know if FG did something like this...so having the two jobs doesn't diminish either one and both bring in great income without superseding the other...just a thought..he could do both
If you go to the FDS page, scroll to the fourth post down and click on the woman's post you see there (it's from Friday night). Read the comments and you'll find that Danielle's own father hadn't yet seen the report about a security guard. Someone else mentions the security guard and he asks for a link. He then says LE hadn't told him anything specific about a security guard. So it would seem this was as much a surprise to him as it was to anyone else.

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Problem is not many scenarios make any sense because she was off schedule. The only one that does it that she intended to see him and something went wrong and he snapped . Angry she didn't accept his advances? She was helping with his wife?

Perhaps he might not have been planning for her leaving early from work but I assume as a security guard, he sees all those who come in and out of the building. I believe I read somewhere that she left only 30 minutes early, which, if he was planning on doing something, would not destroy his entire plans... he would just have to start 30 minutes earlier. IMO (just thinking aloud)
I live not too far from where DS lives and I admit to having stopped to help a stranger and driving the stranger to the gas station. My fiance offered the woman, without asking me...My mom was furious with me to which I replied that the woman seemed perfectly normal...in reality she spent her time in our vehicle on the phone with a friend and I did as well (my husband was driving), I think she was nervous like I was and we both had a friend on the line just in case but it was still stupid of me. My husband mike and I were like 22 at the time. I couldn't convince mike that he shouldn't ever do that, that he wasn't invincible and yet A few years later he saw a man walking with a gas can in hand in scorching hot temperatures and mike was by himself this time. He offered the man a ride to get gas and the guy was so appreciative that after mike refused to accept money for helping him, we discovered later that the man had thrown the $20 mike refused into the side of the passenger door lol. He took that to mean he did the right thing, I took it as he got so very lucky because plenty of so called "harmless looking soccer dads" are probably bad people but people make snap judgement, that "oh they don't look like a murderer" what the heck lol that kind of thinking leads people here :(

For all the good stories there's horrifying stories and I would now never ever risk such a thing. I will stop at car accidents to offer help or a phone in daylight but even that I have only done once since mike passed 11 months ago, it isn't worth the risk period. It's hard to ignore my instinct to help people. My mom is the opposite. I witnessed a terrible accident and stayed and helped and calmed the kids mom down when she arrived, I provided statements to the police and mike helped put a spare tire on the totalled car in attempts to get it out of the road.

Months later me and mike get subpoenaed to testify in court about what we saw in the accident. My husbands response was omg this is so cool we get to go to a courtroom and testify and my mom's reaction was "I hope you learned ur lesson and never do that again". Provided it's daytime and people are around and medics are being called I would still help but do you guys think that's also dangerous akin to offering a stranger a ride?

It is never wrong to do the right thing, helping someone at the scene of an accident is a loving thing, not something to "learn your lesson about". The world needs more selfless, compassionate, generous acts. I always think of the Good Samaritan, who saw a man in need and helped him, when others walked away. I know which person I would rather be.
Berkley Neighbors React to Search of Home in Connection to Disappearance of Farmington Hills Woman 12/26/16

no new information in this article
I was thinking more like surveillance would have shown them together as a clue to follow up on this guy as a potential person of interest . I love the show "See No Evil' on ID: so many cases are solved with surveillance cameras. Stores like Target and Walmart have cameras everywhere.
Just a note... I've been in WS long enough to know that seemingly normal people who appear to be great amongst those they know can secretly be mentally broken and/or evil enough to do (what their friends/family consider to be) very abnormal and out of character things. Hurtful, hateful, harmful things.

Seeing pics of people looking happy and normal does not mean they aren't capable of 'out of character' behaviors. Pedophiles, rapists and killers often have loving families, beautiful spouses, perfect children, amazing friends, etc. and those people would all be shocked to know the dark inner mind of these sick individuals they surround themselves by.
Ok, so he sat around the parking lot at her work, waiting for her to leave? As she left about 30 minutes early that day compared to her regular schedule. Just chillin in your car outside a busy office building on a Friday late afternoon, lotta people likely busting out of work early at that time. And if he worked there/once worked there, peeps leaving work might be all friendly and wave or walk up to chat. But no biggie, just be like Can't talk now, I got an abduction to do.

Also, an office building with security. which I assume one part of their job would be to note anyone just hanging out in the parking lot for no particular reason for extended periods of time. If trouble's gonna come to an office building (disgruntled ex/current employee or whatever), it's going to come from the parking area.

Or sit around her apartment complex parking lot for an hour or hours. Cuz those IG Apt dwellers don't notice anything, apparently.

and then do a daytime involuntary violent abduction.

a stalking, involuntary, violent, daytime abduction that he so far gotten away with. No one heard any loud yells for help or thrashing or saw anything. That's a lot of luck and happenstance to make happen. And in a tight time window that's outside her normal routine.

This dude's good.

That's why I think "someone" lured DS to the Oxford home. Maybe to check out as a rental. DS may have mentioned around work she wanted to find another place close to work and get out of the complex. There would be many reasons to leave the complex, based on the reviews. Parking is an issue, maintenance problems, it seems reasonable at first economically, but there are added costs, the kitchen in her unit is small. If someone convinced DS she could rent a home for the same costs, from a couple she may know casually from work, this may be appealing to her.
Instead of ruling out the possibility that there could have been a witness - FG called a friend for a ride, ordered an Uber, whatever- because we all think we would have heard about it, maybe we should consider the possibility that that might be HOW the police have seemingly been aware of much more than we realized since the beginning.

Uber driver, friend, whoever, sees DS is missing, realizes gave someone a ride from DS building the night she was last seen, calls it in. Police have had POI since that weekend and have been connecting the dots ever since.

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While I'm still struggling to understand why the hexx a perp would return his/er victim's car to his/er place of residence, I am leaning towards a situation where a Uber-, Lyft-type service being involved, in which case there would be an electronic footprint, which might have been enough at least for the initial search warrant.

I also think it's somewhat telling that the gentleman who was interviewed on camera said LE had asked him specifically if he had seen Danielle's car at the Oxford house. This might have just been a general question, but I also think it could point to LE theorizing that her car was there at some point.

I think LE has had a lot of solid evidence to work with from early on. According to the posts on the Berkley FB page -though considered rumor as per TOS-, they already had two cars impounded from the Oxford house by the 14th, likely even earlier.

Maybe the perp was somehow able to get his way into Danielle's car without a struggle in the MetLife parking lot, at which point he pulled some sort of weapon on her, and was able to get her to drive them back to his home. Danielle's car stays in his garage, while he uses his car to transport Danielle to a certain location ... that he needs to be disclosing to LE right now! Once he drives back home, again, for whatever reason (this just makes no sense to me ... there are so many places where one can just dump a car), he drives her car back to her apartment, leaves it there, and then has an Uber-type service take him home. In this scenario, I would think there would be some sort of biological evidence left in his vehicle -while possibly leaving none in Danielle's-, which was taken away during the earlier search; once LE analyzes and confirms that the biological evidence belongs to Danielle, they get the second search warrant, which allows them to go inside the house, take the mattress away, etc.

As to Danielle's keys, the perps just grabs them after parking her car, almost out of habit or like a reflex, and later disposes of wherever. As for her phone, Danielle could have had it in the pocket of her Eddie Bauer jacket, and it just stayed with her (in which case I hope that LE was able to trace it at least to the Oxford residence).

I really, really hope that there is some sort of electronic evidence that LE is close to finish analyzing, that leads them to Danielle's location. That's what I really want right now.
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