MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #4

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Remember that Fg's background in security, Fireman stuff, etc, is not THAT far removed from a law enforcement background. I'd be shocked if he didn't either at some point explore LE as a career (maybe couldn't hack it, whatever), and/or have current friends that are in law enforcement. Security guard, firefighter, etc...I think someone in those lines of work would know cops...and probably interact with Cops all the time. Someone like that knows how investigations work and would not leave enough evidence behind to be caught red handed with a blood-stained shirt or something. I think it has to be ASSUMED int this case that FG was a smart criminal based on the moderate ties/relationships to the general arena of law enforcement. Just because a witness saw "Dexter Morgan" from that TV show leaving the scene of the crime, doesnt mean dexter didnt use gloves, plastic protection, and cover his tracks. Thats the general type of way this crime went I think.

My exact thoughts too. I think people in those jobs are naturally curious about crime and investigations... He is probably somewhat smart. Doesn't mean he didn't make a mistake somewhere though. Just means they will have to dig hard to find what he knows...
If Dani was thinking about buying a starter home, maybe she was thinking of subletting her apartment. Maybe FG followed her there pretending to be interested in the apartment. Seeing it would have only taken a few minutes. It's hard to see how he could have lured her into his vehicle; he might have abducted her at gunpoint. I think LE has their prep in FG, but I still doubt he would have taken her to his own house. Her DNA may well have been transferred into the house by him, though.

Dani was not looking to buy a starter home. She was looking to build a tiny house.
Last I checked this is Websleuths Not reddit.

Do not bring reddit here.

Also, leave EG out of the discussion.There is absolutely no reason to bring her into it.

If you can't adhere to the rules then you risk the temporary loss of posting privileges.

It is possible he took her there or she was there for some reason. What better time then when his wife was in the hospital? To pull this all off...

I do think that the timing of Danielle's disappearance is curious.

Based on SM posts, it appears it was right around Thanksgiving (so only a week or so before Danielle went missing) that EG found out her cancer had returned. I do not know whether she was hospitalized right away, but that certainly is a possibility. It's also possible that she was staying with family or friends for the weekend, but I think that would be much riskier for FG than EG being too sick to come home.

IF this is why Danielle was taken that particular weekend -because FG saw EG taking ill as an "opportunity"-, that in itself is so sick. Whatever may be the case, I continue to keep EG in my thoughts and prayers.
A lot of people are looking at the "scheduled/friendly meet up went wrong" angle. Heres the reason I'm strongly against that argument. Its a HUGE risk for FG to plan the attack in that way. All that would be required to nail him to the wall would be for Danielle to text someone beforehand and say "Hey you know Floyd from work? I'm buying some stuff from him" or "I'm brining Floyd some brownies" or insert any other scheduled integration. Girls are CHATTY. They document everything they do. Without even thinking about it, theres a high chance that another human would have known about this innocent meeting/hangout/exchange or whatever between her and FG. and FG would just be praying that she stayed quiet as a mouse about their plans. Meanwhile, if its a stalk and ambush type scenario, that risk is removed.
Again, if FG knows ANYTHING about police work, and I think its a high likelihood that he's not stupid in that regard...then having a scheduled "in the calendar" meet up with her is an absurdly stupid idea. That just leaves time for one of ten million things to nail him. Something as simple as "hey I'm just meeting up with this security guard from work real quick then see you at dinner later" would be enough to sink his whole ship.
I really firmly believe that all signs point to DS successfully reaching her apartment complex on Friday, and thing going wrong during the short trip from her locked vehicle, to the front door of her apartment. Every other theory has too many variables, stupidity, and room for error, especially considering the abduction was this clean and had this few witnesses.
My theory is this: Knowing where DS lived (a security guard would have this info about people in the building...its probably in a company directory), and knowing where she parks (some VERY minimal stalking would attain this information..), that the perp was waiting at her apartment, having planned the abduction. He was waiting at the location, and the fact that DS was perhaps 30 minutes early is irrelevant, stuff happens and having thoroughly planned this out he was potentially waiting there even a couple hours early. He probably parks in spot right next to her usual spot (remember open parking lot, no assigned spots). DS weights 125 pounds and FG is a former multi-sport athlete, workout buff, and youth baseball coach. Once her car is parked next to his car, and she gets out on drivers side door, thats a nice little Cocoon of space/privacy where FG makes the grab, holds up at gunpoint, subdues, whatever...and Frankly with the Sun close to down, I don't think a lightning quick scuffle (strong/athletic male on small/petite female in a poorly lit parking lot) would be likely to draw any witnesses, I really don't. It would be hard to see a lot of things in that parking lot, let alone a 2 second tackle between cars followed by a quick departure.
As far as the search of FG's house, I don't think that has ANYTHING to do with that location necessarily being the place DS was taken. The crucial aspect of the house is that our #1 person of interest lives there. He brushes his teeth there, showers there, throws random shirts on the ground there, maybe keeps whatever weapons he owns there, his computer is there, dirt falls off his shoes there, etc etc. I really think the key to searching the house is that maybe he carried something with him back home after what happened. A small strand of hair on his jacket. A barely noticeable spec of blood on his boot. A vague scent of DS perfume in his car (that they towed apparently, right?)
I think that explains the lack of huge excitement from family and LE at the searches of FG's house. I think when they searched it the first time weeks ago, it was mostly clean..and they might be true this time as well. A thoughtful attacked would have gotten rid of every piece of clothing on his body, destroyed them, showered and/or washed himself throughly at another location, and went home (theoretically) without a trace. New clothes, etc etc. So I think while they have STRONG reason to believe FG is their guy (cell phone histories, potential surveillance, potential witness information, etc etc)...they might be lacking solid proof. Just because FG was seen at her apartment complex, or his phone placed him in that area, and thats all highly suspicious to all of us...they might know full well its not going to get the job done and convict him...so searching the house is a hail mary praying that a mistake was made that would allow DNA to do its job. Where that leaves us is that they're big on FG being the guy based on great circumstantial evidence...but they desperately need any kind of physical, foolproof evidence to put the nail in the case.
I agree with pretty much all of your post. The only thing IMO not likely os FG having DS's address. Security guards at my work just check badges tonmake sure we belong in the building. other than our names and office, they dont have access to other info..phone numbers and addresses.

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My exact thoughts too. I think people in those jobs are naturally curious about crime and investigations... He is probably somewhat smart. Doesn't mean he didn't make a mistake somewhere though. Just means they will have to dig hard to find what he knows...
I hope they have enough to arrest him for something soon, and I think they will. If there is evidence on his home or work computer that he was stalking Dani, I think that in itself would be enough to get him for some felonies.
A lot of people are looking at the "scheduled/friendly meet up went wrong" angle. Heres the reason I'm strongly against that argument. Its a HUGE risk for FG to plan the attack in that way. All that would be required to nail him to the wall would be for Danielle to text someone beforehand and say "Hey you know Floyd from work? I'm buying some stuff from him" or "I'm brining Floyd some brownies" or insert any other scheduled integration..

it sounds like if'n DS were a smoker she was a surreptitious smoker and kept it quiet to her friends and family. which some people do. hence owning a "smoke buddy" so that her place wouldn't stink like pot. maybe DS just smoked it to stave off/cure her migraines, and not so much to get stoned, eat an entire box of oreos and watch Ren and Stimpy and Fishing with John for hours.

at the end of the day, anyone who does this is not thinking rationally.

btw, and ya figure everyone knows this, you don't send text messages about illegal stuff on your cell phone to anyone. especially not ones that name names or name/hint-at substances. never. ever. it's really not smart and can land you or them or both of you in the pokey.

even if you delete it from your phone right after, it's on their phone, it's on your provider's servers, their provider's servers. etc.

drug deals via text look something like this:

buyer: y0!
dealer: 'Sup?
buyer: 5:15?
dealer: aight

and that could mean 5:15 your place, 5:15 his place, whatever your usual routine and quantity is. it's something worked out off-line, where there isn't a digital trail.
wow, surprised by that in 2016. soft-target for anyone looking to go postal. And MetLife does health insurance? In addition to disgruntled insured***/ex-employees/people looking to cash in their chips for 72 dark-eyed virgins, health insurers have to keep their data super-secure. Entering the BCBS buildings downtown, at least on the IT side, is like entering a prison. Maybe MetLife's main IT facilities are down in NC or elsewhere. And this office is more of a back-office paper-shuffling operation. That'd make sense. Given they seem to move it around a bit.

***and what person with a health insurance claim in 2016 isn't at least a little disgruntled

Our Dental insurance for the company I work for is through Met Life.
While that is a valid point, I think that discovering DS address is an extremely minor obstacle. A couple of ways he could have easily obtained it
1) Some companies just have directory's where all of that stuff is readily out there. I've worked at places where it was just super easy, and we used it all the time for stuff like running something to their house if they were sick, mailing them something, whatever. So at some places its just kind of out in the open, maybe not at some others.
2) Simple google search, Facebook search. If I had your full name, I think I could probably get your address pretty quickly. Think about how everyone tied FG to the house? Police never released his name. Names and addressed are easily findable.
3) All he'd need to to is casually "tail" her home one time during the planning process of planning this. She has no reason to believe anyone is tailing her and really wouldnt be "on the lookout" for something like that.
I really think locating her address is the easiest part of the whole crime.
I really firmly believe that all signs point to DS successfully reaching her apartment complex on Friday, and thing going wrong during the short trip from her locked vehicle, to the front door of her apartment. Every other theory has too many variables, stupidity, and room for error, especially considering the abduction was this clean and had this few witnesses.
My theory is this: Knowing where DS lived (a security guard would have this info about people in the building...its probably in a company directory), and knowing where she parks (some VERY minimal stalking would attain this information..), that the perp was waiting at her apartment, having planned the abduction. He was waiting at the location, and the fact that DS was perhaps 30 minutes early is irrelevant, stuff happens and having thoroughly planned this out he was potentially waiting there even a couple hours early. He probably parks in spot right next to her usual spot (remember open parking lot, no assigned spots). DS weights 125 pounds and FG is a former multi-sport athlete, workout buff, and youth baseball coach. Once her car is parked next to his car, and she gets out on drivers side door, thats a nice little Cocoon of space/privacy where FG makes the grab, holds up at gunpoint, subdues, whatever...and Frankly with the Sun close to down, I don't think a lightning quick scuffle (strong/athletic male on small/petite female in a poorly lit parking lot) would be likely to draw any witnesses, I really don't. It would be hard to see a lot of things in that parking lot, let alone a 2 second tackle between cars followed by a quick departure.
As far as the search of FG's house, I don't think that has ANYTHING to do with that location necessarily being the place DS was taken. The crucial aspect of the house is that our #1 person of interest lives there. He brushes his teeth there, showers there, throws random shirts on the ground there, maybe keeps whatever weapons he owns there, his computer is there, dirt falls off his shoes there, etc etc. I really think the key to searching the house is that maybe he carried something with him back home after what happened. A small strand of hair on his jacket. A barely noticeable spec of blood on his boot. A vague scent of DS perfume in his car (that they towed apparently, right?)
I think that explains the lack of huge excitement from family and LE at the searches of FG's house. I think when they searched it the first time weeks ago, it was mostly clean..and they might be true this time as well. A thoughtful attacked would have gotten rid of every piece of clothing on his body, destroyed them, showered and/or washed himself throughly at another location, and went home (theoretically) without a trace. New clothes, etc etc. So I think while they have STRONG reason to believe FG is their guy (cell phone histories, potential surveillance, potential witness information, etc etc)...they might be lacking solid proof. Just because FG was seen at her apartment complex, or his phone placed him in that area, and thats all highly suspicious to all of us...they might know full well its not going to get the job done and convict him...so searching the house is a hail mary praying that a mistake was made that would allow DNA to do its job. Where that leaves us is that they're big on FG being the guy based on great circumstantial evidence...but they desperately need any kind of physical, foolproof evidence to put the nail in the case.

Where have you been? Lol this is absolutely what I've been trying to prove out...I think it's also why the FDS said it wasn't a big deal, they knew she wasn't there. I also absolutely believe she drove herself home and left her stuff locked in the car. She was planning to run in quickly and turn around and head out. She got out of the car, locked the doors..took a few steps and he was there. She was probably surprised but regained composure because why should she worry...she knows him....now, did she get in his car willingly? Maybe he said he was driving around the complex looking for a specific bldg for him and his wife to move into...bills are high, maybe needs to rent...can she hop in and just show him which bldg it is? Then she would have her keys and phone with her and no screams or scuffle...
I think the family has been asked by LE to keep things under wraps as much as possible until they are ready to move on the POI. Besides not wanting to falsely accuse a black male of abducting DS, LE might also be hoping the POI trips up and does or says something while he's still free to lead them to DS.
A lot of people are looking at the "scheduled/friendly meet up went wrong" angle. Heres the reason I'm strongly against that argument. Its a HUGE risk for FG to plan the attack in that way. All that would be required to nail him to the wall would be for Danielle to text someone beforehand and say "Hey you know Floyd from work? I'm buying some stuff from him" or "I'm brining Floyd some brownies" or insert any other scheduled integration. Girls are CHATTY. They document everything they do. Without even thinking about it, theres a high chance that another human would have known about this innocent meeting/hangout/exchange or whatever between her and FG. and FG would just be praying that she stayed quiet as a mouse about their plans. Meanwhile, if its a stalk and ambush type scenario, that risk is removed.
Again, if FG knows ANYTHING about police work, and I think its a high likelihood that he's not stupid in that regard...then having a scheduled "in the calendar" meet up with her is an absurdly stupid idea. That just leaves time for one of ten million things to nail him. Something as simple as "hey I'm just meeting up with this security guard from work real quick then see you at dinner later" would be enough to sink his whole ship.


Unless FG made it clear to her that she cannot discuss this with anyone. This is a really bad example as it is really not the same circumstances but it's like LISK, he instructs the girls to not bring their phones/don't discuss who they are meeting with...so they don't... some 'lovers' instruct their partners to not tell... this could be one of those instances. She may have lied before about their meeting up and maybe he trusted her now to not speak.

(Oh...BTW... this is not necessarily what I think, I actually don't know what I think as this case seems to me to have been all over the place.)
I think you have it exactly right. I can't stop thinking about what Dani--the amazing, smart, funny, loving, positive person we've gotten to know through SM, Dani--must have gone through, and how she must have felt, how terrified she must have been, and it's killing me.
Me too 😞
Has anyone thought that this FG and Dani had a relationship of some sort? Sick wife, emotional affair possibly turned physical? Explains the phone being missing.... did they obtain phone records between Dani and to this FG person? Wife wasn't home due to illness, they had an affair? **** happens. People do things. Dani may have just gotten caught up in something with this guy and it went bad. Why would they want the mattress? Family playing it down for those reasons if there was something going on of course they wouldn't be talking about it to anyone for more than one reason. Just my 2 cents.
Has anyone thought that this FG and Dani had a relationship of some sort? Sick wife, emotional affair possibly turned physical? Explains the phone being missing.... did they obtain phone records between Dani and to this FG person? Wife wasn't home due to illness, they had an affair? **** happens. People do things. Dani may have just gotten caught up in something with this guy and it went bad. Why would they want the mattress? Family playing it down for those reasons if there was something going on of course they wouldn't be talking about it to anyone for more than one reason. Just my 2 cents.

It's crossed my mind. Just not sure what I believe given what we have been told about Dani. But yes, it does seem to be those kind of circumstances. They haven't really spoken about what is happening with FG as he is still not be named as a POI.
I don't know that this guy is smart so much as he is lucky..........real lucky.

There was a lot of confusion way back in the beginning about whether she drove her car home, whether she didn't, was anybody with her, was she alone, and all of that.

I for one was jumping up and down about them going out and finding video from the surrounding businesses to see what time her car actually arrived at the apt. complex......or drove by that particular business, etc.

The fact that there was no video system working at the apartments that day was sheer luck for the perp. The idea that not a single resident had an IP camera hooked up to their computer, aimed thru the living room window, while observing their parking spot, is sheer luck. You can hide those IP cameras just about anywhere, and a whole lot of people use them for security.

Now, to wrap this dialogue up before I start getting too chatty........... I think after this length of time, LE has managed to obtain some videos. They aren't publishing it, and they aren't talking about it. Mr. Casanova has lawyer'd up and isn't talking. LE can't go in and ask him a bunch of questions now. LE can't talk to him one-on-one in an effort to trip him up. His lawyer will attempt to delay and deflect with every opportunity he can. Right now, that is the biggest obstacle in their way, but they know how to work around it.......old fashioned detective work. People lawyer-up all the time and still end up getting convicted.

They are having to slowly piece all of this together, item by item, just like they used to do back in the old days before cell phones, tower pings, and find-my-phone apps. They're building a case against him one piece of evidence at a time. Part of the problem may be the amount of time it is taking to get things tested and get the results back. I suspect they also did find video(s) of her car passing by............with his car passing by very shortly afterwards. Remember them confiscating a vehicle from his home ?

His luck is going to be running out very shortly. I imagine LE really wants to locate Dani before they finally drop the hammer on him and lay out their case in front of a judge. His attorney will attempt to nit-pick the evidence to death and try to discount most of it. I think the local D.A. will also have a major say on when the evidence is adequate for an arrest.

With all of that said........the only thing really left to say is................hurry up !!
What's interesting is he will be,I'm sure, followed everywhere...so if she is still alive he can't ever go back to her, if she isn't alive he can't go back either to move her, hide her better, get rid of anything he thought about after the fact....I think killers sometimes like to revisit the body location, especially if it's someone with emotional ties for them, which this obviously is since he is known to her. FG if you're reading this, and I believe you are.....you're screwed. Cut a deal and get this amazing person back to her family, regardless of alive or dead. You're going down anyhow....make it easier on yourself and do the decent think for her family. You already ruined all their lives.
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