MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #5

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No. He somehow incapcitated (?) her. Taser? Put her in the trunk, back seat?

From the driver's seat? I suppose that's possible. She sits in the passenger seat. He leans over and hits her with the tazer. But that doesn't solve the problem of driving across town in rush-hour traffic with a tazer victim in the passenger seat. Could be like "it's my wife, she's ill, on the way to the hospital"? I have no idea how the him driving her involuntarily across town in stop-and-go traffic while she's either conscious or unconscious, at gunpoint or tazered out, in the passenger-seat thing would work without either someone noticing something or DS making a break for it.

re: trunk

Ok, so now he's getting out and doing stuff in the IG parking lot. People who get tazed often scream/make loud/strange noises. No? e.g., "Don't taze me bro".

And he has to drag her body and stuff her in his trunk in what is still somewhat light out conditions.

What if she wakes up and starts banging on the trunk while he's stuck in traffic? Don't most trunks these days have easy open from the inside pull things/buttons. He'd have to restrain her somehow too then.

Tie her up in his trunk in the IG parking lot? This is getting complicated. But if he has security guard training, he could zip-tie her wrists and ankles fairly quickly? Maybe a quick piece of tape over the mouth. But she'd still have knees and elbows and teeth and feet to kick with. And those zip tie things aren't the most secure. Maybe actual cuffs.

Perhaps someone with paramedic training would have access / know-how to administer a sedative. I believe those take time to work irl. I don't think there's anything non-fatal you can quickly administer to a person that instantly knocks them out like you see in the movie films.

But maybe after he tazered, zip-tied and taped her up in the trunk he injected her with some ketamine ( or similar sedative). It'd start to work in about 15 minutes. She'd be in a k-hole when he got back to his place. But she'd be relatively easy to move about without resistance.
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From the driver's seat? I suppose that's possible. She sits in the passenger seat. He leans over and hits her with the tazer. But that doesn't solve the problem of driving across town in rush-hour traffic with a tazer victim in the passenger seat. Could be like "it's my wife, she's ill, on the way to the hospital"? I have no idea how the him driving her involuntarily across town in stop-and-go traffic while she's either conscious or unconscious, at gunpoint or tazered out, in the passenger-seat thing would work without either someone noticing something or DS making a break for it.

re: trunk

Ok, so now he's getting out and doing stuff in the IG parking lot. People who get tazed often scream/make loud/strange noises. No? e.g., "Don't taze me bro".

And he has to drag her body and stuff her in his trunk in what is still somewhat light out conditions.

What if she wakes up and starts banging on the trunk while he's stuck in traffic? Don't most trunks these days have easy open from the inside pull things/buttons. He'd have to restrain her somehow too then.

Tie her up in his trunk in the IG parking lot? This is getting complicated. But if he has security guard training, he could zip-tie her wrists and ankles fairly quickly? Maybe a quick piece of tape over the mouth. But she'd still have knees and elbows and teeth and feet to kick with. And those zip tie things aren't the most secure. Maybe actual cuffs.

I think the scenario--he pulls up behind her at IG, she gets in quickly because she's expecting him and no one at IG sees anything --is one of two of the more likely scenarios.

The other being she drove to his place and then he dropped her jeep off later / under cover of darkness in her reserved spot and maybe hopped the 740 bus/took an UBER/taxi (taxi more anon) back to his place. He might've even had a close friend or family member ( i think he has siblings) pick him up, either there or somewhere nearby. Walk up to the 24 hour gas stations and wait there, etc.

In the initially DS gets into his car voluntarily scenario, how does he then get her to be compliant as he drives across town. Like if she was expecting him for an exchange or a john doe in person letter and she jumped in his car, expecting him to do a spin around the block to make the exchange/her give him the bad news***.

If they had a pre-existing relationship, and as long as he's not brandishing a firearm or poking at her with a tazer or trying to zip-tie her, she likely wouldn't be suspicious/expecting to be disappeared if he said "I need to go back to the house to pick up your gear" or "let's talk about this back at my place".

I think in the former case, DS could say, "could you swing by my friend's later with it" or even "you know what, I'm good, I don't need it tonight, just drop me off here". But the john doe talk scenario, DS, or anyone with a modicum of empathy, might think to go along with him to talk about it at his place as that would be more comfortable for him to have this talk? I dunno.

Tho thinking about that rush-hour drive, and how LE in their statements not only doesn't rule out that someone else parked DS's jeep back her place in her spot, but puts it on the same level (in terms of their verbiage) as DS parked it there herself:

the DS swung by his place after work scenario seems equally likely as he switched up a quick thing in his car to a long drive back to his house.

POI driving a dark jeep on empty streets in the bible-black pre-dawn would be no less risky [maybe even less risky] than driving her back across town (either completely involuntarily, or at least somewhat reluctantly on DS's part) during rush-hour in his car. Bus starts running before sun-up[ and/or runs til ~11:30 pm friday night] and drops him a few blocks from his place. No transfers needed.

**** "bad news" doesn't necessarily have to be ending an actual affair. Could be DS being overly accommodating and trying to talk to FG about how she's not feeling what he's feeling.

I find the scenario of him doing something to incapcitate her in the IG parking lot and throwing her in the trunk less problematic than him driving the car back to the apartment and risk getting caught. But what what the **** do I know? I also find the fact that AtomicAngel was approached by a guy with out of state plates and the possibility of Danielle being abducted and taken out of state plausible. Either way, I'm worried.

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I have been following this case from first reports of her missing. From the outset I have been kind of dumbstruck as how many, and the types of LE agencies involved. Think back to these details and still say this is a routine abduction by a lone known or unknown perpetrator. DS was not reported missing to her parents until early evening Sat. 12/3. By Tuesday 12/6, CBS Detroit was reporting a dozen LE agencies including FBI, DEA, and Secret Service were working on the case. How does that hapoen with a normal, unknown missing adult? Midsing adults are not the highest priority unless there is evidence of a crime or the person is already on LE radar for some reason. I feel she was already known to be in danger when the missing report came in. She could have been an informant or witness of some sort. I know at least one person who reported criminal activity to police that turned out to be a high on LE list of priorities and this person was asked to be an informant and/or witness. We all know feds do it, but so does local LE. To me it just doesn't add up that this is your typical snatch and grab case or a stalker case. Something big going on here in my mind.
I would welcome others thoughts and theories about why all the Federal and Local LE involved in this disappearance from the very first days.
I think the scenario--he pulls up behind her at IG, she gets in quickly because she's expecting him and no one at IG sees anything --is one of two of the more likely scenarios.

The other being she drove to his place and then he dropped her jeep off later / under cover of darkness in her reserved spot and maybe hopped the 740 bus/took an UBER/taxi (taxi more anon) back to his place. He might've even had a close friend or family member ( i think he has siblings) pick him up, either there or somewhere nearby. Walk up to the 24 hour gas stations and wait there, etc.

In the initially DS gets into his car voluntarily scenario, how does he then get her to be compliant as he drives across town. Like if she was expecting him for an exchange or a john doe in person letter and she jumped in his car, expecting him to do a spin around the block to make the exchange/her give him the bad news***.

If they had a pre-existing relationship, and as long as he's not brandishing a firearm or poking at her with a tazer or trying to zip-tie her, she likely wouldn't be suspicious/expecting to be disappeared if he said "I need to go back to the house to pick up your gear" or "let's talk about this back at my place".

I think in the former case, DS could say, "could you swing by my friend's later with it" or even "you know what, I'm good, I don't need it tonight, just drop me off here". But the john doe talk scenario, DS, or anyone with a modicum of empathy, might think to go along with him to talk about it at his place as that would be more comfortable for him to have this talk? But then on the drive to his place DS might've texted her friend expecting her for dinner that she was going to be late and maybe the reason for it. I dunno.

Tho thinking about that rush-hour drive, and how LE in their statements not only doesn't rule out that someone else parked DS's jeep back her place in her spot, but puts it on the same level (in terms of their verbiage) as DS parked it there herself:

the DS swung by his place after work scenario seems equally likely as he switched up a quick thing in his car to a long drive back to his house.

POI driving a dark jeep on empty streets in the bible-black pre-dawn or late-night Friday would be no less risky [maybe even less risky] than driving her back across town (either completely involuntarily, or at least somewhat reluctantly on DS's part) during rush-hour in his car. Bus starts running before sun-up [and/or runs til ~11:30 pm Friday night] and drops him a few blocks from his place. No transfers needed.

**** "bad news" doesn't necessarily have to be ending an actual affair. Could be DS being overly accommodating and trying to talk to FG about how she's not feeling what he's feeling.
I find the scenario of him doing something to incapcitate her in the IG parking lot and throwing her in the trunk less problematic than him driving the car back to the apartment and risk getting caught. But what what the **** do I know? I also find the fact that AtomicAngel was approached by a guy with out of state plates and the possibility of Danielle being abducted and taken out of state plausible. Either way, I'm worried.
very true, he might not even be involved. and if it's someone other than this current POI/FG, they could employ the same/similar nefarious techniques and have her and be on the highway and out of state before anyone raised the alarm.

With the current POI/FG, thinking about it and his training in both security and paramedics, a violent abduction is something to consider more than I initially gave it credit it for. Although then you're back to reading the LE tea leaves which suggest it wasn't a violent abduction initially. And DS was off her usual routine time-wise, expected at a friend's for dinner, etc.
Yeah, thinking about it and his training in both security and paramedics, it's something to consider more than I initially gave it credit it for.

very true, he might not even be involved. and if it's someone other than this current POI/FG, they could employ the same/similar nefarious techniques and have her and be on the highway and out of state before anyone raised the alarm.

Couldn't you pick out anyone's profession and past to make it fit your theory? I know I could. Give me your full name and social media handles. I'll make a case. Why don't we keep this open for new leads?

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Personally, I could never administer any kind of shot. I pass out when they are about to draw my blood at the doctor--before they even poke me with the needle.

I've never zip-tied or even tried to zip-tie anyone. I'd probably need to practice to be able to do it quickly/correctly. That'd be a strange craigslist ad: looking for someone to let me practice zip-tying them up. Might've had some experience with plastic hand-cuffs as a kid.
What if there were two perps involved ? We know there has been ongoing police presence for marijuana arrests at IGA even the morning of DS disappearance. So we know finding a bag of weed around there would be as simple as just asking a few people. What if she made arrangements with someone in the complex ( a friend of a friend ) to score a small bag of weed later that day ? What if the perps were to meet her there by 5:30 pm ? She could have sat in her car waiting for them for a few minutes , they pulled up and she got leaving behind her purse and wallet why ? Because she does have street smarts so she knows bringing her purse , wallet , and money might open her up to being robbed so she grabs just enough money for a small bag of weed.

Now if they were cautious weed dealers knowing the police cruise in and out there regularly they would drive around the lot before passing it off to her. One of them could have started talking to her , hitting on her , then forcing himself on her and when she refuses his advances he snaps . His partner continues to drive while the dude in the back continues to harass DS and she begins to fight back. This makes the dude violently angry and he forcefully holds her down out of view in the backseat while the driver continues on. Won't type out what I think happened after that out of respect for DS and her loved ones.

At some point the car ends up at the house. The driver opens the gate and drives the car into the back ( not sure if there's a garage ) out of sight. DS is then transferred from the car into the house. They had more than enough time to continue with what started in the backseat and then move her to another location either that night or the next day.

I don't believe one person acted alone in this. I believe the aggressor found her rejection and attempt to fight back insulting so much so he flipped a switch and went all out. I also believe he could have a history of some type of assault and issues with anger management. Rejection to him is the utmost disrespect punishable by whatever means he chooses.

I really hope I'm wrong !

Personally, I could never administer any kind of shot. I pass out when they are about to draw my blood at the doctor--before they even poke me with the needle.

I've never zip-tied or even tried to zip-tie anyone. I'd probably need to practice to be able to do it quickly/correctly. That'd be a strange craigslist ad: looking for someone to let me practice zip-tying them up. Might've had some experience with plastic hand-cuffs as a kid.

Zip ties are easy to use. What does that have to do with this case? Must be missing something. Sorry I'm out of the loop or zip. Why are so many people thanking you for this comment. So confused. Can you explain saint?

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I have been following this case from first reports of her missing. From the outset I have been kind of dumbstruck as how many, and the types of LE agencies involved. Think back to these details and still say this is a routine abduction by a lone known or unknown perpetrator. DS was not reported missing to her parents until early evening Sat. 12/3. By Tuesday 12/6, CBS Detroit was reporting a dozen LE agencies including FBI, DEA, and Secret Service were working on the case. How does that hapoen with a normal, unknown missing adult? Midsing adults are not the highest priority unless there is evidence of a crime or the person is already on LE radar for some reason. I feel she was already known to be in danger when the missing report came in. She could have been an informant or witness of some sort. I know at least one person who reported criminal activity to police that turned out to be a high on LE list of priorities and this person was asked to be an informant and/or witness. We all know feds do it, but so does local LE. To me it just doesn't add up that this is your typical snatch and grab case or a stalker case. Something big going on here in my mind.
I would welcome others thoughts and theories about why all the Federal and Local LE involved in this disappearance from the very first days.

Thank you for your post. I would also like to hear thoughts on how & why all these diverse LE agencies became involved so quickly. I cannot think of another missing person case that had this type of response from the beginning.

Thank you for your post. I would also like to hear thoughts on how & why all these diverse LE agencies became involved so quickly. I cannot think of another missing person case that had this type of response from the beginning.

A great (and valid) question but I don't know the answer. I believe that all missing persons should receive the same attention.

LE knows the reason she is missing; this was reported early on. I wouldn't be surprised if she took off on her own volition.
I'd like to hear some of your theories to why searches are being discouraged. I'd also like to know whether SONIC became involved in any other Farmington Hills missing person case..
I wouldn't read too much into DS posting a photo of her keychain on Instagram. One can see also posted photos of many other tokens with silly smiley faces as well as sketches she drew herself.
And finally, why does it seem the focus is on the workplace more than the final location of her car. In most cases if a person is missing and their car at their home the focus would be in that area. It seems to be they know she did not leave there alone.
I'd like to hear some of your theories to why searches are being discouraged. I'd also like to know whether SONIC became involved in any other Farmington Hills missing person case..

We had a friend go missing. The story was on TV and online news. It turned out to be a suicide. We were at our friend's parent's house when the detectives were there. They told us not to search because it could confuse tracking dogs.

As it turned out, my hunch about where our friend was was the right one. The police were searching in the wrong place.

I am not familiar with SONIC.
Zip ties are easy to use. What does that have to do with this case? Must be missing something. Sorry I'm out of the loop or zip. Why are so many people thanking you for this comment. So confused. Can you explain saint?

Maybe they too got cuffed with plastic hand cuffs/tied up with rope by older sisters when they were kids.

Zip-ties came out of me thinking out loud about the POI abducting DS involuntarily from the get-go. Just walking through a possible scenario. How one might involuntarily abduct someone from IG and then transport them unseen and without them making a break for it on the slow rush-hour drive back to Robina-Oxford.

Zip-ties are easy enough to use on feed/chop/seed/trash bags, I've used them there.

But to actually zip-tie up a person who doesn't wanna be zip-tied? And to do so quickly and correctly, so they don't wriggle out?

I dunno, I think if you took 20 lawyers, starbucks baristas, used-car salesmen, flight-attendants (esp if they were korean, apparently [Richard Marx thing]), waiters/waitresses/cooks, et al and put them in a room, partnered em up in teams of two and gave half of em a few zip-ties and said "ok, zip tie up your partner"--wonder how many of these folks would be able to pull it off, while the person they are trying to zip-tie up snugly is struggling to keep from being zip-tied.
Maybe they too got cuffed with plastic hand cuffs/tied up with rope by older sisters when they were kids.

Zip-ties came out of me thinking out loud about the POI abducting DS involuntarily from the get-go. Just walking through a possible scenario. How one might involuntarily abduct someone from IG and then transport them unseen and without them making a break for it on the slow rush-hour drive back to Robina-Oxford.

Zip-ties are easy enough to use on feed/chop/seed/trash bags, I've used them there.

But to actually zip-tie up a person who doesn't wanna be zip-tied? And to do so quickly and correctly, so they don't wriggle out?

I dunno, I think if you took 20 lawyers, starbucks baristas, used-car salesmen, flight-attendants (esp if they were korean, apparently [Richard Marx thing]), waiters/waitresses/cooks, et al and put them in a room, partnered em up in teams of two and gave half of em a few zip-ties and said "ok, zip tie up your partner"--wonder how many of these folks would be able to pull it off, while the person they are trying to zip-tie up snugly is struggling to keep from being zip-tied.

I do appreciate your insight but I doubt this zip tie stuff. You probably know more about zip ties than a security guard at a professional building. Are they even allowed to detain someone? Isn't their job just to help employees who forgot their ID?
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