Found Deceased MI - Dr. Teleka Patrick, 30, Kalamazoo, 5 Dec 2013 - #14

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Teleka has 6 minutes to disappear. She had to be in a total state of panic and really booking to jump a fence run into a lake and drown. Does anyone in that area want to do a time test and run from her car area, jump a fence and run to the lake? Day time of course and Dont Jump IN.
She was in a panic and paranoid. Adrenaline was pumping and can cause people to do some seemingly impossible stunts. It also means no one could possibly recreate the scene and have it be accurate as to time or feat.

With the roar of the traffic, radios, LE talking, and other things...if Dr. Patrick did fall into the lake and screamed for help to get out...could they hear her from that distance before she sank from her heavy clothes and the cold? I would say they did could not and did not.
Teleka has 6 minutes to disappear. She had to be in a total state of panic and really booking to jump a fence run into a lake and drown. Does anyone in that area want to do a time test and run from her car area, jump a fence and run to the lake? Day time of course and Dont Jump IN.
(Note: Websleuthers have been known to do some strange experiments on many cases)

I think it's most likely she was out of easy view of the highway in six minutes. I don't think there were cops checking out the lake in six minutes.

An aside, and not that you're suggesting this, but I don't think another person/people plus her made it over/around the fence together, tossed her in the lake, made sure she stayed under, and took off undetected in 6 minutes. :twocents:
I never really expected her to be in the lake. I thought if she died in the area she would be found in something she could hide in. How awful.
(I-94 as seen from near Lake Charles.)

That is what kind of fence it is? I have no doubt she was up and over that thing in seconds.

According to this there was no ice; LE also got to the scene within minutes of her pulling over. It says they looked for her. I wonder if she actually ran from LE thinking someone followed her?

Teleka Patrick search hindered by brutal winter[/QUOTE]

Thanks for this post, Roselvr! It never occurred to me that TP could have actually SEEN LE and hid from them due to complications from mental illness. That she might have been in the wooded area, crouching down and waiting for them to leave so she would feel safe coming out. From there it could simply have been a matter of wandering through the trees until she found herself in the river.

I've said it before, but I really am very sorry that all of this happened. No one is to blame in this case. It's just tragic all around.
Wondering why she deleted her twitter that night? And why did she leave her phone at work? These are things we will never know. If she was having a complete break how in the world did she even get through her shift?
Wondering why she deleted her twitter that night? And why did she leave her phone at work? These are things we will never know. If she was having a complete break how in the world did she even get through her shift?

Good point. We are not sure what her performance was the day of her disappearance. I still have a very strong gut feeling that someone at Borgess may have requested some sort of fitness for duty eval. (very standard in hospital environments) because I feel it is very unlikely that he behavior on at least that day (and more likely the days leading up to that faithful day) was not extremely erratic.

I am of the mind that this possible request was the final straw because she knew what that meant and maybe just totally snapped.
Wondering why she deleted her twitter that night? And why did she leave her phone at work? These are things we will never know. If she was having a complete break how in the world did she even get through her shift?

Remember she called her friend that night right when she got off shift and tried to compel him to come get her because 'they' were after her? I think that's why on the twitter.

I have no idea how she got through her shift. I'm assuming her head was very noisy that day and she was terrified of 'them'...and terrified of losing her job.

Gah, its just so....sadly ironic that she was actually in the very place she should be--psychiatric department of a hospital-- suffering a mental break....if she only could have had a single moment of clarity, diagnosed herself, told her attending. :(
Remember she called her friend that night right when she got off shift and tried to compel him to come get her because 'they' were after her? I think that's why on the twitter.

I have no idea how she got through her shift. I'm assuming her head was very noisy that day and she was terrified of 'them'...and terrified of losing her job.

Gah, its just so....sadly ironic that she was actually in the very place she should be--psychiatric department of a hospital-- suffering a mental break....if she only could have had a single moment of clarity, diagnosed herself, told her attending. :(

The thing is that when people start noticing erratic behavior, and if anyone noticed anything with TP, I'd be willing to bet that drug use was suspected.

Normal hospital protocol is that an employee will be notified by the employee health department that a drug screening is being required. This is usually done for erratic behavior. If an employee has a bad cough, employee would be given more of a physical exam, etc.

But, a FFD Eval let's a person knows that at least "somebody" is finding their behavior "off". So even if you know you are not doing drugs and will pass the test with flying colors, your behavior is still being called into question.

This is a potentially a huge problem to a person who may be trying to conceal a mental issue.
While they have records; maybe her teeth were lost in the lake due to her being so decomposed?

A body in water will usually sink but because the specific gravity of a body is
very close to that of water then small variations e.g. air trapped in clothing have a
considerable effect on buoyancy. Having sunk to the bottom the body will remain
there until putrefactive gas formation decreases the specific gravity of the body
and creates sufficient buoyancy to allow it to rise to the surface and float. Heavy
clothing and weights attached to the body may delay but will not usually prevent
the body rising. Putrefaction proceeds at a slower rate in water than in air, in sea
water than in fresh water and in running water than in stagnant water. The
principal determinant is the temperature of the water so that in deep very cold
water e.g. the North American Great Lakes or the ocean the body may never

In the water the body floats face down with the head lower than the rest of the
body so that lividity is most prominent on the head, neck and anterior chest.
Lividity is often blotchy and irregularly distributed reflecting movement of the
body in water. It is not intensive and appears a pink or light red colour. In cold
water it can be dusky and cyanotic. It may be difficult to recognise due to
swelling with water of the upper layers of the skin with resultant loss of

Once removed from water putrefactive changes advance with remarkable
rapidity. Adipocere which is a soap-like transformation of subcutaneous fat is common in
bodies immersed in water usually appearing after some months; it may be present
in as little as six weeks.
She supposedly had glowing evaluations at semi-annual evaluation with residency program director! Think this was on the 4th.It just blows my mind how she was able to conceal. She had to be a master at it.
There is so much that Borgess cannot say in accordance with HR confidentiality. This speaks to any problems TP may have had, her performance level, what their requests to her were (if any), etc etc.

But I am willing to believe that legally, they took appropriate steps and are probably covered from liability. It would seem, anyway.
She supposedly had glowing evaluations at semi-annual evaluation with residency program director! Think this was on the 4th.It just blows my mind how she was able to conceal. She had to be a master at it.

Wasn't the 'glowing eval' according to Teleka (to her fiancé MS) on her tweets....that go nowhere? Have we heard confirmation on her evaluation from any other source?
Wondering why she deleted her twitter that night? And why did she leave her phone at work? These are things we will never know. If she was having a complete break how in the world did she even get through her shift?

I wondered the same thing. We can never really know, especially since she appears to have been suffering from delusions and wasn't behaving rationally. However, her tweets became angry and agitated before she deleted the accounts. She stated in earlier tweets that Twitter was her main connection with MS. She also became convinced that MS was demonic, and so deleting the accounts may have been her way of cutting off "communication" with him. The phone could also be used to get online and post tweets, so she probably left it behind as well. She was going to get a room and just cool off as she had when she lived in CA.

But she was in such a state that she couldn't get a room (no ID and not enough cash on her), and probably thought that the hotel was in cahoots with MS as well. She was too afraid to return with the hotel driver and decided to change plans and head to visit her friend in IN.
I wish she had kept on tweeting. She left her final hours a mystery that will never be solved.:(
Wasn't the 'glowing eval' according to Teleka (to her fiancé MS) on her tweets....that go nowhere? Have we heard confirmation on her evaluation from any other source?

No. Just from her tweets. Thats why I said supposedly. So we dont know if that is true.
This is a VERY remote possibility. The dental records have to tell the tale. Also the clothing should also be matched up. I believe she was wearing a green top, black pants, shoes and coat.

And "other hair".

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I listened to the audio from her friend James in the news release earlier and am appalled that he is saying the he now believes that Teleka wasn't delusional after all and that he is sure she was telling the truth about being stalked by security. WTH!!!
He has obviously not read her tweets. I can understand him feeling badly about the loss of his friend and maybe feeling guilty for not being able to be there for her that night but dude let's not throw anyone under the bus just yet.
I will be glad to hear the PC and what LE are thinking. She very well may have seen security guards(from anywhere) and it increased her paranoia since she had a PPO against her. Im sure its her and I think the COD will be drowning. jmo
I listened to the audio from her friend James in the news release earlier and am appalled that he is saying the he now believes that Teleka wasn't delusional after all and that he is sure she was telling the truth about being stalked by security. WTH!!!
He has obviously not read her tweets. I can understand him feeling badly about the loss of his friend and maybe feeling guilty for not being able to be there for her that night but dude let's not throw anyone under the bus just yet.

This surprises me not in the least. People in general cultivate friendships with people that are sympathetic to themselves and their ideas/positions/attitudes.

Narcissistic people cultivate people to reflect their own greatness...and anyone that is in disagreement with them is purged from their lives, often mercilessly....plenty of signs of that in her tweets re: Calderon, her parents etc...that she didn't really like people....

That her "confidant" is drawn into her delusion (about not being delusional) is playbook page 1 for that type of personality...

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