MI MI - Eric Franks, 40, Buena Vista Twp, 21 March 2011 *car found in 2020* #2

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BREAKING NEWS !! Terry Camp with CH 12 news in Saginaw, MI just called to let me know that the interview with someone who witnessed a threat on Eric's life, will air tonight at 6 p.m. It should be on their website by 7 p.m. Website: ABC 12.com. Spread the word !!
http://www.abc12.com/ You can watch it streaming live. Terry just gave a preview of the interview. I missed it, but someone called and told me that Terry aired a little of tonight's interview. I am anxious to hear it as you all are !
I can't get it to work.... someone update after you see it, please
Wow! Now we are starting to get somewhere!!! A possible witness who heard Eric's life being threatened by the "husband". But why, if this witness saw the missing poster and "knew right away something was wrong" did it take two+ years to come forward, or for us to know about him?

His daughter, her mother and mother's husband have moved to Florida. MSP have not been able to talk to them since getting this info. Working on all leads!!!
Wow! Now we are starting to get somewhere!!! A possible witness who heard Eric's life being threatened by the "husband". But why, if this witness saw the missing poster and "knew right away something was wrong" did it take two+ years to come forward, or for us to know about him?

His daughter, her mother and mother's husband have moved to Florida. MSP have not been able to talk to them since getting this info. Working on all leads!!!

...and why haven't LE been all over this witness and his statement?
No way I can only copy 10% of article due to TOS. Copied 1st part then did a screen shot. Couldn't fit the whole thing in one photo

Witness says missing person was threatened Updated: Fri 5:23 PM, Mar 06, 2015
BRIDGPORT TOWNSHIP (WJRT) - (03/06/15) - The disappearance of a Mid-Michigan man and his car has baffled police for years - but some new information could be a new clue in the case.

Four years ago this month, Eric Franks vanished - and so did his car.

ABC12 has learned that the Michigan State Police have recently spoken to a man who says he heard Franks being threatened.
Wow! Now we are starting to get somewhere!!! A possible witness who heard Eric's life being threatened by the "husband". But why, if this witness saw the missing poster and "knew right away something was wrong" did it take two+ years to come forward, or for us to know about him?

His daughter, her mother and mother's husband have moved to Florida. MSP have not been able to talk to them since getting this info. Working on all leads!!!

He saw the posters that were put up later, probably by our family. He had been out of state for a while. He had not heard all of the TV stories about Eric and really didn't know if he had been found and was okay. This person was found through the investigative efforts of a couple of Eric's friends and our family. A chain of information that the police could have found, but didn't. They had the same records and info that we had . The difference is that is our loved one and we won't give up ! This person also had called the police a couple of times and got no return call. He only got a return call when the lead detective with the State Police had heart surgery and another detective was on the case briefly. He returned this person's call and interviewed him , had him ID the person who made the threat, and walk him through where everyone was , etc. The police have had this info for a few months. Our family decided it was time it was aired, so we contacted Terry and it went from there. We appreciate Terry and his faithfulness in helping us find Eric. We especially appreciate the witness who was honest enough, caring enough, brave enough to come forward. He is a true friend to Eric. Hopefully, there will be some action as a result of it.
Also, remember that the "husband" had stated that he had never even seen Eric the whole time he was in MI. which we never believed ! He was seen at the motel more than once and one time he was there with his estranged wife . It was said he sat in the car while the estranged wife went into the motel room. It reminds me of the motel housekeeper saying that once when she went in to clean, Eric was hiding behind the bed. Eric had also posted something indicating he had been threatened with a gun. Now it all falls into place !The more digging family, friends and faithful internet friends like all of you do for Eric, the closer we get to answers. Thanks so much for all of your efforts.
Great work, Eric's mom. Kudos to all of you who kept at it until things started to come together. A big thank you to this "new" witness for coming forward and helping us to find Eric and whatever happened to him. I sure hope LE stays on this now .... no postponing what is necessary on their end.

Bumping for Eric and his family!
Great work, Eric's mom. Kudos to all of you who kept at it until things started to come together. A big thank you to this "new" witness for coming forward and helping us to find Eric and whatever happened to him. I sure hope LE stays on this now .... no postponing what is necessary on their end.


I said the same thing; they have to get their heads out of their a$$es now that Terry aired the show but something tells me they won't unless Eric is found. I'd love to know what those 2 have with the cops that they have not been questioned. I would think the FBI would be speaking to MI LE; then to FL LE to do the questioning themselves.

I told Eric's mom that Terry was like a Mac truck! So very thankful she has him in her corner!
Remember, too, that when I asked Eric's former girlfriend if she knew of anyone that Eric might have become friends with that would have helped him when he left for CA, as she claimed he did, she told me that she knew of no one that he had made friends with. She knew he had made friends with the motel housekeeper and she had even warned the housekeeper to stay away from Eric. She most likely knew about this person who came forward and was interviewed. She didn't want to place herself anywhere around the motel and only admitted to the police that she was there when the motel owner told me that she was the one who took Eric's things out of his room. Then she said the housekeeper's husband may have killed Eric because Eric and the housekeeper were having an affair. The housekeeper's husband is a double amputee. The former girlfriend knew that her estranged husband and her daughter had both been with her at the motel, yet she didn't tell that part to the police even after she changed her story about when and where she had last seen Eric. She is not able to distance herself from her relationship with Eric during those 5 mos because she was seen by people while she and Eric were together. She was even seen by her manager of the ACF at that business having Christmas dinner with Eric. That same employee saw Eric shopping with the former girlfriend at Aldis. Tangled incriminating web of deceit and lies !
Although, I am a firm believer in karma...I would really really like LE to get on this (many years too late) and get answers. I believe this is the least Eric's mom and family deserve. Not to mention, Eric.

I hope that with Eric's flier and info shared on the internet, the ex gf or a member of her family will stumble accross it and realize that this is not going away.
Eric's mom, did you see this article?

A few minutes with ... a cop hunting the missing

I had seen this before. I even asked Sarah about it. I was curious how she could work on the case that was not assigned to her. She said she didn't work on it, she was just interested in it and wanted to see results for the family. I was hoping she could work on Eric's case ! She has an interest in Eric's case and since she works with NamUs, she has talked to me about Eric's case before. We had invited her to speak at the CUE tour stop for Eric in MI and she did. I had met her the first time at the Missing in Michigan day and I admire her for her work. She recently invited me to join the new FB page she created called Michigan Cold Cases. I asked her how old a case had to be to be considered a cold case . She said technically 2 years with no results is considered a cold case. She told me to post away !!
I had seen this before. I even asked Sarah about it. I was curious how she could work on the case that was not assigned to her. She said she didn't work on it, she was just interested in it and wanted to see results for the family. I was hoping she could work on Eric's case ! She has an interest in Eric's case and since she works with NamUs, she has talked to me about Eric's case before. We had invited her to speak at the CUE tour stop for Eric in MI and she did. I had met her the first time at the Missing in Michigan day and I admire her for her work. She recently invited me to join the new FB page she created called Michigan Cold Cases. I asked her how old a case had to be to be considered a cold case . She said technically 2 years with no results is considered a cold case. She told me to post away !!

Funny; I had typed out then deleted that we should send her down to question them!
I recently came across a Facebook post with Eric's missing poster.
I hadn't seen it before but instantly shared his poster, even though I live in MO, although do have friends in many places around the states.
It has taken me days to read these threads and I'm frustrated seeing all the mistakes, IMO, MI LE has made in regards to Eric's case.
He is someone's baby, someone's family, someone's friend and he deserves to be found and have those responsible brought to justice.
Ericsmom, searchingfamily~ my heart aches for you and all of those that love Eric and call him family or friend.

I recently came across a Facebook post with Eric's missing poster.
I hadn't seen it before but instantly shared his poster, even though I live in MO, although do have friends in many places around the states.
It has taken me days to read these threads and I'm frustrated seeing all the mistakes, IMO, MI LE has made in regards to Eric's case.
He is someone's baby, someone's family, someone's friend and he deserves to be found and have those responsible brought to justice.
Ericsmom, searchingfamily~ my heart aches for you and all of those that love Eric and call him family or friend.


Thanks so much, menmo, for your interest in the disappearance of my son. You are so correct in stating that the LE have not handled this case correctly. Just recently, the lead detective told my daughter that he knew we had been shuffled around and that the ball had been dropped several times in Eric's case. There are so many instances of sheer neglect in this investigation. Some things that should have been done years ago are just now going to be done, we have been told. We keep asking if certain things were ever done and if not, why not? So it seems now some of those things left undone, will be done. However, because of time passing, some possible evidence could be compromised. Maybe not, though, so I certainly would advise those involved to speak up. With the conflicting stories told by Eric's former girlfriend, the motel owner being an eye witness to Eric's former girlfriend removing Eric's belongings from his motel room, and now with an eye witness that heard & saw Eric's former girlfriend's husband threaten to shoot Eric in the head, some real police action has to be forthcoming !! If not, we are going to demand why at the top of our lungs wherever and whenever we can !!!!!!!!

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