MI MI - Eric Franks, 40, Buena Vista Twp, 21 March 2011 *car found in 2020* #2

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Thoughts from Eric's mom:
Today is Eric's birthday. He was born in N.C. on Sept 18.1972. He has been missing since March 21, 2011. No one should have to spend days, months and years wondering what happened to someone they love. It happens so frequently in our world. Thousands of families go to bed each night and wake up each morning with that sad realization.
Eric was 38 yrs old when he vanished under suspicious circumstances along with his bronze mist 2001 Chevy Malibu. He is 6'1'' tall and weighed about 175 lbs at the time of his disappearance. He has black hair and dark brown eyes. He has full dentures, pierced ears and his left big toe had been partially removed surgically. He enjoyed books, music, movies, video games and the internet. He kept up with his friends and family. He would not just disappear. Something happened to stop his communications with everyone he cared about.
This picture of Eric as a "cool" teenager was taken on his birthday. The picture of him as a young child was taken as he helped to bake his birthday cake. The other pictures are on a flier of a young man, my child Eric, who is missing. He will likely never have any more pictures made of him on his birthday or any other day because he is presumed by family , friends and police to be dead. Someone knows something to end our heartache! I pray that if that someone is you, that you will call the MI State Police tip line at (989)495-5557 or Crime Stoppers USA at (1-800) 222- TIPS 8477 or message me personally on Eric's community page or on my personal page.
Happy Birthday Eric. Wherever you are, we are going to find you and bring you back home.
Happy Birthday Eric :heartbeat: :grouphug: Eric's mom
Your post was very well written and so right. So many missing, and so many families in limbo, not being able to confirm if their loved one is alive or not. I cannot imagine the thoughts you must have sometimes. The "not knowing" is the hardest part of this now. I hope and pray that you will know where Eric is, and am constantly paying attention now, hoping to see a loved one I know about.

I wish we could ease your pain, but do hope having us along for the time being is a help. Nothing can replace your son, but I know he has touched so many from all these different areas and had brought us new friendships --- they came because of him and your love and endurance.

Eric would be so proud of you, and I hope he feels your love. You have had more than any mother should go through. Sending love, comfort, and continuing support your way.

Thanks , Spellbound. You really don't know how much I do appreciate the ones who are still trying to encourage me. It is true that new friends have been made as we search for each other's loved ones or just want to help even if we don't personally have a missing person in our circle. We belong to a "club" we really didn't want to be a member of, but it is a source of comfort to have people on the internet who are there to offer a word of encourage most anytime day or night. Thanks to all of you !

I realize that when months and years go by and people have done all they know to do, there remains little left to do as far as research on the internet, etc. There is little left to say as far as theories or possibilities of what might have happened. Sometimes I have nothing new to post , but I just keep posting something to keep my son's face and information "out there". Then, there are many who faithfully share my posts and Eric's fliers.

The post I made on his community FB page last week has reached over 6,000 with many shares. I get so many comments that are encouraging to me. Today, I posted about his birthday. I shared this on here, too. I posted pictures of him on a couple of his birthdays when he was young. If I could be with him today and take him out to eat for his birthday, he would ask to go to a Mexican restaurant ...his favorite food !
Happy Birthday Eric :heartbeat: :grouphug: Eric's mom

Thanks so much, Tillicum! It has been a teary day for me. I don't know why, but this birthday seemed harder than others since he disappeared. I saw a young man when I was in line at McD's today that looked enough like Eric that it made me look again and again, knowing it wasn't him. He had on a shirt similar to one Eric had on in a picture taken at Gatlinburg with his arm propped on my shoulder. I heard a song called "Kiss me, Mother" about a young person who was dying. Just one of those days.
Happy Birthday Eric. Wherever you are, we are going to find you and bring you back home.

Thanks for that birthday greeting for Eric, Spellbound! I have hope that we will someday find truth and justice. Anyone who could answer our questions, but refuses, seems so heartless. I like your optimism !
Wrapping our cyber arms around you gently, Eric's Mom. All your posts on any sites are what keep Eric's case going. May your efforts and continued love bring the results we all hope and pray for.

I love seeing new pics of Eric. My, what a cutie he was a a yongster, and he grew tro a fine young man. How we all wish he could be with you again. Just one last hug, kiss, laugh ... I hope you have many of those moments you can recall and treasure, if only in your heart.

Always around for you, my dear friend. :hug: :candle:
I don't have a FB account but I've read at the community page and looked at all the pictures and cried, and cried and cried. Bless your heart Eric's mom, I've been praying for you and Eric for over a year and you didn't know it. I won't stop until hardened hearts have softened and you have answers, and justice.
Through Eric's mom's stories and posts, I have come to know what a truly special man he is and how much he is loved. His face and story comes up on my FB feed, at least, five times a day. This, all due to his Mom's genuine love for him and need for answers.

I have, also, gotten to know his Mom...who I am proud and honored to call a friend.

The fight for truth and justice will continue.
Wrapping our cyber arms around you gently, Eric's Mom. All your posts on any sites are what keep Eric's case going. May your efforts and continued love bring the results we all hope and pray for.

I love seeing new pics of Eric. My, what a cutie he was a a yongster, and he grew tro a fine young man. How we all wish he could be with you again. Just one last hug, kiss, laugh ... I hope you have many of those moments you can recall and treasure, if only in your heart.

Always around for you, my dear friend. :hug: :candle:

That is so sweet, Spellbound! I do have many memories of Eric as a baby, little boy, teen and young man. Someone took away his power to make more memories. I talked to a woman at the local bank Friday who was telling me about the sister of a friend of hers who went missing. She said the family would not give up and kept getting on the news reminding them about the missing family member. People started calling in with things they remembered hearing or seeing. Due to a tip, the woman was found murdered. Her body was in a cave not far from her home. The man had tried to burn her body. He is now in prison. The woman at the bank was encouraging me to keep Eric in the news. I told her I do , but he was only in Saginaw for 5 months which makes a difference in how many people got to know him. However, enough people did interact with him that he made some friends there. Obviously, he must have made an enemy, too.
Through Eric's mom's stories and posts, I have come to know what a truly special man he is and how much he is loved. His face and story comes up on my FB feed, at least, five times a day. This, all due to his Mom's genuine love for him and need for answers.

I have, also, gotten to know his Mom...who I am proud and honored to call a friend.

The fight for truth and justice will continue.

You have been a true friend, Momoffourboys, as you faithfully encourage me on Facebook and help keep Eric's face and story "out there". I appreciate you so much ! I am grateful to those of you who are on Facebook and use that means to help. I am hopeful that someday we will be able to know the truth . Thanks, friend !
I don't have a FB account but I've read at the community page and looked at all the pictures and cried, and cried and cried. Bless your heart Eric's mom, I've been praying for you and Eric for over a year and you didn't know it. I won't stop until hardened hearts have softened and you have answers, and justice.

How sweet, Tillicum ! I appreciate your prayers so much. I have been so thankful for the countless people who have read and shared my posts about Eric and have helped to keep his story in the minds and hearts of people. He would be so touched that so many people are helping to find him and find the truth. I have come in contact with others who are hurting in the same way that I am and I have been able to share the stories and faces of their loved ones. It seems rare that the stories end in a good way. Most just never know the truth. I like your resolve to not stop until we have answers!
Eric's grandmother Franks was admitted to a nursing home not too long ago and I am going to be spending a little time with her and other relatives for several days, so I won't have much access to a computer. Just know I appreciate all of you! I'll "visit" with you when I get back !! (I have several of Eric's missing fliers in the car to leave here and there as I travel. We never know who somewhere might know something !)
I hope your time with Grandma Frank's goes well. It is sad whe our family becomes older and less capable to care for themselves. I do hope she is all right and or another major worry, though glad you have found time to be with her.

I strongly believe this case will be solved due to all your efforts, so am grateful for every reminder from you to keep him front and center. Without a lot of media attention, it would be so easy for these cases to slide into the past, so your efforts are not wasted by any means. Keep pushing us, Eric's Mom. Our intentions are to help you find Eric, and to know what took him away from his family.

love you :hug:
I appreciate that , Spellbound. I know some people shy away from posts about missing people, almost like "missing" might be contagious ! I think many just don't know what to say, but really sharing requires no words. I am thankful not everyone feels that way. I have been contacted recently by a couple of people in the news media asking about updates on the case. Hopefully someday there will be something new to tell.

My mother in law is 88 and in poor health. She had been in assisted living, but needed more care. I saw her earlier this year. She used to ask about Eric when I talked with her. He is her oldest grandchild of three. She is the last of my "parents", so I felt I should go see her again. Being with my sisters is a good thing for me, but I will only see one of them this time.
So sorry about Grandma. It is good you will see her once more. We never know when is our last time, as you already know, Have a nice visit together.

You are right that it gets hard to know what to say after a while, when someone is missing. Sometimes the best I can do in a day is to say a personal prayer or send a cyber hug, or passing a poster out.
Just popping in to check on Eric. I just KNOW that one of these days I will log in and read "Found" in the title of this thread.
Continuing prayers and a big hug to Momma.
Just popping in to check on Eric. I just KNOW that one of these days I will log in and read "Found" in the title of this thread.
Continuing prayers and a big hug to Momma.

Thanks, Midge Montana! I appreciate the hug ! It sure will be a wonderful day if we can post that we found truth and justice and know what really happened to Eric. I think I know pretty much what happened and if he is found, it will be his remains. I came to that sad realization and conclusion long ago.

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