GUILTY MI - Jane Bashara, 56, dies in contract killing, Grosse Pointe Park, 25 Jan 2012 #2

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Dear Websleuths Members,

The next person who posts anything that is not directly related to this case will be timed out.

I'm sorry I have to be so hard but there have been some many violations of TOS on this thread I've lost count.

We do not allow anyone to bring over or discuss other posts from other discussion forums.

Please no name calling, personal attacks, gossip, or anything that does not related to the case. I know most other forums allow this but we don't. You must stick to the case and not the personal opinions of other posters.

Please do not bring over Face Book posts. you may link to the particular Face Book page but that's all.

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bumping up.. bold and big by me: do not bring over comments from facebook pages.. you can post the link and that is it.
nursebeeme said:
Please do not bring over Face Book posts. you may link to the particular Face Book page but that's all.
That's exactly what i did in latest / last "two" ... - those comments were not posted any longer and, and instead was simply a mention to go to the source to read the comments...

... But I understand now that there was / there is another problem with them (which wasn't indicated to me in your above post... nor in Admin's post couple days ago)

... But nevertheless it seems to be a problem in any case (from what i was able to understand in my PM)

I will try to accommodate for this particular issue as well ..... :)
And then hopefully it will be OK.....
So I will see what i can do.....

But it will be cool one way or another ... no hard feelings, in any case :)
Hopefully it's OK like this :) ... Moderators or Admins, please let me know, if it's not:


Couple days old "one" from Bob Bashara's family FB page:

Read the comment at the above FB page...


"Jane Bashara’s birth family, the Engelbrecht family, would like to make it clear that they are in no way affiliated with the J4J (Bob Bashara's family) Facebook page which states it is an official, family-run forum."
My speculation on that would be:

BB's cousin took it down ... because on Jusstice4Jane forum they constantly bad-mouthed that page, and constantly asked for her to shut it down, or to stop posting this and that, or to stop removing all negative comments about BB from it... etc etc

Eventually, i would guess, she said *advertiser censored** it .. and closed down the shop :)
Ahhh, I see. IMO, she set herself up thinking the general public might of had some sympathy for the "devil".
Plus, i bet, it wasn't too pleasant for them to see my comment (in my posts), quoting Jane's family, with each "new" one posted:

"Jane Bashara’s birth family, the Engelbrecht family, would like to make it clear that they are in no way affiliated with the J4J (Bob Bashara's family) Facebook page which states it is an official, family-run forum."

Surely was a sore for their eyes ;)

... or so me thinks ...
Regardless what some might think of me ... - I am not bad, crazy and surely wasn't born yesterday ... - i simply choose to post / operate my own way ;)

Some people were bashing me, suggesting that maybe I was "tight" with BB's cousin, work together with her, with "them" and maybe even with BB's lawyer ... -- to that I say "hahaha, they simply crack me up with those comments... - it actually would be pretty sad, if i was't full of sense of humor and simply laugh those comments and suggestions off, rather than to cry over them" :D
The Bashara case at a glance
July 8, 2012

Here is a time line of events in the slaying of Jane Bashara of Grosse Pointe Park. (Click on Spoiler below to view)

Jan. 24: Bob Bashara reports his wife, Jane Bashara, missing.

Jan. 25: A tow truck driver finds Jane Bashara's body in her SUV on Detroit's east side. She was strangled.

Jan. 27: Police call Bob Bashara a person of interest in his wife's death after he fails a polygraph examination. Jan. 31: Joseph Gentz walks into the Grosse Pointe Park Department of Public Safety, where, during an interview with police, he says he killed Jane Bashara at her husband's behest.

Feb. 3: Gentz is released from custody without being charged.

Feb. 4: Bob Bashara tells reporters: "I did not kill my wife."

March 2: Gentz is arrested.

March 5: Gentz is arraigned on first-degree murder and conspiracy charges.

March 9: The Free Press reports that the clothing Jane Bashara was wearing when her body was found never made it to the State Police crime lab for testing. Police say that day that some clothing was sent, but State Police officials stand by their statement that clothing she was wearing was never received for testing.

April 26: Rachel Gillett, Bashara's former mistress, files a personal protection order, saying he had harassed her.

May 9: In a court filing, Bashara denies stalking Gillett.

June 11: A court-ordered psychiatric evaluation finds Gentz competent to stand trial. Attorneys for both sides indicate he will undergo a second, independent evaluation before plea bargaining begins.

June 25: Bashara is arrested and is accused of attempting to have Gentz killed.

June 27: Bashara is arraigned on a charge of solicitation for murder.

New charges in Bob Bashara case a gift to prosecutors

July 8, 2012

By Joe Swickard and Gina Damron
Detroit Free Press Staff Writers

Joseph Gentz said Bob Bashara, above, had him kill his wife. Now, Bashara is accused of putting a hit out on Gentz. / Brian Kaufman/Detroit Free Press

More at the Source (below)

Bad news for Gentz

More at the Source (below)


The outcast

More at the Source (below)

Can he get a fair trial?

The public behavior may have been bravado.

Prosecutors said Bashara was growing anxious about Gentz some day testifying against him and went looking for someone to put a hit out on Gentz.

Bashara is accused of approaching a local business owner -- a man who has not returned several messages left by the Free Press -- about the murder plot. Sources have said the man wore a wire and authorities taped their conversation, which purportedly included negotiating the price.

The man approached by Bashara reportedly owns a furniture and appliance store on Detroit's east side and, according to Wayne County Property tax records, several other properties.

Griem said Bashara, who owns several properties, has long had business dealings with the man and purchased appliances from him for his rentals.

Sources told the Free Press that Bashara thought the man, who he gave a $2,000 down payment, had the means to orchestrate a hit-for-hire plot, possibly because of his associations.

Given that the case is high profile and because of information that has leaked out, Griem questions whether Bashara can receive a fair trial.

Griem said his client believes "the truth will be triumphant," but Griem worries that leaks have tainted the jury pool.

"We could have God come down and sit at the defense table, and we still couldn't win," Griem said. "I think that it's winnable if everybody in that jury box puts on blinders and only concentrates on the evidence that is admitted during the course of a trial, but how do we erase all of the damage that was done?"

More Details: What's next

July 23: Joseph Gentz is scheduled for a hearing where the results of an independent evaluation of his mental competence will be presented. He is being held in the William Dickerson Detention Facility in Hamtramck on murder and solicitation charges.

July 24: Bob Bashara, who is being held in the Wayne County Jail, is scheduled for his preliminary exam on a charge of solicitation to murder.


Bad news for Gentz

Front the article: (in above post)

Among the possible scenarios: Prosecutors might not need to cut a deal with Gentz to testify anymore, and could put the potential murder charge on hold while they go after Bashara on the solicitation charge, which carries a possible life sentence.

Wondering what happens with Gentz's 2nd evaluation on July 23rd...

...Wonder "if prosecutors might not need to cut a deal with Gentz", if Gentz's attorneys would try and show that Gentz is not competent to stand trial (I hope they would NOT)
The outcast

From the article: (in above post)

But despite his attempts to blend in, Bashara became an outcast.

"Being ostracized is about as harsh a penalty as someone can impose on you," Griem said.

Bashara and his mother attended St. Michael's Episcopal Church in Grosse Pointe Woods, but Griem said the reception at church seemed chilly.

"There's a strong feeling that they're not welcome there," he said.

Bashara got the cold shoulder all over, according to news media reports and chatter at Pointers' backyard barbeques and cocktail parties, where "Bob sightings" were shared and dissected.


Residents also say Bashara was spotted at the movie theater at Windmill Pointe Park, where he was reportedly heckled, and at local sporting events, including a swim meet at the park.

Griem said Bashara was asked not to return as a customer to Dylan's Raw Bar & Grill -- one of his tenants in a property he owns on Mack Avenue.

"The bar owner felt that it hurt their business to have him be seen there," Griem said. The owner declined to comment when reached Friday.

Sunrise Sunset Saloon manager Maureen Moore said she waited on Bashara and his former girlfriend at the bar on Charlevoix before Jane Bashara's death. It was the same woman said to be his partner in a kinky sex dungeon in the basement of one of his commercial buildings.

In the days following his wife's murder, Bob Bashara sometimes played euchre at Sunrise Sunset, but he eventually stopped going because his presence unnerved other patrons, Moore said.
From the article: (in above post)

But despite his attempts to blend in, Bashara became an outcast.

"Being ostracized is about as harsh a penalty as someone can impose on you," Griem said.

Bashara and his mother attended St. Michael's Episcopal Church in Grosse Pointe Woods, but Griem said the reception at church seemed chilly.

"There's a strong feeling that they're not welcome there," he said.

Bashara got the cold shoulder all over, according to news media reports and chatter at Pointers' backyard barbeques and cocktail parties, where "Bob sightings" were shared and dissected.


Residents also say Bashara was spotted at the movie theater at Windmill Pointe Park, where he was reportedly heckled, and at local sporting events, including a swim meet at the park.

Griem said Bashara was asked not to return as a customer to Dylan's Raw Bar & Grill -- one of his tenants in a property he owns on Mack Avenue.

"The bar owner felt that it hurt their business to have him be seen there," Griem said. The owner declined to comment when reached Friday.

Sunrise Sunset Saloon manager Maureen Moore said she waited on Bashara and his former girlfriend at the bar on Charlevoix before Jane Bashara's death. It was the same woman said to be his partner in a kinky sex dungeon in the basement of one of his commercial buildings.

In the days following his wife's murder, Bob Bashara sometimes played euchre at Sunrise Sunset, but he eventually stopped going because his presence unnerved other patrons, Moore said.

Awww, poor Bob is unpopular. How tragic...:rolleyes:
July 9, 2012 at 1:00 am
Jane Bashara remembered as friend, volunteer, community booster

'Whatever she put her heart in, she put her full heart in'

By Francis X. Donnelly
The Detroit News


A month before she was killed, Jane Bashara was shopping in a drugstore when another customer tried to make a purchase with a welfare debit card. The sale didn't go through so Bashara, who didn't know the man, told the clerk to add his items to her bill, said the clerk, Debora Price. Typical Jane, said her friends.

If someone needed help, she didn't hesitate, they said. She was a whirlwind who threw herself into whatever she was doing — work, community service, raising a family or helping others.

A fixture in the Grosse Pointes, she invariably was the one in charge of a community project, bursting with ideas, happily encouraging cohorts with a constant smile.

"She was one of those people who could do it all," said Lori Bireta, 56, a longtime friend from Davison.

< SNIP >

They clicked right away

When Bashara was a student at Central Michigan University in the 1970s, one of her girlfriends received a prank call from a boy in the middle of the night. The girlfriend and boy began talking, hit it off and agreed to meet the next day.

Bashara was so worried about her friend meeting a stranger that, during the get-together, she hid around a corner in the dorm lounge. The friend, Ruann Marshall, who eventually married the boy, didn't know Bashara was watching over her until she told her later. "Whatever she did she embraced fully," said Marshall, 56, of Chesterfield Township. "Whatever she put her heart in she put her full heart in."

Bashara, a good student and athlete, studied business administration at Central Michigan and then University of Detroit Mercy. Around the time she received her master's from Detroit Mercy in 1983, she met Bob Bashara.


The two clicked right away, Bob Bashara told "Dateline NBC" in May. He said he was attracted to her openness.

< SNIP >

A popular boss

One of the jobs Jane Bashara had while working for DTE Energy for 24 years was managing a 350-person call center.

She was a popular boss, said workers. They described her as personable, encouraging and generous with her time and praise.

After her death, testimonials from former employees filled a tribute page on a funeral home website.

"Jane always had a kind and encouraging word for everyone," wrote Peggy Willockx of Troy.

"She was so energetic buzzing around with a giant smile," wrote Rena Austin of Harper Woods.

< SNIP >


Read more at the source from The Detroit News:
From the article: (in above post)

But despite his attempts to blend in, Bashara became an outcast.

"Being ostracized is about as harsh a penalty as someone can impose on you," Griem said.

Bashara and his mother attended St. Michael's Episcopal Church in Grosse Pointe Woods, but Griem said the reception at church seemed chilly.

"There's a strong feeling that they're not welcome there," he said.

Bashara got the cold shoulder all over, according to news media reports and chatter at Pointers' backyard barbeques and cocktail parties, where "Bob sightings" were shared and dissected.


Residents also say Bashara was spotted at the movie theater at Windmill Pointe Park, where he was reportedly heckled, and at local sporting events, including a swim meet at the park.

Griem said Bashara was asked not to return as a customer to Dylan's Raw Bar & Grill -- one of his tenants in a property he owns on Mack Avenue.

"The bar owner felt that it hurt their business to have him be seen there," Griem said. The owner declined to comment when reached Friday.

Sunrise Sunset Saloon manager Maureen Moore said she waited on Bashara and his former girlfriend at the bar on Charlevoix before Jane Bashara's death. It was the same woman said to be his partner in a kinky sex dungeon in the basement of one of his commercial buildings.

In the days following his wife's murder, Bob Bashara sometimes played euchre at Sunrise Sunset, but he eventually stopped going because his presence unnerved other patrons, Moore said.

<sighs> My oh MY.. hasn't he just been quite the little social butterfly. Mourning a lost love and long time partner who was brutally murdered, sure isn't easy. Oh wait.. is this part of the "ugly coping" trend we see nowadays???????

feel free to insert some heavy sarcasm in all or part of that post... grrrrrrrrr

<sighs> My oh MY.. hasn't he just been quite the little social butterfly. Mourning a lost love and long time partner who was brutally murdered, sure isn't easy. Oh wait.. is this part of the "ugly coping" trend we see nowadays???????

feel free to insert some heavy sarcasm in all or part of that post... grrrrrrrrr


PS.. Griem should really shut up ... he is not doing his client any favors by spouting this.
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