MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 #2

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I know for a fact the Chief is aware of LLL and is investigating, along with other RSOs in the area. Is there any other new news to discuss to shift away from RSO discussions?
The Piano Factory is NOT a factory. It is a touristy mall-type building that was once a piano factory. There is a restaurant in it that one brother lists as his former place of employment on FB, while the SOR lists the same address by suite number as employer for the other brother.
The body of water around the Piano Factory is not an option. The Grand Haven boardwalk is the most populated place around during decent weather. There is no way someone could pull off something like disposing of a body this time of the year. Trust me on that.

Also, the mods instructed us not to mention family members who are not sex offenders. Be careful so you don't get a time out. I agree that this family is a treasure trove of disfunction, but we can only talk about the sex offenders among them.

My sister just called and told me that everyone is now onto LLL and posting his pic and personal info all over message boards and social medial. If he didn't do this, he is about to get slammed for no reason. If he did, then I say bring on the pressure. But I wish everyone would stop and think of what they would feel like if they were wrongly accused of kidnapping and possible murder all over social media. First the idiots in this town were ready to burn the Exxon owner at the stake even though he was cleared as a POI by LE. I hate to see what they will do with this info.

Absolutely. Thats where this whole RSO thing gets really tricky, in all the cases I've followed...

Thanks again for your local insight! Hope you did well on your exams!
LLL is on my radar too. DWG, I don't think she would have given him the time of day.
This cat saw her two hours earlier allegedly being harrassed by the same man:


If this is true and it is the same guy that came back two hours later, it was not a crime of opportunity, IMO. He was stalking her, and he had been for some time. He probably either built up enough 'courage' to finally do it, or the compulsion from his earlier interaction with her was too strong and he succumbed to it.

It is important to note how matter-of-factly this witness described J's and the suspect's interactions - almost like it appeared to be normal-esque "wooing". If this is what he noticed, I'm inclined to believe that the POI is within the age range that would have been considered 'normal' for such an exchange. If he was an older man, it would have registered as unusual. As a reult, LLL is very much on my radar.

I think this "cat" also knows who LLL is and if s/he is the one who gave the descp for the sketch, s/he knew exactly who s/he was describing.
I thought it was a nearby company's van. So I just put it to the back of my mind. However someone said the temp tag was taken off.

The original post was #585 on the first thread. I didn't see anyone say that it was a company van. The poster did say that the license plate had been removed and the area looked cleaner than the rest of the door, like it might have just been recently done. It would be interesting to find out if it is still there. Might be nothing but you never know. It is pretty close to the gas station too.

Also, the mods instructed us not to mention family members who are not sex offenders. Be careful so you don't get a time out. I agree that this family is a treasure trove of disfunction, but we can only talk about the sex offenders among them.

My sister just called and told me that everyone is now onto LLL and posting his pic and personal info all over message boards and social medial. If he didn't do this, he is about to get slammed for no reason. If he did, then I say bring on the pressure. But I wish everyone would stop and think of what they would feel like if they were wrongly accused of kidnapping and possible murder all over social media. First the idiots in this town were ready to burn the Exxon owner at the stake even though he was cleared as a POI by LE. I hate to see what they will do with this info.

I'm right there with you flutter. There's clearly some perversion and all RSO's need to be monitored by the proper authorities. If there are violations, they need to be enforced.

In this case, though, Jessica is the focus. If people have tips regarding LLL or his brother that pertain to her, call them in. Otherwise it becomes yet another sideshow that turns into the main show and time and focus gets lost on finding the real guy.
Go look at LLL's girlfriend's FB - there are some recent pics from a party or something, it looks like LL (?) has a scratch on his face, or maybe it's just light/shadows, which is more likely.

The police better have a chat with him (if they haven't already done so) very soon then. Because any physical evidence of a fight will soon be gone.

The animal who abducted Mickey Shunick visited a hospital after he finished his crime against her. That's a piece of the evidence against him. Very impressive police work!
It sure is similar. I hope she is found alive. But as soon as I heard her purse and belongings were left inside; I knew someone took her. Where they took her is the question; why not so much. She is lovely; and this is the war on women and children.
Re: the comments above on RSOs, and LE's investigation of them:

In Jessica Ridgeway's case, the first thing they did is intensely intensely intensely scrutinize every RSO in the area, often returning to search their properties more than once. They also automatically took dna from all of them. Absolutely LE is investigating them, that is a given. That does not mean that we should not be as well, imo. But we definitely need to be careful because there is no POI, and a lot of damage can be done if someone is wrongly accused. This is why I have not referred specifically to any RSOs ; they are ALL suspects as far as I'm concerned. And as I also stated earlier, it could be any one of them, or none of them. LE is also expanding their search of RSOs statewide and possibly nationwide, per a video story (sorry don't have link, will see if I can find it). But considering the suspect is very possibly local, per LE, every RSO in the area is a top top proirity, imo.
It sure is similar. I hope she is found alive. But as soon as I heard her purse and belongings were left inside; I knew someone took her. Where they took her is the question; why not so much. She is lovely; and this is the war on women and children.

you're so right about the war on women and children. even the children left behind by women victims. so sad.
If anyone sees something on a social media that you think is relevant that might be taken down, don't forget to screen grab.
What ever happened with that van with no license plate that someone saw in an apartment complex parking lot? Did it end up matching the van description? If so, has it moved since that time? I am trying to find the post in the other thread right now.

As of yesterday evening, the van was still parked in the same parking spot as the first time I saw it. The license plate is still missing. I am not sure if police have followed up on the lead or not. However, it matches the description exactly. It is a silver Chrysler Town & Country minivan. It looks similar to the vehicle in the surveillance footage. Since it has not moved in the last few days, it may be more evidence that it was abandoned. JMO.
How many mugshots does LLL have? I've only seen 3
Are we allowed to screengrab a RSO pictures?
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