MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 #5

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Here's the sign in the gas station window (at 1:14 mins. in video). It shows 11:30 p.m. closing Monday-Friday, 11:00 p.m closing Saturday-Sunday. Wonder if it's the same sign that's always been there?

The reporter says that "she was supposed to be on her way home."

Her fiance says that he talked to her about an hour before this happened. She said she'd "be out early and home quick".


I keep going over the info from the beginning. Discrepancies really bother me. Like ABC reporting the last transaction was at 10:55 and then later having reports it was at 10:50. Makes me doubt everything.

I'm not sure your point on this. Reporters often make mistakes or misword things on details, it often occurs in these cases.

What is it that your doubting? Maybe that will help some of us see where your heading with this.
Yep, that'd be about right.
I get frustrated at the preventability (I swear that's a word, I looked it up!) of things as well.

Here are a couple things to lighten the thread for a minute. :floorlaugh:

You've all seen Bambi I presume.

My Dad saw that on his first date when he was 12.
When Bambi's Mom got shot...
He cried. His "cold hearted" date did not. :giggle:

Ever seen Honey I Shrunk The Kids?
He cried when the ANT died.

Softy... definitely. :floorlaugh:

No... my cold hearted mother was an entirely different date about 10 years later. :floorlaugh:

He also laughed so hard he cried when Elizabeth from the control room played this joke on Nancy Grace...

But then I think we ALL laughed so hard we cried that time. :floorlaugh:
(If you are not a Nancy fan and you have a sense of humor you should totally watch that for a laugh.)

Sorry about your mom! Poor dad....;)

I love Nancy Grace. But I'm also a pro-prosecution bulldog. I do not like the sensationalism driven circus her show has become. And don't even get me started on Jane Velez Mitchell......
Before reading about it on this thread, neither my husband or I ever knew that Michigan has a wild turkey hunting season. This could explain two incidents where wild turkeys made it to north-suburban Detroit and into my backyard :D

Several years ago, our former next door neighbors were hosting a birthday party for their young daughters whose birthdays were both in early June. While everyone was outdoors enjoying a beautiful day, a wild turkey walked into their yard and proceeded into ours. We had a dog at the time who went ballistic at the sight of this unusual creature. Everybody took pictures of the large bird who slowly went back into the wooded area behind our homes. No one had ever seen a wild turkey in these parts, and it was definitely strange.

About two weeks ago, when I walked into the kitchen for my morning coffee, I saw something on the deck and thought at first that it was a black trash bag that had blown onto the deck. When I walked closer to the French doors that open onto the deck, I saw a wild turkey standing on my deck. WTF! My cell phone doesn't take photos, and I wouldn't mess with DH's camera that is in a kitchen drawer, but I wished that I could have had a picture of the wild bird standing on the deck. I wondered if I should invite him in for a cup of coffee :D He stood there for a few minutes and then walked down the two steps into the yard and went next door. It was bizarre.

LOL! Who said turkeys are dumb - they know the hunting season has arrived!

That reminds me of one time here on WS peeps were posting about spotting cougars around their properties. I chimed in that I saw a cougar once in my backyard. I was so embarrassed when I realized (per my husband) that I had seen a coyote, not a cougar. Next thing you know, I'll be claiming that mountain lyons are running around my neighborhood. :blushing:
P.S. Why is turkey hunting season in April when Thanksgiving is in November? It's a valid concern.....right?
Where was it said that pumps were turned off at 11:00? I don't recall seeing that.

Were the pumps actually turned off, or is it pay before pumping? Pay before pumping is very popular at the gas stations in Mi, it was put into place because of all the drive offs.

Its not ever been said that I'm aware of.
Speculation, sorry. 911 caller stated he needed an attendant so he could pump gas. I've wondered, if it was 10:59 let's say that she was abducted, if J had already turned ALL the pumps off right before she was grabbed.

I'm assuming most posters have been reading along as we go. That's why it makes a difference if she was closing at 11:00 versus 11:30 p.m.

Maybe that was her idea of a bread crumb? Maybe she shut them off when things started. Maybe that's what startled the guy and he grabbed her, not knowing what she was doing?
plude19 is correct. We have no suspects or persons of interest named at this point. The witnesses are not to be discussed in a suspect manner. LE has given no indication whatsoever that the witnesses are suspect at all.

Until someone is named a suspect or poi no one is to be discussed here as such.

The only thing I would do is foot searches. I believe she is somewhere near. Maybe within ten miles.
I come from at least 4 generations of deer hunters. They wore orange when they hunted so the other fools out there could spot them and not mistaken them for a deer. To me it's dangerous to dress in camo and blend in with the foilage because some people are just trigger happy. My brothers had orange vests they wore as kids, my Dad had a bright orange hat. As they got older, my brothers switched to hats too. Just FYI. As far as turkey hunting, I have no idea.
So, does anyone think it could be a guy who used "hunting" as a cover for the abduction? Or am I just chasing my tail here?
I'm not sure your point on this. Reporters often make mistakes or misword things on details, it often occurs in these cases.

What is it that your doubting? Maybe that will help some of us see where your heading with this.

Because I could swear the first report I heard was that the station closed at 11:00 p.m. The 911 caller says he stopped in about four times a week after he got out of work at 11:00 p.m. If the station does really close at 11:00 p.m. his story doesn't jive. Since it appears Jessica was preparing to leave by 11:00, my suspicions intensified again.

If the station closes at 11:30 (per the sign in the window), I don't believe she could take it upon herself to lock up the station early (as missgulfsouth pointed out too). Wish I could find the first image of the hours I saw though - maybe I was just seeing things.

Also, I wish people who are interviewed could be more specific. For instance, the fiance could say that he expected her home no later than 11:40 p.m. because he had spoken to her earlier, blah, blah. Or, she told me she'll be home before 11:30. Based on what he said, we have no idea what his expectations were. Since she was taken just around 11:00, obviously she wasn't late arriving home regardless of what time she was planning to lock up the station. He didn't offer any details.
Because I could swear the first report I heard was that the station closed at 11:00 p.m. The 911 caller says he stopped in about four times a week after he got out of work at 11:00 p.m. If the station does really close at 11:00 p.m. his story doesn't jive. Since it appears Jessica was preparing to leave by 11:00, my suspicions intensified again.

If the station closes at 11:30 (per the sign in the window), I don't believe she could take it upon herself to lock up the station early (as missgulfsouth pointed out too). Wish I could find the first image of the hours I saw though - maybe I was just seeing things.

Also, I wish people who are interviewed could be more specific. For instance, the fiance could say that he expected her home no later than 11:40 p.m. because he had spoken to her earlier, blah, blah. Or, she told me she'll be home before 11:30. Based on what he said, we have no idea what his expectations were. Since she was taken just around 11:00, obviously she wasn't late arriving home regardless of what time she was planning to lock up the station. He didn't offer any details.
It closed at 11 on sat and sun and 1130 during the week. So whenever you are talking about this you have to specify the day:seeya::seeya::seeya:
Your dad's a smart guy, someone who thinks with his brain, who cares ultimately about what's most important and a good businessman. I bet he's a great father too! :rockon:

I agree with you that Jessica's boss, for whatever reasons, is partially to blame. Wonder if he has any daughters?

Most respectfully, the only person to blame is the kidnapper.

I feel it is derailing this thread, attacking the store owner, discussing if he has daughters, etc. - when we are here to help Jessica/find Jessica/offer support thereof - that's just my opinion, but respectfully, where is that getting us?

I'm sure he feels awful. Just sickened over his mistake. <Mod Snip>. But that's just my opinion, and I respect the others here, as well.

Where is Jessica? Her family is in my thoughts and prayers. May tomorrow be the day that she comes home.
Most respectfully, the only person to blame is the kidnapper.

I feel it is derailing this thread, attacking the store owner, discussing if he has daughters, etc. - when we are here to help Jessica/find Jessica/offer support thereof - that's just my opinion, but respectfully, where is that getting us?

I'm sure he feels awful. Just sickened over his mistake. <Mod Snip> But that's just my opinion, and I respect the others here, as well.

Where is Jessica? Her family is in my thoughts and prayers. May tomorrow be the day that she comes home.

Amen, time to move forward. Because circles make me dizzy. :scared:
Regarding the pumps: Is it feasible that the customer, in stating they needed an attendant to pump gas, really just needed the cashier/attendant to flip the switch/press the button/whatever it is that they DO to authorize the pump?

I've seen it occur, but couldn't for the life of me, recall what they do - something on their to authorize the pump. So perhaps the pumps weren't off, at all - the pump just wasn't authorized to pump any specific dollar amount of gas/no credit card had been tendered as approved, because there was no clerk to do so?

Just my thoughts. New to this thread, thanks for all your hard work so far, guys.
The store owner is not the abductor. He has been cleared by law enforcement. If you still need to discuss him not putting up cameras that's fine, but I don't see the need to go on and on about how horrible it is that he didn't have cameras or that Jessica worked alone. It is awful and I too am sure he feels pretty bad about it.

I really think its time to move on from this unless law enforcement says he is to blame which they haven't.

Staying on topic...

So, like I said, I am new to this case. I appreciate your patience with me very much - some of you guys have really put a lot into this thread - and I value reading your insights.

Bouncing off of that: What are your thoughts regarding the release of the information, two days ago (approximately) - that her blood was found on the scene?

Is there anything to the timing of that information being released? Or was it just to keep the case in the news? Or?

Thanks for any replies.
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