MI - Jonathan Staat for sexual assault of 4yo girl, Holland, 2008

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ITA! :furious: I cannot believe that the sex offender's father is even attempting to explain away what happened by saying a 4 year old consented! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Maybe the kid is a chip off the ol block!
The judge could have at the very least ordered the boy into a juvenile or daytime mental health facility to get intense sexual offender treatment while attending school. Surely the boy has gotten treatment but it's not mentioned and probably wasn't intensive treatment when he was thirteen. Since the boy is a teen and probably has other behavior problems, he'll probably mess up on his probation and end up in jail anyway before turning 21.

txsvicki, I believe the article said the boy was expelled from school. I cannot recall what it said about treatment.
This Ahole of a judge should be personally responsible for every victim this kid has from this point forward.

I am guessing if it was his 4 year old grandchild he wouldn't be so concerned about the 16 year olds life being ruined. Here is a clue, it is already ruined.

I guess we just sit back and see how many he takes down with him.

I know some people don't like Bill O'Reily but he cant stand when things like this happens and will harass and expose the presiding Judge something fierce and totally talk about how disgusting and unfair cases like these are where a repeat sexual offender gets no time at all.

I am going to email him about this case. I hope he picks it up.

His ( Staap's ) parents ran a day care center so I'm sure there are more victims. The little girls father is is a rage over never being informed of the 2005 charge....when Staap got his hand slapped and 6 months counseling....this time around he has to register as a SO...like that will help :-(
The judge said tonite on TV " yes, the prosecutor wanted jail time and we had a plea deal, but it's my job to do what's best for everyone"... I had to listen twice !
His ( Staap's ) parents ran a day care center so I'm sure there are more victims. The little girls father is is a rage over never being informed of the 2005 charge....when Staap got his hand slapped and 6 months counseling....this time around he has to register as a SO...like that will help :-(
The judge said tonite on TV " yes, the prosecutor wanted jail time and we had a plea deal, but it's my job to do what's best for everyone"... I had to listen twice !

By all means-releasing a habitual offender back into society with no real punishment for his behavior is absolutely in the best interest of...uh...hmmm...still thinking here.
I did case management for two years for a private agency working with juvenile sex offenders and sexually reactive boys. Most of the time, the apple does not fall far from the tree, as was mentioned. The children start out as victims themselves and then move on to using the offending behaviors as a way to act out either their victimization or their anger at it. "I'm going to hurt someone smaller than me the way I was hurt because the people who hurt me are too big for me to get back at."

When do we stop looking at them as victims and start seeing them as perpetrators? Is it the age or the type of act or the age of the victim that makes a difference? I knew a kid who was 11 and his brother 8 and they, along with another boy, gang raped an 8 year old girl. Do I think this kid will do it again? No. He had a good support system and a foster family who was willing to take him back after treatment. Do I think he will be a perfect citizen? No, I think he'll be in trouble with the law again, but not in a sexual way.

There are kids who I have worked with who have sexually acting out behaviors while in treatment and some of those I think may never offend again once they are done with treatment. There are others who were model clients who I think will be serial killers because they know how to work the system and bide their time, even at 13 or 14.

The other issue is that some of these kids offend because they are intellectually limited and had/have intellectually limited parents who taught them no coping skills or the coping skills associated with being an alcoholic or drug addict in order to self medicate mental illness as well.

Just to give another example, I worked in a day program for severely and profoundly mentally retarded adults. (I am not using the word "retarded" as a pejorative -- it's a mental health Axis II diagnosis.) We had a guy there who could not speak or write but could sexually offend. He would get the other adult male clients in a room or in the bathroom and perform oral sex on them. The other adults complained about it, as they should, and he was on a monitoring program.

The problem is, there are no facilities for the mentally limited sexual offenders who cannot process cognitive therapy. There are techniques that work with some, but not all.

In Illinois, there are only two lock-down type facilities dealing with sexual offenders of all mental capacities. Only one deals with female offenders and there are never enough beds. There are others that are group homes and programs, but if there are 200 beds in the entire state dealing with sexually offending youth or sexually reactive youth, I would be surprised. If we want to protect society as well as these offenders (like I said, most start as victims), we need to acknowledge the fact that we need to pay for facilities to house and treat these folks.
That's Disgusting! No Jail??!! So they just give him a slap on the wrist so he can go out and committ more assaults on children while on probation. That sick teen needs jail time so he can get the message that pedophiles are not well liked. Ugh. That judge needs to resign. How much did the boys parents pay the lawyer for the golf game i wonder?
Not that it really makes the judge's decision any more understandable...


21 March 09

Ottawa County Circuit Court Judge Calvin Bosman made the ruling for no jail time. In comparison to the hundreds of decisions he has made, Bosman says this was among the most difficult.

"Oh it ranks up in the, probably upper 10 percent, 14," Bosman told 24 Hour News 8. "I understand what he did was an extremely serious thing, and he got a real break.

"But I didn't do it because I wanted to give him a break. I wanted to do it because if there's any chance that he will be safe or the society will be safe from him, it will be better the course that I have given him."


"I agree with the prosecutor on reducing charges on many, many cases. but at times it hamstrings the judge to protect society in the long run," said Bosman.

If Staat had faced first-degree criminal sexual charges, then the outcome would have been different.

"He could've served life and I would not have had an option whether to put him on probation or to send him on to prison," said Judge Bosman. "And that would not have bothered me at all.

"The question is how do I best protect the public, and I think the course that I've taken in this case is the best course. It doesn't have to be the final solution. He himself will determine the final solution."

much more at link

(Note that the second paragraph begins with the word "Judge," which is clearly a misprint.)
If I were the local police, I'd investigate the father for child *advertiser censored*. He clearly believes it is appropriate for his son to receive sexual satisfaction from children and that it is "no big deal". If I were the father of the little girl, I would sue the county and state for licensing a childcare facility where there was a juvenile sexual offender living. If I were the parents of any of the children in attendance at the daycare, I'd join in. If the judge doesn't want to make thi sboys life a living hell, it is up to the community to demonstrate such behavior will not be tolerated.
I personally think that the sex predator should have to live with the judge for the entire suspended sentence. Forever in his sight. I have posted on every crime blog that I read how I feel about children sex predators and murderers. Sentence should be mandatory death. I have not changed my mind.
If I were the local police, I'd investigate the father for child *advertiser censored*. He clearly believes it is appropriate for his son to receive sexual satisfaction from children and that it is "no big deal". If I were the father of the little girl, I would sue the county and state for licensing a childcare facility where there was a juvenile sexual offender living. If I were the parents of any of the children in attendance at the daycare, I'd join in. If the judge doesn't want to make thi sboys life a living hell, it is up to the community to demonstrate such behavior will not be tolerated.

I can't help but wonder why any parent would put their children into this daycare. Someone please tell me that as soon as the parents of the children in this daycare found out about the father and son monsters, that they quickly withdrew their children. WIH, is the mother of this predator?

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