Deceased/Not Found MI - Jozlynn Martinez, 2, Grand Rapids, 24 Feb 2010

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Police investigators say the mother of missing two year-old Jozlynn Martinez is not a suspect. "If they have forensic evidence stating that she fell, she got hurt, he killed her anything. At least there would be proof to back this up," said mother Consuela Martinez.

Martinez's live in boyfriend, Jeffery Malmberg was located in Lansing Wednesday. He is the prime suspect in the case. Grand Rapids Police say Malmberg told them Jozlynn died at the couple's home at 915 Nagold St. SE.

Police will not say if Malmberg confessed to killing the girl, only that he says the girl died some time Monday night and he put her body in a nearby dumpster.

"What makes this so hard is if something did happen to her he did not give her help. We have several neighbors around that he can find at any time to get her help and instead he says he put her in a trash bag?" questioned Martinez.

FBI and Grand Rapids Police sifted through 200 thousand pounds of garbage at the Kent Waste to Energy Facility.

Martinez says she was out Monday night, and returned to the apartment where Malmberg was alone with Jozlynn and the seven month old son fathered by Malmberg.

"I don't know if she died there," said Martinez who remembers seeing
Jozlynn before she went to bed that night.

"I believe I put her in bed, or I at least went and checked on her or something, everything just ran together and I don't know."

The family says they will continue to search for Jozlynn.

"We don't want to give up. We don't want to believe he did something wrong," said Martinez.

Martinez says she just wants to see her daughter again.

"If you guys out there honestly believe he has done this will you please go and see if you can help out the search for her, her body, something I want to be able to have her. If she is dead the last kisses those last few moments. I don't want to believe it. It hurts."
Police investigators say the mother of missing two year-old Jozlynn Martinez is not a suspect. "If they have forensic evidence stating that she fell, she got hurt, he killed her anything. At least there would be proof to back this up," said mother Consuela Martinez.

Martinez's live in boyfriend, Jeffery Malmberg was located in Lansing Wednesday. He is the prime suspect in the case. Grand Rapids Police say Malmberg told them Jozlynn died at the couple's home at 915 Nagold St. SE.

Police will not say if Malmberg confessed to killing the girl, only that he says the girl died some time Monday night and he put her body in a nearby dumpster.

"What makes this so hard is if something did happen to her he did not give her help. We have several neighbors around that he can find at any time to get her help and instead he says he put her in a trash bag?" questioned Martinez.

FBI and Grand Rapids Police sifted through 200 thousand pounds of garbage at the Kent Waste to Energy Facility.

Martinez says she was out Monday night, and returned to the apartment where Malmberg was alone with Jozlynn and the seven month old son fathered by Malmberg.

"I don't know if she died there," said Martinez who remembers seeing
Jozlynn before she went to bed that night.

[FONT=arial[B]]"I believe I put her in bed, or I at least went and checked on her or something, everything just ran together and I don't know[/B]."[/FONT]

The family says they will continue to search for Jozlynn.

"We don't want to give up. We don't want to believe he did something wrong," said Martinez.

Martinez says she just wants to see her daughter again.

"If you guys out there honestly believe he has done this will you please go and see if you can help out the search for her, her body, something I want to be able to have her. If she is dead the last kisses those last few moments. I don't want to believe it. It hurts."


This part really bothers me!
She was high! GMAB! I am just not feeling the sympathy here :(

I can't stand this mother's 'poor me' attitude. She says she got home late Monday night - where was she? Does she work? How could she leave her daughter home alone with the so soon after they allegedly 'fought about bruises' on Jozlynn? And then once she get home, she doesn't remember whether she put Jozlynn to bed or not? We're not talking about a year ago - this is less than a week ago. Sounds like the mother may be an 'ex' crackhead as well. I have zero sympathy, and it angers me that she won't be charged too. At the very least for negligence. This little girl had a spot on her head where her hair wasn't growing? Sounds like the result of some kind of trauma to me. As well as alleged bruises and a scab on her chin (large enough, apparently, to mention it). This little girl was being abused and neglected for a long time, and the 'mom' is going to get off scot free.
I don't like the stuff the mother has been saying either

even before Malmberg confessed she said ""I don't know if she's dead," Martinez said. "I don't know if she's just hurt a little bit."

that felt "off" to me and to others here

then she "remembers" "seeing" her the night before?? It all "runs together"??

I think this whole thing stinks...Jozlynn didn't have to die, I feel this was a situation of neglect and abuse that ended like this..but should have been stopped long before

Did they even try to get help for her condition "feet turned in"?? was she seeing a specialist??

Was the "patch" of scalp where hair didn't grow a result of trauma...?? Hair pulled out? Or cut/wound to head (that maybe wasn't treated?)

Scab on chin?? Bruises?? Yeah kids fall etc...but I feel that Malmberg put this little angel in the trash to conceal the way she died, the abuse to her tiny body

Has Mom been drug tested too??
Was Mom partying too that night??
Did the "party" start with the $2800 and maybe Jozlynn "annoyed" him while he was doing his crack??? Or she was curious and took a bite of the "candy" and overdosed??
Well, 11pm to 9am is 10 hours. Who sleeps that long with a 2 year old and a 7 month old! Possible, but I doubt it. Maybe the times are not reported correctly.

not that unheard of.. my kids sleep from 10-12 hours every night... all 3 of them! Ages: 11, 6 and 11 months. My youngest even takes 2 naps during the day.. they just love sleep I guess
I have sleeping issues tho.. if my husband isn't home, I'll only sleep 5-6 hours.. when he is home, I can get in 10 hours, easily.

I so hope they find her soon... no matter what, she deserves a proper burial!
I'm sorry but when CM says "I believe I put her in bed or at least went and checked on her" how do you not remember?! I have children and know if I put them to bed or if my husband did. And is this also the first we are hearing of her being out that night? I thought I had read that she had been at home that night...maybe I'm wrong. oh these cases just make me so :banghead: :furious:
Until these women start getting charged right along with the person they chose to subject their kids to, it will NEVER stop!!

Maybe "mom" had a street job and that's where she got the money she claims was stolen from her purse?
I'm sorry but when CM says "I believe I put her in bed or at least went and checked on her" how do you not remember?! I have children and know if I put them to bed or if my husband did. And is this also the first we are hearing of her being out that night? I thought I had read that she had been at home that night...maybe I'm wrong. oh these cases just make me so :banghead: :furious:

I don't know if the media came right out and said she was home, but certainly the articles were written to make us believe that. First, she put Jozlynn to bed at 11:00 p.m., then a day or so later we learn MC fought with JM about money that Monday night, kissed and made up. Then we learn that CM & JM fought about bruises on Jozlynn, and JM says he would never do that, he loves Jozlynn like his own. All this fighting though certainly makes a person think she was home?? Where else do you fight with your boyfriend?

Now we learn CM wasn't home and when she came home, she was not sober enough to remember if she put Jozlynn to bed?

I realize CM is young and young people tend to party a little heartier than older folks. But not to remember putting your child to bed? Not remembering if you even saw her? What about the baby? I wonder if he still takes a bottle in the night? And the changing stories? What did she and JM really fight about? Did she storm out of the house after the fight, leaving her two children alone with him, knowing his temper could be dangerous?

Rest in peace, sweet Jozlynn. This was so preventable :(

The family says they will continue to search for Jozlynn.

"We don't want to give up. We don't want to believe he did something wrong," said Martinez.

Martinez says she just wants to see her daughter again.

"If you guys out there honestly believe he has done this will you please go and see if you can help out the search for her, her body, something I want to be able to have her. If she is dead the last kisses those last few moments. I don't want to believe it. It hurts."

This doesn't sit right with me. Come on, I understand about denial but he has confessed already so excessive disbelief sounds like an attempt to defend him for the undefendable.
another story change.... How many times are they going to let her change her story ? REALLY!!!
and to me I read all these but no one has mentioned this...

Did they know that they burned that trash? Did they just say they dumped the body there?... so that they could end this story.. is there still a chance they did something else to her?... sold her for cash? I dont know.. this story just isn't adding up.

And How didn't mom hear him going out the second story window? I am still wondering what time did that happen? Did anyone say? Is there a chance mom 'thought she saw Jozlynn in bed when she 'got home'? Did he take her out the second story before the? Why THE HECK would he have done that if she wasn't home.. where was the 7 month old when he was doing all this ...

UGH!!!! to many answers... this is all to confusing Mom needs to tell the truth already..

and she is now asking people to go look? IS SHE LOOKING? and is the 7month old still in protective custody?

ugh.. :( I dont get it something just IS NOT ADDING UP!!!!
Family puzzled after boyfriend says missing Grand Rapids girl Jozlynn Martinez died at home same night mother says she saw her in bed
By Nate Reens | The Grand Rapids Press
February 27, 2010, 5:11AM

GRAND RAPIDS -- Over days of repeated questioning by police, Consuela Martinez told officers searching for her missing daughter the same thing: The last time she saw little Jozlynn was late Monday night, as the girl slept in her bed.

By then, the 2-year-old was already dead, Jeffrey Malmberg, the woman's live-in boyfriend, allegedly told police.
It's also a story that Jozlynn's mother -- who is not a suspect -- and other relatives find hard to believe.

"All that guy (Malmberg) has done is lie, cheat and steal and, without a body, this is just another game," said Retha Martinez, the child's grandmother. "It don't seem feasible.

"(Conseula) was home all night, so how does she die? When does that happen? Why would you put a dead girl in bed? None of it makes sense."

Martinez said her family continues to hope that Jozlynn will be found alive.

more here
I really cannot stand watching the interview with her. "I believe in my heart I put her to bed." and again "I believe I put her to bed, or I at least went and checked on her.. SOMETHING!" Yes... we would all like to believe that you arent lying and there arent stupid mothers like you out there who put your childrens life in danger, and we would like to believe that your baby is still alive, but thats not the truth now is it?? And yes, she can try to lie to us and make us think that she is a mother who actually cares about her children and worries about them enough to go in and check on them while they are sleeping, but in reality-shes not that type of mother. Because if she was.. she wouldnt have left her kids there, she wouldnt be out on a MONDAY getting messed up in the first place. And to the comment before about her being a young mom, and young people party more, a lot of us DONT go out and party. A lot of us are great mothers and yes we had our babies young, however we do our very best and give them all the love we can. I come from a small community, and there are a lot of girls that had their children young, and even if they werent planned, it didnt change the love we have for them. It didnt ruin our lives, it just put us on a different path in life. But its young parents like this, and Casey Anthony that make us look bad. Im not trying to sound defensive on the comment at all, I was not offended, I realize the stereotypes that come with being a young mom. I just really want people to know and be reassured that most of us are NOT like this.
Why didn't LE search all trash receptacles in the area as soon as the Amber Alert was issued? Or even sooner when the missing persons report was filed? It just seems like it should be common practice especially since throwing children away like garbage seems to be a "popular" choice amongst those that find it easy to harm innocent children. What if they never find this sweet baby now? :cry:

I am hoping beyond hope that this piece of $#!t is lying and playing games and that Jozlynn is still alive. HOPING. I'm deeply saddened by this and can't get Jozlynn's sweet little face and smile out of my head. I can't quit thinking about what horrific things this monster might have done to her. Children deserve better than this and if you can't give them what they deserve, DON'T HAVE BABIES!!!
Maybe I should clarify - I don't think I said anything about young moms - I said young people like to party heartier. I meant that young people are more apt to over indulge than older folks. Not that young mothers go out and party all the time.

And personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with going out and leaving your children with your significant other, as a general rule. Generally, this would be the best and most appropriate thing to do. And if a person did over indulge a bit, it shouldn't be that big of a deal - generally.

Here, though this mom may or may not have gone out and left her children with a person she KNEW to be dangerous. For her to then over indulge and not remember putting her child to bed or checking on her or whatever her story is at the moment, is completely irresponsible. Obviously, this mom is much different than the majority of moms, young, old or in between.

~respectfully snipped ~
Why didn't LE search all trash receptacles in the area as soon as the Amber Alert was issued? Or even sooner when the missing persons report was filed? It just seems like it should be common practice especially since throwing children away like garbage seems to be a "popular" choice amongst those that find it easy to harm innocent children. What if they never find this sweet baby now? :cry:

I think because the police really thought he just took her, not that he harmed her. It appears from the last article posted above, that CM actually contacted police at 1:30 p.m. when she couldn't locate JM or Jozlynn. She did not file a missing report at that time, but she was concerned enough to alert police that something was amiss. CM officially filed the missing report at 9:something that evening. I think LE was playing off of CM's lead that JM would not hurt the child. Which we now know is not true. He did hurt her somehow and by taking her from her home.

I'm also thinking that it should just become mandatory that landfills are cordoned off immediately when a child goes missing and then slowly put back to work when info becomes available that the child has not been thrown away.


The body of Jozlynn Martinez is missing
Stanton Tang Jessica Puchala
Updated:2/26/2010 7:39:41 PM - Posted: 2/26/2010 5:24:59 PM

GRAND RAPIDS (WZZM) - The Amber Alert has just been cancelled for Jozlynn Martinez and the 2 year old girl is believed to be dead.

The two year old girl has been missing since Monday.

Grand Rapids Police say the suspect, Jeffrey Malmberg, confessed that Jozlynn died on Monday night and he disposed of the body in a trash receptacle.

WZZM13 has been at the Kent County Waste to Energy plant on Market Street, where FBI and police have been seen. Authorities searched the facility Thursday night and throughout the day Friday.

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