MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #5

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Why do you find it hard to believe that he acted alone? I followed the trial and never heard anything to indicate that he had accomplice; most sexual murderers act alone.

Chelsea while not a large woman, was not petite either. Adrenaline aside, I find it hard to believe he was able to move her around alone. The second point is moot, as law enforcement dismissed/discredited other statements that they deemed weren't accurate. As you can tell, I have my doubts about this, and still am looking for clear connection (other than the sisters) to Julia.

In my *amateur opinion and speculation* there is much to consider and examine. Monster 12 points out that in addition to the sister connection (how can we not be intrigued by THAT), there is DC's known attack of another poor victim in the BATHTUB.
That's enough for me to want to look closer.
Respectfully snipped and bolded by me. I think that the crime could have been committed by one person, and probably was. One person can kidnap and kill multiple people, as seen in many cases. There is really no reason to assume that it would be impossible for one man to kidnap, kill, and hide one vulnerable and intoxicated woman, IMHO.

Law enforcement agrees with you.
I'm not sold on the sole Perp, but at least DC is in prison; where he belongs.
We are just about a month away from *five* years since Julia Niswender was murdered in her off campus apartment near EMU. Julia was a hardworking gal. She was going to school full time, working at Walmart, helping with her step-father's cleaning business...this gal was a go-getter.

I can't help but wonder where this ambitious gal would be today if her life hadn't been horrifically cut short. I like to think she would have been working as an assistant to Anderson Cooper by now. She seemed like the kind of ambitious gal who could have made that a reality.

I have been following this case for a long time, and check frequently to see if there are any news updates. Sadly, there are not. I can not even begin to fathom the pain her family must feel every holiday, every December, her birthday, major family events, and so on. And somewhere, there is a Perp, or Perp(s) who are continuing on with their miscreant lives.

Who is this Perp(s)? In my amateur speculation, it couldn't have been their first attack, nor their last. Maybe not every attack has resulted in murder like Julia, but this type of aberrant behavior doesn't just pop up suddenly, or stop. There are signs, patterns, and repeat offenses.

I have never been able to shake the question of whether Julia and Chelsea Bruck's murders were connected. We know that Julia and Chelsea's sisters were best friends. What are the odds of that? Two best friends from the same little town both have their sister murdered. The odds are ASTRONOMICAL.

We know who Chelsea Bruck's Perp was. He has been found guilty, and is in prison. There are some, including myself, who find it extremely hard to believe he acted alone. And while Chelsea's Perp did not have DNA that was found on Julia, (at least I have never heard that this was the case), I continue to wonder if he had associates who got some sort of "creds" for murdering young women in this type of gruesome fashion, like Chelsea's Perp. There is a lot of chatter in various forums with different takes on that speculation.

These amateur speculations are just that, amateur. I pray that the dedicated team of LE professionals are close to resolving this case. Although it's been almost five years, I have 100% faith in the fact that they *will* solve Julia's case. We are blessed that we have men and women so skilled and dedicated to solving these horrific offenses against humanity.

Justice for Julia...and soon please!

I agree completely! I'd love to know what other forums I might find more discussions you mention. If you might message me tgem, If be greatful!
Respectfully snipped and bolded by me. I think that the crime could have been committed by one person, and probably was. One person can kidnap and kill multiple people, as seen in many cases. There is really no reason to assume that it would be impossible for one man to kidnap, kill, and hide one vulnerable and intoxicated woman, IMHO.

Law enforcement agrees with you.
I'm not sold on the sole Perp, but at least DC is in prison; where he belongs.
I consider Daniel Clay a viable suspect in Julie's murder, but if he did it, I think he acted alone.
This Monday, December 11th marks *FIVE* years since Julia Niswender was found murdered in her off-campus apartment. Here is an article from mlive.com discussing this sad anniversary, and the memorial event:


From the article, it appears there is somewhat of an adversarial relationship with the law enforcement team investigating this murder. This is a huge mistake. Tight communication and cooperation with law enforcement, while not required, does significantly increase the odds of solving these horrific crimes!

All members of Julia's family should meet for a case review session, and submit to detailed questioning. There could be one small detail that gets remembered, shakes loose, that could SOLVE this crime. If family members are uneasy about speaking to LE, they should feel free to take an attorney...or three! JUST GO.

Together, everyone's details, memories may just produce that one missing piece of info that will make all the difference. LE NEEDS YOU. Please cooperate to bring this case to closure, and Justice for Julia.

Two cases I have been working on got resolved this week. One has been outstanding for many years. I know in my heart that Julia's case is very close to being solved. To her family - PLEASE HELP LAW ENFORCEMENT BY MEETING WITH THEM.

God Bless to all of Julia's family who are missing her so much, especially this time of year.
Keep believing!
Good to see this one still getting attention here. I don’t get to that area, but I wonder if plastering it with new unsolved-posters might help to jog some memories.
Just saw a WDIV report on Julia Niswender with mother/twin sister at a memorial service. Not on Channel 4 website yet, but I will post when available. Julia's mother said something about "a story to be told". Wonder what that means...

Hoping and praying for Justice for Julia! :rose:

Here's the WDIV report: https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/loved-ones-of-slain-emu-student-work-to-keep-her-story-alive-
I watched that segment, too. It sounded like that "story" had to do with divisions in the family over James Turnquist, Julia's stepfather.
I'm sure this article has been posted before, but it can't hurt to post it again.
Julia's grandfather has contributed to this discussion. I hope Trojan66 will visit the thread sometime and bring us up to date on the case.
Hi All,
Here's a bit of an update from me. I recently returned from Michigan after attending two candlelight vigils for Julia, one in Ypsilanti and one in Monroe. The case has not been solved, no suspects that I know of and yet the word from the lead detective is that this is a very "solvable" case! I tried to schedule a meeting with her, but it just didn't happen for us. My schedule was very "busy" as was hers.I have been told that there is some new testing being pursued but it is a very long, drawn out process. The lead detective said she'd contact me in a few days (that was on Dec 11th) but as of today, I have not heard from her. Basically we have the same news as before - no suspects and no arrests. Julia's murder is still considered an active investigation. Not long ago, I suggested that possibly Ypsilanti could use some "outside" assistance but they have said "not at this time"! I have personally contacted the Chief of Police as well as the Washtenaw County Prosecutor but it seems my effort was all in vain. Five years seems to have been more than enough time for them to solve this. I really feel that if they would request "outside" assistance, whether it be the State Police or other organizations that provide assistance for cold cases, this crime would have a much better chance of being solved. All I can do now is to keep praying for Justice for Julia.
:tyou: for checking in, Trojan1966, and for sharing what little information you have about the unsolved case. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife during this holiday season.

Justice for Julia :rose:
Trojan1966, thank you for the update. In my amateur opinion, your steadfast belief there will be Justice for Julia is well founded. Recently, there have been significant advances in DNA testing producing incredible results; Perp sketches, and science that is solving cases that have been cold for decades.

I have complete faith in Ypsilanti law enforcement and the agencies they are working with. This is a high profile crime, and they will absolutely solve it. I am 100% sure of that. The fact that you are making yourself readily available to the Detective is critically important, as well as your extended family. As I have previously posted, it could be just one small memory, one seemingly insignificant thing that Julia or someone in her circle said that could *solve* this murder.

I think that Julia's case is an incredible testimony to a family, and a Detective who just refuses to give up. It is this bond, and the DNA that will bring the Perp(s) to justice. Let's all look forward to the day that the DNA study produces the evidence and the DNA generated sketch that will undeniably confirm who did this horrific act. That day is coming, and the Perp knows it; their free days will be coming to an end soon.

Love and comfort to all of Julia's family who are facing another Christmas without her. Gratitude and blessings to the Detective working Julia's case, as well as the extended team supporting this effort.

Justice for Julia!
Another Christmas and still unsolved .... good to hear the detective is not giving up. I hope the new testing brings some helpful results. It’s the waiting and waiting that is the hard part right now.

sending love and faith in bringing this to an arrest soon.

:snowman: :rose: For Julia.
Thinking about Julia this morning, and knowing that ultimately it is going to be the DNA studies that will bring justice.

I found an older article from the DOJ that really illustrates why it takes so long to get these studies done. It references Pres. Bush, but the info is still true today.

Along with accelerating cleanup of backlog, and new technology such as Parabon and others, the Perp should be shaking in their boots.
They should expect to have their door kicked in soon.

Thanks Roses...... Interesting article about DNA testing.

Since Ypsi is a college town, I am guessing the town has a fair amount of job opportunities above and beyond the jobs the college kids fill like waitressing, etc.

Do a lot of people commute from Monroe to Ypsi for work?

Since Ypsi is a college town, I am guessing the town has a fair amount of job opportunities above and beyond the jobs the college kids fill like waitressing, etc.

Do a lot of people commute from Monroe to Ypsi for work?

I wouldn’t say a lot commute specifically to Ypsi. I’d say it’s more like a lot of people commute between all neighboring towns, not just Monroe commuting to Ypsi. Monroe is a fairly decent size town itself when it comes to employment. Ypsi’s college area is more like it’s own community within a larger community.
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