MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - scooter abandoned - #4

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It's a good theory, imo. Maybe she called him afterward, and he took care of things. That would also explain why she was so quick to defend him and was so concerned about him being in jail. She felt responsible for putting him there. Nevermind what happened to her sweet daughter. :furious:

I read something about a third woman who pays GK's rent at the motel. Is this just a rumor, or has she been mentioned in the news?

Video on right side... title...new person of interest.
They talk with a woman face not shown, says she was
paying George's rent...'Tonya' she says she has a crush
on him..

It's a good theory, imo. Maybe she called him afterward, and he took care of things. That would also explain why she was so quick to defend him and was so concerned about him being in jail. She felt responsible for putting him there. Nevermind what happened to her sweet daughter. :furious:

I read something about a third woman who pays GK's rent at the motel. Is this just a rumor, or has she been mentioned in the news?

She's actually in one of the videos. You just see her feet. She didn't want to be on camera, because as she says - she has nothing to do with this. However, I do understand that she has children although I have not been able to verify that yet. But when I do, I'm sending the link to LE as possible evidence that GK violated his parole when he was around this woman also. I'm sure she must have had some kind of relationship with him if she is paying his rent (but I have no proof of that, YET).

Are the autopsy results expected to go public tomorrow or are they waiting for Monday? Or are they already out and I missed it?
It was mentioned on Nancy's show there could be an update tomorrow. :)

Meanwhile, I'll say good night to everyone! :seeya:
Since everyone went to Greenwood...I have to wonder if the letter asking for help in repayment of a drug deal or whatever is associated? Maybe it wasn't that Nevaeh had ever been there before, but the people mom owed money to lived there. I think we can cancel out this was over money or a drug deal gone wrong at this point tho.

I am curious about the campgrounds that was searched early on. JB does not appear the type to be into camping so why did she take Nevaeh there? To visit someone? GK seems to be the type to camp tho, doesn't he?!
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Bravo! You are right. It is twofold.

However, I want to stress that not every mother is responsible because she missed the signs or trusted a person close to them. Sometimes it is out of their control to protect their children no matter the safeguards in place to prevent it.

I grew up entirely from another place in which life was perfect...except for the professionals and the political crowd who possessed and protected the same scum. It is across the board. They come from all walks of life and they are all just as dangerous to our children.

I am so sorry for what you had to go through. Today, we need to change society's conscience before we can make an impact for our children and their children. We have to change the way they think and do something about the way pervs survive.

I absolutely am in agreement that it is not always the mother's fault. Horrible things happen to kids from really loving homes as well. These guys (generic use of guys) are literally predators. I am referring to cases like this where any reasonable person could foresee a bad outcome of some sort, and especially in cases where the "mother" allows it to go on for her own self interests. Drugs, money, companionship, sexual validation, whatever it is.
I read something about a third woman who pays GK's rent at the motel. Is this just a rumor, or has she been mentioned in the news?

Bouncing off your pic and quote here, think I found the motel. Found this one on Dixie Hwy with the cement plant in back. The angle structure is actually the chute coming from the tower mixer.

I hope they checked if he had some fishing gear if he was out fishing with him. Not too sure he would just carry any if he was living motel life.

If I blow the margins out with this pic, I'll remove it and resize in a min or two.

She's actually in one of the videos. You just see her feet. She didn't want to be on camera, because as she says - she has nothing to do with this. However, I do understand that she has children although I have not been able to verify that yet. But when I do, I'm sending the link to LE as possible evidence that GK violated his parole when he was around this woman also. I'm sure she must have had some kind of relationship with him if she is paying his rent (but I have no proof of that, YET).


Do we know if Savannah has children? Just wondering if he only hangs with single moms.
You know I wondered about that jealousy factor with the new gf. She keeps claiming they were not "involved", but I doubt it.

I agree. I think they had to be involved. Nevaeh called him "daddy George" and the neighbor kids KNEW that? In GK's jailhouse interview at the end he says how much he cares about the JB and the grandmother. Would he be that close to the grandmother if he was not carrying on with the daughter? I suppose it is possible but then there is the fight with the brother about exposing Neveah to the RSO. I think also I read that neighbors said they were dating. It was in one of the early articles. LE continues to say they were dating. I'm thinking GK was quite the ladies man around vulnerable, needy women :bang: Some women just have no clue -- it is so sad.

Do we know if Savannah has children? Just wondering if he only hangs with single moms.

I haven't seen anything about it, if she does. The video of her though really reminded me of the video of Huckaby when Huckaby was telling the reporters about her suitcase. Very weird!

As for Savannah - I'm just not sure what to think about her except that she would do/say anything GK told her too!

Wow. My family is all from Monroe. I haven't been there in awhile but I have been so isolated from the news lately and I've heard about her missing and my aunt and uncle were posting about it on facebook. How sad. :(

It's good to see you here tonite Passionategray. Like Trisha says, every thought is important, and you must have many knowing the folk there like you do.

For instance fishing. We have learned it is something enjoyed by many who live there:

* Do you think that a local fisherman would usually go to the same spot to fish, of course depending on the time of year and run of the fish?

* Do fishermen often share the same fishing spots/holes with several come-along fishermen or are they more like to fish by themselves, and move a bit down or upstream with the new arrival?

* When fishing, would the local guy bring beer with and sip along as he casts out and reels in?

* Do these fishermen who have a favorite spot ever use it for non-fishing activity, like having an impromptu hot dog roast or just going there to do some thinking and finally relax after a long day at work?

It might give a clue to the perp. Everything I have heard tonight on TV says he is local and very familiar with the area. I should say 'they'!

Thanks xox
Video on right side... title...new person of interest.
They talk with a woman face not shown, says she was
paying George's rent...'Tonya' she says she has a crush
on him..


My computer is acting stupid tonight for some reason so I cannot watch this video.

Would you mind, please, telling me a little about this video? Who is the new person of interest? Why is he/she being looked at?

Thank you very much in advance.
I'm sorry this is OT but I spit my bite of cookie when I saw your Avi-Love it!


Going back to lurking...
I am amazed by Nevaeh's and Sandra Cantu's cases, the way there are so many people around them who "could" have done it. Usually, when a child goes missing like this, it's hard to figure out anyone around who'd do such a thing. But both of them seemed to live in vipers' pits of SO's -- you couldn't throw a stone without hitting one. And as Sandra's case proved, we don't even know about so many who haven't been caught yet.

It makes me so sad to think of so many children surrounded by this lurking evil. And to think Nevaeh's mom drew her even closer into the danger!!:furious::furious::furious:
don't see that on the right side...

They have multiple videos in the upper right hand corner. You should see a video screen and a small slide show bar on that screen, click on the slide bar until you see the one that says "new person of interest" and has a close up of Smith as the opening screen. They talk about Roy Smith, his priors, his connection to GK and then go to Tonya.
I have a rant. If you are easily offended please skip my post.

Daddy George. For the love of ...

Nevaeh had a Daddy. Daddies are not like puppies! If one runs away or gets run over by a car you just don't go out and get yourself another one.

:furious: I'm not sure why this bothers me so much but it does! Sorry mods delete if neccesary I am just very frustrated.
Nevaeh's mother sounds like a junkie to me. she is just blaise. ...people can be sex offenders...they may not be sex offenders...that's ok...you don't know who a sex offender is...anyone blah blah blah...yeah she might be gone...someone snatched her...

mother is on opiates....it would be easy to get at her kid...heroin is cheap and the mother will go to sleep and give him free reign...yeah she was always there..but she wasn't awake and she doesn't really care cause she is on drugs.

HI Minazoe, Yesterday I read that J was a heroin user. She might be that too, as her parenting skills are verbotten and it would follow suit, but do you have any proof that she was actually 'on' opiates?

We have made a pact here to post RUMOR if it is just that and not substantiated by something. Listening to her talk and seeing her demeanor, I don't really see her under the influence of chiva at any time, at least in the interviews she has done. Now give me Ron Cummings and I'll give you a blow by blow.

I have a rant. If you are easily offended please skip my post.

Daddy George. For the love of ...

Nevaeh had a Daddy. Daddies are not like puppies! If one runs away or gets run over by a car you just go out and get yourself another one.

:furious: I'm not sure why this bothers me so much but it does! Sorry mods delete if neccesary I am just very frustrated.

It bothers you for good reason.
"Mom" had only been back for 4-5 months.
She was new in Nevaeh's life.
In that time frame she brings a known sex offender around her kid.

And then if that wasn't enough she herself blurs the boundaries for this little girl. No need to wait for GK to groom her and buy her trust, she has her own mother telling her that this is "daddy george" and putting him in a father figure role. He has been seeing Savannah for a month so this daddy thing had to have started on about day one.

Even if Nevaeh's own radar system told her something was off about the new guy who bought her toys and clothes and was trying way to hard to earn her trust.... she was already being taught to override that intuition, to ignore it, that she was wrong. Daddy George just loved her. GAG.
I am amazed by Nevaeh's and Sandra Cantu's cases, the way there are so many people around them who "could" have done it. Usually, when a child goes missing like this, it's hard to figure out anyone around who'd do such a thing. But both of them seemed to live in vipers' pits of SO's -- you couldn't throw a stone without hitting one. And as Sandra's case proved, we don't even know about so many who haven't been caught yet.

It makes me so sad to think of so many children surrounded by this lurking evil. And to think Nevaeh's mom drew her even closer into the danger!!:furious::furious::furious:

Hi STEADFAST, Funny, isn't it, but I see more of a similarity between Haleigh's case and Navaeh's than with Sandra's.

The low lifestyle caused by drinkin' and doing drugs, the choice of bad friends and self-centered lifestyle of all involved. That is what I see here and in Haleigh's case.

In Sandra's case I see a crazy lady who is a true, pathalogical chamellion {sp}, and so clever at deceiving people that no one ever saw the trees thru the forest when it came to her. Very scary! xox
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