MI - Updates On Stanley Case-2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
It was in today's Pal-Item newspaper that the trial has been moved back until February 2, 2009 because the DNA evidence test results are not yet completed. By that date James will have spent more than a year in the Wayne county jail. If it's determined that James is innocent I suspect that a truly justified lawsuit might be in order. That would certainly be one way for his defense attorneys to get their fees. Since there is now a question as to Erin's cause of death (strangulation vs natural causes - seizures) does anyone out there have an opinion regarding grant James the opportunity to post bail. Just a thought.

TYSM BB for keeping us all up to date on whats going on with James and his case. I cant speak for others, but from the vibe on this thread, I think a lot of people are with me when I say that he has some supporters on his side. :) Poor guy= Seems that he has just been hit with one curve ball after another.

I can honestly say, from the bottom of my heart, that this is the VERY FIRST case I have ever got involved in and has changed my mind about a person's guilt/innocence. For a silly reason, I would like to thank James for opening my mind, and I will continue to look at other cases with an open, clear mind before rushing to the 'publics perception' and in this case, the media's rush to judgement. For this reason, I will read all facts, look at all evidence and investigate a lil further than to rush to judgement in the future.

Thank you for all the updates again BB- I dont know what we'll do without anyone reporting from the courtroom- PLEASE- If you are local, maybe y'all can set up a system and take a couple days each, so we can get 'un-biased ' coverage- I KNOW that is tons to ask, and I prob wouldn't be able to get in everyday either if I was local, but ANY help would be deeply appreciated!! I feel like these two girls deserve to rest in peace and not just have their last few minutes/days/hours dictated by the local, biased paper. That PI is a freaking joke!!

Sorry for the rant y'all. I have been here from the get go, and the more I hear, the more outraged I get. That young man deserves justice, as those beautiful girls need to RIP- AND,,,,,MOST OF ALL, Alexis deserves to know the truth. :rant:

PS- Sorry for typos- my spell check wont work on my laptop :mad:
It was in today's Pal-Item newspaper that the trial has been moved back until February 2, 2009 because the DNA evidence test results are not yet completed. By that date James will have spent more than a year in the Wayne county jail. If it's determined that James is innocent I suspect that a truly justified lawsuit might be in order. That would certainly be one way for his defense attorneys to get their fees. Since there is now a question as to Erin's cause of death (strangulation vs natural causes - seizures) does anyone out there have an opinion regarding grant James the opportunity to post bail. Just a thought.

What happened to James right to a speedy trial? I have believed from the first (probably because they said both girls died from similar causes) That Erin died from a seizure. That's just my opinion.
Praying for James and Alexis that the truth is told and that him and his daughter can have a life together.
Because James needs his daughter and his daughter needs a father since her mother has passed on.
pooky169 MCDRAW & Chicogirl36 I think as long as the delays are because of delays in testing that it is probably in James' benefit to wait. Since it is obvious that Jame' DNA would be expected to be on the bed sheet I see not real problem in having the sheet tested. If they find his semen then of course we have another issue in that it is unlikely that someone would kill a partner right after sex and that would certain go to his state of mind in a courtroom. If someone else's DNA is found then I suspect we have another suspect and the whole charge needs to be examined. Frankly, I don't see how we get to a charge of murder in the first place. For the life of me I can't come up with a motive to kill Erin. If this case continues down this path I think there are several irregulrtities about the investigation that need to be examined, not the least of which was why didn't the investigator present at the autopsy let the organ and tissue proceed when he had the body of a 19 year old female on the table and someone had said there were suspictions of foul play. It should have been his responsibility to tell the coroner to preserve the body until a forensic autopsy could be conducted. Why did he not do this? When this is all over I suspect that some journalism or criminal justice graduate student might want to take this up as a great thesis assignment and get to the bottom of who knows who and why was so much effort put into not collecting or testing forensic evidence. Wha is being hidden here. I suspect to that child and family services needs to look into the drinking habits of the grandparents. I have heard all types of comments and read in this forum that the day after Kelly's death they purchased alcohol at a local bottle shop. I am anxious to see how that behavior plays out in court if this ever gets to court. I encourage everyone to read the arrest warrant. It is about as generic as they come. Take Care and thanks for your prayers regarding Alexis and James family who have had to go through this as well.
Quick comment: A speedy trial goes by the wayside when evidence is not tested in a timely fashion and the defense has to wait to depose important witnesses. I look forward to seeing what happens when the trial is over. Is there anyone out there that thinks a better explanation is owed the public in this case? Believe me I still don't get it especially now that we know the Coroner did not follow the wishes of the pathologist who performed the autopsy.
Thought everyone might like to know that I spoke with the defendant yesterday and he seems to be handling things pretty well. Needless to say he has not changed his story and looks forward to his trial being over sometime in February. I think now that the handling of the body prior to the autopsy as well as the taking of tissue from Erin's body is in question that everyone needs to reexamine whether or not a crime has been committed and if not the defendant should be released. I don't know how much doubt the prosecutor or judge is looking for but certainly this raises many questions. Via conversations I have had I understand that members of the Centerville police department were close friends with the Stanleys. This, of course, brings into question why the local police did not ask the county or state to conduct the investigation into Erin's death to aleviate even the appearance of prejudice. Right now the way the investigation was handled suggests that all the people in the house were not treated the same. Take Care and May God Bless.
Thanks BB for letting us know about James. I hope you let him know he has supporters on his side. I do have to admit when Erin was killed I was skeptical, but when Kelly died a few days later, YOU most of all changed my mind.

Thinking thru the common sense of all of it, I do think there is a substantial amount of probable cause NOT to convict him.

I do believe that he has served more than enough time if this is the ONLY evidence that the DA has. Thanks again BB.:blowkiss:
Just a quick thought with respect to a rationale that James did not kill Erin. If James had had anything to do with Erin's death, I think we all agree that we still are not talking about premeditated murder. Absent premeditation, I suspect James attorney could have gotten the charge pled down to lets say manslaughter. Had that of been the case it does not seem far fetched to believe that he has already served more time than he would have been served for manslaughter minus time off for good behavior etc. The very fact that he has not done so strongly suggests that he is sticking with his statement that he had nothing to do with Erin's death. Does this make sense to everyone out there that's following this case.

Are you still out there. How are your daughter and granddaughter doing? Fine I hope. Is she getting close to graduation? I am sure she is looking forward to that day. I remember well how I felt when I graduated from college. Strangely enought I was just relieved that it was all over. Nonetheless, I am sure she will sense he accomplishment. Take Care and hope to see ou back on the forum soon.
You would think that if James was guilty he would try to work a deal. I hope it all turns out all right for James. Who has custody of Alexis?
I think by not working out a deal he is signaling that he didn't have anything to do with Erin's death. This way he should be able to get custody of his daughter back. The Stanleys have custody at this time and I am sure that bothers some individuals who have stated that Mr. Stanley drinks a case of beer a day and that his wife like her White Russians. For what it's worth, the Child Protective Services was made aware of this fact a long time ago by multiple sources. I suspect this will all be brought up again at the trial. I do hope the appropriate people are there this time to reinvestigate that issue. I couldn't help notice the local paper has been having a different reporter report on the case. I suspect too that the press in general will be there for the trial. It will be interesting to see who shows up. Take Care and thanks for the support.
This kind of come under the "if it were not for bad luck I have no luck at all department" I growth has been found on my right lung and I have to go in the hospital for a biopsy next week. Believe me I fully understand what is at steak should this show up to be a serious problem. Knowing this however makes it a little easier to say what probably should be siad regarding this investigation. Now that the autopsy is in question regarding the cause of death, I am wondering why another bodn hearing has not been scheduled to see if James can be released. At this time we are not even sure a crime has been committed regardless of what was or has been since since the event. Additionallhy chiori turmors might also explain why both girls are dead since there has been some evidence that they might be heridetary or at least some families might be predisposted to the condition. If anyone local has any more info on this investigation I would sure appreciate knowing about it. Again I am forced to ask for your prayers and this time I ask for both Alexis and myself. Take Care.
Bumblebug, I'll keep you and Alexis in my prayers. I hope everything turns out ok. I too wonder if the Autopsy is called into question, why another bond hearing hasn't been set. It appears James is spending time in prison when there doesn't seem to be any evidence to put him there much less keep him.
Thanks again for your prayers. The results of a biopsy ran last Friday were negative.Take Care

I am glad to hear that your test was negative, as my mom is sufferring thru brest cancer at this moment and I am consumed by her in prayer every second of the day. I didi not know your condition was so serious now and in the past and I will add you to my prayer list. Unfortunately, my list is growing, but I believe that prayer works!!

UJames i on there too as I beleive in his innocence. Please give him our best and I pray we are all on the right track. :blowkiss:

I am glad to hear that your test was negative, as my mom is sufferring thru brest cancer at this moment and I am consumed by her in prayer every second of the day. I didi not know your condition was so serious now and in the past and I will add you to my prayer list. Unfortunately, my list is growing, but I believe that prayer works!!

UJames i on there too as I beleive in his innocence. Please give him our best and I pray we are all on the right track. :blowkiss:

Chicogirl, I am so sorry to hear about what your mom and your family is going through. My Dad had colon cancer it is one of the worst things that we have been through. I'll keep your Mom in my prayers too.
I fully understand the difficulties associated with any kind of cancer. I lost my father and grandfather both to concer. You and your family have my prayers as well.
Are you still out there?. Haven't seen a post in a long time. Are your daughter and granddaughter doing OK? Sure hope so. I don't know about you but I will really be glad when this thing is all over with.

For everyone: I sure hope that the possibility of both girls dying of seizures is fully examined. There certainly are tumors that have seizures as symptoms that tend to run in families. If that turns out to be true James will have been in jail for over a year. I don't know about you but I still can't come up with a real motive for this crime if it was one.

Take Care

P.S. I do hope the trial gets adequate press coverage. Needless to say thus far the details have been sketchy at best.

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