MI - Updates On Stanley Case-2008

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I fully understand the difficulties associated with any kind of cancer. I lost my father and grandfather both to concer. You and your family have my prayers as well.

Thank you both for your support and kind words. This has been one of the hardest things I have had to do, and Im thankful I have been able to be here with her the last few weeks. I miss my babies, but this time with her is VERY special to me. She is not doing too well unfortunately.

Thanks for your prayers :blowkiss:
In my life I have lost both parents, a former spouse and a son and believe me I know how difficult it is to face what you are facing. I assure you that you will be rewarded in heaven for your efforts in bringing happiness to those you love in their time of greatest need. Sometimes the only thing I could hold on to was knowing that our existence on this earth is not part of our plan but a part of a greater plan that promises both hope and eternal peace. May God be you.
Just a reminder to everyone....As far as I know James' trail is still scheduled to start on February 2, 2009.
For the record I understand that the pretrial will be on Jan 5, 2005. Also I further understand that the Coroner has not shown up for scheduled depositions. Anyone out there surprised. I am not.
For the record I understand that the pretrial will be on Jan 5, 2005. Also I further understand that the Coroner has not shown up for scheduled depositions. Anyone out there surprised. I am not.

The Coroner didn't show up? What is going on in this case?
I think the Coroner might have a lot of reasons not to show up not the least of which was he let the organ donation people harvest Erin's organs even though he had been asked not to do so by the pathologist not to do so. Last time I checked, even if you wash the body for the organ and tissue removal I don't see why scrapping from under the nails couldn't have been taken and well as the running of a sexual assault kit. Let's not also forget the Lead Investigator admitted in court he was there and one has to ask themselves why he did not stop the harvesting to preserve the body for collection of forensic evidence. I see to recall the investigator saying he guarded airplanes when he served in the AF. If I remember correctly in the AF Security Policemen are not the same as Law Enforcement Cops since they are usually assigned duties like guarding aircraft, base perimeters, and ammo storage areas etc.
from everything I have read about this case the Coroner is a total boob. This case has disgusted me in the way it was handled fro the get go.

At this point even if James did do it (and I have serious doubt that he did) I cannot believe that they will be able to convict him. Such a tragedy for Erin, Kelly and Alexis.
In the for what its worth department. I think that both deaths were related in that I believe both girls probably died of seizure related issues associated with chiari malformations or chiari tumors. Their symptoms (e.g seizures, shaking etc.) begin to occur around age 17 to 25. I have heard it said that the malformations can also be hereditary in nature. Let's not forget that the Coroner said when he issued Kelly's cause of death as "by seizures" that he determined this after reviewing the family's medical history. They are generally tumors that wrap themselves around the upper spine and the low brain stem. I would think this would make them hard to spot. I think it's important in this case to note that the Stanleys during the bond hearing did not have anything particularly bad to say about James when he, Erin and the baby came back to live with them. They said they talked with them about making sure they could support themselves and were generally OK with everything since James had already found a new job (to which he was suppose to report the next evening). Just why was the finger pointed at James with no apparent forensic evidence (e.g. no eye witnesses, no DNA, no sexual assault results, no fingernail scrapings, no top sheet, no blanket, no mattress etc.) It is worth noting that the top sheet, blanket and mattress were thrown away I believe by the family. From my own perspective there were three people in the house that could have been involved plus Kelly who had a key and could have easily returned. I really find it difficult to believe that any of them did it. My concern early on was the reality that everyone was only looking at James when other possibilities existed. In all honesty I find it hard to believe these two girls deaths were unrelated. Since we know that James had an air tight alibi for Kelly's death, I think we have to consider the likelyhood that both girls died of a related illness. I think it's also significant that James did not leave the jurisdiction after Erin's death. He certainly had places where he could have gone. I have seen on this forum several questions regarding where James was when Erin's mother was on the phone making the 9-1-1 call. As I understand it he was taking care of his daughter Alexis when this was all going on and even for some time after the family left for the hospital with Erin. Do you think the parents would leave their granddaughter with someone they thought was responsible for their daughter death? Lastly, I haven't figured out why the family has not spoken out in some fashion if nothing else to thank the community for their support and prayers. I believe the old expression is "there is something rotten in Denmark". I believe that is from Hamlet. I again ask for your prayers and thank you for your words of encouragement.
I have always felt both deaths were related also. With the lack of evidence, I can't see James being convicted. But I know that it has happened before, so I am hoping if he is innocent, that he doesn't get convicted.
I have some great pictures of James, Erin and Alexis taken shortly before Erin's death. James and Erin were leaning again each other on the couch in the first one and appeared very happy. The second shows James asleep on the couch with Alexis asleep on his chest. In these pictures none of the individuals seem anything but content. Thanks for your comment.
Has anyone out there heard from HAWG? Haven't seen a post in a long time. Thought she might start posting again since it's getting close to pre-trial time.
Has anyone out there heard from HAWG? Haven't seen a post in a long time. Thought she might start posting again since it's getting close to pre-trial time.

HI BB and all of the other hanger-ons such as myself,
I too havent seen HAWG anywhere, so I looked her profile up and she hasnt been on since 8/23. I hope she is OK.
I read in an earlier post you had some pics on James and the family. Are you allowed to post them,and can you if possible?

I only have a pic on my head when he was in court,and I would love to see a different side of James. (and Erin). I would also like the thank you publicly BB for making me open my eyes and help me to see there are two sides to every story. There usually are, but what LE and the authorities deem to be true, isnt always necessarily the case.
Thank you for opening my eyes to see that things arent always what they appear to be. :blowkiss:

Please let him know there are other WS'ers praying for the truth to come out.:)
There are many more problems with this case to be revealed. I have only brought forth those that are now open source because they are in the press or because they have been told to me by individuals having greater knowledge of the case than I do. I actually tried to post the photos but I was advised because of the scan rate I used they would not post. One showed James leaning against the edge of a couch with Erin leaning her head on his shoulder. The second showed Alexis asleep on James chest after he had fallen asheep on the couch. Neither photo suggested anything other that all appeared to be content where they were. There is certainly much more to tell. In the initial questioning James was questioned for I understand more than an hour and as I understand it the session was taped. I further understand that although the lead investigator asked another policeman to question the Stanleys in depth, each was asked less than 10 questions. I think several of the questions were things basic things that collected identity information. It really looked like the police had already reached their decision about who they were going after. The information about how many questions were asked of the Stanleys was brought up in the bond hearing. Needless to say I will be glad when this is all over. Perhaps 6 or 7 weeks from now we will have a verdict.
I will try to check around and see if I can use another scanner to rescan the photos. I think it is important to put real faces on the players in this case. I also am quite concerned about the lack of information that has been provided by Erin's parents. I fully understand that no one wants to relive this horrible time in their lives. Nonetheless, I can't see how it is in their interest to say virtually nothing. Throughout the bail hearing they did not appear to be pointing their fingers at all towards James. They even left Alexis with him when they escorted Erin to the hospital. I don't know about you but I would have been unable to care for anyone if I thought I had some role in Erin's death. James has always been the kind of person that would help carry in the groceries or help fix a neighbors car. I don't pretend to know what happened the night Erin died but I am pretty sure the way this is all being portrayed is not correct. I sincerely look forward to this all being over with in a few weeks. If he is aquited I look forward to discussing some kind of future for him. I hope he can find some stability and even more important I hope he can reestablish some relationship with his daughter. As good as many grandparents are it's not the same to a child. All children need someone to call mom or dad. When you know someone it's no fun to see them incarserated...especially when your not sure they belong there. Again, thanks for the kind words. Perhaps the next time around the details will get reported and we can have some kind of closure to this entire matter. I is my hope the press and electronic media will saturate the court room so that a sense of fairness can be brought to the reporting of these preceedings. Thanks again.
I will try to check around and see if I can use another scanner to rescan the photos. I think it is important to put real faces on the players in this case. I also am quite concerned about the lack of information that has been provided by Erin's parents. I fully understand that no one wants to relive this horrible time in their lives. Nonetheless, I can't see how it is in their interest to say virtually nothing. Throughout the bail hearing they did not appear to be pointing their fingers at all towards James. They even left Alexis with him when they escorted Erin to the hospital. I don't know about you but I would have been unable to care for anyone if I thought I had some role in Erin's death. James has always been the kind of person that would help carry in the groceries or help fix a neighbors car. I don't pretend to know what happened the night Erin died but I am pretty sure the way this is all being portrayed is not correct. I sincerely look forward to this all being over with in a few weeks. If he is aquited I look forward to discussing some kind of future for him. I hope he can find some stability and even more important I hope he can reestablish some relationship with his daughter. As good as many grandparents are it's not the same to a child. All children need someone to call mom or dad. When you know someone it's no fun to see them incarserated...especially when your not sure they belong there. Again, thanks for the kind words. Perhaps the next time around the details will get reported and we can have some kind of closure to this entire matter. I is my hope the press and electronic media will saturate the court room so that a sense of fairness can be brought to the reporting of these preceedings. Thanks again.

I hope the truth comes out at trial. I have a brother that is a drug addict and is in prison right now. I hate to see him there even if I know he deserves to be there. Children do need their parents and if he is innocent I hope he gets custody of his daughter. How old is Alexis now?

She should be about 16 months old. I believe when James was arrested last October she was 5 months old. In just about a month the trial should begin. Actually, the pretrial begins I think on January 5th. Perhaps the judge will say there is inadequate evidence for this to go to trail and say that so much routine evidence was not collected or process that there is just too much reasonable doubt to go to trial. In any case I hope that it will all be over next month. It's beginning to wear thin.
If James is able to walk away from this I suspect he should probably contact the Stanleys and see what arrangements might be best to reintroduce him into his daughters life. I would rather see this than to have him go to court and press the issue. That would likely breed resentment and make it necessary to make everything happen in a formal way that might not be best for Alexis. He does have people on the outside that can help him and I certainly know from talking to him that he intends to put his life on the straight and narrow. I hope this case serves as a lesson to all who believe in the integrity of local media in covering this type of news story. The reporting could only be described as pathetic. Regardless of the verdict it is beyond believe the way evidence was destroyed, never collected or never analyzed within an acceptable time frame. I think most of all the lack of of documentation of police discussion with Kelly is most troubling. She was a resident in the house and knew all the players very well. I am also concerned that there appears to be little discussed in the investigation about the family medical history. The coroner said it was relevant in determining Kelly's cause of death but did not explain why. As a non-player in this case I still find it hard to believe there is no connection between two girls deaths six days appart. I wonder just how thorough her death was investigated.
hello everyone sorry I havent been posting but I have moved and so much has been going on I wont go into all that everyone is doing fine Haley will be 5 on the 20th and she is getting so big she is such a big girl now we all had a good x-mas.
I pray every night that James gets out of jail and is cleared from all this mess and that is just what it is a mess he dosent deserve this. Iam closer to Richmond now so I will try my best to attend the trial. I have been taking care of my cuz that is paralized and it is hard to do anything but I want to be there for James
Alexis and James will remain in my prayers
Welcome back Hawg we missed you. I have been getting antsy about the trial and everything. I may be able to attend some cause as of next monday I will be unemployed the place I am working at is closing down.
Its nice to see James has a really good support system on here and so many people care about the outcome. I hope he is found innocent and can regain a relationship with Alexis. That is the most important thing since she lost her mother she is gonna need her daddy and he needs her too.
HAWG & pooky 169
HAWG - First let me say that it's good to have you back. Also, I just can't believe that Haely is now five. Where has the time gone. The last time I saw her I think she was around 18 months old. I'm assuming that she still lives in the same part of the state. Perhaps someday I'll get a chance to see her again.
pooky169 - At this time it's too early to say what will happen. Nonetheless, whether James is found innocent or guilty the local law enforcement people have much to explain with respect to how this investigation was run. When law enforcement denies the defense evidence at is usually available in this type of case because they allowed it to be destroyed or didn't collect it they themselves are guilty of both negligence and bad judgement. For a lead investigator to say he arrested someone because it was "just common sense" is simply unbelieveable. This is expecially true when he had evidence that it was others who were angry that night and not James. I have also been told that Kelly and Erin had argued that night and that is why Kelly stayed the night at a friends house. That begs the question as to whether or not she returned to the house that evening since I suspect she had a key to the house. I need to make something clear at this point. I am not trying to point fingers. I am simply laying out other possible scenarios that apparently were not even considered by the Centerville police department. This case has taken on a life of its own. Its own identy and its own agendas. It appears the case has been handled in such a way as to:
1. protect Erin and Kelly's family. 2. cloud whatever relationships that might exist between the Stanleys and the Centerville police department. 3. prevent disclosure of the Stanleys medical history refered to by the Coroner when he said that Kelly's cause of death was by seizures. He further indicated that he reached that conclusion after going over the Stanleys medical history. 4. to portray the outside as guilty. I believe the pretrial begins this week with the trial itself scheduled for February 5th. Regardless as to what happens in this trial I suspect we all will be glad whn it's over. I suspect that includes James, the Stanleys and most of the people following this case in this forum. Take Care and please include all associated with this case in your prayers.

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